SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
I think if they were actually afraid to "end" the LTD, there's no way in hell they would have Cloud kiss Tifa in this part of the story, while Aerith is still very much alive. This entire Remake trilogy is about clarifying misconceptions, and obviously that was a big one.

I will say, I think the TGA trailer was obvious bait but still incredibly out-of-pocket. Like if I was baited and disrespected like that I would never give SE another dime, but I suppose the mutually parasitic relationship continues?

The only reason I'm posting in this thread is because there's really no "debate" anymore. I deliberately avoided this thread post-Remake, but now this is just a nice place to actually discuss the characters and their relationships. If the Twitter Cleriths show up tomorrow, I'm peacing out again, lol.

As for the extremely bad takes, there's nothing SE could possibly do to get them to go away. Some people have committed nearly three decades of their lives to this, they're not gonna change their stripes now. But personally, I just don't care, lol? I don't seek them out, and if I do happen across them, I just laugh and move on. Like I'm also not out here deliberately looking up half-star reviews of my favorite films on Letterboxd just to get my blood to boil, so I don't really understand why people get so huffy over bad takes from people with like 3 followers. But maybe this is just me getting old, lol.
For me The LTD is over but I will say the one thing I will never understand is why they haven't just said That in Advent Children that Tifa and Cloud are a Couple or Married or whatever. For most people it's obvious but even then if it's obvious why not just say it? They only say Living together as a family and then you need a book to say Cloud views himself the same as Evan and Kyrie a boyfriend and girlfriend who are a loving family but not by blood. So at this point can they just confirm it XD. Advent Children narratively is great ideas in a mess of a story. If you need to read books to understand the relationship of characters and conflict of the movie just Wow. I'm praying once remake trilogy is done they finally just say it or show it.


Pro Adventurer
Also that Aerith theme song trailer for Rebirth, you cannot tell me SE didn't know they were baiting Cloud and Aerith fans like hell with the "trip and fall look they almost kiss" scene from the Gondola date, only to then give the only kiss in the game to Cloud and Tifa. There's no way that's not on purpose i'm sorry

Reminds me of that guy who did his drive-by shit post the day after that trailer went up. Called us all "Blankbeat's victims who were coping" or something lol...Let me see if I can find it...

Updated list of BlankBeat's Victims... except it's just all the staff and lifestream users.

I know you've had a whole weekend to erect your cope but the spiraling social media meltdowns among cloti and zerith, even up to and including harassing Nojima over it, have said enough.

This forum spent decades denying Clerith with the most desperate technicalities but now Square releases a trailer full of explicitly chosen moments to frame their new theme song. Then put those moments in the background of its page about the song. And the singer of the song mentions Cloud and Aerith by name as those she had to learn about to prepare for the song. They spent money and marketing capital on this. Against which your words are meaningless. After all, who are you anyway? It's a clear case of actions (and effort) speaking louder than words (and sophistry).

What even are the coping mechanisms this time? That you can still hold out hope these were all clumsy misstatements? That none of them force you in particular to accept what they're saying? I mean, I'm sorry, but your positions aren't above the same scrutiny-- if we can't take all of what we just saw seriously, why should we take you seriously?

Ah here we go. What a surprise that he never came back.


Pro Adventurer
Reminds me of that guy who did his drive-by shit post the day after that trailer went up. Called us all "Blankbeat's victims who were coping" or something lol...Let me see if I can find it...

Ah here we go. What a surprise that he never came back.
The holier than thou attitude of that dude... I'm so glad I wasn't around for that.
That victim part is funny, though. I wonder if they all know that getting the last word is almost always a sign of loss, that instead of getting the other side to admit that your point is sound, they just gave up and refuse to stoop down to your level?


Pro Adventurer
Reminds me of that guy who did his drive-by shit post the day after that trailer went up. Called us all "Blankbeat's victims who were coping" or something lol...Let me see if I can find it...

Ah here we go. What a surprise that he never came back.

