SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Is there even a way to measure "romance"? How can we even claim with definiteness that one is 'more romantic' than the other?

To me, it's clear that both cutscenes were made with romantic intentions, regardless if romance was at the forefront of the scene or just there at the background.

Aerith's brings the idea of romantic love at the forefront. It is without a doubt a romantic scene. It's done so with the idea that Aerith is going to die and so Cloud's relationship with her has to be developed fast.

Tifa's doesn't have romance at the forefront. It was, to me, a moment of shared grief between two closely connected people who has previously lost everything before; a moment of genuine connection. It may not be romantic on its face, but what makes it romantic are events/scenes/moments preceding between Cloud and Tifa, that clearly had romance written on their faces, leading to the cutscene in Chapter 14. It is likewise a romantic scene, although presented differently than Aerith's.

What I'm trying to say is that if a scene was written with romance in mind, then it is romantic.

And Barret's is romantic BrOTP.


Pro Adventurer
a dude
Really? For me the Barret factoid makes it even more romantic in my view, because it makes Cloud's intention even more clear.
While for me, Aerith telling Cloud he can't fall in love with her, makes it come off as less romantic in my experience. Though I can't completely understand how for others, that same line makes it more romantic for them.
Because it's a mega-huge cliche and Cloud says "be quiet silly woman" back. Might be paraphrasing a bit.

Since Aerith is going to die, the Clerith ball has to be set in motion hard and fast, otherwise we won't feel the terrible pain of senseless loss we experience when she's ripped away from us. The Cloti ball can be left on the back burner to cook more slowly. Sorry for the mixed metaphor.
works perfectly. The Dream is more directly about Love to complement the BURST DAMAGE playstyle of the Clerith specialization.


Pro Adventurer
I am not sure how people are interrupting the dream sequence with Aerith being romantic. If you put that same context into real life, If a girl tells a boy not to fall in love with her, that will be a huge gut blow to the boy, and will probably end the friendship right away. Why would you hang around a girl that friend-zoned you before your feelings were even fully realized. It just doesn't have any logical sense to me.

As for the Tifa scene and as stated before, with the build up between Tifa and Cloud before the CH14 (the drink, rolling off the train, hand holding on top of sector 7 plate) are just a few very romantic scenes with Tifa and Cloud. If you remember those scenes then you will understand that it is not just two friends comforting each other but romance.

I will however, admit that if you just look at the scene at face value (just the scene) without looking at any of the earlier context. I could see it being interrupted as Cloud just comforting an old friend. However, you cannot deny the build up before CH14 between Tifa and Cloud so that point at this point is moot.


Of course what Cloud and Aerith have, whatever it is, in the remake, is not going to end in the short term, and their relationship, and Cloud's care for her is going to continue to grow, as it continued to do even after the night time scene and chapter 14 and the rest of the chapters and game continued.


Pro Adventurer
I’m not sure I understand why we’re even arguing whether the scenes have romantic undertones or how strong/weak said undertones are. There are so many layers to both of them, and I think each layer enriches the scenes some more rather than detract from them. And of course they’re meant to be both for returning players and new ones, so I feel we’re certainly encouraged to examine them in the bigger picture of how we know these relationships developed in the OG and perhaps even the larger Compilation universe.

But I guess it’s a testament to how good the scenes are that people are saying they’re impactful and meaningful regardless of personal interpretations and preferences on romance and the big ol’ LTD debate (I agree, btw). They truly show the difference between cheap fanservice and good writing that makes sense first and foremost for the characters.

It now seems to be the case in the Remake that we're going to be allowed to feel the bonds of love and affection between Aerith and all the member of Avalanche, not just Cloud. They have already done a fantastic job of developing her friendship with Tifa (or more, if you want to see it that way).

I know, right? This is definitely something I’m looking forward to. I wonder if we’ll see those little moments that some of the characters talked about later in the game, like Cid saying he wanted to give her a ride on the Highwind or Red saying she used to bump him on the nose and that he secretly loved the attention.

I want everybody to be a mess when it happens, myself included :lol:
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Pro Adventurer
I have tried to ship Barret with Tifa and I just can't. To me he will always see her as a kind of daughter. The paternal force is strong in Barret.

