SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
I agree he comes across as an ass in FF8, which is strange when you consider his other appearances like Disisidia and KH, so I'm curious what a remake might do for him.
Yeah, they may be able to characterize him better in a remake. Especially with full voice.

Hope they port the older Dissidia games one day, otherwise I’ll never get to play them really. Not holding my breath though.


Fire and Blood
If you mean this forum, as far as I recall, I never explicitly banned her, merely every single one of her dupes. If not this one, which other one was she caught at?
No, it's not here, it's another forum for another fandom where I was friend with the admin who told me :D
If they absolutely nail Mideel to the Lifestream sequence it’ll be undeniable. No kiss needed.
I still want a kiss there because so many people already miss that the Lifestream sequence is indeed romantic and that's why only Tifa can be there, because it's to her that he wants to confess. This is why there were so many "OMG Zack can help there, Aerith can help there!" theories, it's because people had not understood the core of the Lifestream sequence even though it has always been so evident to me.
And Akira's "Golden sparks" makes me believe that we may even get an ILY there:
In the end we're left in the dark
I drift alone evermore
Finally think I can say simple words I couldn't before
I love you.
To me this part strongly refers to the in between NC and LS scenes so either we'll see an "I love you" from Cloud to Tifa in the Lifestream sequence, either the whole LS sequence will be an even bigger love confession (and why not both lol). I still think we'll get a kiss there, to seal the romantism and the return of true!Cloud as Cloud and Tifa will be finally reunited.
Also I still don’t understand this blue baby thing but whatever. Half-Cetra children I guess.
I've also seen theories that they are OG Cloud and Aerith.
There definitely are shippers who just want to self insert themselves in there too, so they don't necessarily want to even care to understand the characters. I've seen Clotis who don't like Cloud all that much and Cleriths who don't like Aerith.
I just don't understand this because I definitely need to love both characters to ship haha. I only started to ship CT in the Lifestream sequence personally.

I will say this but I think most of the fandom understand that CT is canon. I mean they got a kiss, it's HUGE. People don't care if it didn't truly happen, the devs have shown who Cloud is willing to kiss and that's the big deal.

IMHO, what will kill a lot of CA argument is not CT, it's ZA. Because CA is a lot about Aerith and if Aerith herself choses Zack, then a lot of theories are going down. Aerith has had a tragic story in the OG, so I think it's what made CA shippers who were from then very attached to her specifically, because they wanted her to be happy. And the Remake trilogy is showing that Aerith's happiness definitely lies with Zack, so we're going to see that in p3. CA will become fanon officially and it'll be the best for everyone.

That said the most hardcore shippers will never admit defeat.

About Dr Sheiran, my hypothesis is that he will get Cloud's blood and realise that he's not degenerating like other SOLDIERs. Because they have to explain that to new players, since it's a lore that's a bit hidden in the Compilation and I've seen players wondering about that. So yeah Dr Sheiran I feel will come to Mideel to help Cloud. The Dr there will send him either a message either us to Corel to go get him (which will lead to the magnus materia from Corel plot point to be developped and for Barret to finally be looked as the hero he became in his hometown) and he'd come to Corel like this. But I'm more betting towards the second option, with us going to search for the Dr Sheiran in Corel because it is so satisfying, plot-wise, to have those elements aligned.


Pro Adventurer
I think this specific dichotomy sort of makes sense, especially depending on which specific canon materials you consume...my partner has never played the OG and only watched AC, so they really didn't like Cloud. Also, this is obviously part of the rug-pull, but I can understand being more attracted to SOLDIER!Cloud over real!Cloud as a matter of preference.

Yeah, it looks like some sort of Cetran glaive-rifle lol.

I do like this because it gives Tifa a bit more of a proactive approach to helping comatose Cloud compared to just sitting at his bedside (or wheelchair-side, whatever).
Yeah i can't blame them for not liking Cloud based on AC at all. Also yeah, SOLDIER!Cloud does have his own sorta charm that i can see people preferring.

Now that you bring up the proactive Tifa thing, i kinda do like that approach more myself too.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I honestly suspect there's some form of transference going on. They dislike her because her looks remind them of someone or some idea they have of women who look like that, since it's nothing like the Tifa we know of in the games and film.

