Last Film You've Seen


Probably because they were scared that 'Captain America' wouldn't gel with the foreign audiences' sensibilities
...and him being a walking American flag would?? :monster:
I never understood this. I mean, he is Captain America, ffs.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Speed (1994)


God I fucking love this movie, so awesome. Came on TV a few days ago and I got to watch it again. I totally forgot how epic it was and how effin awesome the music OST was too! Fit all the scenes so well! ^_^! Old classic will always remain one of my favorites :joy:!

~ Raz
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
...and him being a walking American flag would?? :monster:
I never understood this. I mean, he is Captain America, ffs.

Well they might probably only handle so much America before the literal name makes their head explode

from the excess of democracy or something idekki

Ghost X


4.5/5 stars.

Makes me question myself, what would my perfect movie be? On rotten tomatoes I gave Aliens, a Terminator 2 a 100%, but if I watched them for the first time now, would I give them that score?


‪‫‬‭ ‮
J. Edgar. Liked it. Shame about the lighting. The narrative technique was not new but it was somewhat effective in differentiating the film from other biopics.

6/10. Add a point if you don't mind overlooking a poor supporting cast to enjoy a lead actor's virtuoso performance.


Fiat Lux
Finally got around to watching X-Men: First Class.

I LITERALLY must be the only person who wasn't sold on Fassbender's Magneto. Seriously, everywhere I look people rave about his performance and some quarters even call it Oscar-worthy, but I wasn't feeling it. I guess he got the angst nailed down but where was the charisma and the panache? He just seemed like some angry guy with a grudge but without the nuances of what Magneto such a fascinating character study.

On the other hand, James McAvoy was surprisingly good as Professor X and gave the superior of the two performances, for me. He really seemed to capture a young Xavier before he came to be the unquestionable leader we identify with from the franchise.

Anyway, all in all a pretty solid flick. I don't think it's the best of the X-Men movies. X2 still holds that accolade, however, it comes a close second that's for sure.

Btw, what's this supposed to be? Prequel? Reboot? Do they even care?
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
American pie - the reunion:

Fucking hilarious!
I cant believe with how bad a write up it has gotten considering how many brilliant jokes/scenes they did.
Long live the sherminator!

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Genuinely scary horror movie with Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe investigating an old mansion in the middle of the English swamp. Plot sounds formulaic but works well, and come on, it's from Hammer for crying out loud. You can't possibly go wrong with Hammer when it comes to good scares. Ending though, is a REAL letdown.

Rating: 3.5/5.


Long but never boring biopic about the life of Aung San Suu Kyi, during her long and excruciating struggles against the Burmese military government and the hardships of maintaining a family. Michelle Yeoh does a great performance here, and Luc Besson's directing doesn't disappoint. Well worth watching.

Rating: 4/5.


Decent sci-fi/horror about the supposedly aborted Apollo 18 mission that went horribly wrong. A little slow at first but it keeps you wondering what kind of ungodly creatures are lurking about on the moon. Things get more intense (and predictable) during the final act.

Rating: 3.5/5.


The people behind 'Crank' present us with this semi-sequel/semi-reboot of Marvel's supernatural antihero, played once again by Nicolas Cage. While the visual appearance of the titular character has much improved from the previous so-so film, the script simply hasn't and has only gotten worse. Sloppy screenwriting, unexciting action scenes, boring characters and unintentionally funny random moments bring everything down here. Blackout seems to be the only villain to stand out.

Rating: 1.5/5.


Meryl Streep does a surprisingly brilliant performance in this biopic as ex-British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, as do the rest of the wonderful cast. Movie starts off at around 2008 and keeps jumping back and forth (via far too many flashbacks) to Thatcher's earlier years in climbing up the ladder of politics, and completely confuses the audience in knowing what time period they're looking at. It's a historical mess and would have been much better had the story been written chronologically. A shame.

Rating: 2.5/5.


I saw Thor yesterday again. I still think that Loki makes a lot of the freaking movie.
I thought the most powerful scene was Thor & Mjolnir when he can't lift it.

Still not a fan of the romance at all though. 0 chemistry. Also, because they did place an emphasis on the romance, it diminished Thor's change imo. Eh.

Captain A is coming up for me. I really did like that movie. Better than Thor imo.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Battleship - It was... surprisingly entertaining. If you go in expecting a movie about the game Battleship and seeing some rather awesome combat and explosions under a pretty contrived plot, you'll have yourself a damn good time with this popcorn-flick.

