SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The land of Copiumhagen, Denialmark

I have devised a straightforward test for analyzing difficult scenes like these. It's called "what would make my wife divorce me faster". Holding hands or kissing. (Hypothetically, obviously.) So If I'm standing back to back holding hands with a pretty extrovert I just met a few weeks ago, yeah I'm probably not talking my way out of that. Although she might buy "but we were teleporting or... something? I don't know. I'm not even sure if I imagined it" but I probably need Sephiroth to back me up on that.

But if I got caught hugging and kissing the girl next door turned fitness model? On a gondala with fireworks and music? I'd get the future earnings kicked out of me faster than you could say Starshower.
Yeah, this is pretty much my thought process too. There is plausible deniability for the Aerith scenes.

The Tifa kiss is devastating.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry for the double post.
I'm exploring Gongaga and it's one of the best locations so far. The music is gorgeous, the jumping chocobos, the jungle - it's perfect and makes sense that Zack grew up here - he's such a happy guy, he probably had so many adventures growing up here.


Pro Adventurer
I loved Gongaga. I loved Cissnei actually, it's for her I want to play Crisis Core. Like, upon meeting her why does she ooze levelheadedness and utter chill. I love that she seems to be in charge of protecting the vicinity but not orignally from there. And a turk to boot? Easy heart eyes for me within moments.

Actually gonna knock a point off for Gongaga. Lush and beautiful but I had to google how to physically reach the reactor. I circled that place a couple of times too many.

edit - oh god, this is the LTD thread not the general spoiler thread. Please forgive :scared:


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, i really dislike the idea of the Force ghost thing.

I second demotion the highlight of OG is people felt her lost because again there is noo way to return her back hence support can only be story wise.
Aerith's role in the story has largely passed, but her own personal character arc remains incomplete and for this reason I feel we'll see a lot of her in part 3 - even if she doesn't interact with the party or have a tangible influence on physical events.

Her own story has been building since Remake. At the beginning she's still going through the motions after 5 years, but feeling increasingly lost and confused. Then this guy appears who looks so much and acts so much like him.

Over time you can see - and I feel the devs enhanced this even further in Rebirth - the way Aerith relates to Cloud just as she once did with Zack. Re-enacting the same dates, making the same one-liners and jokes, trying to engage in the same playful flirting. This isn't the actions of a horny girl who forces herself on a man she barely knows, but a genuine and tragic attempt of a woman trying to recapture a lost love.

This culminates with
the Sector 5 dream date. This is just, man, it could not be any more on the nose. Everything about this, to the n'th degree, is a recreation of her date in Crisis Core but ending in a negative or disappointing manner. It finishes off with Aerith herself seemingly taking a moment to reflect, do I like-like him? Really?

Aerith's death is timely here, because she no longer has a leading place in Cloud's personal story (Tifa coming to prominence soon) but also it means she can find resolution in her own.

Zack/Aerith need to have their reunion, their reconciliation, their falling in love all over again and everything else leading up to Advent Children Complete - where they are together, now for eternity, punctuated by Aerith's flowers growing on Zack's grave and Zack's buster sword sitting in the church.

- I agree 3rd PART is now TIFA as Heroine saving Cloud sooo since Aerith is given the exact same importance in Rebirth I know they will do so in 3rd Installment for Tifa.
This pretty much demonstrates why the argument that 'it's optional' doesn't invalidate the kiss. The game gives the player the power to influence what date they're going to see, but not what Cloud does on each date. And that's precisely why it's irrelevant if the scene is optional or not because the way he acts with each character is completely different. It only highlights Cloud's actual feelings towards each one of them.

Plus, as many people have mentioned here, the goalposts have changed in relation to what we can consider as romantic coming from Cloud. Up until Rebirth, we had very little to compare since Cloud has never been presented in undeniably romantic situations outside of polygons and fade to black, and complementary material. So, any ambiguous interaction could be considered romantic as that was the standard for his characterisation. But things have changed now after Rebirth because, for the first time in 27 years, Cloud actually kissed one of the girls, and he was the one to initiate it.

