SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
Now that I think about it some more, that line seems more like it should've come from Zack.
But that's just what my exposed-to-too-many-shounen-anime brain (against my will, I swear) landed on. :P


Pro Adventurer
The only thing about this new scene that I don’t like is that at this point
cloud doesn’t think she’s dead even though she got skewered already
it gives the scene a weird vibe because we’re supposed to feel sad and be in mourning and then be reassured by her saying she’ll always be with us, but there’s no reason from clouds POV for this to be happening at that point. It would make more sense for this to happen in part 3 after
cloud comes to terms with her death.
None of us have seen the ending to Rebirth yet.
We don’t know if his denial is a constant thing. He may be flitting back and forth similar to his headaches. I don’t see how we could have Icicle Inn, Great Glacier and the first visit to the Northern Crater and have any coherence at all if he’s literally talking to “Aerith” and no one else sees her. My guess is there is some denial some of the time.


Mr. Thou
It may be just me, but if anyone thinks this is romantic, they clearly haven't seen enough anime :mon:
On that note, that the line did just make me think of a few anime, and they were all shounen anime haha
According to my quasi-extensive shounen research, the appropriate line would be SUKI DAAAAAAAAAAAA from the nearest school rooftop.

That would be so much more straightforward imho.


Pro Adventurer
None of us have seen the ending to Rebirth yet.
We don’t know if his denial is a constant thing. He may be flitting back and forth similar to his headaches. I don’t see how we could have Icicle Inn, Great Glacier and the first visit to the Northern Crater and have any coherence at all if he’s literally talking to “Aerith” and no one else sees her. My guess is there is some denial some of the time.
Yes I was gonna say having this scene at this time in the game makes it seem like he already knows
she’s dead. Or at least suspects it. And makes it seem like her death will be dealt with early in part 3 rather than having her force ghost with us for half the game.

Ultimate Zack

Rookie Adventurer
On Japan's 5ch, I see a lot of sympathy for Zack and opinions that Aerith is a light-hearted woman. Of course, if they knew about her fluctuating emotions and her ending, they would know that she is not that kind of woman, but they don't care about that. As more people complete the game, their opinions will be spread on 5ch summary sites and other sites. And as usual Cloud/Aerith fans will go wild and all those who love Aerith and love Zack like me will be sidelined and persecuted lol


Pro Adventurer
On Japan's 5ch, I see a lot of sympathy for Zack and opinions that Aerith is a light-hearted woman. Of course, if they knew about her fluctuating emotions and her ending, they would know that she is not that kind of woman, but they don't care about that. As more people complete the game, their opinions will be spread on 5ch summary sites and other sites. And as usual Cloud/Aerith fans will go wild and all those who love Aerith and love Zack like me will be sidelined and persecuted lol

Zerith will be vindicated in the end, I've never been more sure of this. The Devs have been clear we're heading to Advent Children Complete (wherein, Zack and Aerith are already together) so the connection will be made, but also, the leaks of the game show conclusively that Aerith still can't let go of her feelings for Zack.

He was brought back deliberately and it's not to just be overlooked for someone who, in any case, ends up with Tifa.

Part 3 will have the answers but for now, just enjoy the ride. The fact our boy is back, and Aerith still clearly loves him, is enough for me.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I'm not bothered per se with this scene, and it's visually a very beautiful one. But things like this, I guess, just bring to the surface my worst fear i.e SE choosing to be ambiguous and cater to all sides in the end. And this is something I can't stand anymore :sweatsmile: Even tho I ship Cloud and Tifa, I'd take Cloud and Aerith canon any day over the 'it's up to interpretation' or 'both ships are canon' route. At least we would have a definite answer once and for all.

That said, it does seem SE is genuinely intending on not to leave room for interpretations in the fandom based on Rebirth leaks. But still... scenes like this do make things harder in the end. It would be so much easier if they were just not trying to cater to every ship all the time. It's not good for any of the pairings involved in it.

Ultimate Zack

Rookie Adventurer
Zerith will be vindicated in the end, I've never been more sure of this. The Devs have been clear we're heading to Advent Children Complete (wherein, Zack and Aerith are already together) so the connection will be made, but also, the leaks of the game show conclusively that Aerith still can't let go of her feelings for Zack.

He was brought back deliberately and it's not to just be overlooked for someone who, in any case, ends up with Tifa.

Part 3 will have the answers but for now, just enjoy the ride. The fact our boy is back, and Aerith still clearly loves him, is enough for me.
I hope so too, and I'm hopeful that more powerful scenes will be added. However, it's a little sad to see my favorite characters being attacked. I'm already looking forward to the third movie, but now I'm trying to enjoy the second movie to the fullest.
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Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I'm not bothered per se with this scene, and it's visually a very beautiful one. But things like this, I guess, just bring to the surface my worst fear i.e SE choosing to be ambiguous and cater to all sides in the end. And this is something I can't stand anymore :sweatsmile: Even tho I ship Cloud and Tifa, I'd take Cloud and Aerith canon any day over the 'it's up to interpretation' or 'both ships are canon' route. At least we would have a definite answer once and for all.

