Love Triangle Spoiler Thread


Great Old One
:no: I wasn't referring to you Tiff, I was referring to people who get too worked up on this and go to the point where they troll the forum, post pictures of people being killed, and spam shit up.

Everyone gets carried away. :monster: But those people who go further than carrying away are just being total dumbasses. :monster:

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
In other words, I invite the folks who dislike being talked about behind their backs to come here and address we their supposed libelers in person, and to approach the proper mods to injuct for them if they are truly upset by this.
They are probably scared that you big meanies here will "bully," and/or tell them that they are wrong... which is hurtful and offensive. Or something.

Like some of us have already said, the victim act is not only old, but really, really lame. Really.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm sure Lily, but only when we mean ole Cloti do it. When they insult us and say we're wrong, it's perfectly fine.

Still, though, coming into this thread or any like it and NOT expecting to be told they are wrong, it, it just boggles the mind.


LMAO! :lol:

That's rich coming from people whose forums rulez go something like this:

1.Arguments, flames, spam, and trolling against Cloud and Aerith's love and/or against Aerith will not be tolerated in this forum. Sigs/avatars and log-in names which oppose Cloud and Aerith's love and/or Aerith will also not be tolerated. Members who make posts of this kind will be banned after 3 warnings from a moderator or administrator. Sigs/avatars opposing Cloud and Aerith's love and/or Aerith will be removed. Log-in names which oppose Cloud and Aerith's love and/or Aerith will be changed. The use of such sigs/avatars and/or log-in names is also considered a warnable offense.

2. We believe that their love is NOT based on false pretenses. The members of this forum also believe that Aerith was a beautiful woman who had the best of intentions toward all members of the party, who had the best of intentions toward saving the Planet, and who loved Cloud. Members who post, argue, flame, spam, troll, post graphics, use sigs/avatars, or use log-in names in opposition to these beliefs will be banned after 3 warnings from a moderator or administrator.

3. We also do not believe that Aerith continues to love Zack throughout the Compilation or that they are in a romantic relationship in the Lifestream. Any posts, avatars, signatures, etc. which directly oppose these beliefs are in violation of forum rules and will be handled accordingly.

6. The members of this forum are strongly opposed to the CloudxTifa pairing. Any advocacy of CloudxTifa will be considered oppositional to the beliefs of the other members of this forum. Any member endorsing CloudxTifa with posts, graphics, sigs, avatars, and/or log-in names will be banned after 3 warnings from a moderator or administrator.

9. Any member whose posts frequently lead to debate about different aspects of the Love Triangle of FFVII may be warned by the forum staff.

What was that about sheep?


I noticed that too.

In their heads, they are all magical Aerises who want to melt Kuraudo's heavily guarded heart. Dissing Aeris is therefore a personal attack :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Just a weird, random observation ... why do they explicitly forbid Aerith bashing, but not Cloud bashing?
Well... since when have we not allowed Cloud bashing at the Cloti forum? It just really doesn't get that bad with him.

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
WTF @ forum rules. A bit cultish. Scary, really.

Just a weird, random observation ... why do they explicitly forbid Aerith bashing, but not Cloud bashing?
I was going to say the same thing that OWD said: self-insertion. Bashing her is like bashing them (the forum members).

Still, though, coming into this thread or any like it and NOT expecting to be told they are wrong, it, it just boggles the mind.
It's a debate/discussion thread. A person should expect people to counter his/her arguments (especially if they are in the minority). I don't know what they were expecting either... for us to smile, pat them on the head, and say "thank you for your interpretion. Have a nice day"?

I guess that some people just don't like being told that they are wrong. Well, I'll admit that I don't like being wrong either. However, I do know what I am wrong about things sometimes, and I'm not going to run off crying / go flying off the handle if someone tells me that I'm wrong about something. I just sulk for a few seconds, accept it, and then move on.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
For comparison, take a look at the C/T forum rules.

.:.:Cloti Forum Rules:.:.

1. All members must respect the Cloud Strife's and Tifa Lockhart's relationship being a romantic one. Arguments, trolling, flames, and promoting hate against Cloud and Tifa’s relationship is prohibited under all circumstances.

2. We are open to Clerith’s (Cloud / Aerith fans) as well. Sharing icons/graphics/videos/doujinshi’s/fanfictions/etc. is welcome to the community. However, Clerith’s must abide by these rules:

a. Endorsing hate to the pairing Cloti is not allowed.
b. You must be opened to the idea that Cloti is canon.
c. Attempting to bring up the Love Triangle debate and Cloud / Aerith proof is not accepted here.

3. Promoting hate for Aerith or any other relating Final Fantasy characters will not be tolerated under any circumstances. You are free to express your opinions on a character, but encouraging and expressing hate for said character is not accepted. Promoting anti/hate sites for pairings and characters will immediately be deleted, and you will be banned from the forums permanently.

4. No promoting hate for other users. Openly bashing other users and attempting harassment based on their views will immediately result in a ban.

**New changes and updates will be PMed to all users.

It's hate against Aerith is expressedly forbidden, and while arguing against C/T or for C/A is against the general forum rules, that's to keep it confined to the specific debating subforum.

Note also, that positivity towards other pairings isn't a big deal.


