Last Film You've Seen



Seriously. This was a pretty good movie that really makes you consider psychology equally as much as science. That is until

This movie was made terrible just by that. And now I'm traumatized.

does it have tentacles? :awesome:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
If you didn't tink Splice was at least pretty good, then I pity you.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
lol splice is like /d/ the movie.
it has monster sex, genderswap, impregnation, guro, and some sort of weird futa things. all it needs left is more giant ladies and it's practically perfect.

I'm sold! :awesomonster:



Only watched for Patrick Wilson. Not worth it. How this got a 7ish on IMDB I dun even.
They use the I-jump-at-you-now device pretty well, I guess, but that's all the praise I got. The man "with fire on his face" is damn scary and had real potential....until towards the end where you can see him and he looks like a lost member of KISS.
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Higher Further Faster
Trigun Movie.

It was pretty good.

But don't go into it expecting more than an hour and a half episode.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Fast and the furious 5.
Firstly any oppinion I have about this movie is totally biased since I go into every single fast and the furious movie knowing it's going to be awesome.
In this case though it was a really nice take on fast and furious meets the italian job :P the best part of the whole film though is the sexual tension you can see between vin diesel and the rock XD


LMAO. Sexual tension between Diesel and the Rock? What, boy moved on from Brian? I can't wait to see this shit. I love F&F, I don't care.

I can't. I can't even--brain hurts! Why is this story from the POV of the lamest douchebags no one could ever give a crap about, ever? I hate every single character in it. The only cheering I did was for the unmanned stealth drone that took down the mothership.

Add to this stupidest, most unnecessary ending ever. Tried for a kind of District 9 end there
with the guy's brain transplanted into a monstrous alien thing's body and protecting girl

Also, when will these people get a basic grasp of military capabilities? That was embarrassing.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I love F&F myself and can't wait to see the new one.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Trigun Badlands Rumble <3 It's good, watched it myself just a few weeks ago.

HP7p1 for the third time. Goddammit part 2 needs to come out faster.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
The Ghost

Or The Ghost Writer, if you're of an American disposition :monster:. At first, I was ready to be disappointed by this film, not going to lie, it does not begin strongly. However, after a rough twenty minutes that left me more engaged with the floral designs on my curtains than the film itself, the tedious prologue eventually opens up into a political thriller that manages to ratchet up the tension throughout its course to an almost unbearable level. A remarkable feat in a film that is roughly devoid of action, relying solely on the intrigue and the skills of its leading man (Ewan McGregor) to successfully convey the level of wild paranoia that runs rampant throughout this film.

For those not in the know, the film is a fairly unapologetic riff on the aftermath of Tony Blair's tenure as Prime Minister of the UK. Specifically, accusations about the legality of his involvement with the war in Iraq and the possibility he might have handed terror suspects over to the America for torture. The film's Tony Blair analogue, Adam Lang, played utterly convincingly (and to the film's credit, used sparingly) by Pierce Brosnan, has hired a ghost writer to help out with his memoirs. This ghost writer, Ewan McGregor, is eventually drawn into the shadowy and intricate web of conspiracies surrounding the former prime minister, and its a credit to his acting that he pulls it off as well as he does. The film would utterly fail to draw you in if McGregor's increasingly frayed and frantic performance didn't deliver the peril of his situation convicningly enough.

As much as the film does right though, it is marred by the occasional significant flaw. For me, it came with the supporting cast, who often appeared borderline cartoonish in their overblown performances. Even the main cast often seem to be overacting at times, and it really throws me out of the tightly wound and intricate the rest of the movie. The same can be said of an often bizarrely out of place soundtrack that I ound quite jarring with the subject matter.

Good stuff here. Mostly.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Final Fantasy: Spirits Within

I wanted to see if it was as bad as I remembered.

It was.


Finally saw Hanna. I really liked it.

I thought it was really, really good but not OMGAH AMAZING like a lot of my friends made it seem like it would be. I thought the &#8220;revelation&#8221; at the end was kind of anticlimactic. Still, really well directed and well acted. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

And can I just say the past year as been AMAZING for film soundtracks? Between Scott Pilgrim, Tangled, Sucker Punch, Tron&#8230; Hanna is going to be my new work out album. Chemical Brothers for the motherfuckin win.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Final Fantasy: Spirits Within

I wanted to see if it was as bad as I remembered.

It was.

Man I seem to be like one of three people I know of on this planet who enjoyed it ;-;

OT: The Rock was on last night. Say what you will about Michael Bay and his current ego on a pedestal, The Rock is one of the best action films. Ever. It seems to have aged well even after fifteen years since its release, and is proof that once upon a time Michael Bay could direct well-tempered, visually spectacular films while still having a plot with some down-to-earth emotion involved. The last Michael Bay film I found with even half that much substance was The Island.