I can't speak on folks like BB or Cali, but I remember talking to some Cleriths at a job I had back in TX who fit this transference theory to a T. Was weird to experience in an offline setting.

Yes, Cali has said that. She just hated Tifa more and saw Aerith as the least bad option for Cloud. I suspect she was a self inserter, though you have to wonder why with how bad a person her Cloud was when you looked at him in the bigger picture.

Someone should explain to them that self inserting (in addition to being ripe fruit for dirty jokes) is what Mary Sue fanfic is for. Keep it there and outside of the debate threads, we'd be fine.

This isn't the place for it exactly, but this reminds me, does anyone else think Aerith's final staff in Rebirth is actually a Cetra laser rifle of some sort?

I'm having trouble placing it but it triggers a vague memory of a similar staff/energy rifle thing from some sci-fi or other. Part of me wants to say Eldar of 40k, but that might've been something custom outta some gitz bitz box or something. Still, I can see it :monster:

If you mean this forum, as far as I recall, I never explicitly banned her, merely every single one of her dupes. If not this one, which other one was she caught at?

JCVH, I remember that string of dupe bans. I swear to you all, if forum posting permitted it like live conversation, some of those posts would have been cut off mid sentence.

Do I need to break out Water Tower Baby Denzel again for these people?

Why not, it never gets old.

I've noticed in my traipse back through time that what BB didn't recite from the pre-written spiels was often attempts to throw my words back at me. Like her repeated use of "common sense" was echoing my usage of it at her from almost a decade prior. I had forgotten it. She had not. Amazing to live rent free in someone's head like that.

And I suddenly remember why "common sense" especially when prefaced with "it's just" was a trigger for rage induced headaches back in the day. To be fair though, she must have thought it was effective when you said it, after all she used that damned phrase on everyone she spoke to and nauseum in addition to trying to throw it back at you. Pity she never figured out what it actually meant.

In a romantic sense, I love the "What, X doesn't like me!" "Oh yes X does" -SUDDEN SHOCK OF REALIZATION AS YEARS OF INTERACTIONS RECONTEXTUALIZE- type twist. Like how Amy thinks Rory would be the perfect boyfriend for her but she thinks he's gay because he's never shown interest in a woman and he's always hanging around with her and OH"

That is a good one. It's got a similar flavor to ye olde "you had the power all along" twist in a way.

There's also the "push them away so I don't hurt them either" part, which is what takes him from antisocial to empathetic in a twisted wounded way.

Of course, Spiders tend hard towards that one too. They just tend to be funnier and more scathingly sarcastic in the process... excepting Miguel O'Hara this time :monster: All right, I still don't like Squall but I understand him a bit better now. I'd still rather hang out playing cards with Cloud than him though.

You're the devil they know. I, on the other hand...

Oh Ryu, I'm the Devil they know and the devil they don't. But though I am of course Pride itself, I can admit quality when I see it, I'll share credit. Just keep digging out that rent free headspace. What goes around comes around... be what's coming around :muhaha:

Aye. I need to go back and finish that remaster, come to think of it.

It's yet another game I had to enjoy second hand, but worth it to do. Still funny that Caim and Angelus accidentally an apocalypse. Damn they were good at murder.

She's legitimately gotten worse over time.

Thus proving once more that it can in fact always get worse. Somehow. When it's at rock bottom, someone will start blasting deeper.

No hesitation, no remorse, just good times.

Anyone good at stitching flags? We need this quite in fancy script on a stylized background of the sun setting under the Highwind.

I remember some time ago one of them admitted that she's never played the original game and still thought she knew the characters better than anyone else.

As someone who is multiple console generations behind, I'll say it is possible to know characters, story, etc very well without playing the game. Watching long plays, taking wiki walks, and so on can make it entirely doable. The one you speak of probably did none of that. It's so much easier to make up what you want and shout how true it has to be after all.

Even Maiden isn't good for C/A. Aerith calls up Zack trying to remember the things that made cloud Unique (oops) and even as she 'rejects' Zack her lines are awful flirty, and Aerith herself gives Cloud and Tifa her blessing during the course of the story.

