Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


unsavory tart
... I'm going to create another thread for the nature issue. It'll be in the debate sub-forum.
i can't help but admire our dedication to debate everything except for the plot of lightning returns in this thread.

Also killer whales are jackasses that will play/torture their food and animals like hyenas will eat their prey live although that's out of basic necessity.


Well the plot certainly seems interesting enough. Honestly at this point I'm just glad there's a bit more of a character focus instead of XIII-2's "tra-la-la look what's happening over here!"

Back to XIII's character/story depth please <3. I'm not saying Serah or Noel were poorly developed but the rest of the characters (i.e. the ones everyone cared about from XIII to begin with) kinda were.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
There's a lot of things great about it, but it sounds like they're referring to the size and depth of the game world. I highly, highly doubt they will pack enough content into the Wildlands alone that it can give Skyrim a run for its money there.

Maybe across all four of Lightning Returns' continents they will do so, but we're talking about a game that Bethesda put a shitton of time and work into.


That Man
The minimum I would expect is Shadow of the Colossus type lands. The depth of the sealed lands in that place alone was staggering (albeit uneventful, but staggering).


unsavory tart
What's so great about Skyrim? I never played it, heard the PS3 ver was terrible.
I'm not much of a WRPG player outside of the bioware games, but from what little I know of Skyrim, it is one of those genre defining games with infinite quests. I believe it's the only western game to ever get a 10/10 in Famitsu.

But if they are trying to compare the amount of freedom and world expansiveness to Skyrim, that's a pretty huge boast to make. That's like that one time they compared the severity to Dark Souls, which is also pretty iconic.

I actually really like that they are aiming big. Sure this is probably mostly hype, and Kitase/Toriyama really love hype from what I remember of XIII-2... I like that they are pulling inspirations from these gameplay elements. I think this is the right way to go. Sure you won't make a skyrim with a 20 man team that's going to fit in a quarter of game, but I like to hear that they are pushing themselves to the distance.

Now for my complaints, I think I said this to before but from what I can tell from that one screenshot (and obviously that means I know everything about it), wildlands looks incredibly bland. Compared to Sunleth Waterscape or Archtype Stepp- it almost looks lazy in design.

But if they are really aiming for a Skyrim experience, I get it. Sacrifice style for player freedom.

Yuusan is the prettiest designed and all, but I think the Luxerion concept sounds the most fun to play. I like the idea of going through mysteries and tracking enemies.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
There's a lot of things great about it, but it sounds like they're referring to the size and depth of the game [Skyrim's] world.

Yeah... no...

Oh man, do they even know how much printed in-universe text there is in TES games? There's got to be at least over two thousand pages over all the games in printed books. And TES lore... there aren't any Ultimanias, instead, most of the lore is to be found in the game itself and the POV of the authors vary depending on what time period they're from and what they're race/background is and what agenda they have... there's at least three different versions of important events (Battle of Red Mountain has at least 5). And it's Word of God that anything said about the TES world outside of the games should be considered semi-canon at best unless it appears in a game. Then it's canon. And the known history of TES goes back more then 6000 years... and that's not taking things like Dragon Breaks into account.

And then there's the TES mythology(s)... it's got to be the most confusing made up mythology ever... as in... FFXIII's mythology makes more sense. I really pity all the localization teams...

The biggest difference though is all the main TES games let you create whatever type of character you want. Even with the Main Quest, you can safely ignore it and do whatever you want to do. There's no such thing as having a time-limit to finish the main quest or anything like that. It's really more that TES is a sandbox RPG and FF is not. In TES, you, the player, make up what character you play as, while in FF, the character has already been made for you. Because of this, they have completely different game styles.

Sorry for the long spiel, but I was having fun reading though this website which has all TES in-game text on it...


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero

What does any of that say?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
On the left is a list of abilities to pick from and their GP cost. "Escape" is highlighted, "Chrono Stasis" and then "Teleport" are below that, "Overclock" is above "Escape," and the top is "Curaga."


That Man
Regarding Skyrim's expansiveness, someone broke it down in square miles a while ago:

Morrowind > 10 Square Miles

Oblivion > 16 Square Miles

Skyrim > (Slightly larger than Oblivion)

Daggerfall > 2x the landmass of Real-world Great Britain (188,000 Square Miles)

Not really calculating based on Travel Systems, since stuff takes longer on foot obviously.

If they do indeed want to make something that competes with Skyrim, they got their work cut out for them.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Uh... Blade... I think wherever you got your TES distances from is wrong... In the first TES game, there's a list of the distance from the Imperial City to a bunch of the major cities in other countries. Don't know if they've changed, but the maps don't change that much from game to game...

Some Distances:
IC to Limloth (southern Black Marsh) 1960 km ~ 1218 miles
IC to Senchal (southern Elsweyr) 1760 km ~ 1094 miles
IC to Sentinel (north-western Hammerfell) 2460 km ~ 1528 miles
IC to Daggerfall (western High Rock) 2800 km ~ 1740 miles
IC to Necrom (eastern Morrowind) 1880 km ~ 1118 miles
IC to Solitude (northern Skyrim) 1480 km ~ 920 miles
IC to Alinor (south-western Summerset Isles) 2960 km ~ 1840 miles
IC to Woodhearth (western Vallenwood) 1700 km ~ 1056 miles

SE really has a lot of work to do...


Maybe Blade meant what the game's rendered maps actually translate to, taking walking time and whatnot into consideration, because I've heard numbers similar to what he's said about how large Skyrim is before.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^Only problem with that is that the in-game time scale is set to 1 minute of play-time equals 20 minutes of in game time. And you can change it with the dev console. Time is definitely a game-play abstraction (I usually set mine to 10-5 minutes in-game = 1 minute IRL).

Even with the sizes he's given, there's something wrong. Daggerfall is a city-state of High Rock which is about the same size then Skyrim and smaller then Cyrodiil. (And Oblivion is the name of the hellish place you're going, not the land you're saving...)


That Man
Well, my source for that info was giving estimates anyway, so if you want exact numbers based on map size I think it might be far better to compare it to something like Archylte Steppe and any adjacent maps.

Also I don't like measuring map size based on time passage because the frame count for walking/running speed for various characters has to be factored in as well (I also think characters run faster when monsters are in range).

I'd also say Lightning's model is a little smaller than Snow, Fang, and Sazh's (well, maybe not much compared to Fang's), and then you have Vanille and Hope who are even smaller and everybody has their own running speeds too.

The point is that regardless, they have a lot of ground to cover.

I recall 700 A.F. (FFXIII-2) to be huge, but also rather plain and empty other than a few mountains and a single empty village model.

If they plan on making a large map, I hope it has depth and activity (i.e. watching monsters/people in the distance and accessible geological formations like caves or places to climb).


unsavory tart
700AF was so infuriating. I mean, it makes sense because it's big and empty and dead- it's suppose to show you how sad the world is after it is gone. But why did they have to give us red chocobos those assholes run away from you and are fucking fast.

I wonder which was bigger, Archetype Stepp from the first game (all the extra areas included) or 700AF. Stepp was atleast really active now that I think about it.

If they do give us a huge ass world they better give us some teleportation options, or some incredibly fast chocobos, I've got to save the world in seven days.


Great Old One
The only good thing about the vastness of 700AF was being able to spawn a lot of those Ahrimans or what they're called - IIRC they have some really good magic stats going on, if you can catch one. /RemembersnothingofXIII-2evenifplayeditsixtimes
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