Holy smokes that was a crazy time here on the boards. I "earned" my stripes and got banned from posting in this thread for about two weeks during that time period. It was insane! 🤣


Pro Adventurer
Reminds me of that guy who did his drive-by shit post the day after that trailer went up. Called us all "Blankbeat's victims who were coping" or something lol...Let me see if I can find it...

Ah here we go. What a surprise that he never came back.

Well that guy was right about one thing, at least;

actions (and effort) speak louder than words

womp womp.png

They sure do.
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Fire and Blood
I spotted few Clerith shippers in main Spoiler thread.
I think I blocked one who tried to troll me. I'm not in the main spoiler thread to troll/get trolled but to talk about the ending. I ran with the /ignore button.

Now, sorry for the multiquote but I need to get my ideas in order:
And the guy being oblivious and into romantic situations and never outright denying them some cases even slightly smiling. Like on the GS tour he slightly smiles when they wait for the Skywheel then sighs when it's not working giving the impression he looked forward to it at least a little.
The thing is, when you compare his reaction to Aerith and Tifa at his door, they're miles apart. When Aerith tells him the Skywheel is for couple, he doesn't look interested, but at the slightest mention with Tifa, he jumps on the occasion. There's also the way they're always filmed, with in ch8 Aerith take his arm and running to it, Tifa taking his hand and have him holds hers and them advancing like a real couple on the same wavelength. There are differences like these, that make people go "mmh, it looks more romantic with Tifa".

However! I will agree that you can see the Aerith date and see it as completely romantic too. Some people will however be put off by her way of dealing with it, which is why I think that we're meant to see her dream date in a more romantic context.

You get stuff like CAs don't play the games:
While I agree that this comment should not be done because it's false, even Peko came to think like this because of the loudest bunch who... don't play the games lol.

The devs might see it as fanservice or giving both sides what they want. I definitely don't think they see the harm.
I think it was definitely true in the past, but I also think that Nojima, since Remake, has put his foot down. He wants to clear a LOT of misconceptions about the story, which is why so many of the Tifa moments feel validating for CT fans. However, the fact that CAs continue to argue in bad faith about old mistranslations and misconceptions cleared in the game etc. don't help their case. This is also why so many CTs believe a large part don't play the game, because they contradict what the game SAYS.

But also they could have just not. They could have just not focused this much on Aerith's feelings for Cloud to the point it's more of her arc than OG. They could have just not had Aerith talk about love in her resolution they could have just not had sidequests that cater to the ship. They could have just not had Marlene tell Zack about Aerith's feelings for Cloud making it look like some shoujo manga where the heroine is torn. Especially if the point they want us to understand is oh it's not real. She loves Zack.
I understand how you feel but. It's always been how CA operate, as a pairing: it's the illusion side of the romance, CT representing the reality side of it. So they have to represent it.

Yo this is actually wild, but I can believe it because it fits right on in with the modus operandi of some Cleriths who eschew actual source material in favour of "that looks nice so it must be true". Pairing Zack and Tifa is particularly egrigous because firstly it's a not-so-subtle attempt to deal with two major hurdles to CA happening at once, but also it ignores the fact Tifa literally tells Zack in Crisis Core she fancies Cloud lol
It's absolutely remarkable how CC/R went out of its way to show how uninterested Zack and Tifa are in each other, with each other thinking and talking about their own object of affection, and yet some people insist they're the "IT" pairing. Just no. Note: there are also people who try to pair Tifa with Barret which is even creepier as I think they have a family-esque father/daughter like relationship. Plus Barret will never be over Myrna, period.

For me The LTD is over but I will say the one thing I will never understand is why they haven't just said That in Advent Children that Tifa and Cloud are a Couple or Married or whatever. For most people it's obvious but even then if it's obvious why not just say it? They only say Living together as a family and then you need a book to say Cloud views himself the same as Evan and Kyrie a boyfriend and girlfriend who are a loving family but not by blood. So at this point can they just confirm it XD. Advent Children narratively is great ideas in a mess of a story. If you need to read books to understand the relationship of characters and conflict of the movie just Wow. I'm praying once remake trilogy is done they finally just say it or show it.
I will say it but AC made me furious because I saw that the devs were catering to both sides, very clearly, and that made me think that SE would never grow balls. But hey, they did learn a lot when those women pitied Tifa. Suddenly they learned a lot.

