I understand that this is the LTD thread, but I also think we need to put this into perspective - I don't think we're really supposed to be arguing whether the love triangle exists at all because that's a false premise. What we are arguing is the actual nature of this triangle and I think we sometimes fall into the trap of containing this in a binary of platonic/romantic, and people are just not that simple, and if they ever were, then we wouldn't be discussing this at all. I've definitely joked about the war being over, though, since I think we've always had the definitive answer to "Who does Cloud Love?" and that's always been Tifa (to be clear, mutual romantic feelings, and not feelings of mutual best buddy-hood).
Given that the premise is about who Cloud reciprocates his feelings with with, I don't think that anyone should be working so hard to deny that Aerith does have feelings for Cloud because we really should assume that she does. Regardless of whether or not this is based on her residual feelings for Zack, they do exist and she feels them fully and they are directed to one person who we know for sure is alive. You can, indeed, catch feelings for someone in weeks worth of time with the right factors, and you can fall in love without knowing who someone really is - people do that all the time and for all the wrong reasons, but they do, and its unfair to suggest that the love they're genuinely trying to give is somehow indicative of an attempt to emotionally defraud.