Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero

He's a beast.:excited::excited:

That Caius/Riku ish hair is badass.
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Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Really? I always saw Snow as a total straight guy overall, totally devoted and loyal to Serah, not really a "bad" boy in any way shape, or form. So this is umm ... new. Quite naughty really it seems. Might be interesting but I hope they don't/haven't turned him into a total sleaze or anything :P

Maybe this is like a side effect of the Chaos or something but wow if it can do something like that to Snow who knows what it could do to other characters ;o


Great Old One
@ scan
Oh hello there :desu:

Edit: Also, he still wears his engagement necklace - I find that kinda tragic-sweet :joy:

lol, I can just hear them

Lightning: Snow what happened to you? What happened to fighting the good cause? Instead you sit out here in the lost corner of the world, wasting your days
Snow: stfu Lightning, why should it matter, she's never coming back anyway
Lightning: So much for being a self proclaimed hero

mwahahaha can't wait for this
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unsavory tart
Suavely dressed Snow is confusing for me as a XIII fan. Like, if this happens to Snow, it really must mean the end of the world.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Suavely dressed Snow is confusing for me as a XIII fan. Like, if this happens to Snow, it really must mean the end of the world.
Pretty much my reaction as well. This is the guy whose entire motivation in XIII was to save his fiance from her fate... if Snow's become practically the opposite of who he was in XIII, how much must everyone else have changed?


unsavory tart
Pretty much my reaction as well. This is the guy whose entire motivation in XIII was to save his fiance from her fate... if Snow's become practically the opposite of who he was in XIII, how much must everyone else have changed?
XIII has a weird thing with their characters from sequel to sequel. Lightning and Hope from XIII and XIII-2 is almost like character whiplash. And now it looks like Snow will get a similar treatment. I mean, I know that characters can't remain the same from game to game because of development but holy shit.

Snow is in a suit, probably surrounded by wimmenz and wine. It's almost mind melting.

I know people want Hope but I want to see Sazh, there was not enough of him in XIII-2. He probably just run around, kicking children or something. Mean Sazh would legitimately break my heart.


Great Old One
idk to me seeing Snow sorta losing hope after losing Serah isn't at all that weird. The guy was living on crack a dream that if he just saved Serah and made a family, everything would be AOK. He had his fare share of illusions going on.

Hope, that one is harder for me, but I don't see it as anti-character of him to grow up fast.

Lightning surrendered to religion. It happens. X)


I preferred Hope in XIII-2 and liked his character development, but I thought he had a lot of awkward dialogue. Especially that bit at the end when he said "and we shall call it Bhunivelze!" I just sat there like... awkward. Kinda made me want to hit him.

As I've said numerous times before, the only people I care about are Fang and Vanille. I swear if Fang doesn't make a hugely significant appearance, I'll just implode. FANGUUUUUUUU!


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
idk to me seeing Snow sorta losing hope after losing Serah isn't at all that weird. The guy was living on crack a dream that if he just saved Serah and made a family, everything would be AOK. He had his fare share of illusions going on.

Hope, that one is harder for me, but I don't see it as anti-character of him to grow up fast.

Lightning surrendered to religion. It happens. X)

Plus he had been in a similar situation in XIII, he was down a bit after Bart revealed that serah's focus wasn't to gather everybody up to save the world.
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unsavory tart
Snow losing hope (heh eheh) doesn't bother me. He reacted pretty poorly to bad situations in XIII. It wasn't just when he learned the truth of Serah's focus, it was when Serah told him she was a l'cie, and when all those people dies when he was trying to rescue them. He doesn't know how to cope with the idea that heroism doesn't save, idealism isn't the truth, and bad things happening to good people.

But he reacted the same way to all three of those issues, which is where he sort of just blanked out and went quiet. This Snow is the governor of the City of Pleasure and dresses like a host. Granted existing forever in a time crash can change a man but wry.

Hope's transition is kind of awkward, there are some indications, he's continuously optimistic in the future and he takes initiative, but he's a genius who becomes the leader of the new world order ehhhhh that's a stretch.

There's a basis for Hope, Lightning, and Snow reacting like this but the narrative is still taking a few large leaps.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I really didn't mind Hope's direction in XIII-2. It was just Lightning's personality 180 and occasionally Serah that annoyed me.

What's happening with Snow for the third game is a pretty logical direction for his character, in my opinion. Makes me think of this song:



Great Old One

Looks fucking brilliant

And finally we have a release date
I don't care that it's February 2014, or that Noel has his old clothes, I'm just excited <3


Great Old One
Sorry for double posting but I made something in Paint. X)




Noel <3




Lumina, she's very pretty


Also I should have screenshoted the sceneries because there's a lot of cool stuff there (Cactuaaar) but this is all I had time for.


That XIII guy
God, the whole time I watched the trailer I was like :D
A pity the release-date have to be pushed forward though, but quite expected.
Haven't been this excited for a game ever.

Edit: Also, I see quite a lot of red cactuars in the video, I would say that they might be some sort of teleportation-points.
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Alex Strife

It looks great! Despite the many criticisms FFXIII and FFXIII-2 received, I've liked them just fine.

They may not be the type of game I would re-play ad-nauseum, like I did with the PSX triad and even FFX, but they were good. And if the last game is as good as it looks, it'll be a good way to end it.

Now, I have to admit I'm still not convinced about the time things... But I can't really know until I have the game.


Pro Adventurer
Wow, Snow is now hot all of a sudden. Not that he wasn't before but his previous designs and demeanor have always had this endearing goofiness to them.
I guess grief has made him more bitter and cynical.
If he does want the world to end could it be because he thinks this is the only way he can be reunited with Serah? Wouldn't be surprised.
Im interested in seeing how this plays out.
I feel sorry for Noel because they didn't even bother giving him a new design.
I wonder when we may get a glimpse of Hope and other previous allies and enemies including Caius of course.


That XIII guy
I just want to thank you guys. I've been searching for a place where you can discuss Final Fantasy games, and I've been on (it suck at most times) for some time. But I've never found any place on the internet, other than this, that can accept a small thing like saying "I like FFXIII". On this site it's all "sugar and rainbows". I've never seen anyone bashing on someone else's preferences in Final Fantasy games and you guys are all so cool.
Love you <3
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