Last Film You've Seen


500 Days Of Summer
Loved it :D

I don't go for these usually, but it's a great NOT!a love story.
Deschanel's character is a bitch. She's like immune to adorable. I don't even--

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Saw Salt. What a completely uninspired and mediocre film.

Jolie is completely flat and uninteresting in this role, and the whole conspiracy bit was pretty meh.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
You made me look up Narm Charm.

I ended up on TVTropes.

I hate you, sir, I hate you more than anything in the world right now. And that's saying something.
Dude, I... sorry does not begin to cover it.

Pokemon 8: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Considering what utter pap most of the Pokemon movies are, this one is quite good. The new characters are fleshed out, so
when they sacrifice themselves it makes an impact

The Tree of Beginning wouldn't look out of place as a dungeon in a Final Fantasy game. ...Actually, the plot wouldn't look out of place in a Final Fantasy game.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ip Man 1&2. Great films beyond the awesome action scenes. I need to get back into watching martial arts films.

The Mist. Why did they change the ending? Eh, in a lot of ways I prefer the originally novella, but it's still a decent film.

Celes Chere

I just got back from finally seeing Inception. It was an awesome movie, for sure! Arthur and Eames are so badass. =w=

Anyway, I'm not trying to sound above everyone else or anything, but I don't understand how the movie is confusing. If you pay attention, and you follow the chain events, I don't see how you can be lost about what they're doing, where they are, or how it ends. Yeah, I won't lie and say it's not a movie that causes you to think - that's the beauty of it. But it doesn't confuse you either. Yeah, some parts you can get a little lost, but it just connects you to another part that makes you go: "Oh, so that's what that is!". If you try to draw your own conclusions about, I guess that's where the real confusion can set in. But people around me are getting confused about the ending and about going up through the layers of the dream and such - really, it wasn't that hard.


I totally agree Celes. I don't think the surface plot was all that hard to follow, considering a huuuuge chunk of the film was exposition. It was explained pretty thoroughly as long as you payed attention.
I only think it gets confusing upon a second viewing. But that's only if you buy into the idea that the ending is a dream, and thus spend the subsequent viewings questioning Cobb's reality.

I marathoned Star Wars (original trilogy) with my friend who is a Star Wars noob. It's been a while since I last saw it, but I don't remember Palpatine trying to turn Luke over to the Dark Side in ROTJ ever being so... creepy. It was like he was trying to molest him. My friend likened him to the creepy old guy in Family Guy who's always eyeing up Chris :P

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
The Incredible Hulk, it was an awesome film with awesome characters being portrayed by good actors. But I wish they retained some of the deleted scenes I've heard really develops their characters, the depiction of Abomination giving Hulk a smackdown seemed too mediocre to me but it has its shining moments, I just wish I lasted a while longer and more time between Betty and Hulk. Hulk also needed more lines in the film to depict that even he is a misunderstood guy rather than some freaky monster hell bent on causing some lulzy destruction. the finale served a good purpose to reistablish him for Avengers time and (hopefully) powerful enough to beat the shit out of Thorboy and Iron Dude. Edward Norton really cared for the film in general, I feel pissed off and sad that he's gonna walk.

Here's hoping Mark Ruffalo can do better or as good as Norton for Avengers, I've great faith in him ever since Shutter Island. Go go Marky.
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I just got back from finally seeing Inception. It was an awesome movie, for sure! Arthur and Eames are so badass. =w=

Anyway, I'm not trying to sound above everyone else or anything, but I don't understand how the movie is confusing. If you pay attention, and you follow the chain events, I don't see how you can be lost about what they're doing, where they are, or how it ends. Yeah, I won't lie and say it's not a movie that causes you to think - that's the beauty of it. But it doesn't confuse you either. Yeah, some parts you can get a little lost, but it just connects you to another part that makes you go: "Oh, so that's what that is!". If you try to draw your own conclusions about, I guess that's where the real confusion can set in. But people around me are getting confused about the ending and about going up through the layers of the dream and such - really, it wasn't that hard.
Agreed completely, and I don't understand how people get the impression that you need to be 'smart' in order to understand the movie. All you need to do is pay attention to the events and you watch the movie with an open mind. Everything in Inception was understandable and straightforward, I think people were just acting overhyped about the movie. If this movie was hard for them to understand, their minds would be fucked if they watched a David Lynch movie.


