Last Film You've Seen


Shutter Island = me predicting everything from get-go. But Jackie Earle Haley's there so all is better :)

d'oh you, :monster:. I didn't, but that's because I hadn't heard much about it except that it was good. But I probably would've guessed it the moment people said 'Yeh, it's just like
A Beautiful Mind

I did that, as a matter of fact, yesterday :monster:.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Silent Hill

Shame on everyone that thought Prince of Persia was the first good movie based on a video game. People just did not want to give this movie a chance.

I mean yeah. It's not as good as the video games (the first 4 anyway), but given that the games contained some of the best examples of story-telling in any medium, it's a pretty big ask to have a movie surpass that level of quality. What story there is here is all fine and good, if a little unremarkable and formulaic, even though that doesn't leave the final act revelations and action setpieces any less satisfying to watch.

What this film does brilliantly, much like its video game counterpart, is atmosphere building. Complete with lovingly faithful renditions of foggy Silent Hill and its nightmarish Otherworld. The whole thing looks magnificent and does a great job of keeping you engaged in places where the story gets a bit ropey.

It's not a perfect film by any stretch, and isn't without its share of problems (hopefully this is the first and last time Sean Bean tries an American accent). But its a good watch for any horror fan and one of the most visually and thematically faithful adaptions of a video game to date. If only they'd drawn a bit more from the better aspects of the series and less from the cliche 'ancient evil cult' malarky. But it does a good enough job to keep this fan of the series happy and optimistic of an even better sequel.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Leaving las vegas:
Brilliant film, nic cage delivers a really good performance from the get go and i thought the plot rather comical up until the rape scene then the film took a morbid twist and overall it ended the movie perfectly.


Gangs of New York.
fuck the haters who say this is a bad movie. Daniel Day Lewis is top-notch as always. Diaz/Leo were capable enough and in no ways "ruined" it like I've seen some claim. Not to mention, fantastic music.

Taxi Driver.
Scorsese roll! Deemed one of the best ever, and rightfully so.


Joe, Arcana
Batman: Under The Red Hood.

Really enjoyed it to be honest, been meaning to sit down with this for a while. I think that Jensen Ackles and Neil Patrick Harris' voice acting really sold it for me, very well done.

Ah yes, and another brilliant portrayal of the Joker.


House on a Haunted Hill.
The one from the 50s.

I'm not gonna lie, I was falling asleep through some of it, but it has awesome scenes like vats of acid and peope falling in said vats.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer

As with all of M. Night Chameleon's earlier films, Unbreakable plays out like a very slow-burning, character orientated piece. Which is never a bad thing, especially considering that the premise is to bring the superhero genre down into the real world, stripping away as much of the razzmatazz that has been piled on by comics. In the real world there ae no doomsday plots, or colourful costumes, or even elaborate story arcs. What we have here are very real people, with lives that can be as uneventful, uplifting and as tragic as our own, whilst never losing sight of the idea that these are very real people to whom these extraordinary circumstances are occuring.

In a way, whilst I appreciate what M. Night has done with the movie, there's something so cold about stripping down a genre as boldly silly and fun as this. The first season of Heroes captured this perfectly, keeping things as grounded to the real world as possible whilst still branching out into an outlandishly silly comic book story. Unbreakable keeps things so grounded in reality that its often hard to be as interested in it as I would like because its just so far removed from the source material.

The acting and the characters are all fine though, Bruce Willis does a good job at inverting his tough guy image to play the quiet, unwilling hero and reluctant, awkward family man. Samuel L. Jackson is the standout though, comic book collecting has never been more badass.

Definitely recommended, but not quite as interesting as I thought it would be.


Higher Further Faster
Finally got around to watching Spider-man 3.

That was one goofy pile of wtf, let me tell you. Did not like. :/


House on a Haunted Hill.
The one from the 50s.

I'm not gonna lie, I was falling asleep through some of it, but it has awesome scenes like vats of acid and peope falling in said vats.

Is that the one with all the flies and some ghost that lives in the basement? If so, I think I may have disliked it as well. I maybe confusing it with The Amytiville Horror though.

Emmă;251816 said:
Finally got around to watching Spider-man 3.

That was one goofy pile of wtf, let me tell you. Did not like. :/

Last edited:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
The Prestige

Yeah, you know what. Fuck The Dark Knight, I can't decide whether this or Inception is Christopher Nolan's best work. I think I might enjoy this more, but there may (or may not) be more to Inception in the long term. But for now, this might sit comfortably at the top of the pile.

First and foremost, I have to say that this film presents two of my favourite main characters that I've seen in ANY film. Completely throwing away the established concepts of 'protagonists' and 'antagonists' in favour of focusing exclusively on the moral greyness of its themes and main characters. Following the dark path of pride, greed, ambition and obsessiveness as we follow Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman through an increasingly labyrithine plot, built entirely on big secrets and the morals that each man compromises in favour of one-upping the other.

Also the special effects are pretty neat and theres some quality performances from the supporting characters, like Michael Caine in the mentor role and Scarlett Johansson proving that you don't need to stuff her into a black vinyl condom for her to be a compelling actress.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

Granted, someone probably just actively searched to screencap the movie where he was in the middle of something but that face perfectly portrays everything that was wrong with Tobey Maguire during and after Spiderman 2. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
☆;251947 said:
The Prestige

Yeah, you know what. Fuck The Dark Knight, I can't decide whether this or Inception is Christopher Nolan's best work. I think I might enjoy this more, but there may (or may not) be more to Inception in the long term. But for now, this might sit comfortably at the top of the pile.