Where are these rules from? Dunno this forum.
In any case, I don't think there are any forums as cultish as the C/A one.

Arguments, trolling, flames, and promoting hate against Cloud and Tifa’s relationship is prohibited under all circumstances.

This still bugs me in any forum though :P
Arguments/dicussions are a necessity for any forum. That's the whole effin point

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Arguments, trolling, flames, and promoting hate against Cloud and Tifa’s relationship is prohibited under all circumstances.
I find this especially weird, because I was pretty sure they had an Anti-Cloti club. ...Isn't that promoting hate for the relationship...?

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no no, the one I quoted comes from a Cloti forum, not the Cleris one. They (the Clerii) have no rule against Tifa/Cloud bashing. LOL
It's all they do anyway

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
no no, the one I quoted comes from a Cloti forum, not the Cleris one. They have no rule against Tifa/Cloud bashing. LOL
It's all they do anyway
You are allowed to argue against ideas in the CT forum and debate if you don't think that it's the right couple in the Debating forum. It's just when you're a troll that people get pissed.


Great Old One
Look, you guys, can we not compare my forum to theirs?

I've since edited my rules, and have to update those rules there. I have a debate forum there for people who wish to debate, so it's nothing. Also, I don't allow Cloud/Aerith bashing in my forum, nor do I allow Tifa/Cloud bashing or any bashing of that matter. It just stirs trouble and people get along a lot better when there's no anti-stuff. :)
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Was simply trying to point out how much more lax even your old rules were, and point out that even during the thick of the troll invasion, and even despite that, how open your forum is.


Great Old One
I see, thanks.

I really don't see the point of not allowing anything Cloti related there, it's not like it'll 'hurt' people's feelings. I'd be pretty bummed out if I shipped a pairing and I couldn't show of an icon I had made just because people were against it to the point where they can't even bear seeing it. :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
We believe that their love is NOT based on false pretenses..... We also do not believe that Aerith continues to love Zack throughout the Compilation or that they are in a romantic relationship in the Lifestream. Any posts, avatars, signatures, etc. which directly oppose these beliefs are in violation of forum rules and will be handled accordingly......The members of this forum are strongly opposed to the CloudxTifa pairing. Any advocacy of CloudxTifa will be considered oppositional to the beliefs of the other members of this forum.

What's with all this beliefs bullshit? Are they making a religion out of it?


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I really don't see the point of not allowing anything Cloti related there, it's not like it'll 'hurt' people's feelings. I'd be pretty bummed out if I shipped a pairing and I couldn't show of an icon I had made just because people were against it to the point where they can't even bear seeing it. :monster:
Me either, tbh. It's like someone telling me I can't wear my blue stone necklace because it clashes with their red stone necklace, even if I do also like red stone necklaces. Or something. :monster:


Great Old One
Me either, tbh. It's like someone telling me I can't wear my blue stone necklace because it clashes with their red stone necklace, even if I do also like red stone necklaces. Or something. :monster:
It's because Cloti is a disease Aki. Once you get hit by it, there's no cure. :monster:

This is why you see AA being such a Clerith betrayer. :monstersmash:

Celes Chere

AA has been tainted by our sin. :)

I think the rules at the CT Forum are very welcoming, and reasonable. It's great that we have a debate thread, so that if there ever IS that desire for someone to debate... they know that they can put their ideas out there instead of posting it around the Forum. I'm glad that all types of graphics besides Anti are allowed. Really, why would it be offending if someone had a Clerith signature on a Cloti site? =/ It's not like we all hate the Clerith pairing, or something like that. I think the CxA Forums are more Anti-Cloti more than they are Pro-Clerith, and that's what makes it really uncomfortable there. Saying that my signature was offensive because it had Cloti/Zerith in it was a little ridiculous. That's just showing your interest, and is in no way insulting. -sigh- You can't even like Clerith as a fanon pairing without being frowned upon. Which is a shame, because I'd like to talk about Clerith without it being about the LTD.


Great Old One
Thanks Tiff, I appreciate hearing that ~

No, you can't even enjoy Cloti as a fanon pairing there and not be criticized for it. If I recall, you've (Cloti fan btw) has posted tons of Clerith fanart and I don't see anyone look down at you for that. It's fanart. It's pretty. It's cute. People, please, if the idea disgusts you too much that's going too far. And the fact that people have to start 'clubs,' dedicating for their hate for a pairing just concludes the fact how sensitive people can be with this LTD. It's as if because we'll spread some sick disease that you can't post anything Cloti related there. And if it is, you get warned? lolwut? I think you warn someone for a real reason, such as trolling/insulting/mocking members, not for... posting a pairing they like, fanon or not.


Likes The Bartender
We believe that their love is NOT based on false pretenses..... We also do not believe that Aerith continues to love Zack throughout the Compilation or that they are in a romantic relationship in the Lifestream. Any posts, avatars, signatures, etc. which directly oppose these beliefs are in violation of forum rules and will be handled accordingly......The members of this forum are strongly opposed to the CloudxTifa pairing. Any advocacy of CloudxTifa will be considered oppositional to the beliefs of the other members of this forum.

CLOTI!? The power of Clerith compels you! *whisks holy water*

... I want whatever they smoke over there.
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