SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Rookie Adventurer
Thinking about it now, it would kinda make sense that the Ultimania focuses slightly more on Aerith, considering her fate and her date was kinda more vague whereas Tifa’s basically had the same conclusion in both cases (could be remembering, didn't look at the low affection dates are much as the high affection). Just my interpretation anyways, we are still just getting snippets and we still got one more part to go.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
People can get really nasty on Twitter, as much as I like peeking at the Ultimania spoilers, it just makes me realize what a thorn LTDs can put in a fandom.

Apparently none of the dates are canon and just something like a fan service Nojima says, and you can choose what is canon. Which still doesn’t really change anything for me as far as the narrative goes with Cloud/Tifa and Aerith/Zack.

I do find that statement interesting though and find it kind of crazy to have one option get a kiss.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, regardless… I’m still pretty confident for Part 3 so no reason to worry. Because even as fanservice they only chose one girl to get the kiss, which has to be an intentional decision.

Even if the dates don’t have a “canon” status, it’s pretty clear they’re laying the groundwork for Tifa-related stuff in Part 3. So it doesn’t really matter.

And yeah, at this point, it’s probably best to let the chips lie where they’ve fallen.

I’m not worried at least as far as Cloti goes when it comes to Part 3.


Pro Adventurer
People can get really nasty on Twitter, as much as I like peeking at the Ultimania spoilers, it just makes me realize what a thorn LTDs can put in a fandom.

Apparently none of the dates are canon and just something like a fan service Nojima says, and you can choose what is canon. Which still doesn’t really change anything for me as far as the narrative goes with Cloud/Tifa and Aerith/Zack.

I do find that statement interesting though and find it kind of crazy to have one option get a kiss.

All it means is even in a "non cannon" scenario Aerith still does not receive one which makes it ironic.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
Yeah, regardless… I’m still pretty confident for Part 3 so no reason to worry.

Even if the dates don’t have a “canon” status, it’s pretty clear they’re laying the groundwork for Tifa-related stuff in Part 3. So it doesn’t really matter.

And yeah, at this point, it’s probably best to let the chips lie where they’ve fallen.

I’m not worried at least as far as Cloti goes when it comes to Part 3.
Oh yeah I mean for me personally the more compelling things were throughout the story. The moment I felt “invested” in Cloud and Tifa was Gongaga.

With that being said, if none of the dates are meant to be serious, wouldn’t that also kind of toss out the dialogue choices we have? If that is the case, then what leg would Cloud/Aerith have to stand on?

If the GS dates are not meant to be considered with the story, then why would I also put “value” in my dialogue options which is the mechanic for the GS date?


Pro Adventurer
Oh yeah I mean for me personally the more compelling things were throughout the story. The moment I felt “invested” in Cloud and Tifa was Gongaga.

With that being said, if none of the dates are meant to be serious, wouldn’t that also kind of toss out the dialogue choices we have? If that is the case, then what leg would Cloud/Aerith have to stand on?

If the GS dates are not meant to be considered with the story, then why would I also put “value” in my dialogue options which is the mechanic for the GS date?
To be honest I doubt the term “canon” was used. I think it was meant to be taken the way they’ve always meant it to be taken. That it wouldn’t affect the main story, which is something we knew already.

So they are “removed” from the main story. But they all still matter in the sense that they depict Cloud’s bonds.


Pro Adventurer
I think it can be argued she still gets the dream date though.

Although I don’t really find that scene very romantic myself.

I don't find it romantic either more bittersweet and depressing.

Also you are right but to counter that we have the Gongaga scene so it's even on both sides. (Well I personally think Tifa has a higher leg to stand on butttttt I know some people are gonna fight on that)


Pro Adventurer
I don't find it romantic either more bittersweet and depressing.

Also you are right but to counter that we have the Gongaga scene so it's even on both sides. (Well I personally think Tifa has a higher leg to stand on butttttt I know some people are gonna fight on that)
Yeah, I suppose that’s true actually.

Gongaga is not optional.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
In my original post I considered a teddy bear-esque cuddly joke, but remembered what series we were discussing and assumed these were in fact taxidermied specimens :monster: I then chose to use the word "real" rather than the more accurate "living" :doh:
Hindsight and all that.