Never could grasp why that story was a Clerith rallying point. It really never worked out well. Do I remember BB quoting from it, and the response she got was just the same quote with "ok read it again, slower" added on? I legit don't trust my own memory but it sure as shit sounds like something that happened here.

I think this might be what's happening? Future Aerith, what people are calling Omni-Aerith might be trying to pull a sneaky with timelines just so she can give her other self and Zack a happy ending.

I'm still taking the Sanchez approach and not thinking about it too hard. Slippy slidey timey wimey gets out there, I'll analyze it harder when more details come around.


Pro Adventurer
Funny how often that happens but only for one side.
I see this so much, especially with AC and it's ending. CAs doing the whole Cloud wasn't happy with Tifa and he went to Aeriths church yada yada stuff and never acknowledging how the movie literally ends with them being happy again. Somehow only the initial setup matters to them, but not the conclusion.


Pro Adventurer
I see this so much, especially with AC and it's ending. CAs doing the whole Cloud wasn't happy with Tifa and he went to Aeriths church yada yada stuff and never acknowledging how the movie literally ends with them being happy again. Somehow only the initial setup matters to them, but not the conclusion.
They also leave out that Zack’s sword, which definitely symbolizes him because it’s used as his grave marker, is memorialized in Aerith’s church.

“Their place.”


Pro Adventurer
I think this specific dichotomy sort of makes sense, especially depending on which specific canon materials you consume...my partner has never played the OG and only watched AC, so they really didn't like Cloud. Also, this is obviously part of the rug-pull, but I can understand being more attracted to SOLDIER!Cloud over real!Cloud as a matter of preference.

Yeah, it looks like some sort of Cetran glaive-rifle lol.

I do like this because it gives Tifa a bit more of a proactive approach to helping comatose Cloud compared to just sitting at his bedside (or wheelchair-side, whatever).
The image of tifa taking care of a comatose Cloud is for me the most viscerally powerful image in ffvii so can't relate. Infact, I kinda don't like seeing it played out on a smaller scale in rebirth. I always think back of a video I know where a policeman was shot in the head and was in a wheelchair unable to eat or speak or move or even think. The image of his young wife taking care of him despite him essentially being long gone, her devoting her life to caring for him simply because that's is/was the man she loves was so powerful to me that I never forgot it. I always think about it when I see tifa make the decision to stay with cloud despite not knowing if he'll ever wake up, despite the planet ending. Is just such a powerful display of love that I want to change nothing about it. I just want them to make it as shockingly impact full as possible


Pro Adventurer
The image of tifa taking care of a comatose Cloud is for me the most viscerally powerful image in ffvii so can't relate. Infact, I kinda don't like seeing it played out on a smaller scale in rebirth. I always think back of a video I know where a policeman was shot in the head and was in a wheelchair unable to eat or speak or move or even think. The image of his young wife taking care of him despite him essentially being long gone, her devoting her life to caring for him simply because that's is/was the man she loves was so powerful to me that I never forgot it. I always think about it when I see tifa make the decision to stay with cloud despite not knowing if he'll ever wake up, despite the planet ending. Is just such a powerful display of love that I want to change nothing about it. I just want them to make it as shockingly impact full as possible
I think the best middle-ground is for her to go after the doctor in Corel, then when they arrive in Mideel and Dr. Sheiran (I think that’s his name) says he’s gonna have to run tests on Cloud and it might take some time… at that point she can decide to stay. And when asked, she can she only cares about Cloud, etc so she wants to be there to help even if the world is ending.

Or it can be kept as is, and Cid can bring the doctor to Mideel after they save the town from the rampaging train.


