Last Film You've Seen

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Hey dude, I think that was awesome, It was not meant to be an offensive comment.
So you're not actually going to live up to your promise and continue to be a belligerent wart on the foot of the forums?

And you honestly wonder why people get annoyed with you. I have to ponder how someone like that can even remember to breathe.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Hang on :) I haven't said anything about not committing to what I said.


Joe, Arcana
It's like he doesn't even understand what is going on here. :huh:

OT: Last proper film I saw was probbbably The Fountain actually. Words. Cannot. Describe. Go watch.



It was pretty fun.

I know next to nothing about the comic, so can't compare. It really is much better than you would expect. Could have done with some better writing, but whatevz. Maggie Q's dialogue, what little she gets, is mostly unnecessary save for like one or two lines, which brought many lulz. "Sometimes I have bad nights. Sometimes I have nightmares. Then sometimes I have good nights" No shit.

I think it's worth seeing, but definitely not for full price of 17 fucking dollars for 3D that just makes it look like cardboard cutouts are moving in front of painted backgrounds. Seriously, 2D is the way to go for this one. I'm fucking tired of this piss poor excuse of jacking up ticket prices by calling it 3D. FFs.
2010: Moby Dick

Ok... for an Asylum movie, its actually pretty good. Mostly due to Barry Bostwick's performance as Ahab. He's amazing. He IS Ahab.

Everything else is pretty typical of a generic b-movie and the size of the whale is completely ignored.
For example at one point they get the whale trapped in a lagoon but cant go in after it because the subs too big. A standard size military sub is too big to get through an opening where the water is "12 feet deep" yet a 600ft whale has no problem.

I recommend you check it out tho if you're bored. For an asylum movie it's damn good.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Attack the Block

You probably wouldn't think it, but this is a directorial debut for Joe Cornish (one half of the British comedy duo "Adam and Joe"). This can only be described as a cinematic throwback to the creature features of the 80s, such as Gremilins, Tremors and Critters (especially the latter).

And I bloody love it for it.

The tagline for this film is Inner City vs Outer Space, and that is the premise in a nutshell. A gang of kids from a block of south London council flats are interupted during a mugging by the arrival of an alien via meteor. The alien scratches the face of the leader of the gang, so they hunt it down and kill it. They take it back to the block to be checked out by Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Paul), who confirms it's unknown to science (based entirely on the fact that he sometimes watches the Discovery Channel).

Then another meteor hits... and another... and another... And the aliens coming down in these meteors? Much bigger, and much more dangerous.

The comparisons between this and Shaun of the Dead are inevitable; Brit genre black comedy. Unlike Shaun, however, there is some guess work done by the characters regarding the origins of the monsters. The only thing that miiight put people off is the slang used by the young leads - authentic "yoof" speak, innit? There are even some rumours that it may be subtitled for a US release.

All in all, a good black comedy sci-fi flick, and you can't say that often. Trust.
No, Legion was an overused idea that's been done better elsewhere.
I'll agree with you that the execution of Legion has been overdone (i.e., they played it like a zombie film with elements of Terminator for some bloody reason), and that the supernatural aspects have also been done better (Angel Heart is the first to spring to mind), but the central concept of Legion - that everything's happening because God has had enough of humanity's BS - is a new one on me.

Agree with you on the excellence of Brotherhood of the Wolf, though.
Pirates: Stranger Tides

It was ok. Dont bother with the 3d, only a few shots I saw that would actually use it, and 2 of them were jump scares.
It's more serious and plodding then the other movies, with the sillier aspects being kindof lazy. For example whenever Jack has to escape somewhere, it doesnt feel like anyone really gives a shit (the crew/actors, not the characters).
Ian McShane's good as Black Beard, but pretty one note. And his magic rigging's only in 1 scene, feels like they just included it because any villain pirate in this series needs to have some sort of magic power in order to be threatening.

I really liked the mermaid scene though, well shot and they payed more time to it then I thought they would. Best scene in the movie by far.
Jack's good, his stuff feels more natural than in 2 and 3, but not quite up to what he had in 1.