X :neo:
The Worlds Fastest Indian

2005 movie staring Anthony Hopkins as a kiwi who wants to set a land speed record on his 1920 Indian Scout motorcycle. It's based on a true story and is pretty good. Anthony Hopkins does an amazing job as Burt as he runs into all the people and set backs on his way to the Bonneville Salt Flats.

My biggest complaint is there isnt really much in the way of opposition. There'll be setbacks,and obstacles, but they're resolved pretty quickly and the film moves on. ALso, they dont say what the current record is that he has to beat for some odd reason :/

It was really good tho. If you see it for anything, see it for Hopkins performance.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
I've been watching a truck load of movies, so I'll just give a brief review of each with a rating.


Decent adventure movie that isn't as bad people say. Give it a watch. (3.5/5)


Scary movie let down by a stupid ending. (2.5/5)


Enjoyable horror/comedy film that brings Tim Burton back to his gothic roots. (3.5/5)


Boring thriller that doesn't have much to offer in scares or suspense. (1/5)


3 Extremes II: Some genuine scares but sadly, none of them make much sense. (1.5/5)


Oddball horror/comedy gets more random as it goes along. Funny and scary, but also nonsensical. (2.5/5)


Even MORE oddball than the first movie. A so-bad-it's-good movie, and don't miss John Ratzenberger's hilarious part. (3/5)


Episodic sci-fi/horror movie is nothing too special. (2.5/5).


Crude, crass and not for everyone's taste of humor. But if you love Sacha Baron Cohen, you'll definitely have a laugh. Story falls flat in the end. (3/5)

Okay, now onto the movie I watched just yesterday:


Wow...what a mind f%ck. I kind of feel Terrence Malick spent a little TOO much time on this movie. Now I know that this is meant to be a personal film for the director, since the story reflects a lot on the guy's past relationship with his father, family et al. But let's look at this for a minute; here we have a period drama movie about a dysfunctional Texan family and the relationship between the dominating father and one of his rebellious sons. For the first fifteen/twenty minutes, we're introduced to endless evangelical music, blue skies, orange lights, erupting volcanoes, molten lava, sea waves, rocky mountains, shooting stars, supernovas, stars, the sun, the moon...and this goes on forever. Even movies like 'Fantasia' and '2001: A Space Odyssey' weren't THIS excessive.

And if you thought THAT wasn't weird; guess what? There are dinosaurs in the movie. And no, I'm not talking about kids playing with dinosaur toys or people watching dinosaurs on TV, but actual dinosaurs in a serious drama movie; DINOSAURS IN A DRAMA MOVIE. There's a boy, his two brothers, a loving mother, a cruel father, all living in normal suburbian America...and then come DINOSAURS. Just what...the...f%ck...?

And again, I know this is meant to be a personal movie for Malick, but Jesus Christ, is it really that hard to get this movie to make sense? I absolutely LOVED Malick's 'The Thin Red Line', one of my all time favorite war movies (4.5/5). I love a movie that goes into philosophical depth, but 'Tree of Life' simply goes WAY overboard. It's so much that's it's hard to follow the story and understand what exactly is going on.

For shame, Mr. Malick, for shame.

Rating: 1/5.
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And if you thought THAT wasn't weird; guess what? There are dinosaurs in the movie. And no, I'm not talking about kids playing with dinosaur toys or people watching dinosaurs on TV, but actual dinosaurs in a serious drama movie; DINOSAURS IN A DRAMA MOVIE. There's a boy, his two brothers, a loving mother, a cruel father, all living in normal suburbian America...and then come DINOSAURS. Just what...the...f%ck...?

And again, I know this is meant to be a personal movie for Malick, but Jesus Christ, is it really that hard to get this movie to make sense? I absolutely LOVED Malick's 'The Thin Red Line', one of my all time favorite war movies (4.5/5). I love a movie that goes into philosophical depth, but 'Tree of Life' simply goes WAY overboard. It's so much that's it's hard to follow the story and understand what exactly is going on.

For shame, Mr. Malick, for shame.

Rating: 1/5.

Put whatever meaning behind it that you want, birth of compassion, harmony between 2 creatures overcoming their differences, one dino's just being a dick, whatever.
It doesn't belong in a movie about a guys relationship with his father.

Ghost X

Men in Black III

Better than I expected (I found it quite enjoyable). Seemed to go by really quickly though. 3.5/5 stars.
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