Pro Adventurer
I just don't understand this because I definitely need to love both characters to ship haha. I only started to ship CT in the Lifestream sequence personally.
I don't get it either to be honest. Why would anyone be so invested in a ship if they don't enjoy both characters in the first place? I'm a sucker for childhood friends to lovers stuff, so i just went with CT even before we got any of the revelations. Those things just sealed the deal even further for me.
IMHO, what will kill a lot of CA argument is not CT, it's ZA. Because CA is a lot about Aerith and if Aerith herself choses Zack, then a lot of theories are going down. Aerith has had a tragic story in the OG, so I think it's what made CA shippers who were from then very attached to her specifically, because they wanted her to be happy. And the Remake trilogy is showing that Aerith's happiness definitely lies with Zack, so we're going to see that in p3. CA will become fanon officially and it'll be the best for everyone.
This is exactly why i want to see some clear stuff from Aerith towards Zack, like her engaging in a kiss with him or anything really. Just something to make Aerith clearly show she loves Zack. Cleriths can always make up stuff about Cloud towards Aerith, but i don't think they would be able to jump around hoops if Aerith herself makes things very clear.
About Dr Sheiran, my hypothesis is that he will get Cloud's blood and realise that he's not degenerating like other SOLDIERs. Because they have to explain that to new players, since it's a lore that's a bit hidden in the Compilation and I've seen players wondering about that. So yeah Dr Sheiran I feel will come to Mideel to help Cloud. The Dr there will send him either a message either us to Corel to go get him (which will lead to the magnus materia from Corel plot point to be developped and for Barret to finally be looked as the hero he became in his hometown) and he'd come to Corel like this. But I'm more betting towards the second option, with us going to search for the Dr Sheiran in Corel because it is so satisfying, plot-wise, to have those elements aligned.
Sheiran is getting his blood one way or another, that's for sure. They wouldn't tease the idea otherwise. I like the idea you propose here with the Magnus materia tie in neatly too.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
I always think about it when I see tifa make the decision to stay with cloud despite not knowing if he'll ever wake up, despite the planet ending. Is just such a powerful display of love that I want to change nothing about it. I just want them to make it as shockingly impact full as possible
I think about the potential of this scene a lot. I mean I found it pretty emotional watching it in OG. I’ll say it over and over I LOVE how much expression and emotion they put into the characters face so I can just see this scene being so powerful. Especially when she says it’s too cruel. I can’t wait…


Pro Adventurer
The image of tifa taking care of a comatose Cloud is for me the most viscerally powerful image in ffvii so can't relate. Infact, I kinda don't like seeing it played out on a smaller scale in rebirth. I always think back of a video I know where a policeman was shot in the head and was in a wheelchair unable to eat or speak or move or even think. The image of his young wife taking care of him despite him essentially being long gone, her devoting her life to caring for him simply because that's is/was the man she loves was so powerful to me that I never forgot it. I always think about it when I see tifa make the decision to stay with cloud despite not knowing if he'll ever wake up, despite the planet ending. Is just such a powerful display of love that I want to change nothing about it. I just want them to make it as shockingly impact full as possible
This scene remade will probably break me. I already got emotional just thinking about it again :'(.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
They also leave out that Zack’s sword, which definitely symbolizes him because it’s used as his grave marker, is memorialized in Aerith’s church.

“Their place.”
Speaking of “their place” I found it strange in Cloud and Aerith’s date that Cloud says “Our Spot” in the dream date. I didn’t really interpret that as their spot, and I didn’t know if I should factor in that Cloud took a guess. I know Zack fell there first, and they hung out in the church a lot. So I don’t really know what to think of that. Based on every thing they say, I also didn’t know why Aerith was like yup, this is our spot.

Which brings me to another thought…

I really question how people see their last date as extremely romantic. It is “Cloud and Aerith go on a date at the end, confess their love to each other, and it’s not optional”

So I’m wondering, because if I try to think about it without my bias I still can’t see it. Can this date really be viewed as romantic?


Pro Adventurer
Speaking of “their place” I found it strange in Cloud and Aerith’s date that Cloud says “Our Spot” in the dream date. I didn’t really interpret that as their spot, and I didn’t know if I should factor in that Cloud took a guess. I know Zack fell there first, and they hung out in the church a lot. So I don’t really know what to think of that. Based on every thing they say, I also didn’t know why Aerith was like yup, this is our spot.

I know people are pissed with this argument but if I remember correctly, she doesn't say this in japanese. She's just telling Cloud to go to HER favorite spot.
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Pro Adventurer
Speaking of “their place” I found it strange in Cloud and Aerith’s date that Cloud says “Our Spot” in the dream date. I didn’t really interpret that as their spot, and I didn’t know if I should factor in that Cloud took a guess. I know Zack fell there first, and they hung out in the church a lot. So I don’t really know what to think of that. Based on every thing they say, I also didn’t know why Aerith was like yup, this is our spot.