That said, it does seem SE is genuinely intending on not to leave room for interpretations in the fandom based on Rebirth leaks. But still... scenes like this do make things harder in the end. It would be so much easier if they were just not trying to cater to every ship all the time. It's not good for any of the pairings involved in it.

I wouldn't read too far into it, it's trailer bait. Was less than a month ago SE put out a trailer and everyone thought it was going to be a Clerith game, but the leakers came out and confirmed very, very much the opposite.

Every leak we have is pretty implicit about how Rebirth leans heavily Cloti and, lest you forget, this is all before Aerith dies and Tifa gets her real time to shine (the Lifestream and thereafter)


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, it’s pretty hardcore bait tbh. It’s actually quite ballsy that they did that. I’m wondering if Tifa simply got less because it was meant to be a huge surprise as to the degree her relationship would be explored.

Although that doesn’t line up with some interviews that seem to hint at a lot of Tifa stuff.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I wouldn't read too far into it, it's trailer bait. Was less than a month ago SE put out a trailer and everyone thought it was going to be a Clerith game, but the leakers came out and confirmed very, very much the opposite.

Every leak we have is pretty implicit about how Rebirth leans heavily Cloti and, lest you forget, this is all before Aerith dies and Tifa gets her real time to shine (the Lifestream and thereafter)
Forealz I feel they were jacking off the Aerith fans lol. I get it though it’s for her to shine before something tragic happens


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Now that I think about it some more, that line seems more like it should've come from Zack.
But that's just what my exposed-to-too-many-shounen-anime brain (against my will, I swear) landed on. :P
Maaya and Kenichi flipped a coin to see who got the line. Maaya won.
I am just shitposting, but it's probably because Zack is "alive" as far as the narrative is concerned and having him show up with that line would complicate things.

Gets me wondering what was the whole point of bringing Zack into the game? 🤔
Metaplot reasons that won't be fully explored until pt 3

Zerith, as I recall, was at one point incredibly popular in Japan. Not sure if that’s the case anymore.
It is. It doesn't hurt that their VOs are a married couple and very charismatic (And IIRC met and started dating right around crisis core)

It is popular because of CC and AC, until then it was nothing. Recently, many streamers have been playing CCR and have been moved by the ending, and many are hoping for a reunion between them.
Keeping on the real world talk for a second, it's kinda funny how rarely their characters wind up dating even when the two are in projects together.


Pro Adventurer
Maaya and Kenichi flipped a coin to see who got the line. Maaya won.
I am just shitposting, but it's probably because Zack is "alive" as far as the narrative is concerned and having him show up with that line would complicate things.

Metaplot reasons that won't be fully explored until pt 3

It is. It doesn't hurt that their VOs are a married couple and very charismatic (And IIRC met and started dating right around crisis core)

Keeping on the real world talk for a second, it's kinda funny how rarely their characters wind up dating even when the two are in projects together.
That’s right. I forgot they were married, I vaguely recall reading that somewhere.


Pro Adventurer
Maaya and Kenichi flipped a coin to see who got the line. Maaya won.
I am just shitposting, but it's probably because Zack is "alive" as far as the narrative is concerned and having him show up with that line would complicate things.
All in good fun! I was doing the same :P
To wit, my sister is a Zack/Cloud shipper, and if she saw Zack saying that line to Cloud, that would definitely make her happy xD


Pro Adventurer
I wouldn't read too far into it, it's trailer bait. Was less than a month ago SE put out a trailer and everyone thought it was going to be a Clerith game, but the leakers came out and confirmed very, very much the opposite.

Every leak we have is pretty implicit about how Rebirth leans heavily Cloti and, lest you forget, this is all before Aerith dies and Tifa gets her real time to shine (the Lifestream and thereafter)
Yeah, I do agree with you and with what you said earlier as well, but, as I mentioned, it's just a pet peeve of mine when SE does this. I guess it's because of my long history with the LTD debate (8+ years on this forum alone), and knowing very well where this scene will lead in terms of discussions and how it only damages the characters involved in the end. This is the only tiresome part of it (as I mentioned before I find the absurdity of this debate kind of fun most of the time :sweatsmile: ).

LTDs need to be fueled to, well, be an LTD, even though most of the time we have a clear winner (and it seems to be the case here as well). It's just a little more annoying in the context of this fandom specifically because of the well-known 'Cloud only ended up with Tifa because Aerith died' take some people have.


Pro Adventurer
ngl, Cloud and Aerith can make some for beautiful shots. I do love aspects of them. If only I felt a shadow of a slither of chemistry that he had with Tifa. I will wait for the game to start speaking now. All this trailer and spoiler reacting is probably not going to pay off with the game so close at this point. The overwhelming issue here is that we're going to start gunning for one anothers arguments when we still have a third game that won't drop until the latter part of the decade. There's a lot of snippets and details about the ending that I am just so hungry for to get to the context. That doesn't come close though to the amount of Cloud and Tifa that is about to apparently drop in this game. Seems to be cloti fanfic trope wonderland.