This reminded me of a friend who once told me that when she first played the game, she thought that Barret and Tifa were married and Marlene was their daughter. :wacky: But yeah I agree, it feels a bit wrong to me.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
Stuff can be two things, as Aaron put it. Cloud being a dynamic character with multiple layers and having love for them both is a reason the triangle is interesting in the first place. SE knows this and profits from it to this day. Doesn't change the endgame, but doesn't invalidate those who like CxA either.

To me, odd one out dynamics like Cecil/Rosa\Kain are more interesting because they explore the selfish side of love, but that's besides the point.

I have it as headcanon that Barret calls both Tifa and Marlene babygirl in a paternal way.


Pro Adventurer
I interpreted him hugging her too hard as the gesture being something he needed (with regard to the stress of the day and burning of Nibelheim) as much as she did.
I liked the Barret aspect the Ultimania talked about. You can see it in the scene where Barret is comforting her after the plate fell. He looks at Cloud, and after a moment Cloud looks away somewhat embarrassingly. It's like Barret is telling him "Why aren't you doing this?"

As for the hug itself, I interpreted him hugging her so hard as being frustrated that she was so upset. It bothered him so much that he subconsciously wanted to squeeze all of the unhappiness out of her.

Or maybe- subconsciously- he just liked how her boobs felt against him. :smashedmonster:

Is there even a way to measure "romance"? How can we even claim with definiteness that one is 'more romantic' than the other?

To me, it's clear that both cutscenes were made with romantic intentions, regardless if romance was at the forefront of the scene or just there at the background.

Aerith's brings the idea of romantic love at the forefront. It is without a doubt a romantic scene. It's done so with the idea that Aerith is going to die and so Cloud's relationship with her has to be developed fast.

Tifa's doesn't have romance at the forefront. It was, to me, a moment of shared grief between two closely connected people who has previously lost everything before; a moment of genuine connection. It may not be romantic on its face, but what makes it romantic are events/scenes/moments preceding between Cloud and Tifa, that clearly had romance written on their faces, leading to the cutscene in Chapter 14. It is likewise a romantic scene, although presented differently than Aerith's.

What I'm trying to say is that if a scene was written with romance in mind, then it is romantic.

And Barret's is romantic BrOTP.

Personally, I found Cloud and Tifa's Chapter 14 scenes as more romantic than Cloud and Aerith's. But no surprise, different people, different reactions.
I just don't think one can objectively claim either Chapter 14 scene is "more" romantic than the other.
I am not sure how people are interrupting the dream sequence with Aerith being romantic. If you put that same context into real life, If a girl tells a boy not to fall in love with her, that will be a huge gut blow to the boy, and will probably end the friendship right away. Why would you hang around a girl that friend-zoned you before your feelings were even fully realized. It just doesn't have any logical sense to me.

As for the Tifa scene and as stated before, with the build up between Tifa and Cloud before the CH14 (the drink, rolling off the train, hand holding on top of sector 7 plate) are just a few very romantic scenes with Tifa and Cloud. If you remember those scenes then you will understand that it is not just two friends comforting each other but romance.

I will however, admit that if you just look at the scene at face value (just the scene) without looking at any of the earlier context. I could see it being interrupted as Cloud just comforting an old friend. However, you cannot deny the build up before CH14 between Tifa and Cloud so that point at this point is moot.
I find most people who argue it is only claim it is "as romantic" and even that's with the hindsight of knowing how Cloud and Tifa end up. Learning he was comforting her like Barrett did makes it hard to claim the scene is very romantic to me. Partly romantic? Sure. But it could also be a scene between friends and it would work. The Dream scene and its dialogue is not one friends could have without immense confusion.
I guess it's a question of focus: the dream scene discusses love outright and it's not denied, while the hug is primarily about loss and comfort. That's my rationale anyway. And it fits with the slower pace of Cloud and Tifa and their manner of talking around their feelings. It has potential energy yet to be unleashed, while the Cloud and Aerith ball is bouncing around already.
With the full context of the OG and compilation materials (and arguably, the rest of the Remake game), I would consider the Tifa scene stronger. For similar reasons to what Graymouse said. The "Don't fall in love me, it isn't real" line practically kills it in retrospect to what we know about Cloud and Zack.

Although I think what someone else said was best, in that Tifa's is a slow burn, because it's a plot point in the very late game (Lifestream sequence). And Aerith's needs to be pushed faster, because it's a plot point earlier (death).

That and it fits their personalities better. Tifa being shy and insecure would take longer. Aerith being upfront would move faster.

