SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
Like its one line in an optional scene anyway, i thought they didn't care about it since it was optional?
plus the way cloud says it is more like a passing thought to break the awkward silence

Yeah that was my impression too. Also..

It makes sense that Tifa would like to avoid talking about Zack. Just prior to this Cloud had retold the Nibelheim incident with himself in Zacks place (which would have been obvious to Tifa) and shortly after attacked her in some kind of mental breakdown. It makes every bit of sense that Tifa would desperately want to avoid talking about Zack - specifically with Cloud.


Pro Adventurer
I just don’t see the point of saying Cloud is better for Aerith because he acts like an despicable person towards Tifa.
Its crazy how obsessed they are with a character they get so greatly wrong. Like, do they think this story just revolves around Cloud wanting to be with Aerith so much that all the other characters suffer. The overall story doesn't work with this interpretation at all These Characters are the heroes of the story. Why even have Tifas role be someone who Cloud has feelings for so much that he joined soldier because he thought that would impress her. Tifa also shares these feeling so much that she made him make a promise to come back to her. To then abandon that entire plot and turn Tifa into a liar and a rebound (disgusting) just so Aerith can get with Cloud? They kiss in this game because they have feelings for each other theres nothing more than that.


Pro Adventurer
They said they wanted to make Tifa and Clouds relationship clear in an interview. It cant get any more clear than that.
though some people are trying XD

they are absolutely making the lifestream and highwind very romantic and intimate in part 3 so need to make it extra clear
I must have missed that interview. Wow.

Dropped the ball there because I’m been trying to keep up with most of them.
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Pro Adventurer
Yeah that was my impression too. Also..

It makes sense that Tifa would like to avoid talking about Zack. Just prior to this Cloud had retold the Nibelheim incident with himself in Zacks place (which would have been obvious to Tifa) and shortly after attacked her in some kind of mental breakdown. It makes every bit of sense that Tifa would desperately want to avoid talking about Zack - specifically with Cloud.
Gongaga is non debatable thats the best part


Pro Adventurer
Yeah they are going to have to explain a lot of scenes in the game its going to be interesting should be some nice entertainment, though
Gonna finish the game and see 100 more pages of epic mess. Won't need a new novel for awhile 😂 there will be plenty of drama to see here
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Pro Adventurer
Gongaga is non debatable thats the best part
I'm really excited to see it. Shipping aside - Clouds personal journey with trauma and mental health is what drew me to the game and it's the most compelling part of the story for me. I'm very, very excited to see it play out in full.
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Pro Adventurer
Omg guys I finally found the full
GS date and I am cackling because it was posted on a Clerith FB page as a way to apparently demonstrate the amount Cloud loves Aerith?! It was so cute omg. They're so awkward after the kids


Pro Adventurer
I still can’t believe the devs had the nuts to do it.
Ultimately, I don’t actually care who Cloud “ends up” with. He could’ve ended up with Aerith in the OG and I’d be fine with it. My thing is that whatever the devs do, I want them to commit to it. Don’t try to beat around the bush to appease everybody, especially at the expense of character development.

Like, do they think this story just revolves around Cloud wanting to be with Aerith so much that all the other characters suffer.
These are the same kinds of people who think Cloud abandoned Tifa and his family in AC simply because he wants to be with Aerith. As if Aerith herself would even want Cloud or Tifa to suffer like that. Hell, she HELPS bring their family back together.

And this is what I mean. I’ve always felt SE was partly to blame for allowing their characters to be misinterpreted so terribly due to weak storytelling. It seems like they’ve been not only course-correcting in the remake, I’d even go as far as saying they may have overcorrected a bit lol. Because if what I’ve been reading is true, then DAMN.


Pro Adventurer
Ultimately, I don’t actually care who Cloud “ends up” with. He could’ve ended up with Aerith in the OG and I’d be fine with it. My thing is that whatever the devs do, I want them to commit to it. Don’t try to beat around the bush to appease everybody, especially at the expense of character development.

These are the same kinds of people who think Cloud abandoned Tifa and his family in AC simply because he wants to be with Aerith. As if Aerith herself would even want Cloud or Tifa to suffer like that. Hell, she HELPS bring their family back together.

