Last Film You've Seen


Pinkfish, Fish
you need to get high to truly experience the pineapple express. Same could be said about a lot of movies though.

Haha I had a dodgy copy where it flicks between black and white for a few sceens, So we played traffic lights when ever it was black and white.

Rolled one of those cross spliffs while watching it aswell, suprisingly easy actually.


ACF Refugee
I just watched In fucking Bruges. Really good, and really funny. I was surprised it was the writer/director's first movie.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Moulin Rouge is amazing, don't knock it :monster:


Which version, :monster:. I watched the non-musical, non-Depp version a while back. It was pretty awesome, but off course my sister swore she didn't know it had sexing, blood, and loads of perverted shit in it.

I watched (guess? :monster: ) The Bourne... third one, yesterday. Direct sequel to the second, but a lot better imho. Good fight scene too, it was insane. I don't however liked the shaky camera in the second and third movie though, that's a cheap technique for trying to hide your action is shit :/. It wasn't in the third one though. All three are good in their genre, but I can't say I find those movies that awesome.


Pinkfish, Fish
The Tim Burton one, musical but still so good.
I was in the mood for somthing dark and it did deliver.
There could have been a little more dialogue and more variation in the songs, some where over repeated a bit to much. But the story was still strong.. as much as it did was altered.

I do rate the Bourne films actually, there not amazing but definetly not bad at all for that genre.


ACF Refugee
I just watched Cameron Crowe's movie Singles. It was NOT what I was expecting. I thought it would be like ALL about grunge and would have more fucking Matt Dillon. I don't have ANY idea why Pearl Jam, SOundgarden, and Alice in Chains would have cameos in here. Dumb idea. I commend Nirvana for not doing so.

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Yeah, no, but it was alright. I don't think it can stand up to the past three films, but it was still worth seeing. For me, I knew what was going to happen at the end, so I think that affected a slight amount of my expectations.


Pinkfish, Fish
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Yeah, no, but it was alright. I don't think it can stand up to the past three films, but it was still worth seeing. For me, I knew what was going to happen at the end, so I think that affected a slight amount of my expectations.

I just saw it, and I agree. Goodish but weak in comparison.


わたし は つか
i really liked Half-Blood Prince:joy:. honestly, i cried at the end...just felt shattered and sympathetic...:(


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I was leaving work at 5:30pm, and there was a lineup for the first showing today for 7:30... the line up wrapped around the whole four outside walls of the theater. One of my coworkers had been there since noon. :awesome:

Not gonna see it until the hype dies down and theaters aren't crowded...

As for recent movie, Heartbreakers. Jennifer Love Hewitt never fails to please me in this film.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Haha I had a dodgy copy where it flicks between black and white for a few sceens, So we played traffic lights when ever it was black and white.

Rolled one of those cross spliffs while watching it aswell, suprisingly easy actually.

never tried making one. Any good?

Killer Tofu

Killing in the Name Of
Harry Potter for my birthday (because it opened on my birthday for once).

It was alright. The action wasn't as intense, and some of the interactions were missing that I liked in the book. Not to mention, I became obsessed with the half-blood prince in the book and didn't really get that feeling in the movie.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c

I love this movie. The action, the camerawork, the music, the actors, and the humor all make it one of my favorite films ever.

The action scenes are especially well choreographed and entertaining. Hollywood should really study this movie to learn how to film an action scene that isn't shaky cam bullshit that looks like you were locked in a porter potty and thrown down the side of a cliff.


ACF Refugee
I don't have cable, but my AC was out for 2 days, and I live in South Florida so it got up to around 93 degrees inside my house, so I spent those days at my dad's house, and during the course of those 2 days I watched a shit load of movies, most of which I'd already seen before.

Lost World: Jurassic Park
Back to the Future
The Firm
Across the Universe

Not to mention a few episodes of Star Trek TOS NG and Scrubs.


Waiting for something
Harry Potter. Although there were some very funny bits in the film, I can't say I was overly impressed with it. It had too many little bits and bobs in it, unnecessary scenes put in and none of the action that was supposed to be there at the end of the film. I expected better things from the sixth film that's been hyped so much recently.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I liked Harry Potter. I felt if they'd made the end into a huge action fest it would've lessened the impact of
Dumbledore's death
, which was much more visceral for me on film than it was in the book. One can quibble with what was taken out or put in (I agree that it would've been nice to have the Half-Blood Prince hyped more so that
Snape's Big Reveal
at the end came as more of a shock) but on the whole I found it to be a highly successful adaptation and one of the best films of the summer so far.


ACF Refugee
I watched Chaplin. Very good film, although not my favorite from Downey, which would have to be Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. I was surprised by how talented the ensemble cast was. Anthony Hopkins, Marissa Tomei, Du-Duchovney Du-Du-Duchovney, Dan Akroyd, Kevin Kline, Milla Jovovich, Diane Lane. Fuck!!! Good film, great film. I haven't seen any of Chaplin's films, and alhough I am aware of the profound impact he had on the film industry, I didn't know much about him, least of all how people suspected he was a communist. One note I DO have is that Chaplin when he was older, didn't look realistic.

I did also watch bits and pieces from the extended cut of Jackson's King Kong, which remains to be one of my all-time favorite films of all time.

EDIT: lulz I said all time twice. :P


Pro Adventurer
luxembourg, alice

It's a hilarious flick with lots of big moment's and whatnot, magnificently filmed, and on which finds is very own bizarre style. It could have been seriously good if benefited of a good plot... Which isn't properly the case, imho. It's a shame because it has all the ingredients. I'd say it's technically spotless, very rich in characters and imaginary details, but ends up not being functional as a whole.
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