But I will say if you took both scenes out of context and showed them to a random group of people, I bet a larger block of them would consider the Aerith scene to have stronger romantic implications. A lot of the subtext would go over their heads, and Aerith's is the one that actually talks about it after all.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
I won't disagree if we take into consideration the entire Compilation, but I was under the impression discussion in this thread is only exclusive to the remake, nothing else.

On that note, I think the multiple LTD threads can confuse some people. Aspects of the compilation will continuously poke their heads in the discussion. Not only that, comparisons between the OG and Remake will likewise be brought up eventually. Should we keep this LTD set-up or do we just go ham with everything?

See, this is why I think the Cesspool is the most appropriate thread that should matter.


Pro Adventurer
Even if you discount the compilation, the Zack thing is still there in OG (though a lot more subjective, obviously).

However what I was mainly getting at with that bit was more on what Cloud is right now. She says "Whatever happens, you can't fall in love with me. Even if you think you have, it isn't real." She is saying this to a man who currently:

Experiences frequent hallucinations
Has severe identity issues with half of his history mixed up or an outright lie
Was in a coma for 5 years
Is by far the least reliable source of information and narration among all party members at this point in time

All of which does not require the compilation. Some of which doesn't even require OG knowledge. And the ironic part is that among all party members Aerith is the most knowledgeable and reliable. Which seems to have been expanded further based on this Remake.
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Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Then it's just preference. Not everyone takes things similarly. One might find the scene 'less' romantic than the other because of those things, while others may not even mind those details. It's a very subjective matter. Not everyone will be able to see eye-to-eye.

You find the Tifa cutscene stronger, which I agree, although not really in the romantic sense. I find it stronger because it is a moment of true connection and shared personal pain. It's still a romantic scene, mind. I just can't say with definiteness that it's 'more' romantic than Aerith's. Again, matter of preference.


Pro Adventurer
With the Remake released, I thought I'd add my two cents from the Clerith perspective:

From the moment Cloud falls to Aerith’s Church, all the way to Wall Market, it is nothing but Cloud & Aerith one-on-one. Beauty, fun, flirting, & flowers. Magnetism, electricity, and excitement. Soulmates reunited (the automatic trophy for the "Budding Bodyguard" chapter is "Reunion"):


Aerith’s Church & flower bed is beautiful. Cloud & Aerith poetically run through the breathtaking rooftops. Cloud saves Aerith from falling (holding her like a Prince holds his Princess). They pick flowers together at her house. Give high-fives in the tunnel. Share a date in the park. Fight in the battle arena. Cloud even dresses up as a girl. Aerith watches Cloud dance. The red dress. Fireworks. Magic. Chemistry. Love.

The perfectly constructed romantic progression.

Then, after ALL that, Cloud is obsessed with rescuing Aerith from Shinra HQ. Cloud has to constantly remind Tifa & Barret that finding Aerith is the #1 priority. He is her bodyguard, after-all.

At the very end, Aerith is the one who confronts Sephiroth and asks everyone to join her in stopping him. Unlike Tifa, Aerith is the main storyline. Aerith propels the story forward with her Cetra heritage.

Cloud x Aerith is literally given a dream scene where Cloud states he wants his OWN SAY on loving Aerith. The dream scene is also found in the credits (unlike the Tifa hug).

By the time Cloud goes from Aerith’s Church, to Wall Market, to Shinra HQ, Tifa’s lackluster moments are long forgotten.

Tifa is given filler scenes during the first few chapters. Her promise scene is muddied within Jessie’s side-mission. In-fact, everything Tifa gets is overshadowed by Jessie, and eventually forgotten after Aerith comes into the picture.

As a Clerith, the Remake is more than anything I could have ever DREAMED of.

Remember: in the dream scene Cloud disagrees with Aerith’s proposition that his feelings aren’t real & states he wants HIS OWN SAY on loving Aerith.

After Aerith says Cloud’s love for her isn’t “real,” he completely disagrees with her:


Cloud wants his own say on the matter.

This is SE’s way of telling us the REAL Cloud loves Aerith.

This is SE’s way of making it crystal clear that these are Cloud’s feelings; *NOT* Zack’s.

Again — Cloud wants his OWN SAY on the matter.

In regards to Zerith, in the Remake Aerith states she must move FORWARD with her life:


In the OG, Aerith said Zack & her were "never serious," that her relationship with him is "in the past now," and that Zack probably moved on because he's a "real lady's man." The Remake confirms this to be true. Aerith wants to move FORWARD with her life.