Overall though it's not bad. But I wouldnt go out of my way to see it again.

P.S. Too many side stories with no real point and just serve to lengthen the movie. Probly left over from the book.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Pirates 4.

Pretty much agree with Inter on his opinion of the film.

The Mermaids were really awesome, and totally alluring / creepy.
We jokingly referred to it as, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Attack of the Webslinging Aqua-Vampires. :P

When you first meet Blackbeard, the ends of his beard are smouldering, which I thought was cool, but it only happens when he first appears. I found that a little odd, and there was a little bit of a WTF moment thinking back about
Jack's Dad just appearing like magic to ensure that the clues for the plot were there from earlier about the two chalices

After credit was interesting as usual.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Haw I'm watching spider-man 2 and I am ashamed to say I never noticed how bad the acting is in this film. Even the dialogue is terrible. Also lol, Ock demands peter bring spiderman to him, then slams him into a wall and shatters in a manner that would kill normal people, yet he expects parker to bring him spiderman?



Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The movie is a sort of visual splendor (Alfred Molina sort of looks the part adequately in keeping with the film's visual design) but aside from that there's a lot of ham in Spiderman 2 :monster:


wangxian married
Pirates 4. I liked it better than the last one, but that's not hard to do. Still, it was pretty good -- I was actually sort of surprised since after the third I figured it was all downhill. I could have done without that
drawn out mermaid/priest romance, srsly i don't curr
but other than that it was fine.

also dat penelope cruz
Pirates 4.

Pretty much agree with Inter on his opinion of the film.

The Mermaids were really awesome, and totally alluring / creepy.
We jokingly referred to it as, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Attack of the Webslinging Aqua-Vampires. :P

When you first meet Blackbeard, the ends of his beard are smouldering, which I thought was cool, but it only happens when he first appears. I found that a little odd, and there was a little bit of a WTF moment thinking back about
Jack's Dad just appearing like magic to ensure that the clues for the plot were there from earlier about the two chalices

After credit was interesting as usual.

X :neo:
I thought it was weirder how he just vanishes. Like the writers had no idea what to do, so whatever, he teleports back home

hehe, mermaids :D
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Harbinger O Great Justice
I thought it was weirder how he just vanishes. Like the writers had no idea what to do, so whatever, he teleports back home.

Exactly. His entire appearance is just... awkwardly inserted.

hehe, mermaids :D

One does wonder that: if they grow legs on land when out of the water, what would prevent them from developing them to hunt on land briefly, and lure men back in, rather than remaining water bound all the time?

X :neo:

Ghost X

POTC4. It wasn't a bad film, wasn't a good film either.
Mermaid x Christian love story subplot was barely tolerable, but it was good that the latter character had flaws. Beforehand, I was worried the film was trying to be preachy =p. In regards to the mermaids, I'm surprised that such a level of nudity was allowed in a Disney film (of course there were no nipples and genitals, but still!)

The deus ex machinas were all over the place in the film, which naturally means it has been poorly written. They probably thought the audience wouldn't care too much, rather concentrating on plot development than feasibility, but this was the shortest POTC movie to date. They could've done more, surely.

I would've liked to have seem more character development. I'd have liked to have seen more of the spanish for instance. In many regards the story was too superficial, once again for the sheer purpose of quick plot development. I think this explains some critics comments that it was a very disjointed film.

Did anyone else think Blackbeard's death was a bit graphic? This film was only PG, right? I'm sure this film would receive complaints on a number of things in that regard. Not that I care.

Also, there is a really long trailer to Hugh Jackman's robot boxing movie. I basically don't have to see it anymore, since it pretty much explains the storyline. Looks crap.
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Cookie Monster


The costume designs were pretty terrible and the relationships weren't given enough time to develop. One second Jane is hitting Thor with her van, the next they're madly in love. And, some of the characters didn't even have a reason to be there. In spite of that, the film was alright, it had some entertaining moments. I actually didn't mind Hiddleston as Loki, his performance was pretty decent.
Kung Fu Panda 2

It was good. They dont nerf Po any, and actually gave him a buff (I was terribly dissapointed by the final fight in the first one, he literally bounced around 70% of the time). In here he actually does more of fluid style, similar to drunken boxing.