My exposure to The Witcher is less than I would like, as the plot, worldbuilding, and characters are right up my alley. But even I know that last sentence is nothing but truth :monster:
It's some wild shit. Cavill is good in the show but there are lots of changes made to the narrative that bring it down. Basically anything with Cavill and Batey bantering is fucking gold, though.

Oh no lol. Not Neptunia. One other really popular one. Though recently it's gotten better. This one also had problems with getting products out on time.
Disgaea? Or is that not the most popular any more?

Is this used as a point to make in the LTD? As in a reasoning for why Tifa is bad and doesn’t deserve Cloud or something?

If so, it’d be another point that blows me away.
Yes. that was a common argument back in the bad old days.

I'm waiting for the Lore stuff to be uploaded but for now, here are the Loveless Costumes for Tifa and Aerith (Yuffie's has not been posted yet).

View attachment 15497 View attachment 15498
I'm still sad you can't pick these or outfits like these for out and about and battle. They're amazing.

Also, the people arguing that "Aerith's date is canon" are entirely missing the point. All the dates are meant to be taken as ~true~ in that regardless of if they happened, that is how Cloud would respond if that person or peoples met him for a date.

And even if it were the only date,. it's not romantic. Like the dream date, it serves to highlight that while lovely people each of them, they are not correct for each other.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
So they are “removed” from the main story. But they all still matter in the sense that they depict Cloud’s bonds.

Yeah that would make sense. I mean they’re not just cloned versions of the dates, they all seem to have intentions and be meaningful. I love Tifa’s date but I also enjoy Aerith’s and Yuffie’s.

It just all falls back on how strange I think the logic is in the LTD as well. I already saw people feeling some victory with the GS date statement, but these would be the same people who consider the placement of a screenshot as evidence of something.

I need to not get lost in the sauce though! I don’t want to judge anyone, I just want to mind my business and enjoy the characters and story. It’s just hard when you see certain takes. I’m not a seasoned veteran in the war.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah that would make sense. I mean they’re not just cloned versions of the dates, they all seem to have intentions and be meaningful. I love Tifa’s date but I also enjoy Aerith’s and Yuffie’s.

It just all falls back on how strange I think the logic is in the LTD as well. I already saw people feeling some victory with the GS date statement, but these would be the same people who consider the placement of a screenshot as evidence of something.

I need to not get lost in the sauce though! I don’t want to judge anyone, I just want to mind my business and enjoy the characters and story. It’s just hard when you see certain takes. I’m not a seasoned veteran in the war.
At the end of the day, what’s in the game is most important. Some people can choose to ignore what’s presented and certain decisions that have clearly been made, for these people it’ll be quite the wake up call eventually.

At the end of the day, it’s clear the CT side can essentially accept everything given to the CA side, but the CA side has to ignore what’s given to the CT side.

That basically sums up this LTD. I think it’s essentially over for me now. I used to feel like I was gaslit, and sometimes I still feel like I am, but I’m confident in my original reading of the story now.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
That basically sums up this LTD. I think it’s essentially over for me now. I used to feel like I was gaslit, and sometimes I still feel like I am, but I’m confident in my original reading of the story now.

I don’t think it ever began for me. Walking away from Rebirth, with no other knowledge of these Ultimanias, novels, etc, it seemed obvious to me what SE was setting up as far as romantic partners. I guess that’s the luxury of becoming an FF7 shipper in 2024.


Pro Adventurer
I don’t think it ever began for me. Walking away from Rebirth, with no other knowledge of these Ultimanias, novels, etc, it seemed obvious to me what SE was setting up as far as romantic partners. I guess that’s the luxury of becoming an FF7 shipper in 2024.
I didn’t realize how bad it was until Rebirth. I’ve been a fan for over a decade but I suppose I was lucky in that I didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the fandom.

It was lurking and joining this forum (mostly trying to find some way to pass the time until the game came out) that I realized just how far the rabbit hole went.

Half a year ago I was blissfully ignorant.

Innocence lost.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
They are either all canon or non of them are, but they all matter.