Plus, we know from the CxA Gold Saucer date that although Aerith initially liked Cloud because of Zack, she grows to like Cloud for Cloud.

The great flower debate:

Aerith gives the flower to Cloud.

Whether or not Cloud gives it to Tifa, it still initially represents the reunion between “lovers” Cloud & Aerith.

Tifa has to inquire about the flower. Cloud doesn’t automatically give it to her without prompting.

Later, when Cloud interacts with the flower, he still associates it with Aerith:


Cloud doesn’t want to admit to Aerith that he gave the flower away.

After going to Aerith’s house, which is filled with flowers, Tifa confronts Cloud about the origin of the flower (ie: Aerith). As if she knows Cloud's heart is with Aerith.

Aerith brings Cloud’s happiness to the surface — he slowly starts to high-five her on the reg.

In addition, while sleeping at Aerith’s house, Cloud is triggered into a real memory of his Mother telling him to have an “older” girlfriend.

Between Cloud’s memory of his mother, and his desire to be playful with Aerith, we are witnessing Aerith evoking the real Cloud back to the surface.

I mean, hell — Cloud is now willing to sit around and pick flowers for a living. With Aerith, that is, of course.

Cloud even vows to rescue Aerith from Shinra HQ at “all costs” and wants his “own say” on if he is allowed to fall in love with Aerith.

“Gradually, Aerith’s warm cheer begins to melt Cloud’s frosty exterior.
It is the heroine, Aerith, who opens Cloud’s eyes, and helps bring him closer to understanding the mystery that is his past.”
~Square Enix

The new FF7R Ultimania says some interesting things...

1. It is stated Aerith’s dream scene is “sad” if you know the future (ie: she dies).

How in the world is Cloud gaining his memories back “sad”...? Cloud regaining his memories isn’t “sad” like Aerith’s death is.

Aerith is warning Cloud not to fall in love with her because she dies. It has nothing to do with Cloud’s memories.

2. Cloud is putting on a “facade” to Aerith.

Not because he isn’t his true self. But because he has already fallen in love with her, despite her warning not to.

In other words, Cloud has to pretend he hasn’t ALREADY fallen in love with Aerith by putting on a “facade.”

3. Cloud shows his “true self” to Tifa — that of a childhood friend offering a hug.

How do we know Tifa’s scene is platonic?

Nowhere in Tifa’s scene is the word “love” mentioned. Aerith’s scene, however, mentions the word “love.”

Why would SE make a point to show us the real Cloud doesn’t love Aerith in the FF7R Ultimania when...

REAL Cloud remembers Aerith “a lot."

REAL Cloud wants to meet Aerith in the Promised Land.

REAL Cloud lives in Aerith’s Church.

REAL Cloud has his heart break at Aerith’s grave.

We ALREADY KNOW Cloud’s feelings are HIS FEELINGS & not Zack’s.

That is why Tifa is jealous of REAL Cloud’s continued feelings for Aerith:

“Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival.
Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s. Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in Advent Children, two years after Aerith had departed the world.” ~10th Anniversary Ultimania
“The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.
Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith’s Church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex.” ~10th Anniversary Ultimania
Tifa is jealous of REAL Cloud’s continued feelings for her “love rival” Aerith.

Remember: only Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa are listed as official members of the love triangle in the OG gaming manual.

Bringing up Zack “counterpoints” (like Cloud is sad over his death, too) is irrelevant due to Zack not being an official member of the love triangle.

Tifa is jealous of REAL Cloud’s continued feelings for the other girl in this exclusive 3-person love triangle.

Tifa is jealous over her “love rival” Aerith Gainsborough.

As for the character relationship chart showing Tifa...

I'm genuinely curious.

Is it a chart referring to Cloud's past?

How do we know the chart wasn't created after Nomura's drawings?

Just because the chart omitted Aerith doesn't mean Tifa was created first. That is a leap in logic. Pure speculation.

Nomura specifically states Cloud, Aerith, and Barret were created first. Tifa didn't "exist" yet. Therefore, the relationship chart was probably created after-the-fact and is likely referring to Cloud's past.

Plus, the battle demo shows Cloud, Aerith, and Barret. Let's not tarnish Aerith's standing as the original heroine.

