Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)


xD, no, too much LotR, really. He doesn't fit the 'action hero' profile enough, imho. But there's a topic on that somewhere else, in which I probably stated (or should've stated) that the FF series is simply not suitable to be converted to a movie with real people. TSW would've been the best candidate for that, but that wasn't related to FF minus the Lifestream stuffs.


Great Old One
Elijah Wood doesn't look like a Cloud Strife in my opinion. He's too elvish looking to be considered as a Cloud Strife. :monster: Though, if there was a FF real-action movie, Steve Burton would be okay with me, although I'll always like the animation x1000 times better.

Celes Chere

Dear god I hate Aerith's AC/KH2

In AC, when she said: "Everything's okay now, right?" She sounded so high. xD KH2, hearing it a lot got REALLY obnoxious. Sadly it made me wish Aerith had less lines. D=


Great Old One
I wouldn't be surprised if dogs could only hear it.

Seriously, her voice sucked. I love CC Aerith though.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
If there's a "least favorite voice actor" award, it definitely goes to Mena Suvari. She sounded like a robot in KH2 and she was only slightly better in AC. Though I don't think Rachel Lee Cook did much better...


Great Old One
I actually liked Rachel Leigh Cook. Her voice was very smooth, and not as high pitched as Mena Suvari's.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
What I don't get is why they went from Mena, to the VA from CC, and then back to Mena again. Why couldn't they bring the other voice actress back? She was perfect!

And my least favorite characters are Rinoa and Aerith. I liked Aerith in CC...but not in the original game. I dunno why, I'm weird that way. >_< lol

Another one I don't care for is Rosa. She's the whole reason I don't care for Cecil and the main story altogether. I don't see why two men are fighting over her.
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The Wanderer of Time
A lot of people don't like Rosa. There's a guy on the FF Wiki who is a total fanboi over her and I don't always get why. She was cool enough but there are far better characters to obsess over.....like my darling Rydia. Her DS render is the hottest thing to happen to the series since Firaga.

Celes Chere

I'm just the opposite. I don't see what's so special about Rydia, lol. I absolutely adore Rosa. *O*

There's a guy on the FF Wiki who is a total fanboi over her

It was Ryu, wasn't it? XD


The Wanderer of Time
I'm just the opposite. I don't see what's so special about Rydia, lol. I absolutely adore Rosa. *O*

It was Ryu, wasn't it? XD

No, PaladinCecil. I've seen him on the GameSpot forums too. In his mind, everyone hates Rosa and has her pegged as a slut and a bitch.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
No, PaladinCecil. I've seen him on the GameSpot forums too. In his mind, everyone hates Rosa and has her pegged as a slut and a bitch.
Huh, just read his profile from FFWiki. I don't see why anyone would hate either girl, since they were both pretty adorable when I played through FFIV on my PS. (Don't hate me, Rosa-lovers, for planning on cosplaying Rydia instead of her! :'()

Celes Chere

No, PaladinCecil. I've seen him on the GameSpot forums too. In his mind, everyone hates Rosa and has her pegged as a slut and a bitch.

What? I refuse to believe someone loves Rosa more than he. :rage: But yeah, that guy sounds a little TOO obsessed if you ask me. Rosa is the farthest thing from those two things, btw. :monster:

I don't hate either of them. ^^ I just like Rosa more, and never understood why so many people like Rydia. Is it just because she's pretty? O_O I can't wait to see your cosplay, Ninaki!


The Wanderer of Time
Because Rydia simultaneously commands two awesome forms of magic. Plus her backstory is tragic.

And yeah, because I think she's smokin hot. ^_^


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I like both ladies' characters evenly, but Rydia is pretty much the prettiest FF girl, imo.

I love this pic of her:



Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
I like the green haired chicks myself. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Celes. I wouldn't go so far as to try and disprove that Locke/Celes is canon, but I totally would've gone for Terra. Then again, I'm weird in that I also think Rinoa is 847593759834 times cooler and hotter than Quistis.
I to, like Rinoa. Much more than Quistis im afraid. Though in looks, I think Quistis wins, even with my fetish for dark-haired females. Then again, I also have a fatal attractrion to main-love interests. :awesome:


Same. Quistis is more of the dominatrix and looks / acts far older than her in-game character. Possibly also because she's a 'teacher' and has a whip and shit.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Then again, I'm weird in that I also think Rinoa is 847593759834 times cooler and hotter than Quistis.

Yes, you are weird. :monster: Although in regards to Rinoa in Dead Fantasy, I'd have to agree with you.

Only in Dead Fantasy. I call her DF!Rinoa, because she's really cool there and way different from Original!Rinoa. Not nearly as cool as Tifa... but cool. :awesome:


fresh to death
I hate Penelo with an unrivalled passion. She grates my nerves everytime she speaks, thank god she was only a minor character in comparison to the others.
Oh and Quina. >:[

Wakka was my least favourite male character as he had absolutely no storyline significance, save being fan-girl bait.
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I really, really hate Cloud, Sephiroth and Zack so fucking much. Useless wastes of pixels.


I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Wakka was my least favourite male character as he had absolutely no storyline significance, save being fan-girl bait.

Wait, he's fan-girl bait? :O Why didn't I take the bait?!

I really, really hate Cloud, Sephiroth and Zack so fucking much. Useless wastes of pixels.


Then I wonder how you can tolerate FFVII. :awesome:
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