On the subject of Aerith's date being romantic, I think for her it is, but for Cloud, it's not. He's not being mean, he just doesn't realize. He thinks she's torn up about Zack, and he's right to an extent.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I don’t think it ever began for me. Walking away from Rebirth, with no other knowledge of these Ultimanias, novels, etc, it seemed obvious to me what SE was setting up as far as romantic partners. I guess that’s the luxury of becoming an FF7 shipper in 2024.

I didn’t realize how bad it was until Rebirth. I’ve been a fan for over a decade but I suppose I was lucky in that I didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the fandom.

It was lurking and joining this forum (mostly trying to find some way to pass the time until the game came out) that I realized just how far the rabbit hole went.

Half a year ago I was blissfully ignorant.

Innocence lost.

This is exactly how I feel too, and I didn’t realize how bad it was until I became invested. I knew of it, but… now I see that I had no idea what it was like. I didn’t care much before, probably due to the way it was discussed. Personally I made up my mind of who I liked. But when I realized who Cloud himself unambiguously chose, everything changed.

At first it was like “I like Tifa, she seems nice.” “Oh it seems like Cloud likes Tifa. That’s cute.” Then in Rebirth “Wait does Tifa like Cloud too?” “WAIT. THEY REALLY LIKE EACH OTHER?”
And the moment I became invested I inherited all of the history of CloTi and I opened Pandora’s box.

I would say it’s insane to me that anybody can watch events play out in Rebirth and still think that CloTi isn’t canon, but there are real people, living right now, that unironically and wholeheartedly believe that the earth is flat. Most self-care thing I did was make an account here lmao.

Anyways I feel strangely vindicated by the Ultimanias because for so long I also felt gaslit into thinking I was reading the narrative the wrong way. It didn’t help that I wasn’t a part of the FF7 discussion until after Rebirth, so it was completely possible that I just didn’t see that Cloud was actually in love with Aerith the whole time because Tifa sucks and is actually worse than Sephiroth because she was mean when she was 8. But turns out I’m not an illiterate idiot and I had the correct reading this whole time. Feels nice. :monster:


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
And the moment I became invested I inherited all of the history of CloTi and I opened Pandora’s box.
I love everything about this. This is just literally what happens.

Honestly, overall, I can’t feel gaslit by any takes because it’s SE who are the ones hammering it into my brain that Cloud and Tifa belong together. Unless SE is gaslighting me. I don’t know how they’d expect me to see the LS sequence, see that Cloud and Tifa choose to remain together through life, wear matching jewelry, keep on reiterating their promise, keep on reminding me they had *crushes on each other as kids, and not come to this conclusion…and that’s not even all of it.

All that to say…I’ll just patiently see what happens in Part 3 and let the creators do what they do best.


Pro Adventurer
REMINDER : The only part of Ultimania to be taken as face value are the last pages with the developpers itw.

All the rest is written by "Game testers", because Ultimania are first and foremost game guides.

Wich means : You're watching at personal interpretation for the most part. That's why the ending recap is super vague and doesn't tell us shit. Because the dude is like us. Can only analyze images and try to put it in order.

Best example being the dude thinking real hard if Aerith is dead or alive like "yeah big mistery, have to wait for part 3" when the devs itw in the same book is kinda straightforward "yup, she's dead"

Can you explain what the difference is? I admittedly am not the most well versed on Barrets story, but wasn't it always about Corel having a better life thanks to the reactor Shinra proposed? And so Barret took the offer thinking it would improve everyones lives, or have i forgotten some other key details that the japanese script actually brought up?

Sorry to take this a bit off topic, but i just don't really remember what else there was to it.

In english he's telling Dyne to accept Shinra's deal to help Marlene have a better life. Except... she's not born yet.. Scene takes place 6 years ago and Marlene is 4 in our present. So it's impossible.

Yes it's impossible... because Barret in other versions is telling Dyne he'll accept the deal because he wants a better life for his wife Myrna. What this version tell us ? That Barret acted this way for TOTALLY SELFISH reasons. It was for him alone he wanted this deal. Kinda a big deal when this deal will actually destroy the life and family of your best friend who didn't want a part of it to begin with.
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