Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Double Growth
Now I want to see Cloud in the Lightning Returns outfit.

All you have to do is pick the room in the Honeybee Inn where Nomura comes out and tries to rape Cloud.

When this is done Corneo will pick Cloud but will mortally wound himself attempting to take it off.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Toriyama - Love Lightning, loooove her!
Me - No u!
Toriyama - Dooooo it!
Me - No uuuu!
Toriyama - Lightning is the best! Best and first female lead of the series, so she is the best!
Me - Hell no!
Toriyama - Best heroine! Stole the show in FFXIII!
Me - What about Fang and Vanille! My favourites, Vanille is my main!
Toriyama - *stare*
Toriyama *think think* *lightbulb*
Toriyama *dresses Lightning up as Vanille*
Me - ....
Me *must ... resist*
"Heheh *does research* Aha! *lightbulbs*
Toriyama *dresses Lightning up as Aerith*
Me - DAMMIT!!!


I love her in Cloud's AC outfit way more than anything else they've shown for her costumes for this game. No wonder they're making it a DLC, as they know that I will willingly pay money to see her in that rather than the other outfits.


Double Growth
I would be okay with it except for the fact that with so many people that take the "female Cloud" line out of context...this will only strengthen their position.


unsavory tart
People who say that either don't know Lightning that much, or don't know Cloud either.

Like this one


The trying to hard, I don't agree with but I can see where they are coming from.

The "She's only cold and aloof" makes me want to claw my own eyes out because she almost as soon as she starts off her journey with Hope, she starts to warm up and emote a lot more. And that's not too far into the game.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I would be okay with it except for the fact that with so many people that take the "female Cloud" line out of context...this will only strengthen their position.

What do you mean, out of context? She was based on Cloud; they wanted a 'female Cloud' out of Nomura.


Double Growth
Right. In design. They told Nomura that's what they had in mind for her look. It was not, as people claim, the basis of her character.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
When XIII-2 came out I said that her armor didn't make much sense, since she was flashing what she spent the entire XIII covering with black shorts. Having her wearing something like Cloud's clothes or a SOLDIER's uniform makes more sense to me.

Now bring Yaag back and dress him like Sephiroth. I demand it!!


Pro Adventurer
I'm going to include the Cloud costume in our roundup. But I'm surprised by this thread; I've read through the last few pages - everything since Lightning's "Wear" feature was first mentioned - and nowhere did I see anyone critical of Square Enix for putting out another Final Fantasy sequel with a female lead protagonist that incorporates changing outfits into its battle system. I seem to remember them getting a lot of flack not very long ago for

Is it alright this time? I just think it's a bit retrograde to go with a female main character - which is good, and should be repeated more often - and then make a central element of the game revolve around clothes -_-
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm still baffled about Lightning supposedly being the first main character to be a female when we already had FFVI and FFX-2. You can sort of buy the ensemble cast argument for VI, but wtf for X-2?


Double Growth
Geez do Yuna and Paine ever look dreadful in that Thief outfit.

I don't think I was paying enough attention, she changes outfits in battle? I thought you could just choose and outfit for her to wear, just like Noel and Serah in 13-2.


Pro Adventurer
I don't think I was paying enough attention, she changes outfits in battle? I thought you could just choose and outfit for her to wear, just like Noel and Serah in 13-2.

It was mentioned in the article Fangu quoted here:

The magazine also has some updates on Lightning’s costumes. Known in the game as “Wear” Lightning can equip up to three at once and change between them in real time during battles. Each outfit has its own ATB gauge that fills as you continue to fight.
The last sentence makes me really scratch my head. Why does each outfit have its own ATB gauge? What's the logic behind that?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I was thinking each outfit must play differently -- i.e. they have their own Paradigm. Maybe I misunderstood something, though.

If that is the case, I expect the DLC outfits will serve as a stand-in for her default Wear. At least I hope so.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Cloud's AC outfit could be something like a Commando with certain abilities, which will need to be charged before it can be used. You'll probably have to level up the costume to unlock new abilities for it, like the monsters in XIII-2.

Basically like a dressphere.


I haven't played very much of X-2, but I have to say, I did like the system of the dresspheres. Although yes, I did question some of the actual outfits :P So the concept of having to switch outfits for different paradigms or whatever sounds fun, I just haven't really liked many of the outfits that I've been seeing.


wangxian married
The "She's only cold and aloof" makes me want to claw my own eyes out because she almost as soon as she starts off her journey with Hope, she starts to warm up and emote a lot more. And that's not too far into the game.

i will never understand people who shit on lightning for being all business in the beginning (you know when they're being chased by people who want to KILL THEM) but glorify squall and cloud's (perceived) aloofness

it's okay for a guy to act like an anti social jerk but if a girl does it CALL THE BITCH POLICE

and re: lightning in cloud's solider outfit: HNNNNNNNNNGH what a woman


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I would be okay with it except for the fact that with so many people that take the "female Cloud" line out of context...this will only strengthen their position.

Pssh. Silly people. Cloud's already more woman than they can handle.

Right. In design. They told Nomura that's what they had in mind for her look. It was not, as people claim, the basis of her character.

No. Though it does seem to have influenced it, as she's got a lot of the same personality traits. Plenty of unique ones as well, but the two do have a decent amount in common in both mannerisms and portions of their backstory.

I was thinking each outfit must play differently -- i.e. they have their own Paradigm. Maybe I misunderstood something, though.

If that is the case, I expect the DLC outfits will serve as a stand-in for her default Wear. At least I hope so.

I do believe all the outfits have their own ATB guages, and proper switching between them is going to be a core component of the game.
It'll be like this game's ATB refresh mechanism.
As for replacing the default wear, it could go either way.

Oh, and there was NOTHING wrong about 10-2 having a job system, just as there was NOTHING wrong about 3, 5, T, TA, TA2, 13, or 13-2 having one as well.
And yes, Paradigms are a job system. Deal with it.
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