Last Film You've Seen

Ghost X

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

Caught most of this on TV the other day. Had some creative sequences, but overall unimpressive. 2/5 stars.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
o lawd I saw that on TV too

visually impressive, but a giant boring turd overall. Even Johnny Depp, who got marketed as a centrepiece in this movie, didn't seem all that great.

I had more fun with Madness Returns :awesome:
The Human Centipede 2

the guy that plays Martin does an amazing job, but other than that, trying to be shocking/disgusting for its own sake. Dont regret watching it, but meh.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Wow, someone that shares my exact feelings on Pretty in Pink. Thank you Rishi.


Ugh what was even so great about Blaine? He has absolutely no personality.

Not to mention what kind of name is Blaine? That's not a name, that's a major appliance!


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Inglourious Basterds

Pretty good, but 3 hours long? You could cut an hour out of that film and lose nothing...


Higher Further Faster
Watched Bill Cunningham New York. It's a documentary about a guy who takes pictures of fashion on the streets of New York and writes about it for the New York times. Very interesting.

And believe me, it's a lot more interesting than it sounds. This dude has quite the interesting perspective on life.

Ugh what was even so great about Blaine? He has absolutely no personality.

Not to mention what kind of name is Blaine? That's not a name, that's a major appliance!

It's a suburb of Minneapolis here in Minnesota. :monster:

Ghost X

More films I caught on TV, both of which seem horribly dated already:

Ghost Rider

I actually saw the screening of this years ago, but anyways. I think its corny and the acting is poor at times, but its almost intentional, so I don't mind. Watched from the perspective of a person not familiar with the comics either, so inb4 any bitching. 3.25/5 stars.


I've only ever seen the ending of this until last night. The ending was shit so I was expecting the same from the rest of the film. Thinking whether I'd want to watch this over Alice in Wonderland (which I gave 2/5), I came to the conclusion that I'd give this film 1.5/5 stars.


Chloe Frazer
Pretty in Pink

aka that movie where she should've picked the other guy - or better yet neither of them.

It should be noted that in the original ending she picked the other guy but the morons they brought for test audience thought she was better off with the rich boy so they changed it.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
John Carter

I gotta say I was sold with the second trailer, but did not held high hopes for it. The movie started out pretty well and the action was good. Alot of them have been saying its like something out of Avatar, but it pretty well stands out for its own given that this is an age old story from the guy who brought us tarzan. I gotta give mixed feelings to how barbaric they portray the green martians but Tars Tarkan's character is my favourite next to James Purefoy's character.

Dejah (Lyn Collins) is pretty awesome in this film, she is a badass action heroine, a genius and a princess to boot. One of her defining points in the film is her determination to save both her city and the planet. It pleases me that they brought her out of the damsel distress bs that I've seen quite too much and made her a real fighter. John Carter himself though has me mixed and wondering how he could be the protagonist with such short comings until I saw what really made him so fucked up and unwilling to fight, that part was tear jerking as we realize why he is the way he is until his arrival in mars.

Action in this film is good, nothing ground breaking or new but improved. Characters are great (Tars Tarkin and Sola's story is something that wasn't deeply explored in their tribe's background and could've covered a little more) and the villains are surprisingly portrayed well but fall short (possibility of exploring them in sequels no doubt). How they put the author of this novel into the movie is what made me go 'meh'. All in all a good film to pass the time. The music is astounding too. I hope they improve or add more to their inevitable sequel and discover more about the martians.


So technically it's not a movie, but it has such long production times and quality and such it might as well be: Hellsing Ultimate IX. It's an excellent series, if you can stomach it, buut... too much filler in the form of pointless and often-repeated sentences that add nothing but perhaps dramatic value to the Japanese audience. IX wasn't as good overall as the previous one, but then, they took close to a year to do that one. On a 45-minute thing. :monster:

Also silly Japs trying to speak Engrishu and Gerimanyu, :monster:.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
so yesterday i watched silent house and theodore rex

now silent house was pretty meh it was pretty subpar long sigh but theodore rex oh my god

it was like they took that show dinosaurs from the 90s and whoopi goldberg is in it in a fucking catsuit and shes mad all the time because the movie is so terrible and also dinosaurs hug each other even though their arms are too short? so like theo wants to be a dinosaur detective but this is hard because he is incredibly stupid. but he becomes one anyways because i dont know who cares whoopi goldberg is his partner and shes a robot or something and like there was this bar with regular people dancing with people in dino suits and SO was like 'why is this happening' and i said 'lots of people are attracted to dinosaurs look at garrus' and then he said 'no look at you' and i cried a little and made several references to theo (who is called teddy in the movie but w/e w/e) walking the dinosaur and eventually he dates this sleezy t-rex named molly also all the dinosaurs' last names are their species like theodore rex, molly rex, oliver rex, etc. so im concerned about things inbreeding but whatever also they tag molecules with numbers but honestly that's one of the least concerning things about the movie

also dinosaurs with opposable thumbs would have made those dumb raptors in jurassic park get those kids earlier wouldn't it have ha ha

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
the blind side

sandra bullock is fabulous that is all

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
double post because Wild Target

oh my god this movie is fantastic Bill Nighy is absolutely fabulous as a sexually confused hitman and Emily Blunt is the best klepto ever and Rupert Grint is all adorably loserish and 10/10



...and I didn't really like it. Other than the awesomely rendered Asgard.
Bland lead. Stupidass romance that made no sense. Forced humor.

5 minutes in and we all know the bro is a bitch & a traitor. Natalie Portman's character begged the question of why the fuck she was even in there, she had so fucking little to do.

I think my biggest problem was the relationship between Thor/Jane, only because so much of Thor's change was dependent on it. And I just don't buy it. At all. Not even a little bit. He knew her for a couple of days at most and a shitload of that time was spent on his own. Father's disappointment, loss of hammer and betrayal would have been fucking enough, and for me those were the most poignant moments. Not to mention that by making a virtually nonexistent relationship so central to Thor's change in character makes his final sacrifice a complete nonevent. Really? Your big sacrifice is that you don't get to see some chick you knew for, like, 3 days? Why the fuck is the blandest chick the one who changes everything and where/when does this happen for the viewer to see? When he makes scrambled eggs?

I'm not big on Thor anyway, and I only know the basics about him, but Hollywood's mentality that we would gobble up anything that just parades around around in superhero costumes is fucking insulting (although judging by the figures, true). I wish they'd just try to make good films, even if they are about superheros, instead of setting out to make "superhero films".

Hiddleston clearly out-acted everyone tho.

Ghost X

Sucker Punch

An example of a movie with a lot of potential, but then poorly executed by whoever made it. Quite frustrating really. Clearly made for 3D, but I feel that even if I was watching it in 3D the visuals would not fascinate me. Only thing in the film I would want to see in 3D is Emily Browning *fap*, but I'm not shallow enough for that to effect my rating of the film :awesome:. 2/5 Stars.


Chloe Frazer
Saw 21 Jump Street. I was pleasantly surprised with it and it was fucking hilarious.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Dark City. :awesome:

Think scifi film noir (Bladerunner) crossed with 'Total Recall' memory loss, plus Jennifer Connelly singing:

(Only the Directors cut has Jennifer singing)
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Chloe Frazer
Saw The Hunger Games. I must say I was impressed of how well they stayed true to the book and did a great job overall. Also Jennifer was pretty good as Katniss. However I was getting extremely annoyed every time people in the audience went "awww" every time Peeta and Katniss did something.
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