First and foremost, I have to say that this film presents two of my favourite main characters that I've seen in ANY film. Completely throwing away the established concepts of 'protagonists' and 'antagonists' in favour of focusing exclusively on the moral greyness of its themes and main characters. Following the dark path of pride, greed, ambition and obsessiveness as we follow Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman through an increasingly labyrithine plot, built entirely on big secrets and the morals that each man compromises in favour of one-upping the other.

Also the special effects are pretty neat and theres some quality performances from the supporting characters, like Michael Caine in the mentor role and Scarlett Johansson proving that you don't need to stuff her into a black vinyl condom for her to be a compelling actress.

I have not seen this movie but after reading this I'll have to now.

Granted, someone probably just actively searched to screencap the movie where he was in the middle of something but that face perfectly portrays everything that was wrong with Tobey Maguire during and after Spiderman 2. :monster:

I don't blame Toby, I blame the writing/directing. It's like, ugh the first movie was so good! How did this travesty come to pass? :/

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Repo Men

Enjoyable, nothing too mind blowing but entertaining nonetheless. I think I prefer Repo! The Genetic Opera better because it had this insane quality to it and was a far more colourful (literally and metaphorically) film.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Hot Shots

Personally, I prefer the second one, but still - laugh-a-minute. :P Charlie Sheen is awesome.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
The Running Man. All in all despite its attempts to look serious in a dystopian future, it's only good due to the funny lines Arnold Schwarzenegger spouts during the times he speaks, I find it hilarious to no end during the time he gets to be in the games and his exchange with the big bad during the moment he gets caught. His love interest was sort of shallow but she started out good, I didn't get to see the ending but despite all that, I think the film can be passed off as semi comedy and semi action but never a serious matter. :B

Celes Chere

. If only they'd drawn a bit more from the better aspects of the series and less from the cliche 'ancient evil cult' malarky.

this x 1000.

I finally saw The Hangover. It was partly stupid, partly funny. But mostly stupid.


The Prestige

Yeah, you know what. Fuck The Dark Knight, I can't decide whether this or Inception is Christopher Nolan's best work. I think I might enjoy this more, but there may (or may not) be more to Inception in the long term. But for now, this might sit comfortably at the top of the pile.
Just coming out of Inception, I'm gonna say I'm having great difficulty picking a favorite between these two as well.

Prestige was more character oriented as opposed to Inception with all actors serving a specific function (Point Man, Forger, Architect, etc.) and ultimately being defined by those with little time to fully explore all. Inception was all about the idea, imo. So I can't really pick which was better because I believe they are fundamentally different.

Oh and Inception was the last I saw, obviously. I reaaaalllly want to see that shit again. It's fucking awesome.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
The men who stare at goats:

Unbelieveably bad, but entertaining none the less.
pretty much clooney playing the same role from burn after reading.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
A Perfect Getaway

So, yeah, this is actually pretty good. More than just a by the numbers thriller, and a much more intelligent film than I thought it would be. Mostly. It's not without its share of flaws, which mostly come in the third act and that stop an average-to-good movie from being pretty damn awesome.

The film revolves around 3 couples, played by the usual cast of slasher movie standard actors, who it has to be said, all actually do a very good job, this movie nearly redeems Kiele Sanchez in my eyes (people who watch Lost might remember her as Nikki). Timothy Olyphant and Milla Jovovich are good too, in roles that aren't exactly standard-fare for these actors. Meanwhile Steve Zahn continues to demonstrate that he's one of the most underrated actors working today, this movie really displays the range of things he's able to do as an actor.

But yeah, back to the plot, the plot revolves around 3 couples, each one of whom thinks that one of the others are the murderers. It starts off very suspenseful, the atmosphere building here very reminiscent of director David Twohy's debut film Pitch Black. Structurally its like Pitch Black too, with the halfway point in the film marking the point where things go from tightening to the atmosphere of suspense to just plain disturbing.

As a final word on the film, the whole thing looks absolutely stunning. But what else can be expected when the backdrop of your film is a tropical island paradise.

It's a nice, tight, suspense-filled thriller, and probably worth checking out if you want something to keep you occupied for an evening. It just lets itself down through a lack of ambition to go the extra mile, whether its with the gore, or the way the story ends up panning out, or just structurally. It could have been so much more than it is, which is a bit disappointing. But the film we have instead is still a good, solid ride and worth checking out.



Forget The Dark Knight, it's between this and Inception when it comes to Nolan's best. In fact, the two movies share a lot of concepts and thematic similarities. I'd go so far as to call the two sister-films. Inception's visual style mirrors TDK very closely, but there are certain shots in there that mirror Momento so damn close. It's just so cool to see when going through a director's work, especially when it's not so obvious. The way he films his protagonist's dead wives is where you really notice it.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Drag Me to Hell

Well this film is just utterly hilarious. Completely dismissing the notion of being a serious horror movie right out of the gate, what Director Sam Raimi delivers here is a solid spooky movie whose only mandate is to freak you the hell out. Drag Me to Hell does this pretty much right from the outset, relishing in its over the top 'jump out and go BOO' moments to start with and then going batshit bananas by the halfway point.

There's not much to say about the plot. This film is all about the execution, which it handles with a twelve year olds sense of gross out humour. It's positively gleeful in the amount of blood, goop, mud, bugs and other things that it throws around and on top of its cast.

It's the Ghost Train at the carnival, It's full of frights and laughs and it doesn't let up right till the very end. Go see it, its a riot.
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