Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


AI Researcher
i am glad the japanese release is november so i can rub it in :sadpanda:

if i have the money for it

because i definitely won't have the money for this 26000 yen boxset with all three lightning games, artbook, select soundtrack from the three games, and a playarts kai figure with colouring unique to this set


In complete honesty, I think this game looks absolutely fantastic.

Gruff, angry Snow? YES PLEASE. I LOVE the direction they seem to be taking with his character. He just got so much hotter (he's also wearing black in that trailer, which I love). Noel in the trailer was win.

Also, this might seem random, but it appears to have regained the shine that XIII had and XIII-2 lost slightly, even in normal cutscenes, everything looks so pretty. I need to go watch that trailer another hundred times, I just adore the look of this game.

Need to play through XIII and XIII-2 again really soonish. I'm a little bit disappointed in the release date being so far away from the Japanese release, but can't complain too much because it's almost exactly 2 years from when XIII-2 was released.

Hito, please dear god spoiler tag your posts if you get the game early :monster:


unsavory tart
The entire time on the trailer I was like "I have no idea what's going on, but I'm really frigging excited anyway."

I guess I'm a little relieved with Snow that he doesn't act like a playboy? They also kept his l'cie thing in there. He also isn't a monk anymore he fights with a crystal thingy- maybe tied to him being a l'cie? Noel with the same clothes is a disappointment though but I'll suffer through this tragedy or whatever.

Lightning's VA feels wooden, which is sad because I felt that Ali Hillis was really stepping it up lately. But I think that's a continuation of the style of acting in XIII-2, once they begin to break her down she'll step her game up. Snow and Noel are still fantastic. Lumina fits her, for a second I thought it might be Yuel's VA doing a different style of voice but I think I'm just hearing things so I can look too deeply into things >___>

The plot looks nonsensical, but at this point I'm use to it. I think what I really want is a good, emotional conclusion to the story of all the characters in the game. That's my main wish.

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AI Researcher
Will the Japanese version have english subtitles available? And on the menus etc.?
I would be surprised if it did, it's not something Square usually does. (When I started FFXIII for the first time and it installed the trophy data, the system language was set in English and so the trophies were as well, but that had no effect on the game itself.)


That XIII guy
But how am i going to manage not to look up spoilers on the internet, for THREE MONTHS?! I'm going to explode D:


Great Old One
We have to - we just have to!

Isn't the eng version to come with jap audio as well? But not the other way I suppose (eng subs on jap version). Guess they need some time to finish the localization.

So excite <3


If the Japanese version comes with English subs or Audio, I'm definitely importing it (obviously).


unsavory tart
Hey we did it with XIII-2, we can do it again :monster:
Unless you are me and caved in almost immediately.

That said, one of my fondest memories of XIII-2 was from watching a Japanese livestream. First time I saw the ending, and the Japanese player went;

"eh... EH!? ARA!? TORIYAMMMAAAAAA" shouting his name to the heavens.

Brought a tear to my eye.


The Japanese streams and livechatting are funny. Since we initially didn't know the purpose of the multiple endings, we had to witness the ending several times. People were doing countdowns on Serah's death, it was hilarious.

Watching the player play through the Hands of Time games though was not fun at all.


unsavory tart
I remember people panicking thinking that could be the true ending, saying that there were multiple endings and we had to hold on to hope.

Finally one of the Japanese livestreamers was going in with all fragments to get the bonus ending and we thought it was the answer... and then we saw it and more meltdowns.

The good thing about it though? Later when America/EU got it, we got to see their rage too.

Watching the player play through the Hands of Time games though was not fun at all.
I managed to grab a stream to when they were trying for the Casino fragment. But at that time it was nearly one and what would have been a horrible experience was an amusing chat of sleep deprived people way too excited about the occasional appearance of Blinded by Light.
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But at that time it was nearly one and what would have been a horrible experience was an amusing chat of sleep deprived people way to excited about the occasional appearance of Blinded by Light.

Haha, I remember that! We were freaking out whenever it played.


Snow used to be bold, cheerful--an eternal optimist who was devoted to his fiancé Serah. But now when he speaks, he sounds like a broken man.


Mmmmmmmm. Snow <3


wangxian married


I wish I had seen the TORIYAMAAAAA stream :sadpanda:

this time around if any of us find an early stream we should post a link and watch together and have a party

or meltdown

meltdown party?


unsavory tart
Yeah, my earlier wangst is subsiding and it feels more like Snow now. Just... well dressed. I still miss hobo Snow but I'm interested in see how he does this game.

What is that thing he keeps carrying around that looks like a cross between crystalized cocoon and an axe. It's ridiculous looking but then again XIII-2 has ridiculous weapons overall.
"We all come into the world alone, and that's the way we've gotta leave it
That's kind of morbid Snow D:
this time around if any of us find an early stream we should post a link and watch together and have a party

or meltdown

meltdown party?
Meltdown definitely. I was looking around the earlier XIII thread to find a translation (I never did find it sadly) but stumbled on our posting while we were watching the stream. It's awesome. My favorite part was when everyone thought Etros was evil.

Turns out she was just incompetent.

I also found a screen of Sazh hanging around Academia 4XX. That never came into fruition which is sad, but he probably, or I'll rage, have a good story here.


wangxian married
i'm really digging the idea of morbid snow on a character development level. he was a wide eyed idealist (and wrong genre savvy, thinking power of heart would solve everything) and he's been proven wrong again and again. his stubborn optimism would come off as kind of callous in the face of everything (the way it came off as really callous during his chapter with hope in the first game, only 10x worse). he still seems to be on the general side of protecting people, despite his newfound cynicism. it would actually be a cool setup of a role reversal between lightning and snow from the first game to now.

idk i just think it's neat (if they pull it off right).
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