Pro Adventurer
Marketing aside (and LOL the TGA trailer is the biggest troll of all time), I feel like SE has been anything but ambiguous with where things stand in the Remake trilogy. Like shockingly so in Remake itself, and seemingly even more so in Rebirth based on the trailers & leaks.

Aerith's death is the emotional climax of Rebirth, and Cloud is the player character. Their relationship has to make you feel something. It'd be creative malpractice if it didn't. They're not gonna risk diminishing the emotional impact of this moment just so that a small minority of shippers don't get the wrong idea about their relationship.

If anything, it seems like SE has figured out a way to have their cake and eat it too with Rebirth, by expanding/moving up the development of Cloud's relationship with Tifa. By the end of Rebirth, the romantic nature of Cloud and Tifa's relationship will either be heavily implied (based on Gongaga) or explicit (if you get Tifa's GS date). Meanwhile, with Aerith's dream date from hell right before she dies, the game is cementing the importance of Cloud and Aerith's relationship, while leaving both characters, at the very least, questioning if that relationship is/should be romantic in nature.

Just like in the OG, Cloud and Aerith's dynamic could be resolved in two ways. An epic, star-crossed romance or a profound connection between two people who through their "courtship" realize their hearts lie with someone else. (And honestly, I think it's great, efficient writing because every seemingly romantic interaction between Cloud and Aerith develops three relationships at once). With the amount of Tifa we get in Rebirth, and with Zack seemingly sticking around through part 3, and his main/sole motivation in Rebirth being Aerith...is there really any question of where this was meant to go?

Meanwhile, as with the OG, there is only one direction Cloud and Tifa's relationship can go. They are each other's most "inevitable" character. Their connection is explicitly romantic from the start in a way that demands resolution by the end of the Remake trilogy.


Pro Adventurer
Marketing aside (and LOL the TGA trailer is the biggest troll of all time), I feel like SE has been anything but ambiguous with where things stand in the Remake trilogy. Like shockingly so in Remake itself, and seemingly even more so in Rebirth based on the trailers & leaks.

Aerith's death is the emotional climax of Rebirth, and Cloud is the player character. Their relationship has to make you feel something. It'd be creative malpractice if it didn't. They're not gonna risk diminishing the emotional impact of this moment just so that a small minority of shippers don't get the wrong idea about their relationship.

If anything, it seems like SE has figured out a way to have their cake and eat it too with Rebirth, by expanding/moving up the development of Cloud's relationship with Tifa. By the end of Rebirth, the romantic nature of Cloud and Tifa's relationship will either be heavily implied (based on Gongaga) or explicit (if you get Tifa's GS date). Meanwhile, with Aerith's dream date from hell right before she dies, the game is cementing the importance of Cloud and Aerith's relationship, while leaving both characters, at the very least, questioning if that relationship is/should be romantic in nature.

Just like in the OG, Cloud and Aerith's dynamic could be resolved in two ways. An epic, star-crossed romance or a profound connection between two people who through their "courtship" realize their hearts lie with someone else. (And honestly, I think it's great, efficient writing because every seemingly romantic interaction between Cloud and Aerith develops three relationships at once). With the amount of Tifa we get in Rebirth, and with Zack seemingly sticking around through part 3, and his main/sole motivation in Rebirth being Aerith...is there really any question of where this was meant to go?

Meanwhile, as with the OG, there is only one direction Cloud and Tifa's relationship can go. They are each other's most "inevitable" character. Their connection is explicitly romantic from the start in a way that demands resolution by the end of the Remake trilogy.
You're right but what's always bothered about the resolution of the love triangle is that there's never been real closure between cloud and aerith regarding their short lived "romance". The resolution has always been as a result of seeing cloud/tifa and zack/aerith together but it would be nice for cloud and aerith to properly have a discussion about the nature or their relationship, including the romantic aspect of it. I don't even mean killing it like "haha we maybe thought we had romantic feelings for each other but we actually loved other people all along isn't that weird!" Any sort of discussion would be fine. Even if they had said in AC something along the lines of "a part of me will always have romantic feelings for you" that would be nice.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
My take on this LTD is think of it as parallels. When Cloud wasn’t seen around for awhile Tifa thought about him a lot and when Zack wasn’t around Aerith thought about him. So when Aerith stumbled across Cloud she was initially drawn to him bc he kinda reminded her of Zack, but slowly realized Zack can’t be replaced. So in a sense she slowly starts falling in love with Cloud wanting to move on. That’s why the discussion continues LTD. Maybe Zack will shine with his return haha
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Pro Adventurer
You're right but what's always bothered about the resolution of the love triangle is that there's never been real closure between cloud and aerith regarding their short lived "romance". The resolution has always been as a result of seeing cloud/tifa and zack/aerith together but it would be nice for cloud and aerith to properly have a discussion about the nature or their relationship, including the romantic aspect of it. I don't even mean killing it like "haha we maybe thought we had romantic feelings for each other but we actually loved other people all along isn't that weird!" Any sort of discussion would be fine. Even if they had said in AC something along the lines of "a part of me will always have romantic feelings for you" that would be nice.
Spoilers for Rebirth
The Sector 5 date and Church section might be the only thing we get in this regard -- depending how you read the situation
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