@ celes: You and I both. I honestly don't know how the plot itself is in any way confusing. They explain throughout the entire process what they're doing. Even if you get lost in regards to which dream level you're on, the mission itself remains the same, and honestly they tell you like a million times they're going in three levels deep.
It boggles the mind.

Inception is the kind of movie that requires you to pay attention and then retain the info and add on as you keep going to draw the final picture. So I guess if you were making out with the girl next to you for half an hour or your bladder was screaming at you that you shouldn't have had those 2L of Coke, you might have missed some vital info.


Not the best movie out there, considering I spent the whole time cheering for the shark.
I know, I hate the chick. Oh yes, lower the fucking genetically enhanced shark back into the water after it mistook your coworker's arm for finger food. Brilliant.


The story about that crazy mofo, Charles Bronson. I don't entirely know how I feel about this. If you want to see Tom Hardy being awesome go for it, but it's not for everyone. It's not like it gives you much of a true picture into the character of the real Charles Bronson...but it's narrated by him so you get an unreliable narrator who mixes reality with fantasy and is obsessed with fame. It allows for some amazing shots that are out there. Love the color palette here.
Also I'm not gonna lie, I felt like crying at parts (like the parts with the slutwhore cousin).

Tom Hardy does a phenomenal job, did I mention?

The Brit accents had me rewinding, though, and acting like a dog to pick out what was being said. Honestly, I suck at this =(

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Saw pitch black. Not a bad film, but not great either. It was worth what I payed and provided some neat scares. Besides that Riddick is a a serious BAMF.
Piranha 3D.

Have some beers, go out with some friends and watch it. You'll have a fucking blast. 15-20 min long bloodbath near the end with fuckin amazing gore effects (practical effects!) and just brutal, brutal kills.
Just remember it's a homage/mocking the whole b movie monster flick.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Monsters vs Aliens. Yay for G-rated flicks. Was pretty entertaining, too, I lold at several parts.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Dude, I... sorry does not begin to cover it.

Pokemon 8: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Considering what utter pap most of the Pokemon movies are, this one is quite good. The new characters are fleshed out, so
when they sacrifice themselves it makes an impact

The Tree of Beginning wouldn't look out of place as a dungeon in a Final Fantasy game. ...Actually, the plot wouldn't look out of place in a Final Fantasy game.

FFIX, natch.
And Lucario is a CHARACTER, like Mewtwo before him, rather than a cypher or plot device like the titular entity in most other Pokeymans movies. Plus, the fact that the plot is based around him dealing with a perceived betrayal by his best friend, yeah, it works. Much more mature than regular plots.

I just got back from finally seeing Inception. It was an awesome movie, for sure! Arthur and Eames are so badass. =w=

Anyway, I'm not trying to sound above everyone else or anything, but I don't understand how the movie is confusing. If you pay attention, and you follow the chain events, I don't see how you can be lost about what they're doing, where they are, or how it ends. Yeah, I won't lie and say it's not a movie that causes you to think - that's the beauty of it. But it doesn't confuse you either. Yeah, some parts you can get a little lost, but it just connects you to another part that makes you go: "Oh, so that's what that is!". If you try to draw your own conclusions about, I guess that's where the real confusion can set in. But people around me are getting confused about the ending and about going up through the layers of the dream and such - really, it wasn't that hard.

Inception is a very very simple movie.

I totally agree Celes. I don't think the surface plot was all that hard to follow, considering a huuuuge chunk of the film was exposition. It was explained pretty thoroughly as long as you payed attention.
I only think it gets confusing upon a second viewing. But that's only if you buy into the idea that the ending is a dream, and thus spend the subsequent viewings questioning Cobb's reality.

Don't. Watch the ring.

I marathoned Star Wars (original trilogy) with my friend who is a Star Wars noob. It's been a while since I last saw it, but I don't remember Palpatine trying to turn Luke over to the Dark Side in ROTJ ever being so... creepy. It was like he was trying to molest him. My friend likened him to the creepy old guy in Family Guy who's always eyeing up Chris :P

You never noticed Pope Palipatine du Molest before now?
Also, what was your Noobfriend's thoughts?

@ celes: You and I both. I honestly don't know how the plot itself is in any way confusing. They explain throughout the entire process what they're doing. Even if you get lost in regards to which dream level you're on, the mission itself remains the same, and honestly they tell you like a million times they're going in three levels deep.
It boggles the mind.