Tetsuya Nomura:

“After I’d done the hero and heroine, I carried on drawing by thinking what kind of characters would be interesting to have. The first characters I drew were Cloud and Aerith. Next was Barret.”
“Actually, we had only Aerith at the beginning, and Tifa did not exist.”
“Originally, there were only going to be three characters in the entire game: Cloud, Barret, and Aerith.”
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Pro Adventurer
You find the Tifa cutscene stronger, which I agree, although not really in the romantic sense. I find it stronger because it is a moment of true connection and shared personal pain. It's still a romantic scene, mind. I just can't say with definiteness that it's 'more' romantic than Aerith's. Again, matter of preference.
Well, I did say originally that I found it stronger with the full context of the OG. And that Aerith's was if you took it out of context, or showed it to people unfamiliar with the subtext. But to each their own.
With the Remake released, I thought I'd add my two cents from the Clerith perspective:

From the moment Cloud falls to Aerith’s Church, all the way to Wall Market, it is nothing but Cloud & Aerith one-on-one. Beauty, fun, flirting, & flowers. Magnetism, electricity, and excitement. Soulmates reunited (the automatic trophy for the "Budding Bodyguard" chapter is "Reunion"):


Aerith’s Church & flower bed is beautiful. Cloud & Aerith poetically run through the breathtaking rooftops. Cloud saves Aerith from falling (holding her like a Prince holds his Princess). They pick flowers together at her house. Give high-fives in the tunnel. Share a date in the park. Fight in the battle arena. Cloud even dresses up as a girl. Aerith watches Cloud dance. The red dress. Fireworks. Magic. Chemistry. Love.

The perfectly constructed romantic progression.

Then, after ALL that, Cloud is obsessed with rescuing Aerith from Shinra HQ. Cloud has to constantly remind Tifa & Barret that finding Aerith is the #1 priority. He is her bodyguard, after-all.

At the very end, Aerith is the one who confronts Sephiroth and asks everyone to join her in stopping him. Unlike Tifa, Aerith is the main storyline. Aerith propels the story forward with her Cetra heritage.

Cloud x Aerith is literally given a dream scene where Cloud states he wants his OWN SAY on loving Aerith. The dream scene is also found in the credits (unlike the Tifa hug).

By the time Cloud goes from Aerith’s Church, to Wall Market, to Shinra HQ, Tifa’s lackluster moments are long forgotten.

Tifa is given filler scenes during the first few chapters. Her promise scene is muddied within Jessie’s side-mission. In-fact, everything Tifa gets is overshadowed by Jessie, and eventually forgotten after Aerith comes into the picture.

As a Clerith, the Remake is more than anything I could have ever DREAMED of.

Remember: in the dream scene Cloud disagrees with Aerith’s proposition that his feelings aren’t real & states he wants HIS OWN SAY on loving Aerith.

After Aerith says Cloud’s love for her isn’t “real,” he completely disagrees with her:


Cloud wants his own say on the matter.

This is SE’s way of telling us the REAL Cloud loves Aerith.

This is SE’s way of making it crystal clear that these are Cloud’s feelings; *NOT* Zack’s.

Again — Cloud wants his OWN SAY on the matter.

In regards to Zerith, in the Remake Aerith states she must move FORWARD with her life:


In the OG, Aerith said Zack & her were "never serious," that her relationship with him is "in the past now," and that Zack probably moved on because he's a "real lady's man." The Remake confirms this to be true. Aerith wants to move FORWARD with her life.

Plus, we know from the CxA Gold Saucer date that although Aerith initially liked Cloud because of Zack, she grows to like Cloud for Cloud.

The great flower debate:

Aerith gives the flower to Cloud.

Whether or not Cloud gives it to Tifa, it still initially represents the reunion between “lovers” Cloud & Aerith.

Tifa has to inquire about the flower. Cloud doesn’t automatically give it to her without prompting.

Later, when Cloud interacts with the flower, he still associates it with Aerith:

View attachment 5811

Cloud doesn’t want to admit to Aerith that he gave the flower away.

After going to Aerith’s house, which is filled with flowers, Tifa confronts Cloud about the origin of the flower (ie: Aerith). As if she knows Cloud's heart is with Aerith.

Aerith brings Cloud’s happiness to the surface — he slowly starts to high-five her on the reg.

In addition, while sleeping at Aerith’s house, Cloud is triggered into a real memory of his Mother telling him to have an “older” girlfriend.