Holy smokes that was a crazy time here on the boards. I "earned" my stripes and got banned from posting in this thread for about two weeks during that time period. It was insane! 🤣
The button ignore to ignore all posts by that user is the best. :)

Also I think I forgot to say something about one other post I saw on the previous page. Grrr.
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Fire and Blood
And after that....I honestly don't remember any non-optional scenes between just Cloud and Aerith until chapter 13, so when people say breadcrumbs it almost feels like even that is giving it too much credit.
I think the water tower in Nibelheim is non optional, which is crazy because if you want to max out Aerith, you have to have Cloud admit he was looking at Tifa from there 🤣


Pro Adventurer
I see what you're saying @Eerie People also jumped on me in my blog when I dared talk of the illusion aspect so that her death hits harder. And well points at everything with Loveless, Zack, dream worlds I think CA is interesting bc of that illusion aspect in the narrative. With CT representing the reality. Like I remember in OG there is a part in the end after he sees Aerith's hand in the LS reality will fade back and shift from Aerith to Tifa trying to make sure he is ok. As if he was confused and coming out of a dream. It's always been there.

But also I think we have done enough illusion at this point and can move on instead of making entire Aerith's arc about how torn she is over Cloud and Zack. It does feel like she is some some shoujo manga where the heroine is torn and like where is the rest of her arc? The Cetra lore her heritage, seeking freedom, her dream to fly on the Highwind oner day etc they could have definitely focused more on it. Like a friend mentioned we get all these lifesprings and that's something Cetra should know about being stewards of the planet but she doesn't ever comment on them. Also haven't completely seen it yet but I figured her Cosmo Canyon speech should be more about the Planet, because again she is a Cetra. Or ANY of her conversations with Cloud which I'm at the end of ch. 8 and it's like she might as well not be an Ancient with how little it seems to matter.

I don't consider Nibelhiem romantic because she is clearly supporting Cloud and Tifa and oddly enough even with her wanting to see the date spot this scene is all about friendship even from her side. The fake Water tower was definitely a weird choice tho.

I'm still wrapping my head around the direction they went with a lot of scenes.
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Fire and Blood
It does feel like she is some some shoujo manga where the heroine is torn and like where is the rest of her arc?
I thought with the lifesprings maybe they would be more connected to Aerith and we'd learn something - or at least SHE would - but no. I agree with you, I'm not really fond of her arc, if you look only at the main story there aren't a lot of Aerith things she does. And when she talks about her loneliness etc. people don't connect to it because it was shown ONCE in REMAKE soooooo.... Why Tifa makes that speech about the Planet I understand it giving her own experience in Gongaga, but why isn't Aerith backing it up too in her own speech? Aside underlining what's really going on in Cosmo Canyon (fake touristic attraction with hippie stuff), I don't really see the point which is really TOO BAD. And that one is on Nojima too -_-

Fact is, they should have had her comment more on Tifa's experience in the Lifestream - it's supposed to be part of things she'd know or be eager to learn about at least, they should've made the Aerith ending less long but played up the Cetra heritage more along the game because it's supposed to be super important. A lot of people feel robbed on that, her "Cetra importance" really becomes important at the end and it's like "what do we do with her" up until then.


I enjoyed Cosmo Canyon a lot, probably one of my favourite chapters, apart from how Tifa was treated at first, I was moved by a lot, and you can definitely see Aerith was interested in learning too. A lot happening for the characters in c10 though it's primarily Nanaki's chapter of course.

@LunarTarotGirl you always put things so eloquently, more than I can do, thank you, much of what you say I wanted to say but wasn't sure how, then you say it and I'm like hit like button wow

I've been watching bits of streamers react here and there and there's this bit in the ending where Cloud goes "Are you sure you're going to be ok getting back?" and Aerith did her flirty "and if I said I wasn't" and Cloud smiles, which is a direct playback to their date in Remake, and that was at the very end, they probably knew some people would be very happy with this and/or it was purposeful.