My biggest problem is the conflict is very... simple? Lord Shen has cannons. While there's nothing inherently wrong with that, cannons are very boring from a kung fu movie standpoint. It results in alot of beating down of random minions, and no fight really stands out. In the first the fights are very memorable, Tai Lung escaping prison, Tai Lung vs the Five/Shifu, and actually thats about it.
It's too much average fighting with no real challenge. There is no real climactic fight between Po and Lord Shen, and if you're paying attention you can tell exactly what the big moment of the film is going to be.

That said, it's not a bad movie at all. The 5 get more screen time and lines, the humor holds up, we learn more about Po, and yeah, my eyes watered a bit at some points (shut up).
I really liked Lord Shens design and Gary Oldman does a good job voicing him. But he didnt seem written particularly well. I never really felt he was a threat. The fight between Shifu and Tai Lung in the first developed Tai Lung infinatly more than this entire movie did for Shen and we spend a good deal of time with him.
The 3d was well implemented, and it looked pretty good. None of the grand shots of the painting-like enviroments of the first movie, but they use the 2d animation style of the opening scene from the first a few times, and it looks gorgeous.

Its not as good as the first, but still a worthy sequel.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
The Prophecy

On the day he is to enter the priesthood, novice Thomas Daggett is beset by terrifying visions of angels. He leaves the service of the church, and ends up a homacide detective.

Sometime later, he finds a stranger in his apartment, who refers Daggett to a book on angels he once wrote. The stranger asks whether Daggett still believes any of what he wrote before leaving.

The next day, Daggett is called out to a murder scene. The adult "male" victim has extremely unusual biology to say the least - an eyeless hermaphrodite, with blood chemistry and bone structure that suggest the vic's at an extremely early stage of development. On the vic is an old Bible with an extra chapter to Revelations, which details a second angelic war in Heaven.

It seems that not all of the angels were happy with God favouring mankind over themselves (although the film doesn't mention it, this is one of the theories as to why Lucifer rebelled). Now both sides of the angelic war are on the hunt to find a dark human soul, which could lead to the rebel angels winning the war.

This is a slow-burning thriller, and works brilliantly for it. It's one of the few films where the cops aren't portrayed as corrupt/incompetent, and they actually talk like human beings, too (although the dark sense of humour all homicide beats have is very much prominent).

Christopher Walken is awesome as antagonist
, which makes news that he was considered to be the Master in the Paul McGann Doctor Who film, only to be dismissed by Fox for being "too expensive". His performance here could have really upped that film.

Special mention must also be made about a pre-Lord of the Rings Viggo Mortensen as
. He plays the part beautifully creepy.

Only a few gripes - at no point is it explained why the soul they're after is especially dark (NB - it's not Hitler). Also, while
uses flames,
Lucifer doesn't, despite his very name meaning "light-bringer". In a similar vein, Lucifer tells Daggett to "leave the lights on" as a way of warding him off. Although, Lucifer being Lucifer, that could be a double bluff.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
"Sense and Sensibility" (1995)

Read the book before watching the movie, and I have to say that I enjoyed both. In the book both sisters had a happy ending, in the movie Marianne got the upper hand :awesome:

It was awesome to see a pre-Snape Alan Rickman who was not being a villain (Die Hard) or a shady character.


Tron Legacy on Blu-ray

Story's not the strong point of the film, just like the first one this is more about the audio-visual experience.

This is one of the films you'd put in if somebody asked you "so what's so great about HD, how much better does it really look?"
Especially the IMAX scenes look amazing with the aspect ratio changing to full screen just like it was done on the Dark Knight Blu-ray.

Clu seemed more uncanny valleyish than I remembered him from when I saw the film in the cinema. Especially the lip movement doesn't seem quite right (it never does in any film or game though...).

Also, I'm kind of annoyed they left out some of the specials and easter eggs of the US Blu-ray. =/
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