Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart


Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto


Dude, it's brown.

Maybe I should've been more clear.
For AC/C they could have made her have a more interesting hairstyle instead of a one that's very common/basic for females. It went from this cool dolphin tail to something that's plain as f*ck.
She looks simple compared to her FFVII look.

Also, why so defensive?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Huh ? Come again :O ?
I don't think I'm being defensive. How about you ?

May I remind you you're the one complaining about the way she looks in AC in the first place ? I'm perfectly fine with it.

Regarding her hair, I don't remember saying it should be considered black. I merely said it should be okay to say it's black, as much as it would be saying it's brown, because it got a lot darker than it was in FFVII. That's all.


Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto
Everytime I say she looks simple you come in defending. You act like I called her ugly or something.

Same difference. Just because SE darkened her hair color doesn't mean it should=black or whatever. It's still brown, just different shades.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Hell yeah :) This I think we can all agree with.

You seem to consider people to be defensive for merely stating their opinion.
You got yours. I got mine. We're both going to try to defend it with arguments. If you think I'm being defensive, you certainly are too.

Everytime I say she looks simple you come in defending.
You probably think everybody should share your opinion and expect nobody to reply perhaps ? Your opinion isn't legion. You started the whole thing saying changing her was "retarded" and "boring". What if some people think she actually looks better that way ?
Shademp asked for opinions. I gave mine. You gave yours. No need to start a war over this.

Same difference. Just because SE darkened her hair color doesn't mean it should=black or whatever. It's still brown, just different shades.
A lot of people are being called blonde while their hair is much darker than what is considered blonde, too. Still we call them blonde. I think AC Tifa's hair is closer to black than brown. You're free to disagree. But you can at least respect my opinion.


Double Growth
Yeah take it easy you two. But as someone who has long had his hair called black when it is in fact brown. It's brown. :monster:

Her haircut is...simple I guess. But I wouldn't say her FF7 hair was abnormal for females. It was just long hair. It had that little dolphin tail thing but was that so character defining? Honestly I always thought it was kinda weird, but i know picking on hair in a game with FF7's protagonist is a bit silly.

And I also know Dacon hates it when I play down the importance of characteristics. All I mean is that I do not rely on the dolphin tail to identify the character as Tifa the way I identify Cloud by his hair. If Cloud shaved his head, he would be difficult to recognize, Tifa without the dolphin-tail-hair is still fairly recognizably Tifa.

Furthermore, its not unreasonable Tifa would get a haircut. Girls drastically change their hair length all the time. Girls ALSO frequently cut their hair short when they become mothers I've observed. And since that seems to be the thing they're going for, it makes sense.

And yes, you just said it was boring, not that it didn't make sense. I'm just saying cutting her hair short isn't what robbed her of her identity if indeed it has been.

Phew, did that cover me from getting attacked from any direction yet? :monster:

Would you say the same if they gave Cloud a short back and sides?

Sorry, I have no idea what this means. Short back and sides?
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Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto
Tifa rocks. Do we agree on this?

Now enjoy some Tifa wallpapers.









You seem to consider people to be defensive for merely stating their opinion.
No, I don't and what do you think I was doing?

You got yours. I got mine. We're both going to try to defend it with arguments. If you think I'm being defensive, you certainly are too.

You probably think everybody should share your opinion and expect nobody to reply perhaps ?
No. Where'd you get that idea from?

Your opinion isn't legion.
Never said it was.

You started the whole thing saying changing her was "retarded" and "boring".
LMAO No, I said
I think changing her eye color was retarded and her hair looks...boring.

What if some people think she actually looks better that way ?
Good for them. I never said anyone couldn't like it.

Shademp asked for opinions. I gave mine. You gave yours. No need to start a war over this.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up. YOU replied to ME. You started this, not the other way around.

A lot of people are being called blonde while their hair is much darker than what is considered blonde, too. Still we call them blonde.
I think that's called dirty blonde.

I think AC Tifa's hair is closer to black than brown. You're free to disagree. But you can at least respect my opinion.
I gave you a screenshot of her AC hair and it was brown. Her having brown hair is fact not opinon.

