SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, but she says this for Yuffie as well and he also doesn't deny it. Their dialogue doesn't change no matter which girl Cloud is hanging out with, at least if you're talking about the Rebirth scene in Chocobo Square.

Which is why I'm agreeing w/ you overall but I just think if the fandom has enough sense to realize they shouldn't take NPC Cloud/Yuffie misconceptions all that seriously, it's not that difficult to apply the same logic to CA. The "issue" is that they don't want to and it works as a nice confirmation bias for their preference. Again, I don't care about this particularly because shippers are gonna ship, but I don't consider NPCs misreading the group dynamics as an example of SE playing the fence because there's always going to be a difference in how the devs portray genuine romantic scenes vs. the generic, "haha Cloud is hanging out with a girl" gags, y'know?

Now I do think there ARE crumbs for this ship and that SE is playing the fence in a way (while still leaning to CT), I just don't think those side quests & NPC comments are it.
I see what you're saying. And yeah I personally didn't see it as much of anything. But I know other CAs will.

But yeah exactly that it lets anyone who wants their confirmation bias to have it.

And they know how fans will react so my conclusion is I don't think they care in the end of fans see CA as romantic. They mostly let CAs think that but they then let anyone else playing know CT and ZA is endgame. So it does feel like both sides get something.

And I do have to wonder why. Do they actually want to solve the LTD or not? For years I was under the impression they wanted to end it.

But doing things this way doesss give the other side hope and I really think they just should not have based on the narrative they're building. They could of just not.
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Pro Adventurer
I actually like the way SE has handled the LT. Call me silly for appreciating complex relationships that aren't super straight forward and black/white.
The thing is, It's not about how SE portray them necessarily, because I agree it's great to have complex and nuanced relationships between all the characters, romantic or not. The real problem is SE will portray characters how they want and then feel almost no need to clarify certain portrayals they make and then because of that the LTD has fuel to rumble on and be toxic.

Reasonably you could deduce in AC that Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship, but you can also be forgiven somewhat for people thinking they aren't -- even though I think its pretty obvious -- and then because when pressed on it they don't clarify outright, they obfuscate or give vague answers people see this as an opportunity to be like HA see, they didn't say they ARE in a relationship, clearly now Cloud just wants to die to be with Aerith he doesn't even sleep in the same bed as Tifa, he clearly wanted to live in Aeriths church blah blah blah, which is still a widely popular opinion amongst some people, including influential streamers. When all it takes is for them to say yes they are to basically quash all stupidity.

Now maybe they don't owe anyone a clarification or feel like they even need to, but there's a reason there's been nothing but shit flinging from both sides for many many many years now.


Pro Adventurer
The thing is, It's not about how SE portray them necessarily, because I agree it's great to have complex and nuanced relationships between all the characters, romantic or not. The real problem is SE will portray characters how they want and then feel almost no need to clarify certain portrayals they make and then because of that the LTD has fuel to rumble on and be toxic. Now maybe they don't owe anyone a clarification or feel like they even need to, but there's a reason there's been nothing but shit flinging from both sides for many many many years now.
They don't need to clarify things though. That's been done. It was done in ff7, AC, and OtwtaS


Pro Adventurer
Also that Aerith theme song trailer for Rebirth, you cannot tell me SE didn't know they were baiting Cloud and Aerith fans like hell with the "trip and fall look they almost kiss" scene from the Gondola date, only to then give the only kiss in the game to Cloud and Tifa. There's no way that's not on purpose i'm sorry


Lv. 25 Adventurer
And I do have to wonder why. Do they actually want to solve the LTD or not? For years I was under the impression they wanted to end it.

I'm actually thinking it might be more of a "yes, but not yet" lol it's still a story hook, and clearly a compelling enough hook to keep us coming back here, but I suppose I can only speak for myself.

And also, it's not actually uncompelling to tell the story of Aerith as wanting to move on and trying to make Cloud fit into into her life in a way he never will - they really do seem to have wanted to lean into the tragedy of her situation, but I just don't think they paced this out well enough. A lot of these moments kind of feel like they're just shoehorning anything at all in order to say that they added something to progress this theme, or else, maybe it's the fact that it is shoehorned that becomes it.

