Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Read this thread from beginning to end...sigh.

Here are my hopes and worries (no pun intended):

1. Hope / Lighting dynamic better not be an expy of Otakon / Solid Snake. Long codec convos suck, especially when they're trying to explain something that has nothing much at all to do with the game or its story.

2. My issue with Majora's Mask has always been and always will be: Time Limits. I HATE THEM. Super Mario Bros. 2 was my favorite Mario game, along with Yoshi's Island 2...wanna know why?
NO. TIME. LIMITS. I hate running in a panic to grab such'n'such item or race to rescue so'n'so because they'll die in the next few minutes if I sit and look at the pretty graphics (which I am prone to doing, particularly in FFXIII-2's Future City). If there is a way to manage time, make it more practical, or perhaps make it so that it isn't something that detracts from the gameplay at all, that would be great. Valkyrie Profile pulled it off rather well with it's "XX Periods until Ragnarok" system, so I hope they do this better.

If they're going the route of something 'world driven' I want to have some means to enjoy it unlike what Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons did with allowing environmental changes acting like the flip of a switch or playing a tune to change the weather. I happen to like real-time weather changes.

3. I don't care about the other characters or monsters or anyone else joining my party...all I a cool weapon and a giant dragon to fight. That's how I like my Final Fantasies. A sword, gunblade, spear, don't long as I look cool and fight a giant dragon or epic boss of some kind...I am happy.

4. I could give a crap less about concept art. I want RENDERS and sequences to show what the final result is gonna be. No amount of art will produce an awesome thing unless that awesome thing is a screenshot or gameplay video. I'm sorry but that's just how I feel.

5. Is it just me or are 70% more RPGs coming out of Japan suddenly being hated on by other countries? Like, with the SaGa games, they get positive reviews in Japan, but once they hit American shores they get treated like crap or don't show up at all?

I'm sorry, but I do not give three point five shits about Facebook connectivity or whatever extras they suggest for this game to encourage community or whatever. If you wanna see my PS3 trophy collection, that's fine, but really, it's not that important. We're all playing as Lightning, so why would MY Lightning be any better or worse than someone else's???? Besides, I go to Gamefaqs whenever I get lost, so people are always gonna be there asking for tips and advice from the pro gamers anyway, so showing off how good you are at the game is pointless except maybe for a combo video like fighting games or Valkyrie Profile or the Tales games.

If they're focusing on Lighting, they should give her a ton of clothing and weapon options, at least to give the fans something fun to dress her up in so that each adventure is original. I'd prefer a Sol Badgirl outfit with Fireseal and a raggedy rain cloak (I kid, but you see my point?). Otherwise she's just a clone of Lenneth or Link to me.

6. Regarding other characters, I think the only characters I've even remotely liked in XIII besides Lightning are Snow, Noel, and Caius. If Caius got his own playable section, I would definitely dig the game more, since he reminds me of Cecil and Cloud mixed together. And even if Caius isn't playable in Lighting Returns for obvious reasons...the man deserves his own game or story at least, methinks.

7. If this is Lightning's last shindig...they better make it epic in terms of a solo run. I want Cloud vs Sephiroth epic, here...that's my deal. I wanna EARN that so-called Happy Ending they claim is gonna happen.
I wanna feel the steel, man. I wanna shoot the gunblade. None of that Japanese ghetto J-Pop nonsense from FFX-2.

I don't mind FFXIII-2's brand of humor, so long as it's extra and not really part of the main game, but I want things to stay serious for the most part, if they're gonna do things like that.

Fal'Cie. Gods. Those are my two. And they better not be skimpy.

While I understand that the ending is probably going to be usual and generic, some nice twists would be nice.

Lastly, I like a complete, concise story. I don't care, hit me with it. I want a story. Like XIII, not like XIII-2.

In all, four wishes and hopes.


I do hope is has a decent story, that would be nice. At least it has the potential to be great from what we've heard so far :monster:


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Lindzei has to play to role since he/she has to wake big daddy Bhunivelze.

7. If this is Lightning's last shindig...they better make it epic in terms of a solo run. I want Cloud vs Sephiroth epic, here...that's my deal.

Screw cloud vs sephiroth lvl, they need to upgrade to Asura vs Chakravartin levels of epic if they can't do that at least make it Asura vs Oni.


That Man
Granted, I have yet to play Asura's Wrath fully, but that was a good set of examples of what a good fight should be like, though I doubt it has the grace Lightning would usually carry with it.

Nice to see what Shun Goku Satsu looks like without the wall of explosions, though. :)


I'm currently of the opinion that it's not possible for any video game to achieve the levels of epic from Asura's Wrath, and I've only seen cutscenes so far, :monster:.

Unless, you know, Asura's Wrath 2.