Which brings me to another thought…

I really question how people see their last date as extremely romantic. It is “Cloud and Aerith go on a date at the end, confess their love to each other, and it’s not optional”

So I’m wondering, because if I try to think about it without my bias I still can’t see it. Can this date really be viewed as romantic?
I don’t find it so. But perhaps that is my bias speaking.

However, Cloud not being able to ever choose his gifts to Aerith, NPCs saying that it looks more like a funeral, and Aerith’s final words, all while the entire sequence is intercut with a bunch of Zack scenes… make it really hard for me to view it as romantic. In fact, it makes me feel like the devs are trying to subliminally tell me something.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
I know people are pissed with this argument but actually she doesn't say this in japanese. She's just telling Cloud to go to HER favorite spot.
I’m really beginning to understand why people mention the differences now.

I don’t find it so. But perhaps that is my bias speaking.

However, Cloud not being able to ever choose his gifts to Aerith, NPCs saying that it looks more like a funeral, and Aerith’s final words, all while the entire sequence is intercut with a bunch of Zack scenes… make it really hard for me to view it as romantic. In fact, it makes me feel like the devs are trying to subliminally tell me something.
I feel the same. More than anything, it’s when she mentions the different type of likes where I was like huh. Like if it were a Tifa scene and Tifa said that I’d be like ???

Could be my bias, but I like to think that yeah I like Tifa and Cloud, but that’s because it seems like that’s where the game is heading. I wouldn’t refuse Aerith if the game pushed Aerith the same way as Tifa.


Pro Adventurer
I really question how people see their last date as extremely romantic. It is “Cloud and Aerith go on a date at the end, confess their love to each other, and it’s not optional”
I thought the last date was skippable if you skip the interludes with Zack?


Pro Adventurer
I thought the last date was skippable if you skip the interludes with Zack?
You would still need to watch it at least once as the interludes are only skippable after you obtain chapter select. So it’s not optional, it still is technically mandatory.

I also think that even if CA fans regard and disregard certain things behind “optional” that as CT fans we should accept everything as canon and not omit even optional events. Why? Because I think even with optional and mandatory CA scenes, we are still favored for the most part.
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Pro Adventurer
Not like there's any getting rid of Gongaga.
No, you don’t understand. Cloud wasn’t inching towards Tifa’s lips… Tifa was the one doing it.

Also Tifa is a bad person and treats Cloud like shit… even though she forgives him immediately after he almost killed her.

Also that scene is proof she was bad because Tifa admits she believed the village that Cloud egged her on.

Cloud subconsciously wants to kill Tifa because she was mean to him when they were kids. And Sephiroth is actually leveraging that.


Just throwing out all the Devil’s Advocate arguments.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Yeah I'm just gonna fire my advocate if this is what they're coming up with. Fucks sake, I might as well hire Alina Habba at this rate.


Pro Adventurer


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
No, you don’t understand. Cloud wasn’t inching towards Tifa’s lips… Tifa was the one doing it.

Also Tifa is a bad person and treats Cloud like shit… even though she forgives him immediately after he almost killed her.

Also that scene is proof she was bad because Tifa admits she believed the village that Cloud egged her on.

Cloud subconsciously wants to kill Tifa because she was mean to him when they were kids. And Sephiroth is actually leveraging that.


Just throwing out all the Devil’s Advocate arguments.
I don’t care what anyone says, you can see it in Cloud’s eyes and the way he relaxes his *brow and looks at her lips… HE KNEW IT WAS COMING.

Plus his face at the end when Tifa smiles at him before leaving the room. Please. Ugh it was so beautiful.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yeah, they may be able to characterize him better in a remake. Especially with full voice.

Hope they port the older Dissidia games one day, otherwise I’ll never get to play them really. Not holding my breath though.
PPSSPP my friend. If they're not making it available, ways and means are entirely ethical.

