Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


I guess the whole outfit budget went to Lightning.

Just read the recent topic in the XIII-2 thread about Noel and Caius, and it got me to thinking about Noel's situation in LR. I'm already hearing people saying he's Caius 2.0, lol. Also, it seems that he's so broken by the events of XIII-2's ending that he lost his initial belief of "changing the future" because now he's strictly following what he sees in the prophecies, Lightning being dead/having to die for example.


Double Growth
Well, that could be really cool if they did it right. I thought Noel was a bright spot of XIII-2. Very down-to-earth and pragmatic. He had a dilemma and a very personal problem just like every other FF character but he wasn't overly bogged down by it, nor was he the opposite a la Zidane or Bartz. He was just...normal. (With an especially stupid-looking sword. Kind of the opposite of Genesis :monster:)

So to see him completely broken - not necessarily angsty - just, having his hope broken to the point where he decides "if you can't beat'em, join'em." That could be very cool.


unsavory tart

Someone did a comparison to earlier released screenshots and the demo. It could be that the demo is pretty lq but... I feel like the textures are still pretty rough.


That Man
I guess the whole outfit budget went to Lightning.

Just read the recent topic in the XIII-2 thread about Noel and Caius, and it got me to thinking about Noel's situation in LR. I'm already hearing people saying he's Caius 2.0, lol. Also, it seems that he's so broken by the events of XIII-2's ending that he lost his initial belief of "changing the future" because now he's strictly following what he sees in the prophecies, Lightning being dead/having to die for example.

Except Noel learned that lesson the hard way with Serah.

"If you change the future, you change the past."

Basically by making changes to a prophecy, he forces Yeul (or those within Yeul's lineage) to see a different future every time it gets changed, forcing them to die sooner than they normally would... Thus changing the past.

In a way Caius and Noel are the equivalent of Garland.... Basically they are trapped within the "Cycle (of the Laws) of Time". They are bound to those restrictions because of their emotional bonds with Yeul and anyone tied to her.

Only someone who isn't bound to those laws (Lightning) can break that Cycle at this point.



Someone did a comparison to earlier released screenshots and the demo. It could be that the demo is pretty lq but... I feel like the textures are still pretty rough.

Yeah, that bothered me too while I was watching.

It's hard to judge though because, everything they've presented so far (bar the shots on the Ark) look pretty unimpressive graphically (except the CGs, those were obvious improvements), but I hear the opposite thing from almost all of the people who got to play the demos. :/

Alex Strife

Normally the graphics do not change that much at this stage. It's more about certain textures, and optimising. But the base quality doesn't change much, or rather, it shouldn't.

As for people playing it and saying it looks impressive while the screenshots look a little "bleh", it can be caused by good lighting effects. If the lighting is really good, screenshots may look odd but it may look good while it's running. But obviously I haven't played the demo, so what would I know?


unsavory tart
Yeah, that bothered me too while I was watching.

It's hard to judge though because, everything they've presented so far (bar the shots on the Ark) look pretty unimpressive graphically (except the CGs, those were obvious improvements), but I hear the opposite thing from almost all of the people who got to play the demos. :/
Yeah, unfortunately we can only really work with what we see though. I feel like I saw a screenshot of FFX's HD remaster in the desert and it looked just as good as LR and I was like ":/"

I doubt we'll reach XIII's standard since they had more time on that game, and they specifically said they sacrificed openness for graphically quality, but it still does little for me. I'll see when I get my hands on it.

Oh and because someone mentioned it



I get upset when I see that picture because I wish it was the official one so much.



Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Did Japan Expo reveal anything new regarding this game? I know there's a new trailer, seen that; also, there's at least one new Japan Expo demo game play video. Anything else?


There will be a Lightning Returns event by Sony and Square Enix at the end of this month, I believe.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
As with anything in development, games often change over time and Lightning Returns has undergone some of its own as well.

In the months since the original reveal several gameplay tweaks have taken place. According to Japanese magazines this week, we now have more information on the game’s time mechanic. If you recall, Lightning will have 13 days to save the world and everything she does will steal it away that much quicker – with some exceptions.

Browsing around in menus is immune to time, for one. Secondly, time will also stop when you’re in battle so don’t worry about having to rush through each fight.

Previously, it was said that gil (money) would be a lot harder to obtain in Lightning Returns, but now it seems fallen enemies will drop it freely. Lightning’s HP will no longer automatically recover after battles as in FFXIII, however, if you prefer not to use items she’ll slowly recover some just by standing around on the field. Other ways she can recover health include using items and utilizing an inn or restaurant – of course, these things are not free.


That Man
You know what this game needs? Classic FF1-style Magic Stocks to make it even MORE challenging.

You only had so many spells to use per Level of Experience (this was before MP was invented I think) so you had to ration yourself a number of spell uses per dungeon, that included Cure Spells, so you couldn't just spam High Level spells, you saved them for when you really needed them.

I don't know if Lightning has a White Magic set, but if she does they might have to regulate it a bit.

I'm also wondering if we'll see more 'hybrid spells' like in XIII-2's DLC for Requiem of the Goddess (i.e. Elemental Spells + Wound/Negative Status effect chances).


This is going to be really interesting. Trying to not get too excited to avoid big disappointment, but yeah, really curious how they're going to give his character closure.

Caius is Mwynn's champion, calling it. With Lightning being Bhunivelze's, they really are fated rivals. If they can put that idea in an interesting direction then I'll be glad.

EDIT: Forgot to add, more new details on Hope in this week's Famitsu.


Yeah it's small. Waiting for a HQ one and for someone to translate the text.
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unsavory tart
This is going to be really interesting. Trying to not get too excited to avoid big disappointment, but yeah, really curious how they're going to give his character closure.

Caius is Mwynn's champion, calling it. With Lightning being Bhunivelze's, they really are fated rivals. If they can put that idea in an interesting direction then I'll be glad.

Oh I wouldn't mind that. Both of them in their original games were like "fuck the fal'cie/gods" and now forgot their characterization and fight as their champions.

So then towards the end, Caius will turn on Mywynn and Lightning on Bhuni returning them to who they were and they fight together to take them down. Yeah, I'd actually enjoy that a lot. Probably wishful thinking but oh well.


Oh I wouldn't mind that. Both of them in their original games were like "fuck the fal'cie/gods" and now forgot their characterization and fight as their champions.

So then towards the end, Caius will turn on Mywynn and Lightning on Bhuni returning them to who they were and they fight together to take them down. Yeah, I'd actually enjoy that a lot. Probably wishful thinking but oh well.


Well darn it, they have to be at least consistent.


Great Old One
So then towards the end, Caius will turn on Mywynn and Lightning on Bhuni returning them to who they were and they fight together to take them down. Yeah, I'd actually enjoy that a lot. Probably wishful thinking but oh well.

*ahem* sorry, had a moment there :wacky:
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