I don't really know with these guys though lol I'm still trying to understand what happened in the FF13 series.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
A pair gets a kiss, the other does not.
Even with it being "optional" it should've ended the debates, and yet, it seems it's still going stronger than ever with awful takes from both sides.

I don't know about both sides in the case of the kiss lol - there is only one group who would argue the absolutely in-your-face implication of the first on-screen kiss for the protagonist of FF7 in 3 decades as anything but confirmation.


Pro Adventurer
Also that Aerith theme song trailer for Rebirth, you cannot tell me SE didn't know they were baiting Cloud and Aerith fans like hell with the "trip and fall look they almost kiss" scene from the Gondola date, only to then give the only kiss in the game to Cloud and Tifa. There's no way that's not on purpose i'm sorry
I really don't think the devs approach their flagship game in that manner, sorry


Pro Adventurer
And I do have to wonder why. Do they actually want to solve the LTD or not? For years I was under the impression they wanted to end it.
I think it's because in their minds it is solved lol they don't think about it the way the fans do at all but they want the fans to be happy so they try to give everyone something for fun. I think that's as deep as it goes for them tbh because if we look at CA narratively, there's nothing that points to them as a viable ship. All of their genuine romantic interactions lead us on a road straight back to Zack. They don't really have anything of their "own" which is purposeful. The things they did have were taken away (like Clouds promise to take her on the Highwind/an airship one day) because they don't really intend to portray CA in a mutually romantic way.


Pro Adventurer
To be honest, I think it’s only an echo chamber because most of us agree, which is fine.

But if a bunch of Clerith fans suddenly showed up, I have no qualms welcoming them and engaging in respectful debate.

Because debate can be fun, and I’m always open to listen to other perspective. Until they say stuff like Tifa is toxic or something… then I’d probably just die inside.


Pro Adventurer
Whoever edited things. I don't think they care like that. I'm open to being wrong though. Do you have proof that SE will troll fans like that?
Course not, but its not outside the realms of possibility either that they knew of the reaction it would get because it looks like they're about to kiss -- I mean a trailer is meant to get a reaction -- but they obviously knew that wasn't gonna be the case. All i'm saying is if I was a Cloud and Aerith shipper I feel like I would have a right to be aggrieved at that considering what actually happens in the game.

By the way apologies if it seems like i'm coming across in a bad way I'm not intending it to be that way. Call it frustration if you will haha


Pro Adventurer
I think if they were actually afraid to "end" the LTD, there's no way in hell they would have Cloud kiss Tifa in this part of the story, while Aerith is still very much alive. This entire Remake trilogy is about clarifying misconceptions, and obviously that was a big one.

I will say, I think the TGA trailer was obvious bait but still incredibly out-of-pocket. Like if I was baited and disrespected like that I would never give SE another dime, but I suppose the mutually parasitic relationship continues?

The only reason I'm posting in this thread is because there's really no "debate" anymore. I deliberately avoided this thread post-Remake, but now this is just a nice place to actually discuss the characters and their relationships. If the Twitter Cleriths show up tomorrow, I'm peacing out again, lol.

As for the extremely bad takes, there's nothing SE could possibly do to get them to go away. Some people have committed nearly three decades of their lives to this, they're not gonna change their stripes now. But personally, I just don't care, lol? I don't seek them out, and if I do happen across them, I just laugh and move on. Like I'm also not out here deliberately looking up half-star reviews of my favorite films on Letterboxd just to get my blood to boil, so I don't really understand why people get so huffy over bad takes from people with like 3 followers. But maybe this is just me getting old, lol.


Pro Adventurer
To be honest, I think it’s only an echo chamber because most of us agree, which is fine.

But if a bunch of Clerith fans suddenly showed up, I have no qualms welcoming them and engaging in respectful debate.

Because debate can be fun, and I’m always open to listen to other perspective. Until they say stuff like Tifa is toxic or something… then I’d probably just die inside.
The issue is that most of them who do want to debate it .... don't have nice things to say or nice ways of doing it. We do have some very nice and respectful CA fans in here but there's not much to debate since they're pretty accepting of the story as it's told.

I just feel like... I don't know. It's really hard to debate CA vs CT without some disingenuity being present bc you get arguments like, "Tifa wants a hero, so Zack is actually her more of her type." Which ... I refuse to believe that anyone genuinely believes that because it's such a gross misunderstanding of Tifa but CA fans have been telling me this since I was 16 and I still see this weird take on Twitter in present day.