No, it's not here, it's another forum for another fandom where I was friend with the admin who told me :D
Now I'm morbidly curious what other fandom Cali from Ohio was so nuts about to pull this shit on.

I still want a kiss there because so many people already miss that the Lifestream sequence is indeed romantic and that's why only Tifa can be there, because it's to her that he wants to confess. This is why there were so many "OMG Zack can help there, Aerith can help there!" theories, it's because people had not understood the core of the Lifestream sequence even though it has always been so evident to me.
And Akira's "Golden sparks" makes me believe that we may even get an ILY there:

To me this part strongly refers to the in between NC and LS scenes so either we'll see an "I love you" from Cloud to Tifa in the Lifestream sequence, either the whole LS sequence will be an even bigger love confession (and why not both lol). I still think we'll get a kiss there, to seal the romantism and the return of true!Cloud as Cloud and Tifa will be finally reunited.
It would definitely be very direct and unambiguous, that's for sure.

I've also seen theories that they are OG Cloud and Aerith.
Why Cloud, though? It's OG versions of anyone why not Zack as the blue WEAPON, going out to do his bro a solid?

I just don't understand this because I definitely need to love both characters to ship haha. I only started to ship CT in the Lifestream sequence personally.
It's a perfectly fair time to first start seeing things, it's the prestige moment for the twist.

I will say this but I think most of the fandom understand that CT is canon. I mean they got a kiss, it's HUGE. People don't care if it didn't truly happen, the devs have shown who Cloud is willing to kiss and that's the big deal.

IMHO, what will kill a lot of CA argument is not CT, it's ZA. Because CA is a lot about Aerith and if Aerith herself choses Zack, then a lot of theories are going down. Aerith has had a tragic story in the OG, so I think it's what made CA shippers who were from then very attached to her specifically, because they wanted her to be happy. And the Remake trilogy is showing that Aerith's happiness definitely lies with Zack, so we're going to see that in p3. CA will become fanon officially and it'll be the best for everyone.

That said the most hardcore shippers will never admit defeat.
ZA makes Cleriths furious. So many of them still hate Crisis Core. So yes, Aerith explicitly stating she wants her dark haired boy back would probably deal it and the Cleriths themselves the most harm.

About Dr Sheiran, my hypothesis is that he will get Cloud's blood and realise that he's not degenerating like other SOLDIERs. Because they have to explain that to new players, since it's a lore that's a bit hidden in the Compilation and I've seen players wondering about that. So yeah Dr Sheiran I feel will come to Mideel to help Cloud. The Dr there will send him either a message either us to Corel to go get him (which will lead to the magnus materia from Corel plot point to be developped and for Barret to finally be looked as the hero he became in his hometown) and he'd come to Corel like this. But I'm more betting towards the second option, with us going to search for the Dr Sheiran in Corel because it is so satisfying, plot-wise, to have those elements aligned.
Yeah, they set that particular gun on the mantle for a reason and we are headed into the third act.

I can't speak on folks like BB or Cali, but I remember talking to some Cleriths at a job I had back in TX who fit this transference theory to a T. Was weird to experience in an offline setting.
I'll bet. It's fascinating to explore that with someone in person and real time, though, dig into the wherefores of their reasons and all that.

Someone should explain to them that self inserting (in addition to being ripe fruit for dirty jokes) is what Mary Sue fanfic is for. Keep it there and outside of the debate threads, we'd be fine.
But Mary Sue is a bad word to say nowadays because it's demeaning to women. Nevermind a woman came up with the term and there's Gary Stu's as well.

I'm having trouble placing it but it triggers a vague memory of a similar staff/energy rifle thing from some sci-fi or other. Part of me wants to say Eldar of 40k, but that might've been something custom outta some gitz bitz box or something. Still, I can see it :monster:
It's a bit Eldar, a bit Goa'uld, yeah.

JCVH, I remember that string of dupe bans. I swear to you all, if forum posting permitted it like live conversation, some of those posts would have been cut off mid sentence.
I actually banned a couple she registered before any posts were made. I'd log in, do a search for her IP, and pre-emptively ban any new accounts that were created with it.

