Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


How odd that Atomos is just sitting there in the Dead Dunes. Interesting videos though, nice to see the locations.


Tenderness 8 samurai outfit videos also showing off a few new areas in Luxerion.

Omg, The Ark's music is so angelic though. And Hope too. He looks so angelic...

...and it creeps me out like heck. Everything about that Ark I mean.

Anyways, interesting videos indeed. I'm liking the Dead Dunes more than I expected, and Luxerion and Yusnaan are looking decent too (I hope we can go into that huge building in Yusnaan though). As for the Wildlands... I'm kinda iffy because it looks really plain when they pan it, but then they show off these huge forests and ruins (omg crystal pillar ruins sob...) so I have no idea what to make of it. I still get off-putted by the obnoxious-looking fonts used for the continents, but I like the KH-style of presenting them.
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That Man
The music is a lot more... 'vocal' than I remember... Though I kinda like it. Reminds me of Enya.

It's too bad Japanese voice work isn't an option for playing in these games.

Also...I hope I'm not the only one who thinks the Ark looks suspiciously modeled after the Batcave????


Double Growth
I think the English voices have had a noticeable advantage over the Japanese ones in the FFXIII series. Sazh and Serah in particular are leagues better than their counterparts.


unsavory tart
I feel like the Japanese VAs are better in the trailers but there's a danger in judging just by the trailers. Because playing the games, I like the English VAs much better. Agreeing especially with the Serah and Sazh, but also Troy Baker.

I think the only one that I think is better is Lightning's VA, but I think Ali Hillis sounds more... unique if that makes sense. It's hard to tell in XIII-2 because she lost a bit of her humanity in that game, but I think it does make the OG better. Hope has the same issue, but I remember his first performance and have faith that he can sell emotional again.


unsavory tart
Double posting like a forum villain

[TRANSLATION] Location Previews
Hope: Welcome home, Light.
Lightning: Hope Estheim, a boy who once shared the same fate as me and fought against it.
Hope: Light, welcome~! It’s very safe here, so feel free to relax. There’s no need to worry about time either. Time has stopped within the Ark.
Lightning: Thanks to the powers of the almighty god, right? He’s able to stop the motion of time in here, but not the whole world.
Hope: You can use this device to teleport down to any location in the world. Time has halted since that day. I’ll transport you into the monorail.
Lightning: Got it. Send me in.
Hope: Don’t push yourself too hard. Okay, let’s go.

Luxerion, the city of light and prayer. It is the capitol of faith where salvation is preached. Strict order holds this location together. Life in Luxerion revolves around obedience to God. This city is ruled by the Salvation Council, a religious group worshiping Bhunivelze. The hope of salvation by God brings light to the people here. However, there is a darkness here that cannot be reached by God’s light - a darkness against the teachings of God. “The Shadow Hunter will kill the wicked Savior.” Is this “wicked Savior” referring to…
Lightning: Probably me. The Shadow Hunter is said to carry the will of the Goddess. Is he the one behind all these crimes?
Hope: He believes that the Salvation Council is the head of all the heretics.

Lightning: "The Shining Capitol", huh. I take it this is Snow’s taste?
Hope: I don’t know about taste, but it sure is his idea. The undying liveliness of this festival-city is an order from Snow, the patron. Lately, Snow has been locking himself away within the palace and his motives have become unclear. Have the centuries changed his character?
This is the area where humans and beasts fight blazing battles. The sight of dripping blood gives excitement to the spectators. Recently, the tournaments have become so heated that people have actually died fighting in them. This is the area of pleasure. Beautiful fountains and the Cactuar monument are famous landmarks. This is also a renown dating spot for couples, so you might stand-out since you’re alone.
Lightning: Am I really that noticeable?
Hope: Just saying that it might be difficult for you to sneak around. This VIP area is geared towards the wealthy. Regular citizens are not allowed to enter this area of the city.

Hope: The residents of this location are mostly, if not all, bandits and treasure-hunters. If it wasn’t for the abundant valuables here, no one would want to live in this desert. I did some research on the artifact. It’s supposedly a tool that beckons the souls of the dead, but any further detail is unknown. However, the Salvation Council has shown strong interest in this artifact. They’ve dispatched numerous expeditions to recover it.
Lightning: I’m not sure how valuable the thing really is, but if it’s got the power to beckon souls, it may be of some use to the Savior.
Hope: It’s an object that even the Salvation Council is itching for. I’m sure it’ll be worth searching around.

Lightning: So this is only remaining land of nature…
Hope: The Wildlands, a sanctuary for wildlife. Here, beasts live and die on natural instinct. In this land where life and death stand back-to-back, the movements of Chaos are especially active. Unlike those in the cities, the people living here are not loyal to the Salvation Council. They reject all support from the Council and live off of the land. Here, the people continue to hold faith in the goddess Etro. They wish to return to her side… Does that mean they wish to disappear along with the world?
I only recently looked at the trailers, and I'm really enjoying the music they were displaying. Especially the Dead Dunes and the music in the later half of Luxerion.

