One of the newer lines that stood out to me in Remake was from the reactor mission. It was Barret telling Cloud, "Prove to me that you're the man Tifa says you are." Or something close x3 And in my head, I was all, "Well, now, that's a tad on the nose, is it?"
It's very on the nose but it also makes sense given that Barret's putting a lot of trust and money in him based solely on Tifa's say so.
I remember seeing this type of thing in a soap opera before. Genders reversed, though. And iirc, it was treated as a problem that had to be corrected. At the end, The man agreed that while the woman looked like his deceased wife (as in they could be like identical twins), she's right that if they were to stay together, he has to regard her separately. One of their arguments mid-story was the woman asking if he loved her or the face of his ex-wife that he sees when he looks at her.
Are you familiar with X-men? There's a situation like that where Cyclops falls in love with a woman who reminds him of Jean Grey when the latter is presumed dead and gets married with her, has a kid, then runs off the moment Jean turns up alive. Now it turns out this woman was in fact a clone of Jean created by an evil mastermind but it was still a dick move of him.
He also occasionally had a problem where he'd reminisce about things he did with a different entity that was pretending to be her, but that entity also thought it was her for awhile, and then she absorbed the memories of both the clone and the other entity. Comics, man.
So then it can be surmised that Cloud and Aerith know each other for only two weeks, three tops?
Given that she dies before the new year ticks over, and it's implied the people of Knowlespole are celebrating a christmas equivalent, yes.
Costa Del Sol doesn’t bother me because depending on the Planet’s rotation, it could be a completely different season based on where the party is in the world.
It's more a "think about how much warmer it must be compared to what they're used to"
I'd be curious to see an actual globe model of the planet to know what latitudes and sized the continents are now.