It's not so much that I have a problem with the Sector Five date itself, more so its placement in the game. This is essentially the last extended sequence where the player sees Aerith, so the last image we're left of her "alive" is this. Is this what her character boils down to? I understand her conflicting feelings over Zack/Cloud make up a big part of her character, but here....the White Materia/saving the world almost feels like an afterthought? The balance just feels off.
It also makes what she says in the Sleeping Forest sequence after feel disingenuous. How can she say she's been trying so hard to find the real Cloud when she just made him recreate her first date with Zack? (I'm firmly in the camp that those weren't the "same" Aerith until the Ultimania proves otherwise, but the game clearly wants us to think they're the same person, at least for our first playthrough, so my problem remains).
It's just strange where after ToTP, I thought it was clear where they were taking the two heroines. Tifa would primarily be about her own past/working through that past with Cloud. Aerith would mostly be about her Cetra heritage/saving the planet, her feelings for Zack/Cloud would still be present, but secondary. I was right about Tifa, but could not have been more wrong about Aerith, lmao. Not gonna pretend I know better than the devs, but I really feel like this would have been a much cleaner way to go about this. Instead, I feel like they've essentially sacrificed Aerith's character for the sake of servicing Zack's storyline/development.
Regardless, Ch. 14 is definitely giving 'pulling an all-nighter, chugging three Red Bulls to write the first draft of a 10k research paper due the next morning even though you've known about it all semester' energy. Shoving in a bunch of development for Aerith in a couple of hours that should have been spread out throughout. If they wanted to go this route, then honestly, there being more of an actual "love triangle" to debate would have given more weight to these like 15 endings. But since they also wanted to make that less ambiguous...we're just left with an ending that leaves me confused (not in terms of where the narrative is actually going, that's pretty obvious if you've played the OG, but more in the...why did they make this her characterization right before she dies kind of way).