Love Triangle Spoiler Thread


Your Mom
It's written in 3rd person, but it's all from Aerith's perspective ... just as CoT was written in 3rd but was all from Tifa's perspective. The narrative mode is known as third person limited.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
If the creators call Tifa a girlfriend to Cloud, a sweetheart, lover, etc, then that certainly means something. And please don't go by a fansite's butchering of the Japanese language. I wish hito was here to explain this, but no. It's not "Koi bito." It's "koibito." It's together. No space. Furthermore, the emotional connotation is undeniable, and if Nomura calls Tifa someone's girlfriend, and its a clear reference to Cloud, what's the question? They already live with each other and are starting a family. The writing is on the wall.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
If the creators call Tifa a girlfriend to Cloud, a sweetheart, lover, etc, then that certainly means something. And please don't go by a fansite's butchering of the Japanese language. I wish hito was here to explain this, but no. It's not "Koi bito." It's "koibito." It's together. No space. Furthermore, the emotional connotation is undeniable, and if Nomura calls Tifa someone's girlfriend, and its a clear reference to Cloud, what's the question? They already live with each other and are starting a family. The writing is on the wall.

And where he belongs is living with her, he is her love, he opened his heart to her, etc. etc. etc.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
See, it's not that the word "koibito" is the "silver bullet" itself, in regards to analyzing the LTD of FFVII, it's the word itself and its context. If Tifa just called her Cloud her lover, then that would only tell us what we already know. That she has feelings for Cloud and sees him that way. Same goes for Aerith.

But if Nomura himself says that Tifa is a lover to Cloud, and that's her role and character profile for AC, then holy fucking shit. If that's not an answer, I do not know what is. That, coupled with, "the promise", them living together, them starting a family, Case of Tifa, etc etc just compounds the evidence of them being together. It's like a grand unified theory of their relationship. :monster:


You look like you need a monkey
As for the change to CoT, hopefully it will silence the people who say Cloud was just talking about his own, solitary new life. It's his new life TOGETHER WITH TIFA, which we've always known, but some people like to nitpick semantics.

I doubt it will cut down on that. Most of the those who claim that Cloud's new life doesn't involve Tifa do so because they either forgot to read the rest of that conversation, or they did but choose to ignore it entirely. Even with the changes in the new CoT, there's nothing stopping those same people from once again conveniently refusing to read the whole thing or ignoring the parts that they don't feel comfortable with.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
But we always have a handy quote ready to just C/P in their face.

Go go straight quotations to demonstrate an argument for the win!

Celes Chere

But koibito means lover, sweetheart, and or gf/bf. You can't have any of those with out the other side willing to return those feelings. If this statement doesn't clear it up, I'm not sure what will.

WHAT THE FUUUUU. This makes me want to tear my hair out, since this is coming from the same people who so adamantly argued that koibito means nothing when used in Tifa's profile! :loopy: I thought Clotis were supposed to be the hypocrites or something.

And seriously! CloudxAerith makes NO SENSE. I'm sorry, it just doesn't.

I think reading that made me lose it. :awesome:


Selene, Sheila
I'm not surprised that those who once said "It's koi_bito, YOU don't know Japanese like WE do" have yet to admit their original mistakes and ignorance...

...and I'm not surprised that they've gotten overexcited and publicly tout that it's ~proof~ despite taking things out of context and not even having the books on hand to begin with.


It's just like the "Aerith is Cloud's light in KH = they're canonz" FAIL


Your Mom
I just read some lulz about how Nojima has spoken out and called Cloud Aerith's koibito. Nojima has spoken out now? Do people realize that author =/= narrator? Come on folks, take some basic writing courses.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Do I always have to ask? Repost the lulz here fgj so it can be dissected and mocked. :monster:

Celes Chere

Do I always have to ask? Repost the lulz here fgj so it can be dissected and mocked. :monster:

But then they'll bitch about it in their "TLS" thread. :awesome:

I'm sorry, really, I don't mean to be such a bitch when it comes to this kind of stuff... it just really pisses me off. :catfight:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So then we can just dissect their bitching further :monster: I guess they don't have to actually post here for us to still be able to have a debate with them :wackymonster:


Your Mom
It was at FFF, not at CxA.

Oh wow! This is excellent news! I'm glad one of the writers for the FF series spoke out.

I've always been a CloudxAerith fan. Ever since I first played FFVII I knew Cloud and Aerith were a pair. I've always hoped at the end of FFVII Cloud would find Aerith in the Promise Land. D:

Here comes the roaring horde of angry CloudxTifa fans trying to twist Nojima's words.

