Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I quite enjoyed this comment in that article:

Final Fantasy creative lead Tetsuya Nomura told Dengeki PlayStation (via Siliconera) that work on Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, the third game to bear the Final Fantasy XIII name, is already complete. He also said that Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still in development, so he might just be a big liar.


Siliconera said:
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still in the development, but Nomura didn’t say how far the game has come along. He asked fans to please wait a while for a follow up report.

Nomnom-san does love a wee fib.


Great Old One
Okay so I don't really ship Lightning with... anyone really, but this pic sorta makes me wish Caius wasn't such a bonehead. Edit: Ok not bonehead, I guess he sorta went mad from watching all those Yeuls die.



That being said, it would be cool to see Caius again in LR:XIII. Maybe not as a villain, but as something different. A wild card of some kind. He is a good character IMO, and one of the coolest FF villains (also IMO). The first time I saw him I thought 'hmm he reminds me a little of Magus'. And it would be awesome if he would take a similar journey.
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unsavory tart
Yuel at least has to return, she was hinted at turning evil in one of her incarnations and it makes no sense to leave it off like that.

I like Caius a lot, I'm surprised with how cheesy he looked he turned out to be my favorite FF villain (or at least tied with Kuja, who also has a cheesy design so oh well). So yeah I would want to see him again. But the way he died was kind of perfect, in victory and absolute assurance that he saved the only person he cared for.

To be my usual self, I don't understand why they'd say he's 'a big liar', but yeah, that was interesting. :P
Maybe it's just me but I believe nothing this man says. I say that with affection tho.


Great Old One
Is that one of the incarnations where she has black smoke around her? Because those incarnations were really Caius, iirc. But eh, you probably know this stuff way better than me anyway :P

Re: Only caring for Yuel, I like how he calls Noel 'the boy' at times. To him, Noel is the tool that will kill him and thus setting him and Yuel free.

A thing though,
since Etro is dead now, what is really keeping Caius alive? Is it Chaos? So if Chaos disappears, would that be the end of Caius?
(Regarding the spoiler thing, maybe all XIII-2 spoilers is allowed in this thread... or no? How do we do this)

I agree on the cheesy thing. His outfit looks... plastic. And fur boots? Thank heavens for his face X)


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Is that one of the incarnations where she has black smoke around her? Because those incarnations were really Caius, iirc. But eh, you probably know this stuff way better than me anyway :P

Yuel at least has to return, she was hinted at turning evil in one of her incarnations and it makes no sense to leave it off like that.

Fragments After talk about Black Haze Yeul, I hope the novels get translated soon.

I like Caius a lot, I'm surprised with how cheesy he looked he turned out to be my favorite FF villain (or at least tied with Kuja, who also has a cheesy design so oh well). So yeah I would want to see him again. But the way he died was kind of perfect, in victory and absolute assurance that he saved the only person he cared for.

Maybe it's just me but I believe nothing this man says. I say that with affection tho.

Its always the villains that dress crazy that are the best(Kefka, Kuja, Caius, & etc.)

Article is fake.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, having translations of Fragments After would help make the wait for LR more tolerable. At least it would answer some questions.


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Wonder if it's going to be a new outfit?

It looks pretty good, wish we could see more from the front though.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
That feels very Final Fantasy XIII: Battle of the Planets.

I like this.


That Man
Read this thread from beginning to end...sigh.

Here are my hopes and worries (no pun intended):

1. Hope / Lighting dynamic better not be an expy of Otakon / Solid Snake. Long codec convos suck, especially when they're trying to explain something that has nothing much at all to do with the game or its story.

2. My issue with Majora's Mask has always been and always will be: Time Limits. I HATE THEM. Super Mario Bros. 2 was my favorite Mario game, along with Yoshi's Island 2...wanna know why?
NO. TIME. LIMITS. I hate running in a panic to grab such'n'such item or race to rescue so'n'so because they'll die in the next few minutes if I sit and look at the pretty graphics (which I am prone to doing, particularly in FFXIII-2's Future City). If there is a way to manage time, make it more practical, or perhaps make it so that it isn't something that detracts from the gameplay at all, that would be great. Valkyrie Profile pulled it off rather well with it's "XX Periods until Ragnarok" system, so I hope they do this better.