Between Cloud’s memory of his mother, and his desire to be playful with Aerith, we are witnessing Aerith evoking the real Cloud back to the surface.

I mean, hell — Cloud is now willing to sit around and pick flowers for a living. With Aerith, that is, of course.

Cloud even vows to rescue Aerith from Shinra HQ at “all costs” and wants his “own say” on if he is allowed to fall in love with Aerith.

“Gradually, Aerith’s warm cheer begins to melt Cloud’s frosty exterior.
It is the heroine, Aerith, who opens Cloud’s eyes, and helps bring him closer to understanding the mystery that is his past.” ~Square Enix

The new FF7R Ultimania says some interesting things...

1. It is stated Aerith’s dream scene is “sad” if you know the future (ie: she dies).

How in the world is Cloud gaining his memories back “sad”...? Cloud regaining his memories isn’t “sad” like Aerith’s death is.

Aerith is warning Cloud not to fall in love with her because she dies. It has nothing to do with Cloud’s memories.

2. Cloud is putting on a “facade” to Aerith.

Not because he isn’t his true self. But because he has already fallen in love with her, despite her warning not to.

In other words, Cloud has to pretend he hasn’t ALREADY fallen in love with Aerith by putting on a “facade.”

3. Cloud shows his “true self” to Tifa — that of a childhood friend offering a hug.

How do we know Tifa’s scene is platonic?

Nowhere in Tifa’s scene is the word “love” mentioned. Aerith’s scene, however, mentions the word “love.”

Why would SE make a point to show us the real Cloud doesn’t love Aerith in the FF7R Ultimania when...

REAL Cloud remembers Aerith “a lot."

REAL Cloud wants to meet Aerith in the Promised Land.

REAL Cloud lives in Aerith’s Church.

REAL Cloud has his heart break at Aerith’s grave.

We ALREADY KNOW Cloud’s feelings are HIS FEELINGS & not Zack’s.

That is why Tifa is jealous of REAL Cloud’s continued feelings for Aerith:

“Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival.
Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s. Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in Advent Children, two years after Aerith had departed the world.” ~10th Anniversary Ultimania
“The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.
Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith’s Church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex.” ~10th Anniversary Ultimania
Tifa is jealous of REAL Cloud’s continued feelings for her “love rival” Aerith.

Remember: only Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa are listed as official members of the love triangle in the OG gaming manual.

Bringing up Zack “counterpoints” (like Cloud is sad over his death, too) is irrelevant due to Zack not being an official member of the love triangle.

Tifa is jealous of REAL Cloud’s continued feelings for the other girl in this 3-person love triangle.

Tifa is jealous over her “love rival” Aerith Gainsborough.

As for the character relationship chart showing Tifa...

I'm genuinely curious.

Is it a chart referring to Cloud's past?

How do we know the chart wasn't created after Nomura's drawings?

Just because the chart omitted Aerith doesn't mean Tifa was created first. That is a leap in logic. Pure speculation.

Nomura specifically states Cloud, Aerith, and Barret were created first. Tifa didn't "exist" yet. Therefore, the relationship chart was probably created after-the-fact and is likely referring to Cloud's past.

Plus, the battle demo shows Cloud, Aerith, and Barret. Let's not tarnish Aerith's standing as the original heroine.

Tetsuya Nomura:

“After I’d done the hero and heroine, I carried on drawing by thinking what kind of characters would be interesting to have. The first characters I drew were Cloud and Aerith. Next was Barret.”
“Actually, we had only Aerith at the beginning, and Tifa did not exist.”
“Originally, there were only going to be three characters in the entire game: Cloud, Barret, and Aerith.”
Ships have always been my favorite form of travel, despite the sea sickness it often induces in me.
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Pro Adventurer
Wondering what he/she thought about the ending.

The ending with Zack is simply because the first installment is about Midgar. You gotta explain how Cloud made it to Midgar since it is a stand alone game. It is a "full-circle" scene to provide history & background. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Zack may come back in an alternate reality. But SE said the main plot points are going to stay the same.

Regardless, in the Remake, Aerith states she must move FORWARD with her life in regards to Zack.

Furthermore, "Hollow" is played at the very end of the Remake:

Smile bright
Once more
This time
I will never let you go
"Hollow" also plays during Sector 5 (Aerith's Sector). This is when Cloud & Aerith spend tons of one-on-one time together. I was wondering why I thought her Sector had the best new song in the game. Now it all makes sense ^.^
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