Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
*sigh* SE actually thinks I care about Lightning. :(

Yes, I know, I'm a bummer. Still, no one asks or talks about fal'Cie.

It sucks being the loner in a crowd. Always, always, I seem to care for the "things" others don't.

Thanks for the link to the article, and the synopsis run down on points of play.


If the sky comes falling down
I was expecting kuja to post this but he hasn't so...

Oh I thought that you meant this Kuja for a sec.


yeah it might be a bit hard for him to get a computer




You see, I have no problem with the outfit, I actually think it looks cute on her. But the pose. Why include the pose too.


Joe, Arcana
You can't make me buy that outfit Square Enix, I already bought


What irks me the most is that they admitted it themselves that they know the pose won't suit her at all. THEN WHY

I'm cool with the outfit being included in the game, I can decide to just not wear it at all. What I'm not cool with is them marketing it this way. They have like a huge picture of the pose on the left page (counterpart of that picture).

I really hate that pose.


Not only you. Marketing that pose alone was just destructive. I'm actually grossed out.

I know it'll have a very little effect on how her character will be portrayed in the main story, but that was just not cool at all.



unsavory tart
The outfit makes sense since it's based off of FFXIV and it feels like both dev teams are friendly with each other. I actually like that they are trading between each other.

But yeah, the pose, it's awkward as hell. I saw the entire fight about Lightning's other pose erupt and people were like "u just don't like a woman wanting to be sexy" and it has nothing to do with that.

That pose is so out of character for her, it's actually distracting. And it matters because 1. her character in XIII-2 was handled poorly, 2. people are suspicious about her character in LR, 3. the devs were really excited to tell the news they upped her cup size for whatever and 4. it's the only character you can play as. She had her cocky moments in XIII, but this yeah no.

If it was Fang, who knows, maybe I'd give it a standing ovation.


unsavory tart

It's actually my favourite outfit for her so far, well that and the pink "Aerith" type colour scheme.
Well, yeah, all the outfits not designed specifically for this game is better. But that's because they weren't designed when the artist was high.

For reference this is XIV thing it was based off of




I just wish they didn't market it that way. They can include the pose for all I care and I could just choose to ignore it in the game.

Like, I'd be totes fine with just the outfit. It really is cute on her. Just not the pose. Never.

On the other hand, people throwing terms such as "slutty" or "whore" at her just because of the outfit aren't any better.


AI Researcher
i'm disappointed in you, yoshida, for going down the tripe 'female version shows skin while male is fully clothed' route

what happened to the man who showed up ashley riot's arse cheeks

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I love that outfit. I really love it. The best one yet. And I really want to be annoyed by the poses because Lightning is the one female FF character you don't oversexualize. I want to objectify her from a distance without her permission.

But I can't stop checking out that image of her in the "ready to take it from behind" pose. Goddamn.


AI Researcher
If there more information about this 'FF Go There' collaboration thing? I mentions FFXIV and LR, which is obvious, but the FFX/X-2 Remaster as well. Or is that Light getting Yuna's summoner outfit as Wear? (I've tried not to look at too much stuff about LR, really.)


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
If there more information about this 'FF Go There' collaboration thing? I mentions FFXIV and LR, which is obvious, but the FFX/X-2 Remaster as well. Or is that Light getting Yuna's summoner outfit as Wear? (I've tried not to look at too much stuff about LR, really.)

Light is supposed to be getting Yuna's X outfit.


That XIII guy
That is just a wrong thing to do for the Lightning fans. It might be to get some horny 12 year olds to buy the game? Because real Lightning fans don't like a sexualized Lightning.

Well, I want to forget that picture, and when I play the game, find out that she is the same old FFXIII Lightning that we know, I hope...


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
SE: Forcing fans to look down female character's tops since 2011.


I'm serious. I'm considering a woman-only game where we get to experience nice, thick dicks.

What we DON'T get in real life. ^_^

Also, where's our resident translator(s)? What's the article saying?


Well I only saw one user in Tumblr saying that although it's blurry, she could see Lumina calling Lightning "oneechan" in one screen.

Lumina sure looks nothing like Serah. She actually looks like a young Lightning to me.


AI Researcher
am i helping :sadpanda:

- Light's 'Miquote' Wear is part of the 'Final Fantasy Go There' campaign, which is a series of collaborations between titles in the FF series focusing on LR, FFXIV, and FFX/X-2 HD.

- Using the Miquote Wear changes her victory pose and the fanfare to FFXIV:RR's. You also get FFXIV weapons and armour along with the outfit (Linsa Lominsa? standard sword and chest shield). You get the outfit and equipment for completing a certain quest.

- Lumina resembles Serah, and calls Lightning '[elder] sister', so there would appear to be some connection there. But she speaks harshly about Snow, who seems to know of Lumina.

Lumina: "In place of the viceroy [Snow's title IIRC? whatever it is] all cooped up in his palace doing nothing."

Lumina: "Why don't you liberate Snow already, [Light/sis]? Just free him from his dreary memories about some dead person."
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unsavory tart
Well I only saw one user in Tumblr saying that although it's blurry, she could see Lumina calling Lightning "oneechan" in one screen.

Lumina sure looks nothing like Serah. She actually looks like a young Lightning to me.
My absolute baseless theory, that the Serah parallels are a red herring and it's suppose to be a young Lightning, around the same age that she was when her mother died (~15). But I doubt it since Lumina seemed not to know who Lightning was when she met her while chasing Snow.

SE: Forcing fans to look down female character's tops since 2011.
Yeah, although sexy characters don't bother me. And it's not like FF doesn't fanservice their d00ds. It's just shoehorning characters into that role that don't fit in it. Think of Auron in Kuja's outfit. There are definitely more subtle ways of fanservice that would work with lightning.

I had to say though, I laughed really hard at that look on Lightning's face in that pose. It's so out of place I can't help but think it's ridiculous. Although I admit I'm a little less annoyed now that I know that the pose is the actual miqo'te victory pose so it's not coming out of nowhere.

... But look at that face. It's the biggest thing on the entire page and it's like "im doin the sexy thing rite, i may have to kill someone after this."
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