There's something about the way Nicholas Cage and Sean Connery form their team dynamic. Although it's a typical cliche of science nerd teaming up with grizzled muscle, it's heartening to see something more complex than that. Cage brings his necessary trademark of suddenly emphasising words in his sentence, and although his character is on the rookie side of inexperienced, he smooth-talks his way through everything and does know how to handle a firearm. Connery, well: he's really just Big Boss, except he's British and he's been locked up for stealing secrets that are the answer to all the American conspiracy theories for the past half century (read: 1945 to the 2000s). Okay, maybe he's not Big Boss :monster:. Connery approaches the role with the right amount of cynicism and humour - aside from being locked up for most of his life, he isn't even obligated to help the U.S Government in breaking into Alcatraz. He's British. He's really only doing it for his daughter, who's in a target area of the missiles the villains have stolen.
The antagonists are also cliches, although they're more relatable than most action movie villains. Ed Harris does a fantastic job as Hummel. The character himself can actually be sympathised with. He's got a whole drawer of war decorations and medals before and since Vietnam. He commands respect even in the new age of military command. In fact, he is not inherently evil, as Mason points out: he's really just a disillusioned soldier. Some of the best antagonists are the ones doing what they do for understandable reasons: General Hummel takes that up a notch by doing what he does for wholly sympathetic ones. He's led men on clandestine operations that his government denied, the men who have died on those operations had families who were not told the truth, and were not given the proper reparations. By the audience's knowledge, Hummel should have every right to be angry after 20 years of this.
However, it comes to a delicious Mexican standoff when some of his subordinates are not as honorable as he is, and by that point he comes off more as a tragic figure than as a straight-out villain.

Overall, it is the characters that actually drive this movie, and it's nice to see them do it rather than let the gunfights and explosions do all the work. Like I said, in my opinion one of the best action films.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
Oh man, The Rock is beautiful. That scene in the bathroom(?) with the huge stand-off is action movie poetry.

As for Spirits Within, I'll quote what I said over at the Genesis Awards yesterday:

It was a fine movie, but it wasn't a Final Fantasy movie. It just wasn't. Space marines, no swords or magic, no chocobos or moogles, no complex story. An hour and a half long fetch quest with a twist at the 3/4 mark. It was a serviceable sci-fi romp, but FF it wasn't. It was the first time that Square slapped the name Final Fantasy onto something that didn't deserve it. They do it all the time now, but back then, it was the first disappointment ever, so it was a huge shock.

I don't get why it's still the black sheep, Squeenix has topped it by far.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Man I am youtubing The Rock soundtrack and it is so immense (probably because Zimmer and Gregson-Williams combined talent = eargasm)
And yeah they're supposed to be prison showers :monster:

I'm not sure I would have minded a dive into the sci-fi for The Spirits Within, as long as they actually put a little more emphasis on some of the more fantastical elements in it. It's sad to see it come off as that one venture that bankrupted Square, because it was a visual splendor and I could very easily have imagined swords and sorcery fitting in extremely well.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Thor in 3D

First off, I didn't get a headache (or at least no more of a headache than I occasionally get in the cinema), which is awesome as I was expecting to get a migraine from what I've heard about it. Although, this could be because I was forewarned, and so took two paracetamol before donning my 3D glasses. Also, the 3D glasses fitted well over my perscription specs.

The film itself was amazing. Whoever decided to get Kenneth Brannagh(sp?) to direct this is a bloody genius. The casting was superb, although I couldn't help but wonder what would have been if BRIAN BLESSED had been Odin.

Loki was portrayed as a very sympathetic villain. Especially as Thor and the Warriors Three were acting like jerk jocks to him while he was still portrayed as a protagonist. Still, this is true to the myths - Loki was despised and villainised primarily because he wasn't a physical fighter. Kudos to Tom Hiddleston for his portrayal of Loki.

Fans of Marvel Comics should stick around until the end of the credits - Loki's presence isn't that much of a surprise (although his control over Selvig explains why he's going to appear in The Avengers as well). The really OMFG amazeballs moment is the Cosmic Cube. Another fangasm moment was Barton with a bow and arrow. Oh yeah, we know who he is.

My only complaint storywise is that Thor's simple "I'm on your side" speech is accepted by Coulson with little more than a shrug. I mean, OK, he took out the thing that had taken out the SHIELD agents, but still, it seems weak. Especially as the "call me when you need my aid" bit is clearly only there as a plot hook for Avengers, but considering it's barely two minutes of a roughly two hour film, it's a pretty minor complaint.

The 3D itself was nicely unobtrusive, except in Jotunheim, where the snowflakes were blowing out to about two foot in front of you. Also, one case of 3D effects failure - there was a lens flare towards the end of the film. The lens flare was made into a 3D object. :lol:
Say what you will about Michael Bay and his current ego on a pedestal, The Rock is one of the best action films. Ever. It seems to have aged well even after fifteen years since its release, and is proof that once upon a time Michael Bay could direct well-tempered, visually spectacular films while still having a plot with some down-to-earth emotion involved.
Likewise, the excellent Event Horizon was directed by Paul WS Anderson.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The film itself was amazing. Whoever decided to get Kenneth Brannagh(sp?) to direct this is a bloody genius. The casting was superb, although I couldn't help but wonder what would have been if BRIAN BLESSED had been Odin.

Then they would have called the movie Odin and completely forgot that the movie was about Thor. :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Brian Blessed is not Odin, he is clearly Volstagg. Fans had pulled for him too.


Chloe Frazer
I saw Fast Five. I had to wait almost 2 hours in line but I found the movie surprisingly good. Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson had so much sexual tension. I do have to point out that they did a poor job at trying to pass San Juan as Rio De Janeiro.
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