Why not, it never gets old.
So you see, Denzel is 8 years old as of Final Fantasy Advent Children. You know what else is 8 years before final fantasy advent children? Cloud leaving town to try and join SOLDIER. And what happened a few months BEFORE Cloud leavintg town? The water tower confession...
And I'll do the rest another time. It's a simple bit, but it's good fun.

And I suddenly remember why "common sense" especially when prefaced with "it's just" was a trigger for rage induced headaches back in the day. To be fair though, she must have thought it was effective when you said it, after all she used that damned phrase on everyone she spoke to and nauseum in addition to trying to throw it back at you. Pity she never figured out what it actually meant.
When I used it, I at least tried to go "Common sense would tell us X" whereas I think she always said things like "Cloud is searching for Aerith because of romance. It's just common sense." and end the thought there.

That is a good one. It's got a similar flavor to ye olde "you had the power all along" twist in a way.
It was an ordinary feather the entire time. The magic was in you all along.

Of course, Spiders tend hard towards that one too. They just tend to be funnier and more scathingly sarcastic in the process... excepting Miguel O'Hara this time :monster: All right, I still don't like Squall but I understand him a bit better now. I'd still rather hang out playing cards with Cloud than him though.
Now you got me thinking. Cloud is a Spider and Tifa is his MJ before Quesada fucked things up (seriously, let that marriage re-happen and let Pete grow into a middle aged adult. We have Miles now), Zack and Aerith are Scott and Jean. Now I want to figure out which Marvel (and DC) heroes the rest of the cast are.

Oh Ryu, I'm the Devil they know and the devil they don't. But though I am of course Pride itself, I can admit quality when I see it, I'll share credit. Just keep digging out that rent free headspace. What goes around comes around... be what's coming around :muhaha:
I aim to be what's coming around indeed.

It's yet another game I had to enjoy second hand, but worth it to do. Still funny that Caim and Angelus accidentally an apocalypse. Damn they were good at murder.
Did you enjoy it via DarkId's LPs? Have you heard about the... hilarious? goings on with him?

Thus proving once more that it can in fact always get worse. Somehow. When it's at rock bottom, someone will start blasting deeper.
Despite the lava seeping in still they drill.

Anyone good at stitching flags? We need this quite in fancy script on a stylized background of the sun setting under the Highwind.
We could just make a logo of it. What font would you use?

As someone who is multiple console generations behind, I'll say it is possible to know characters, story, etc very well without playing the game. Watching long plays, taking wiki walks, and so on can make it entirely doable. The one you speak of probably did none of that. It's so much easier to make up what you want and shout how true it has to be after all.
Her takes were very unusual and she couldn't back them up with any instances from the games or dev quotes, so yeah.

Never could grasp why that story was a Clerith rallying point. It really never worked out well. Do I remember BB quoting from it, and the response she got was just the same quote with "ok read it again, slower" added on? I legit don't trust my own memory but it sure as shit sounds like something that happened here.
It definitely sounds familiar, you're right.

I'm still taking the Sanchez approach and not thinking about it too hard. Slippy slidey timey wimey gets out there, I'll analyze it harder when more details come around.
Fair. My head is just built for timey wimey bullshit I suppose.

I see this so much, especially with AC and it's ending. CAs doing the whole Cloud wasn't happy with Tifa and he went to Aeriths church yada yada stuff and never acknowledging how the movie literally ends with them being happy again. Somehow only the initial setup matters to them, but not the conclusion.
Well that's because the conclusion works against their ship.

They also leave out that Zack’s sword, which definitely symbolizes him because it’s used as his grave marker, is memorialized in Aerith’s church.

“Their place.”
And her flowers, which grow in her church, now mark his grave site instead. This is basic bitch symbolism people.

No, you don’t understand. Cloud wasn’t inching towards Tifa’s lips… Tifa was the one doing it.

Also Tifa is a bad person and treats Cloud like shit… even though she forgives him immediately after he almost killed her.

Also that scene is proof she was bad because Tifa admits she believed the village that Cloud egged her on.


Just throwing out all the Devil’s Advocate arguments.
I have the role of GLD's legal counsel. If you would like to apply for a position as an intern interviews open at the end of the school year.

But yes, I know there is all sorts of cope about Gongaga. Feels good, man.
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