- I also personally believe that all dates happened in the story same with Resolution scenes in Remake ( just different times) and it was players choice on whom to see them.
Its all connected on Barret's date he told Cloud "he learned how to make first move which is exactly you gonna do" - hence he initiated kiss with Tifa.

Nanaki said to "protect Aerith since they can't remember future anymore hence is her date ' he supported her while realizing she's confused


Pro Adventurer
I think I’ve only seen the intimate endings for all the dates, with the exception of the standard Tifa date because that’s what I got.


Pro Adventurer
Don't think I'll ever get to the dates since I'm at the Junon parade and after requiring 50 attempts to get through the first of the three segments I realized I had to do them all perfect IN A FUCKING ROW! Which means I will be stuck here for about a week.


Pro Adventurer
I think they will cut scope, which are what most game companies are doing anyway. I’m worried about pt3 sales. The ending of rebirth turned me off a lot. Cloud has an identity crisis is one thing, him having hallucinations is a whole new level…it actually feels creepy to me.
And I think they will go full Aerith in next games marketing to retain Aerith’s fan.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Don't think I'll ever get to the dates since I'm at the Junon parade and after requiring 50 attempts to get through the first of the three segments I realized I had to do them all perfect IN A FUCKING ROW! Which means I will be stuck here for about a week.
They don't have to be perfect. Just pretty good.
Piano pieces, those have to be fucking perfect.


Pro Adventurer
And I think they will go full Aerith in next games marketing to retain Aerith’s fan.
The marketing is one thing, but I hope that doesn't affect the story. .hack G.U. has an implied romance sorta, and it remains unresolved because of Alkaid's fans (and unlike with Aerith, I really like Alkaid). Granted, the romance there isn't integral to the plot, so it doesn't matter, but Atoli's arc running alongside Haseo's make them a better fit, imo.


Pro Adventurer
I hope Aerith is barely in part 3, or not at all, I think that would best convey the sense of "goneness" that you should want to convey with something like her death. That's how it was in the OG, and it worked splendidly. That having been said, I severely doubt they'll do that, it's honestly gonna be quite annoying, it will be like she's not even dead.

This is one of the reasons I disliked the whole "we made sure to give Aerith and Tifa equal attention!" nonsense, they've said that for two games straight so it's a damn near certainty they'll do it again in part 3. And honestly both solutions are kinda bad, either Aerith is gone, in which case Tifa got equal spotlight in 2 games, and the sole spotlight in game 3. Or They get equal spotlight in game three, in which case Aerith is as much around as a living main character, which....should not be the case.
I've said this a thousand times, rather than making them interchangeable they should have just focused on Aerith in part 1 and 2 so that focusing on Tifa in part 3 feel equal, and they should make the two of them distinct so that it doesn't even matter. But instead in part 2 they constantly try to show Tifa and Aerith sharing a single brain cell which makes them feel interchangeable as people and as characters and its just dumb.


Pro Adventurer
Fuck it, made it to full combo with only 4 "goods" (one of which was bullshit but whatever), so I'm taking it, I'll perfect combo it after I finish the game.


Pro Adventurer
I hope Aerith is barely in part 3, or not at all, I think that would best convey the sense of "goneness" that you should want to convey with something like her death. That's how it was in the OG, and it worked splendidly. That having been said, I severely doubt they'll do that, it's honestly gonna be quite annoying, it will be like she's not even dead.

- I trust especially NOJIMA values each character hence they gave her a full game on part 2 to emphasize it. I trust Tifa will be given the same value given that part 3 is now saving CLOUD to finalize story. NO ONE CAN DO IT ASIDE FROM MY LADY TIFA.

- its not that I don't like there are fans who geniunely like her ( like @eleamaya) but I know her role now is mostly ON LS now and how to fix the other side to match the timeline. I also want to feel the " GONENESS" and reality that NO AERITH will be on game ( even on support when fighting ) as ghost or not..

I'm gonna feel even horrible for her if that's the case. If you know what I mean.. She has a lot to do in LS rather than hangout in the livin as ghost.
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