And this is what I mean. I’ve always felt SE was partly to blame for allowing their characters to be misinterpreted so terribly due to weak storytelling. It seems like they’ve been not only course-correcting in the remake, I’d even go as far as saying they may have overcorrected a bit lol. Because if what I’ve been reading is true, then DAMN.
Oh I agree. I definitely want them to commit. They kind of need to tbh. Ambiguity may have worked more because of the polygon nature of the old game but seeing these characters in modern graphics makes it harder I feel. Committing allows for better direction on some of these scenes… and future ones.


Pro Adventurer
Ultimately, I don’t actually care who Cloud “ends up” with. He could’ve ended up with Aerith in the OG and I’d be fine with it. My thing is that whatever the devs do, I want them to commit to it. Don’t try to beat around the bush to appease everybody, especially at the expense of character development.

These are the same kinds of people who think Cloud abandoned Tifa and his family in AC simply because he wants to be with Aerith. As if Aerith herself would even want Cloud or Tifa to suffer like that. Hell, she HELPS bring their family back together.

And this is what I mean. I’ve always felt SE was partly to blame for allowing their characters to be misinterpreted so terribly due to weak storytelling. It seems like they’ve been not only course-correcting in the remake, I’d even go as far as saying they may have overcorrected a bit lol. Because if what I’ve been reading is true, then DAMN.
Rebirth finally settles it well for normal people I'm sure the essay writers will try to find some way to twist it


Pro Adventurer
Oh I agree. I definitely want them to commit. They kind of need to tbh. Ambiguity may have worked more because of the polygon nature of the old game but seeing these characters in modern graphics makes it harder I feel. Committing allows for better direction on some of these scenes… and future ones.
Honestly, I don’t even think the devs themselves cared this much about the romance back then. Hence Nomura’s statement about not knowing if Cloud & Tifa had been in a relationship from the end of FF7 leading up to AC. Like, the romance was always there but in the OG it felt a lot less fleshed out than what we’ve gotten since then.

Finally, Cloud x Motorcycle. Awesome.
It’s actually a throuple with Cloud, Tifa, and Madam M. If you know, you know.


Pro Adventurer
Uhhh... They posted the full
Aerith date too and wow I really thought people were exaggerating about how non romantic it was but that was brutal? Like unexpectedly so. He just full on avoids sitting next to her and his body language is so closed off. Even the bit from the trailer they fall into one another that I will admit I thought looked romantic when watching it did not translate. She falls into him and he... Immediately pulls away and sits back down with his body turned away from her and really closed off body language. But in Tifas he is facing her and has open body language and just a totally different demeanor. I am honestly shocked AF right now. I seriously did not expect it to be so blatant and thought for sure the hardcore clotis were exaggerating. I am shooketh.. the handhold is very sweet but it also kind of seemed like less of a cuddle than what she was doing prior to that in hugging his arm!? Wtf


Pro Adventurer
Honestly, I don’t even think the devs themselves cared this much about the romance back then. Hence Nomura’s statement about not knowing if Cloud & Tifa had been in a relationship from the end of FF7 leading up to AC. Like, the romance was always there but in the OG it felt a lot less fleshed out than what we’ve gotten since then.

It’s actually a throuple with Cloud, Tifa, and Madam M. If you know, you know.
I think it's cause of how different the times are now compared to 1997 so In their reimagining they focus a lot more on the romance between tifa and cloud here, especially in this game just check what most the reviews of the game are talking about


Pro Adventurer
Uhhh... They posted the full
Aerith date too and wow I really thought people were exaggerating about how non romantic it was but that was brutal? Like unexpectedly so. He just full on avoids sitting next to her and his body language is so closed off. Even the bit from the trailer they fall into one another that I will admit I thought looked romantic when watching it did not translate. She falls into him and he... Immediately pulls away and sits back down with his body turned away from her and really closed off body language. But in Tifas he is facing her and has open body language and just a totally different demeanor. I am honestly shocked AF right now. I seriously did not expect it to be so blatant and thought for sure the hardcore clotis were exaggerating. I am shooketh.. the handhold is very sweet but it also kind of seemed like less of a cuddle than what she was doing prior to that in hugging his arm!? Wtf
It's meant to be awkward and wrong but it's very heartwarming when cloud gives her the comfort she needs. Also that trailer was the biggest bait imaginable when you what that trip actually was just WOW
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