Hi, I'm new here so if this post is in the wrong thread or comes off as rude, I'm sorry in advance.
So, does anyone here still think that the remake trilogy will end with Advent children? because I feel like it would be awkward for it to, especially since some stuff like Kyrie were placed into the remakes, it would just make some stuff feel disjointed.
Yes. It might end with AC recreated in the game somehow, but I see no reason for it not to. Kyrie doesn't complicate matters much.
With that said, I can't help but feel like Clerith will be canon in the re;trilogy, or atleast the ambiguity around it will be brought back from the dead again, and before I go any further I'm a Cloti, and firmly believe it is THE pairing of ff7 by the time of Advent Children.
My reasoning for this is as follows; I assume most of us accept that a Clerith ending of this story is a bad one, and would only serve to hurt basically all three characters involved in the original love triangle. I also assume that most of us are partial to the belief that Remake and Rebirth had, to put it in the best way possible, weak endings, since it is the general opinion I see online.
So far, that leaves us with 2/3 games in this trilogy having bad endings, and now that it's a pattern and the story will only get more derailed from here on out, it's not unfair to assume the third game will also have a bad ending with all of the dimension jumping stuff being even more prominent.
You have made a fundamental error in logic here, as others have pointed out. "If this happens, it would be terrible" does not mean "If it is terrible, this will definitely happen."
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic since I'm just kind of like that, but I can't help but feel that, with Aerith "dead", the perfect spot for Square Enix to give her screentime and importance in the third game will be to include her in the lifestream sequence, especially with the new addition of Cloud deluding himself about Aeriths death. The same way Square Enix wasn't going to make Remake without Sephiroth having a role, I feel that there's no way Square Enix would develop an entire ff7 game with Aerith, (one of the most iconic and marketable video game characters ever) only having as much of a role as Zack did in Rebirth.
Why not? She literally does not appear in any physical way in the OG from her death until the very end outside of a video of her birth.
Aerith appearing in the lifestream sequence, in my eyes atleast, cheapens it HEAVILY. It is basically the moment in the original it tells the player "Cloud was living a lie all long, and that he has deeply ingrained feelings for another woman". It is a pivotal moment for the Cloud and Tifa pairing, and Aerith being there, honestly, would kind of ruin it, because now it isn't a Cloud and Tifa moment, it's just a story beat like any other.
It would still be Cloud and Tifa's moment. I mean, it would be extra cruel to Aerith for her to see the fact that Cloud has literally never had a thought in his head that wasn't Tifa related in some fashion. But I don't think they're putting her there. Not physically anyways.
This is where the ambiguity comes back into play in the Re;trilogy. With Katou gone from Square Enix, (presumably) Square Enix keeping the third game to a teen rating, and keeping the affection mechanics from Rebirth, I can't see the highwind scene being an implied sex scene like it used to be, or anything special if not being gutted by Square completely, It was already a miracle it was added in the first place.
You can imply lots of things without breaking a T rating my friend.
Pair all this with the fact the third game "linking up" with Advent Children doesn't seem possible due to characters like Kyrie being repurposed, and that the third game will probably have a terrible ending like the two that came before it, I think the Re;trilogy will almost definitely have either:
1) A Clerith ending
2) Way too much ambiguity, with it favouring Clerith.
I will wager with 100% certainty it will do neither of those things.
So, those are my thoughts. Again, if this is posted in the wrong thread or came off as rude, I'm really sorry.
This is the correct spot, you are not rude, and forgive my own presumptuousness, but do you suffer from an anxiety disorder by chance?
It's true that the original triangle being discussed still exists as it did in '97, but the inclusion of Zack is your wild card here.
Zack is the missing piece of the puzzle that makes the triangle fall apart. I mean, he always has been, but much more blatantly.
I think that "CA ending" is a "Bad Ending," therefore, any "Bad Ending" will likely be a "CA Ending" isn't necessarily the way to look at it here. Many ways to ruin a story, and only one of them involves undoing decades of a well-known story element in a flagship game to pursue... what appears to be an element that doesn't even really exist in the current iteration.
Exactly. CA makes no narrative sense for the Retrilogy, but EVEN IF the third game has a shitty ending there's no reason to suspect it will occur. Like, the endings have been strange nonsense but you could theoretically ignore them and just get the OG events more or less. Part 3 is almost certain to do the same.
I understand the pessimism, but keep in mind that, in a game with date mechanics where the player chooses who Cloud dates, Cloud only chose to kiss Tifa. This was deliberate, and probably the most telling of decisions by the devs, not even mentioning that they have, in a recent interview, asked everyone to watch all of them. There are many places where inserting Aerith was possible in Rebirth given that many of the moments in the game were new and added dimension, but again they just didn't.
But to humour your hypothetical, let's say that Aerith is shoehorned into the Lifestream sequence: will this destroy Cloud's feelings for Tifa? Can Aerith bring back Cloud without Tifa's memories of him? Are Cloud's memories and affections for Tifa going to be erased? And, possibly most importantly, how is a Aerith, who presumably loves Cloud (but is, to date, unproven to do so) to react when she sees that the love that inhabits his mind is a love that is reserved for another?
All that besides, the conclusion of "a sealed up secret wish" is a trigger that has yet to be pulled (but all CT scenes thus far have indicated that they're just itching to pull it).
Plus both TOTP and the 2000 gil short story tie in went out of their way to really hammer home just how much Cloud and Tifa did and do matter to each other.
FFX, who had the same devs, had an implied sex scene but it wasn't raunchy, explicit, or, actually, even obvious. You can't tell me that they were "dancing down there where it's wet" and not make me think it was innuendo. It's about execution: Kato wanted to be explicit in FFVII but was denied that level of it, then he proceeded to be explicit with it in Xenogears. Different artistic visions in this case, so maybe it will just take a different form in the coming game.
To note, he was explicit that the two had sex, there was not an "explicit sex scene"
Rebirth alone was pretty far from ambiguous so I don't feel like the waters will become murkier as time goes on. It's been a while since I've seen Advent Children, but I don't remember Kyrie being involved at all - only in TKAA. It felt pretty well contained within its own narrative so I'm not sure how this is affected.
Yeah, Kyrie doesn't actually affect anything with regards to ACC at all. She does not make contact with any of the 7th heaven fam until after its events.
Speaking of ambiguity, we also have to remember that the devs deliberately released ToTP and CCR prior to Rebirth and insisted for people to experience that in order to understand everything going on in Rebirth - both of these entries give background to CT and ZA so it would seem terribly out of pocket to just do away with that in favour of a pairing that neither has the narrative links to each other like CT or ZA does, or provide any satisfying conclusion to the non-optional buildup between Cloud and Tifa which has been noted pretty well across the board.
And 2000 Gil to be a hero, natch.
Additional note: I wish I can just do away with saying "non-optional" as if content in a narrative driven game was not meant to be seen.
Mandatory! Because you have to see them.
The way I see it, is if I went on a date with a girl I liked and then interlocked fingers with her for a prolonged period of time, I would 100% go home thinking I made BIG progress with her, since I've never been romantically involved with anyone, same as Cloud.
And if it was a girl you had literally never considered romantically and also thought was still having feelings for her dead ex boyfriend who was your best friend?