Btw, this is my take of LTD in the FF7 Remake from Aerith's perspective:
I think FF7R didn’t portray Aerith in denial. English directly translated “The first guy I ever loved.” This line is the same as OG in JP when it was translated as “My first boyfriend.” But, the line that they weren't serious is removed. I would love to view Aerith is grieving his death, CC portrayed her sensing his death and it’s relevant to the scene kid Aerith sensed the death of Elmyra’s husband.
Now let’s see all CC references. Aerith’s line about one date is the same as OG in JP, but FF7R shows her gesture the same as Zack’s. She also asked if Cloud had SOLDIER’s friend or war buddies. The kids in Sector 5 play with wooden buster sword. Cloud even yelled at Aerith to quit acting like she knew him (and the flower quest was supposed to be named "Crisis Core" but the staff decided not to use it because they didn't wanna hint Zack yet). In the morning, she stopped Cloud with
“I want to spend more time” in JP the same as her 23 wishes for Zack. Then the whole playground’s dialogue when she reminiscence him; how she used to sell flower there (with Zack in CC, doesn't exist in OG), how she saw the mako eyes (which Zack made her blush).
Cloud, you’re Zack in her eyes! But this isn't a bad take since she's always set to see her first love in Cloud even in OG, and FF7R delivers it well.
After all of CC references since the church meeting above, I would love to view she knew she had to stop grieving for Zack with
“Gotta move forward, not back” line; not because he was ghosting her, the emotion is different. She probably didn’t get the closure she wanted from Cloud, but she’s ready to move on, even ready to let go of Cloud returning to Sector 7, stop chasing Zack’s shadow in him, might not see him again… before Tifa come to the scene. Then in the entire Wall Market chapter ‘til the optional dream sequence, she never views Cloud as Zack’s shadow anymore. Don’t get me wrong, still, she eventually had a good feeling towards Cloud as himself and embraced it all—the times she spent with Cloud just in 2 days are real.
With this, I’m not sure they would keep the same line in Gold Saucer date when she told Cloud,
“You were different, I want to meet the real you” in OG. It has been delivered in the optional dream sequence before they rescued Aerith
“Don't fall in love with me, even if you do, it’s not real/your imagination.” LTD seems to have been ended here. We didn't see any CxA moment after the trio met her in Shinra HQ. The ‘famous’ cell dialogue about ‘date & bodyguard’ that left Tifa jealous doesn’t exist, instead, we get many Aerith/Tifa moments started from in her room.
Then her line to
“gotta move forward” is surprisingly contradicted with FF7R ending, when she stopped walked forward to grieve once again as Zack passing her by (her line
“I hate the sky” in JP confirmed about him taken away by the sky, the metaphor of CC ending with Zack's soul soar to the sky/heaven).
Will we see how she’s trying to move on again into Cloud so the Gold Saucer’s date lines would be relevant again? That LTD would be revived again? Or will we see how her feeling is never changed that she presumably knows she would meet Zack again, either in life (the destiny crossroad) or in death (she knew her fate)? Remember, Aerith has sensed his last stand in highway. I think, her line of changing destiny including her awareness that it also can alter Zack’s fate as well. From her last line in Midgar outskirt, the Zack in her timeline is still dead but….
…we don’t know about it for now.
But we can't take Zack out of a picture from the LTD in the remake, unlike OG.
It's been a while since I stated an unpopular opinion, so here I go:
I didn't like Zerith.
Yes, they were cute... at first. Later, their "cutesy" dynamic was grating (that "The sky frightens me" moment was like Anakin's "I hate sand" in my eyes) and felt shallow -they know each other for two damn years and Zack NEVER talks about his job (not even in passing, not even when he's crushed by the "kill your mentor" assignment); conversely, Aerith never talks to Zack about her relationship with Shin-Ra. At all.
If these aren't trust issues, I don't know what they are.
You can roast me now.
Edit: I'm not discussing its relevance or canonicity, though; I simply found their scenes boring after a while.
Well, as long as it's just personal taste, I have no issue about it. You aren't as bad as those who clearly oppose and deny their relationship.