Why does this remind me of the whole boob fiasco? =/
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
let's say you took Rinoa and Tifa out of their iconic outfits and put them side by side. Do you think you could definitely tell the difference between FF7 Tifa and Rinoa? Probably. Now AC Tifa and Rinoa? It'd be much harder because they look almost the exact same. It's just a little annoying that its so hard to tell between them, imo


Double Growth
Well Tifa does have much larger boobs for one thing :monster:

But even so, eh, I dunno.

They could be sisters, but I still think I could tell them apart. Rinoa's got thicker hair and a smaller mouth. And of course Tifa's hair is obviously parted on one side and Rinoa's isn't. Rinoa's also significantly more annoying. I see what you're saying to a point...but I think Kairi is closer to Tifa than Rinoa is (minus the hair color of course).

You are correct that they are more similar than they were before though, yes:

But Tifa was clearly more anime than Rinoa, so its still hard to say.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
They could be sisters, but I still think I could tell them apart. Rinoa's got thicker hair and a smaller mouth. And of course Tifa's hair is obviously parted on one side and Rinoa's isn't. I see what you're saying to a point...but I think Kairi is closer to Tifa than Rinoa is (minus the hair color of course).
Technically, that's a PS1 render. Who knows if Rinoa would be Tifa's clone in HD graphics :awesome:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Why does this remind me of the whole boob fiasco? =/

Maybe cause you seem to have something personal against me and can't help but jump on me each time I voice my opinion ? Yeah.

No, I don't and what do you think I was doing?
Well you certainly seem like you do, to me. What do you think I was doing before you decided you were going to attack me for voicing my opinion about the color of her hair ?

And since you don't look like you're willing to go through this the mature way, I'll just act like you did when replying to me.

No. Where'd you get that idea from?

(fun, isn't it?)

LMAO No, I said I think changing her eye color was retarded and her hair looks...boring.
So ? How's that different than me saying her hair looks dark to me ?

Good for them. I never said anyone couldn't like it.
You sure called me defensive for saying I did, though.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up. YOU replied to ME. You started this, not the other way around.
Yes, I replied to you saying I think shiny black hair is beautiful. Which part of my reply was being rude towards what you think ?
... while you replied by saying her hair is brown and making a point to prove it right, just cause I said they were black to me.
Which one do you think was the most rude toward the other one ?

I think that's called dirty blonde.
Keep nitpicking on everything I say just for the sake of it. It's not like I'm expecting you to do anything else at this point anyway.

I gave you a screenshot of her AC hair and it was brown. Her having brown hair is fact not opinon.
It's also a fact it got darker since FFVII, which is what I was trying to get across if you remember right.

But hey, seeing how every single one of your posts gets thanked, that probably means I'm being considered as the bad guy here.
So I'll just refrain from posting or voicing my opinion from now on.


Double Growth
Rei, don't be dramatic. Lunar, you can't say Rei started it. Now drop it, you both look silly.

Technically, that's a PS1 render. Who knows if Rinoa would be Tifa's clone in HD graphics :awesome:

Well if you're gonna go that route your point doesn't stand either :monster:
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Alex Strife

If we can agree on that, then I just love you all. <3

By the way, LunarSkye, the second wallpaper you posted was... great!! :D


Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto

I'mma just dropped the argument right here, because he's being defensive, playing the victim card, acting hypocritocal and making me out to be someone who has a big ego.

AC Tifa and Rinoa look like sisters to me.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Wow. I was about to say the same thing about Rinoa=/=Tifa, Force, but then you posted the pictures and completely proved us wrong.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
That's some dedication to accuracy!! She even duct taped a cat in a corset to her back!

I kid. She looks great.


Save your valediction (she/her)

Well, I just took that side-by-side comparison that seemed to convince you that they were different, and I just mirrored Tifa's face in MS Paint:


Please ignore horrible frankenstein features and see it for the sum of its parts. Try unfocusing your eyes. I'm not a photoshopper, just a man with a dream. A horrible, frankensteiney, nightmarey dream.


Rookie Adventurer
yeh i sees what nomura did there

ite - the Tifa!Rinoa pic is a freakin' me out. :wacky:

Animexcel said:
I photoshopped the girl's head to the Tifa cosplayer's body, so it's hard to say
haha lol. I always thought the Tifa cosplayer(s) in your avatar were really pretty.
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Pro Adventurer
Well, the one I had earlier this year wasn't photoshopped, she was already a Tifa cosplayer. But the body double here had yummy poses; average looking though...so I combined them :D
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