BTW, if the FFF mods are really going to treat Clerith and Cloti fans with an even hand, as they claim, they should make the above person remove that last line. We'll see if that happens. ;)


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I just read some lulz about how Nojima has spoken out and called Cloud Aerith's koibito. Nojima has spoken out now? Do people realize that author =/= narrator? Come on folks, take some basic writing courses.

I want a direct quote of that. One, because, uh yeah, Nojima IS the narrator in the sense that he's the main writer, but more importantly, he's also a strong Cloti supporter. So for him to say that is amazingly unbelievable to me. So I want the quote and context or else I'll push it in with the rest of the bs that surrounds this debate.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I want a direct quote of that. One, because, uh yeah, Nojima IS the narrator, but more importantly, he's also a Cloti supporter. So for him to say that is amazingly unbelievable to me. So I want the quote and context or else I'll push it in with the rest of the bs that surrounds this debate.
Didn't he write the movie where Tifa was his girlfriend and all that shizz? :awesome:


Your Mom
Nojima isn't the narrator, he's the author. They can be the same, but they aren't automatically so.

Oh, and they're talking about CoL as Nojima "speaking out." This isn't some interview. :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Since it's written in a third-person limited perspective, which basically just summarises a character's thoughts in third-person format, it is an important distinction. People at FFF need to l2literature, unless there's some magical Deus Ex Machina quote they're not telling us about.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Nojima isn't the narrator, he's the author. They can be the same, but they aren't automatically so.

Oh, and they're talking about CoL as Nojima "speaking out." This isn't some interview. :)

Oh, well, in that case. Pffffffft.

Nojima himself is a supporter of Cloud and Tifa, so him having Aerith refer to Cloud as koibito isn't anywhere near the same as HIM saying it. :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
If more fans were familiar with literary analysis, there wouldn't be any LTD. :monster:


It's not exactly the hardest narrative to follow, but some folks seem unable to follow it, or any narrative for that matter.

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
Nojima isn't the narrator, he's the author. They can be the same, but they aren't automatically so.

Oh, and they're talking about CoL as Nojima "speaking out." This isn't some interview. :)
So Nojima writing a story (a story that very, very few will actually even read) from Aerith's point of view is... "speaking out." But, Nomura calling Tifa a lover (in a nifty little book that lots of people know of and purchased), and Nojima saying that Cloud & Tifa belong together (sort of) is... nothing? Hoo-kay. Whatever you say, whacks.

It annoys me when they say "Nomura didn't say who Tifa is a lover to!" Oh, come on. It also doesn't say who Tifa is a mother to, or who she is a conrade to. Are you really that slow that you can't figure it out for yourself? I could try to argue that Tifa is a mother to Zack, a lover to Aerith, and Rufus Shinra's comrade/battle buddy, but that would just be silly. We all KNOW that she's Marlene & Denzel's mommy, Cloud's love bunny, and AVALANCHE's comrade/ally.
/random babblage

Celes Chere

Just today, over at FFF,

That's because FFF sucks, Ryu. I'm still upset with the new Cloti Club.... the other one shouldn't have been deleted. =(

I'm a member of CloudxAerith forums and a Clerith shipper, I'll start by putting that on the record, along with: not all of us are like you describe. I'm not. They can speak for themselves so I'll not speak for my fellow CxA members, but know that not all Cleriths act like many of you say. I simply support Clerith, I'm not rabid over it. I also support CloudxTerra (FF6) and to a much lesser extent AerithxSeph, if that helps ease the tention a bit. Just saying, I ship other pairings too.

I would like to apologize if I generalized anywhere. I know that I have done so, and that's really not my intention at all. I guess it's because I've just had bad experiences with Cleriths, particularly (in fact only) from those Forums. Outside, and inside of the site. I don't mean to come off as rude or anything, but I really dislike the way things are run in that Forum. I used to be a member, but I asked to be banned after some dramaz happened between FFG and I at ACF. >_>;

Am I going to say anything about Clerith that'll make you guys here change your minds? Probably not. Are you going to tell me anything that'll get me to ship Cloti? I doubt it. IMO, just play the games, watch the movie and read the novellas and Ultimanias, and make up your own mind about who Cloud loves, be it Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, Sephiroth, Zack, Kadaj, Barret, whatever. Choose your pairing and enjoy yourself.

It's very nice of you to come here, and actually offer up your opinion and your honest views. =) And I really mean that. I respect your opinion, though I can't really agree with it entirely. I enjoy Cloti just fine, and even Clerith fanon. It's just that I believe they have made two pairings quite obvious:
Cloti and Zerith.
(I did read your entire post btw, I just cut it.)


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
But then they'll bitch about it in their "TLS" thread. :awesome:

Ahaha, I saw that. Making no sense and being whiny and hypocritical as usual. Oh lawlz. And then that Yuna lady from FFF came in to say some crap to defend that forum.
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