Fire and Blood
I've been watching bits of streamers react here and there and there's this bit in the ending where Cloud goes "Are you sure you're going to be ok getting back?" and Aerith did her flirty "and if I said I wasn't" and Cloud smiles, which is a direct playback to their date in Remake, and that was at the very end, they probably knew some people would be very happy with this and/or it was purposeful.
I saw that and it's really a nice bit. At the very worst that's where you're supposed to get that this is "our" Aerith, if you had any doubt about it.

For Cosmo Canyon, I was really put off by the fake tourist trap, really. Even Bugenhagen isn't pleased with how things turned, so I hope Nanaki will manage to change that in the future :D


Pro Adventurer
Note: there are also people who try to pair Tifa with Barret which is even creepier as I think they have a family-esque father/daughter like relationship. Plus Barret will never be over Myrna, period.
What makes Barret/Tifa more funny is that some people thought they were a pair in the OG. Why? Because they saw it through a heteronormative lens: Barret was the dad, Marlene was the daughter, and Tifa was the young woman taking care of the daughter so she must be the mother. And then these same people absolutely refuse to apply the same lens to Cloud/Tifa in ACC. Nope, that's a family of friends, friendfully living together and taking care of two kids.

It's the same with the pivotal CT scenes; the lifestream and under the highwind. These just went right over their heads, such as missing the implied sex because they were nine at the time. And instead of thinking that maybe they should update their nine-year-old impressions now that they're older? Nope, they still seem to think that that was a valid/correct interpretation of the text.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Love the reference! Indeed, we must find and destroy the phylactery in 1D10 days or it will come back with all its hit points!
Worse than that. the LTD is a psychic lich. We must find its phylactery, a book, enter the story itself, and kill it again there.

Loveless, by its very nature, should be open to different interpretations no?

It’s a play from antiquity, and the play we take a part in within Rebirth’s story is marketed as the “G Edition”, suggesting it’s one of many adaptations of the play.

I mean there is even a sidequest in Crisis Core about Loveless having these different study groups interpreting the text and what have you.

Much how centuries after the fact we still have many new ideas and reinterpretations of the works of William Shakespeare, so too should the Loveless play invite this as well.

Again wasn’t a huge part of Genesis’ entire character him trying to figure out the hidden and true meaning behind Loveless’ text?
He was, despite the huge gaps in the original texts. I assume the version in Rebirth is intended to be the version he penned.

They definitely shot themselves in the foot with this though. I played all 3 Witcher games before I even read a page of the books, which you could argue is my fault but quite honestly I wasn't such a big reader back then! Anyway like you spend 2 games practically main romancing and getting used to Triss that when you play Witcher 3 and all of a sudden Yennefer enters the picture I was like what the hell who is this and why is she just suddenly the main romance, it definitely confused me and the problem is like I said at this point I was basically attached to Triss so it didn't make much sense to me as to why i'd all of a sudden gravitate towards Yennefer. Of course after reading the books I was like ohhhhhh okay I get it but until then I don't think people can be blamed for CDPR basically pushing Triss on you for 2 games only for it to switch up in the third.
Yeah, CDPR cocked up mostly because they weren't sure how to do Yen justice and then they overcomplicated things for themselves when they brought the unquestionably canon love interest in.


Pro Adventurer
I think the water tower in Nibelheim is non optional, which is crazy because if you want to max out Aerith, you have to have Cloud admit he was looking at Tifa from there 🤣
Yeah, even if you have him deny it, it’s still framed as a lie that he’s saying out of embarrassment.


Pro Adventurer
Basically the CAs being loud and arguing and spewing hate are but a tiny part of the CA fandom and the arguments made here can apply to them. And that's not entirely accurate either bc some of those toxic ones also play they just also want to hate.

The ones I'm talking about in particular don't buy the games, so that's why I said that. And I know they don't buy it 'cause they admit to it / brag about it constantly but then they'll sit there and create a bunch of weird talking points that don't make sense... because they don't play.