I remember XIII-2s ost being contentious with some people hating it and some people loving it, but it really was a fun OST and even with the worst of songs it sounded like they were just going crazy and having fun. I hope they up the quality but also bring some of that variety and inspiration.

As for the Wildlands... I'm kinda iffy because it looks really plain when they pan it, but then they show off these huge forests and ruins (omg crystal pillar ruins sob...) so I have no idea what to make of it.
Dead Dunes and Wildlands look empty but Dead Dunes makes sense if it's a desert level.

Wildlands looks more full than I thought I'm with you on the iffy. I feel like it doesn't even match up with what is shown in XIII and XIII-2. I dunno but it felt like a lot of the trees and wildlife looked visibly different from what we would see in rl or in the Wildlands. They couldn't draw inspiration from that? Maybe I'm falling into nostalgia too hard though. We'll see, wildlands had more to offer than I originally thought, and if it really is that big I suspect we will see more.

And round of applause for Yuusan, which is absolutely gorgeous and at least looks like its full of life.

I still get off-putted by the obnoxious-looking fonts used for the continents, but I like the KH-style of presenting them.
Agreed, it looks amateurish, although typography is something hard to pull off in general maybe? But that Luxerion font was something I ehhed at. But that would be a nitpick at this point. I mean more than usual.


It is a rare case where the English casting is just way fucking better. This is the FF series's "Cowboy Bebop."

I definitely agree with this. Even if Maaya Sakamoto's voice technically flows better, I find it personally easier to connect to Ali Hillis' Lightning.

Talking to a friend last night, I think we found Vanille in the Luxerion trailer:

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Great Old One
Well spotted!!

I find I am strangely excited about Vanille in this game, maybe even more so than Fang. Replaying XIII I really enjoyed Vanille's character - I think I haven't been that intrigued about her before because I think her VA is (was?) lacking the quality she should have had to portray such a layered character. Fingers crossed she's learned more about the job to up her game.


I very much preferred her English voice actually, even though it's a hit or miss compared to the Japanese one (I think it's mainly because of her accent). And yeah, strangely enough I find myself mostly intrigued of how her character will be in LR.


unsavory tart
Her Japanese voice was annoying too. I put blame on the direction mostly, she was coached to be really shrilly. I remember an interview with the English voice director, Jack Fletcher, and I have to say I respect the man. They tried to make Lightning's voice higher and more feminine but he fought to keep it as it was because he didn't think Westernized audiences needed it. And imo, it's much better, although her voice is kind of deep in the Japanese too, idk.

Apparently he couldn't compromise with Vanille's voice and what came out was something the fandom almost universally hated. And it's a shame because the VA, while not up to par with the rest of the cast, did decent with the dramatic moments. I think she realized how negatively people reacted to Vanille's gasps and moans because she toned it down for (all two lines of) XIII-2.

Also I wonder where the locations they used for the samurai costumes because it kind of looks like the broken highways of Oerba.
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That was from Luxerion. It's now making me think that Oerba became at least a part of it, and there's also Vanille being situated in the city.


Speaking of the voice acting, here's a good comparison compilation:

I mean, there's no reason to sit through the whole thing, really, but I watched up til around 2:15. I like Lightning better in English, although I have to say that her Japanese VA isn't bad at all. Sazh...well...I think it's safe to say his English VA just fits better, along with doing a really great job :monster:


Double Growth
I like Lightning better too, but Maaya Sakamoto's a big name in seiyuu so I was trying to ruffle as few feathers as possible :P Though she does a fine job as Lightning and all. I mentioned Serah and Sazh because I flat-out do not like their Japanese voices.


That Man
Best part was when they looped Sazh's JP yell at the end lol.

But yeah, maybe it's because I'm used to DISSIDIA!Lightning that Hillis' voice gets old for me, since that isn't the best example of her voicework, oh well.



What trailer are you talking about with Vanille in it? The only thing I've seen her in is the behind the scenes thing, and that was using footage from XIII (I think?).



That wasn't Vanille, that was some random pink-haired woman that Etro's followers were going to sacrifice.


That Man
Well, if I'm wrong...somehow I get the feeling it wasn't just "some random pink-haired girl" seems like they are targeting girls with Pink hair?

And I can pretty much name 3 girls with Pink hair right off the bat.

Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
Idk if someone else had post this before, I'm too lazy to read all post. Anyway,


Lightning , First Class Soldier.


If the sky comes falling down
It is a rare case where the English casting is just way fucking better. This is the FF series's "Cowboy Bebop."

Agree expect sorry Vanille. I just can't stand her English Dub sorry. But everybody else including Lightning is magnificent ^_^
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