I see what you're saying
@Eerie People also jumped on me in my blog when I dared talk of the illusion aspect so that her death hits harder. And well
points at everything with Loveless, Zack, dream worlds I think CA is interesting bc of that illusion aspect in the narrative. With CT representing the reality. Like I remember in OG there is a part in the end after he sees Aerith's hand in the LS reality will fade back and shift from Aerith to Tifa trying to make sure he is ok. As if he was confused and coming out of a dream. It's always been there.
But also I think we have done enough illusion at this point and can move on instead of making entire Aerith's arc about how torn she is over Cloud and Zack. It does feel like she is some some shoujo manga where the heroine is torn and like where is the rest of her arc? The Cetra lore her heritage, seeking freedom, her dream to fly on the Highwind oner day etc they could have definitely focused more on it. Like a friend mentioned we get all these lifesprings and that's something Cetra should know about being stewards of the planet but she doesn't ever comment on them. Also haven't completely seen it yet but I figured her Cosmo Canyon speech should be more about the Planet, because again she is a Cetra. Or ANY of her conversations with Cloud which I'm at the end of ch. 8 and it's like she might as well not be an Ancient with how little it seems to matter.
I don't consider Nibelhiem romantic because she is clearly supporting Cloud and Tifa and oddly enough even with her wanting to see the date spot this scene is all about friendship even from her side. The fake Water tower was definitely a weird choice tho.
I'm still wrapping my head around the direction they went with a lot of scenes.