This isn't a blanket statement on all CAs, but when discussing the extremists who have very specific and easily recognizable names and love to harass the dev teams and camp out in comment sections.... Well, the facts are the facts. This doesn't mean all CAs are like this and I don't think that was ever the argument.


Pro Adventurer
No one actually believes Barret/Tifa are a thing except those who don't want Cloud/Tifa to be a thing, let's be real
You gotta forgive me for believing this for like a solid few minutes when i was first introduced to Tifa in Sector 7 when i was like 7 or 8 years old, but i very quickly realized i was wrong about the dynamic :awesome:.


Pro Adventurer
No one actually believes Barret/Tifa are a thing except those who don't want Cloud/Tifa to be a thing, let's be real
Same thing with tifa x zack. These aren't genuine beliefs, it's intellectual dishonesty. They know tifa and zack are a problem and desperately try to get rid of them. They know they can't admit that though so they pretend that them trying to pair off tifa and zack with each other, barret, cissnei, whoever, is done because of an appreciation for the actual pairing. Its the most blatant intellectual dishonesty I've ever seen and I always feel disgust when I am forced to respond to an opinion we both know they don't hold. I hate the tactic, it's such a bottom feeder way to argue.
This is so funny to me because a guy I knew told me he played the game when he was 9, he was extremely bad at it, but he understood that Cloud and Tifa had sex under the Highwind lmao. Me: "BUT YOU WERE ONLY 9 WTF" lol.
I was 10 and I got that, it wasn't subtle imo
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Pro Adventurer
I enjoyed Cosmo Canyon a lot, probably one of my favourite chapters, apart from how Tifa was treated at first, I was moved by a lot, and you can definitely see Aerith was interested in learning too. A lot happening for the characters in c10 though it's primarily Nanaki's chapter of course.

When you say how Tifa was treated, is this poor treatment from the villagers of Cosmo Canyon, or do Nanaki and the party treat her poorly?

I keep seeing this mentioned a lot about Chapter 10, that Tifa isn’t treated well. I can handle the idea of it being the villagers but I’d hate Nanaki or the party to be part of it.


Pro Adventurer
The Snowman
Yeah, CDPR cocked up mostly because they weren't sure how to do Yen justice and then they overcomplicated things for themselves when they brought the unquestionably canon love interest in.
Funny, I didn't play the first two Witcher games, so I had no emotional attachment to Triss. But how Yen was presented was with the big opening cut scene + within 10 minutes there's a scene of Geralt naked in the bathtub and her ass on display, I thought "well, she must be the main love interest"

Then you open her entry when they're looking for her in White Orchard and it clearly says something about her being Geralt's love and I just never considered Triss as an option after that

Eerie said:
This is so funny to me because a guy I knew told me he played the game when he was 9, he was extremely bad at it, but he understood that Cloud and Tifa had sex under the Highwind lmao. Me: "BUT YOU WERE ONLY 9 WTF" lol.
I honestly thought they spent the whole night just sitting next to each other. I didn't even really get they were supposed to be cuddling cos of the blocky figures. Well, "cuddling"


Pro Adventurer
When you say how Tifa was treated, is this poor treatment from the villagers of Cosmo Canyon, or do Nanaki and the party treat her poorly?

I keep seeing this mentioned a lot about Chapter 10, that Tifa isn’t treated well. I can handle the idea of it being the villagers but I’d hate Nanaki or the party to be part of it.
The villagers mostly.
she says what she saw while with Weapon in the Lifestream and they all think she’s nuts. Bugenhagen doesn’t think she’s necessarily crazy but he doesn’t believe her at all.


Pro Adventurer
What about Nanaki and the party? Or do they not really respond?
The party doesn’t actually know what Tifa saw besides what Tifa might have told them. They don’t really say anything but what occurs happens in two small scenes.

I think people overblow Tifa being mistreated in Chapter 10. It’s not really that significant other than the villagers don’t believe her story. And to be honest, only Bugenhagen really challenges it, the rest of the villagers are just silent but you can tell they don’t believe it.
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