If they're going the route of something 'world driven' I want to have some means to enjoy it unlike what Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons did with allowing environmental changes acting like the flip of a switch or playing a tune to change the weather. I happen to like real-time weather changes.

3. I don't care about the other characters or monsters or anyone else joining my party...all I a cool weapon and a giant dragon to fight. That's how I like my Final Fantasies. A sword, gunblade, spear, don't long as I look cool and fight a giant dragon or epic boss of some kind...I am happy.

4. I could give a crap less about concept art. I want RENDERS and sequences to show what the final result is gonna be. No amount of art will produce an awesome thing unless that awesome thing is a screenshot or gameplay video. I'm sorry but that's just how I feel.

5. Is it just me or are 70% more RPGs coming out of Japan suddenly being hated on by other countries? Like, with the SaGa games, they get positive reviews in Japan, but once they hit American shores they get treated like crap or don't show up at all?

I'm sorry, but I do not give three point five shits about Facebook connectivity or whatever extras they suggest for this game to encourage community or whatever. If you wanna see my PS3 trophy collection, that's fine, but really, it's not that important. We're all playing as Lightning, so why would MY Lightning be any better or worse than someone else's???? Besides, I go to Gamefaqs whenever I get lost, so people are always gonna be there asking for tips and advice from the pro gamers anyway, so showing off how good you are at the game is pointless except maybe for a combo video like fighting games or Valkyrie Profile or the Tales games.

If they're focusing on Lighting, they should give her a ton of clothing and weapon options, at least to give the fans something fun to dress her up in so that each adventure is original. I'd prefer a Sol Badgirl outfit with Fireseal and a raggedy rain cloak (I kid, but you see my point?). Otherwise she's just a clone of Lenneth or Link to me.

6. Regarding other characters, I think the only characters I've even remotely liked in XIII besides Lightning are Snow, Noel, and Caius. If Caius got his own playable section, I would definitely dig the game more, since he reminds me of Cecil and Cloud mixed together. And even if Caius isn't playable in Lighting Returns for obvious reasons...the man deserves his own game or story at least, methinks.

7. If this is Lightning's last shindig...they better make it epic in terms of a solo run. I want Cloud vs Sephiroth epic, here...that's my deal. I wanna EARN that so-called Happy Ending they claim is gonna happen.
I wanna feel the steel, man. I wanna shoot the gunblade. None of that Japanese ghetto J-Pop nonsense from FFX-2.

I don't mind FFXIII-2's brand of humor, so long as it's extra and not really part of the main game, but I want things to stay serious for the most part, if they're gonna do things like that.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Only reason I'm happy to see any XIII sketchwork out of Nomura is that he refused to share it from the first XIII, if I remember correctly. He just wanted people to look at the pretty final CG renders and said it wasn't important to see what those renders were based on.

Which was kind of annoying for those of us who appreciate Nomura's art design style.

Not sure what had him so concerned about sharing that time that wasn't a factor with VII, VIII, X or X-2, but, yeah, he was kind of a little bitch about it. So it was refreshing to see something for XIII that isn't a CG render based on something he had done but had kept sealed away.


He talked about how ambitious the project was...

So...they finally realized they bit off more than they could chew? And "when the game appears again" - what the hell is that bs? It was never really around in the first place, save for a trailer.

I guess we'll at least get to see something from something that's not Versus.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Wish they would just admit that it's not happening.

And explain what was so ambitious about trying to see a game through from pre-production to release with all the resources of Square behind it.


^Inorite? I've completely given up hope that anything they do is ever going to make sense.


That Man
I'm less disappointed in this game getting cancelled than I would be if Versus were cancelled.

It's not that I hate this game, it's just well...I liked Versus more in concept.
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