Pro Adventurer
I think if they were actually afraid to "end" the LTD, there's no way in hell they would have Cloud kiss Tifa in this part of the story, while Aerith is still very much alive. This entire Remake trilogy is about clarifying misconceptions, and obviously that was a big one.

I will say, I think the TGA trailer was obvious bait but still incredibly out-of-pocket. Like if I was baited and disrespected like that I would never give SE another dime, but I suppose the mutually parasitic relationship continues?

The only reason I'm posting in this thread is because there's really no "debate" anymore. I deliberately avoided this thread post-Remake, but now this is just a nice place to actually discuss the characters and their relationships. If the Twitter Cleriths show up tomorrow, I'm peacing out again, lol.

As for the extremely bad takes, there's nothing SE could possibly do to get them to go away. Some people have committed nearly three decades of their lives to this, they're not gonna change their stripes now. But personally, I just don't care, lol? I don't seek them out, and if I do happen across them, I just laugh and move on. Like I'm also not out here deliberately looking up half-star reviews of my favorite films on Letterboxd just to get my blood to boil, so I don't really understand why people get so huffy over bad takes from people with like 3 followers. But maybe this is just me getting old, lol.
Hey i'm absolutely up for being proven wrong. After Rebirth and considering Nomura's words about the relationship moving up and Nojima's words about there being less room for interpretation this is about as close as we've come to the LTD "ending" as it were, in bright neon lights across a new set of games. It's all set up for them to really put the final nail into all the bad takes in Part 3. My only hope is they follow through with what they've set up, but I guess a small part of me thinks they just won't be able to help themselves either because we've been on this old ass broken down train for 27 odd years. Call me jaded and old too :mon:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
On topic, I was always onboard with the idea that the folks at SE largely didn't give a shit about the LTD. There was an actual live triangle in the OG, it served it's narrative function, it ended. As far as they're concerned, there really wasn't anything to debate. As for the REs, I figure there is a live triangle because it's a RE-story, and it can serve a narrative function again (giving us character actions to enjoy us never bad). They might be trolling a bit, knowing everything they do will engender debate, but I really never thought they thought about it all that much.

Less on topic, I've had two different thoughts that I'm considering basing a whole thread off of, specifically regarding characters fighting styles and likely training methods (this came up concerning Rufus being abnormally tough for a rich kid and Cloti synergy attacks being gorgeous). Being as this is the most active thread in the forum I thought I'd bring the idea here to gauge interest. Yay, nay, meh? GTFOoH, maybe? :awesomonster:


Mr. Thou
Yeah, definitely. But... sometimes you can't always get what you want, so it's better to just accept reality and then go out and make your own content if that's what brings you joy. You can't strong arm a whole game company into doing what you want. Hasn't worked in their favour even one time.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened with Witcher 3. A bunch of Triss Merigold fans strong armed CDPR and demanded equal treatment with Geralt's indisputable from-page-one love interest Yennefer. And the Triss fans got exactly what they wanted, a bunch of in-game, out-of-character recognition and support. Being cheered on by Ciri of all people? The fuuuug? With CDPR saying they hoped it would "stop the infighting" (that would have never have started had they followed the books, lmao).

Not a game but same thing with Riverdale (oh how I miss that glorious piece of shit). The shipper inmates ran that asylum. You thought Jughead was ace? Suck it representation. Get that beautiful beanied hunk a woman ASAP. Even if it's the most embarrassing sounding ship ever. Ok, 2nd most embarrassing after Vughead.

And then there's Aerith, for whom being dead has fewer downsides than being a Twilight vampire. Instead of the sudden, meaningless death that made gaming history, this chick had a farewell tour that would have made Kobe Bryant blush. What's there to mourn? We don't need no stinkin' mourning scene. She's immortal. She'll disappear when Sephiroth does, which we can safely file under never. No one's ever really gone. I can't prove SE is caving to fan pressure, but... they sure seem like they're trying hard to please fans who wanted her alive regardless?

The point is, I agree with your point. You can't always get what you want (there's your House M.D. reference @Empyrea). We really should take charge of our own imaginations when fiction doesn't go our way. Unfortunately, it's never been easier for fans to get organized and demand the plot be sacrificed on the altar of fanservice. And if it's a publically traded company? They're listening.
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