Just gonna write some ideas/predictions here on what to see in this game's last battle (you are all welcome to call me crazy and delusional):

1. Before facing the last boss(es), Caius will come back in some way because of the large amount of Chaos in the world (well the world is about to end, so). It was mentioned in the Ultimania that his will lives on with Chaos, similar to how Sephiroth's lives on through the Lifestream. This time though he is totally being controlled by Chaos Yeul, and we find out her true nature after we beat him. Chaos Yeul might have a true form which we must defeat.

2. Following the tradition of the final bosses in the series, there are at least three stages in the last battle. First off, we'll be facing either Lindzei or Pulse, and although we manage to beat them in the end they're still able to awaken Bhunivelze. Bhunivelze should be even bigger than Pulse (see this video to know Pulse's size). His last form should be his ultimate form where he is smaller but even stronger than ever. Think Frieza from Dragonball Z.

3. Okay, so how the hell is Lightning supposed to face these Gods by herself? She needs insane, godly powers to beat them. Here it goes, crazy theory incoming, wait for it--


Now my theory on Serah's spirit is that it was trapped with Yeul's and Mwynn's spirits devoured by Chaos under Etro's crystal throne because of her seeress status. Don't ask me how and why, this is a crazy theory after all. Let's just say that Serah's will is so strong that her spirit didn't get devoured by Chaos. Her spirit along with the others and Chaos should be unleashed from Etro's temple during the last battle because the world is at the verge of ending after all.

Now at some point of the last battle with Bhunivelze, Lightning will die. (lol)

For the sake of drama during the last battle, Serah's spirit should go by Lightning's side. She will revive her by being her heart (similar to Etro's heart) and Lightning then acquires insane godly powers. aw yis

4. Now where the hell is all of this happening? Well, since they hinted in XIII-2 that the Thirteenth Ark will be the stronghold for "mankind's last battle", then the Thirteenth Ark should be the last dungeon in this game. "Wait are you saying that--" yes, I'm saying that you'll meet the fal'Cie Gods there. It's a floating fortress after all, so it's close to the "heavens". "Wait so how--" I don't know, all I have is a crazy theory on how the fal'Cie Gods will show up because the games nor the Ultimanias never gave us a clue on where the hell they are.

Well there's this video which I've linked just a few sentences before:

Basically, they're in another dimension but in crystal forms. I can only assume that they did the same thing as their daddy-o, they entered crystal sleep and let their kids do their jobs instead. Lazy bastards.

But since the world is on the verge of ending they need to wake up to wake up their father, so yeah. I guess their dimension's portal would have a connection with the Thirteenth Ark, and of course this would be one of the secrets we'll be unveiling while we explore the ark.

5. Okay, so we beat Bhuni. Now what? There's still the Chaos. Basically, someone should just become another Etro to lock it away and place it back to its rightful place, the Invisible Realm. So who? Crazy theory incoming yet again--


After the fight, Lightning should lose all her godly powers and it would take the form of Serah's spirit. Serah says she'll do it, but Lightning disagrees. Cue emotional conversation between the sisters. In the end they say their farewells (of course in an emotional way), and Etro's temple along with the Chaos goes back to the Invisible Realm, with Serah now the new Goddess of Chaos.


Hey what the hell you guys have to admit, Square Enix should hire me.

Also unrelated to the thing I just wrote, they should have a good explanation as to why Hope can't take the rest of the populous on Novus Partus to his glorious new Cocoon and just fly off to space. Also, why the hell there is a day and night cycle in a supposedly timeless world.


Some interesting ideas there, but I'm not sure about the killing the gods part. It has been done before, and I suppose it's an interesting idea. Half of me can see it happening, half of me isn't sure.

You should make a note of this post somewhere so we can check back when the game's out to see how right you were :monster:


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Hey guys, saw this on the Lightning Returns board on GameFAQs. It was quickly deleted, fortunately someone was able to screencap it. :monster:


Ali is voicing Lightning again! :awesome:

‘Fletcher’ is the localisation director for XIII and XIII-2.


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Just gonna write some ideas/predictions here on what to see in this game's last battle (you are all welcome to call me crazy and delusional):

1. Before facing the last boss(es), Caius will come back in some way because of the large amount of Chaos in the world (well the world is about to end, so). It was mentioned in the Ultimania that his will lives on with Chaos, similar to how Sephiroth's lives on through the Lifestream. This time though he is totally being controlled by Chaos Yeul, and we find out her true nature after we beat him. Chaos Yeul might have a true form which we must defeat.

2. Following the tradition of the final bosses in the series, there are at least three stages in the last battle. First off, we'll be facing either Lindzei or Pulse, and although we manage to beat them in the end they're still able to awaken Bhunivelze. Bhunivelze should be even bigger than Pulse (see this video to know Pulse's size). His last form should be his ultimate form where he is smaller but even stronger than ever. Think Frieza from Dragonball Z.

