He isn’t at all. I’m saying he looks like he’s playing the field for sure and I don’t agree with that characterization because this is a guy who has the emotional intelligence of a sack of hammers. You don’t really understand what I’m saying… Cloud asks Tifa had she spoken to Aerith. Tifa lies and says she did not. CLOUD then assumes it’s a “touchy subject” and Aerith must still have feelings for Zack. Tifa says it’s complicated which is possible that validated Cloud’s statement. Then Tifa changes the subject and starts talking about their journey and childhood, Cloud is kind of inattentive. I also want to say that TIFA also thinks it’s odd they are this close because she can’t recall a time they were. You don’t think this is strange? This is a pro Tifa route. This is the highest affection why would she say that? You only get this if you go out of your way to pursue her. Then she begins wondering if she’s misreading things… why would she think this? Something must have happened before this date for Tifa to feel this way, and it’s likely the HIGHEST AFFECTION?. That reason is Aerith. Cloud ends up telling her that she isn’t and they kiss—but remember this all happened AFTER Cloud says that Aerith still has feelings for Zack because Tifa LIED about talking to Aerith. WHY have him say this? It’s because he’s likely jealous. As I said before he says “She still must have feelings for Zack” There’s no other reason for AERITH and HER feelings for another guy being brought up on a romantic date with Tifa that ends up ending the way it does if he wants to know more about ZACK. Make all the excuses you want but Cloud has to believe Aerith loves Zack for that kiss to happen.
Sorry but this is a clown post and its coping to the highest degree
For starters the reason they kiss has nothing to do with Aerith or Zack, it doesn’t just come out of the blue, there are multiple instances in the game, NON OPTIONAL instances of Cloud and Tifa almost coming together, intimate moments and a nearly kiss that leads into a full kiss, i’m surprised you don’t know about all of this but ho boy you’re in for a surprise when you play the game then.
Second of all, Cloud has recently found out about Zack, he wants to know more information and knows the only person who has that is Aerith, so he asks Tifa to broach the subject with her, BOTH girls lie to him on the date not for ROMANCE reasons because they both know something is going on with Cloud/Zack and they obviously don’t want to approach the subject with him because they aren’t sure what will happen. Cloud assumes they haven’t brought it up with each other because it’s a touchy subject, he says this to TIFA because Aerith isn’t in the room to hear why he believes they haven’t talked to each other about it, he doesn’t bring this line up in AERITHS date because he obviously works out the same conclusion but has enough TACT not to bring it up with her in order to possibly upset her.
Can you please read the damn room and get some media literacy. It’s really not that hard and not EVERYTHING comes back to Cloud bloody loving Aerith and vice versa