Inception is the kind of movie that requires you to pay attention and then retain the info and add on as you keep going to draw the final picture. So I guess if you were making out with the girl next to you for half an hour or your bladder was screaming at you that you shouldn't have had those 2L of Coke, you might have missed some vital info.

No, I didn't have any problem following it.
Wait a second...

As for the actual topic, Lupin Castle Cagliostro on Blu Ray. NEARLY as awesome as in the theater.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Survival of the Dead. Mildly entertaining zombie flick.

Do recommend.


Scott Pilgrim.

It along with Inception, Toy Story 3 and Kick Ass have been the most enjoyable films I`ve seen in the theatre for a long while. I think I may just have liked Scott Pilgrim the most though :D I really hope they release some epic DVD pack for this movie, complete with a reference guide and everything.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Watched City of Life and Death on SBS2 tonight.

Every part of the movie switches between tragedy and contemplative grief, which is masterfully done. It's just one horrible turn of events after another, as the Japanese progressively took over Nanking, occasionally punctuated by this one soldier who best embodies the grey subject area in which normal people operate. It's fascinating to watch him go through the motions as an officer in the Japanese army but still go through this incredible amount of guilt and shame that comes from either standing around and letting shit happen or putting people out of their misery.

It's sometimes important to remember how low humanity can sink sometimes. I hope every fucking Japanese soldier which took place in the Massacre burns in hell, because god forbid any person, let alone Chinese, go through that sort of shit ever again.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Hot Fuzz

Police cop action comedy from the people who brought you Shaun of the Dead, and the director of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. As is pointed out in the writer commentary (Edgar Wright, also director, and Simon Pegg, also "Nicholas Angel"), the credits of this film is the only time you'll see Quentin Tarantino(sp?) mentioned alongside Somerfields (British supermarket chain).

I think I prefer this to Shaun for two main reasons:

1) zombies are the only horror monster that truly creep me out/scare me.
2) Timothy Dalton and his 'tache.

This film has created three personal memes:

1) whenever I'm snowed under with work, I think to myself that I'm "up to my balls in jugglers".
2) whenever asked if I knew something I really should, I mutter "nobody tells me nuffin".
3) whenever inspiration strikes, I have to fight the urge to go "IDEA".

Like the writers (and at least one of the other actors), I hail from the West Country (the area of England the film is set in), so I really appreciate the accents. =D
FFIX, natch.
And Lucario is a CHARACTER, like Mewtwo before him, rather than a cypher or plot device like the titular entity in most other Pokeymans movies. Plus, the fact that the plot is based around him dealing with a perceived betrayal by his best friend, yeah, it works. Much more mature than regular plots.
This. Also,
Sir Aaron in the crystal made me think of Lucrecia at the mako fountain

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
watched (500) Days of Summer. Did not like as much as I enjoyed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Kingdom of Heaven

Whilst I can't with any good conscience say that I enjoyed it all the way through, I will concede that when all is said and done this was definitely a satisfying ride to have taken. There are good performances all around, though the film seems so determined to ponderously lumber from set-piece to set-piece that it left me wishing to have spent more time with the particularly strong supporting cast (in particular Liam Neeson, Edward Norton and Brendan Gleeson).

That is not to say that the film does not go to extreme lengths to portray each action set-piece or plot arc with a painstaking beauty and undeniable commitment to trying to accurately portray the political, racial and religious intricacies of one of the most chaotic and bloodthirsty periods in European history. In this respect it largely succeeds, but even where it fails and is crushed by the weight of its source material, it remains fascinating to watch.

On the choice of Orlando Bloom as a lead character in the Aragorn/Leader of Men archetype. It is certainly an interesting choice, and like so much else of the film it doesn't quite work all the way through. But after the first half hour or so, you start to get into it and his performance really does shine through. Hell, by the last half hour or so he had me nearly completely convinced.

One last thing to note and possibly the only thing I really didn't like about the movie was the 'To this day, peace in the Kingdom of Heaven remains elusive' message we get at the end. Just, no. Not every film needs to be a preachy tie-in to the troubles in Israel and Jerusalem. I know that there is a message running through the entire film of about this whole idea, but I really don't want to get into it right now, the film served as a better commentary of the whole situation without rubbing it in our faces at the end like that.
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