3. Okay, so how the hell is Lightning supposed to face these Gods by herself? She needs insane, godly powers to beat them. Here it goes, crazy theory incoming, wait for it--


Now my theory on Serah's spirit is that it was trapped with Yeul's and Mwynn's spirits devoured by Chaos under Etro's crystal throne because of her seeress status. Don't ask me how and why, this is a crazy theory after all. Let's just say that Serah's will is so strong that her spirit didn't get devoured by Chaos. Her spirit along with the others and Chaos should be unleashed from Etro's temple during the last battle because the world is at the verge of ending after all.

Now at some point of the last battle with Bhunivelze, Lightning will die. (lol)

For the sake of drama during the last battle, Serah's spirit should go by Lightning's side. She will revive her by being her heart (similar to Etro's heart) and Lightning then acquires insane godly powers. aw yis

4. Now where the hell is all of this happening? Well, since they hinted in XIII-2 that the Thirteenth Ark will be the stronghold for "mankind's last battle", then the Thirteenth Ark should be the last dungeon in this game. "Wait are you saying that--" yes, I'm saying that you'll meet the fal'Cie Gods there. It's a floating fortress after all, so it's close to the "heavens". "Wait so how--" I don't know, all I have is a crazy theory on how the fal'Cie Gods will show up because the games nor the Ultimanias never gave us a clue on where the hell they are.

Well there's this video which I've linked just a few sentences before:

Basically, they're in another dimension but in crystal forms. I can only assume that they did the same thing as their daddy-o, they entered crystal sleep and let their kids do their jobs instead. Lazy bastards.

But since the world is on the verge of ending they need to wake up to wake up their father, so yeah. I guess their dimension's portal would have a connection with the Thirteenth Ark, and of course this would be one of the secrets we'll be unveiling while we explore the ark.

5. Okay, so we beat Bhuni. Now what? There's still the Chaos. Basically, someone should just become another Etro to lock it away and place it back to its rightful place, the Invisible Realm. So who? Crazy theory incoming yet again--


After the fight, Lightning should lose all her godly powers and it would take the form of Serah's spirit. Serah says she'll do it, but Lightning disagrees. Cue emotional conversation between the sisters. In the end they say their farewells (of course in an emotional way), and Etro's temple along with the Chaos goes back to the Invisible Realm, with Serah now the new Goddess of Chaos.


Hey what the hell you guys have to admit, Square Enix should hire me.

Also unrelated to the thing I just wrote, they should have a good explanation as to why Hope can't take the rest of the populous on Novus Partus to his glorious new Cocoon and just fly off to space. Also, why the hell there is a day and night cycle in a supposedly timeless world.

I remember seeing this post on Tumblr. This might be OT, but are you disasteriffic by any chance? If so, I love your blog! :awesome:


I remember seeing this post on Tumblr. This might be OT, but are you disasteriffic by any chance? If so, I love your blog! :awesome:

I am indeed, and thanks!

As I've said in Tumblr, I'm assuming she read lines of narration most likely for a trailer that she was able to describe it as Lightning's swan song. Also, swan song doesn't necessarily mean "to give your everything before death", but also (right out of Wikipedia): "an idiom referring to a final theatrical or dramatic appearance, or any final work or accomplishment. It generally carries the connotation that the performer is aware that this is the last performance of his or her lifetime, and is expending everything in one magnificent final effort."


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I am indeed, and thanks!

As I've said in Tumblr, I'm assuming she read lines of narration most likely for a trailer that she was able to describe it as Lightning's swan song. Also, swan song doesn't necessarily mean "to give your everything before death", but also (right out of Wikipedia): "an idiom referring to a final theatrical or dramatic appearance, or any final work or accomplishment. It generally carries the connotation that the performer is aware that this is the last performance of his or her lifetime, and is expending everything in one magnificent final effort."

I follow your blogs on Tumblr. Nice job.


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
I bring you more LR news guys! This was posted on the Lightning Room Twitter:


Translation: “Hello, everyone! This Facebook page was on a hiatus during development, but we will publish a variety of information in the future, please wait for the fun! We are in preparation for a full-scale launch now! Very soon we will have more information and be able to show a new world to you all!”

Does this mean they’ll be releasing new details about LR soon? :awesome:
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Great Old One
God, you angerfaeces, stop ruining my excitement! Actually, we need a thread where everyone can take their anger out on SquareEnix. Because this hate is kinda polluting the fun X)


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for LR, because I'd really like to wrap up the XIII story, see where it goes and all. I'm just kind of jaded, I suppose :P


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Whoops, I read it wrong. :doh: Just got excited when I first saw it.


I think we're all a bit jaded by SE's crazyface behaviour. It's just the announcements about announcements thing that pisses me off. I'm just waiting for someone to post one of those overdone yo dawg things >_>.

Still looking forward to this game very very much though :desu:


Great Old One
I just hate it when threads about upcoming stuff goes totally meta. I want to encourage everyone to stay on topic. This "haha yeah right let's see about that" is getting so incredibly old. They said it's due for 2013 and they kept those promises regarding XIII-2, which is something nobody seems to remember.

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