Pro Adventurer
What’s the Water Tower Baby Denzel thing?I honestly suspect there's some form of transference going on. They dislike her because her looks remind them of someone or some idea they have of women who look like that, since it's nothing like the Tifa we know of in the games and film.
Yes, Cali has said that. She just hated Tifa more and saw Aerith as the least bad option for Cloud. I suspect she was a self inserter, though you have to wonder why with how bad a person her Cloud was when you looked at him in the bigger picture.
It helps balance their screen presence, yeah.
What was that argument out of curiosity?
I'm trying to remember the affection scoresheet. Was it that really terrible set of JPGs that came out around AC or am I thinking of something else?
Those are good points, yes. The color scheme and material fit Tifa more than either other lady.
This isn't the place for it exactly, but this reminds me, does anyone else think Aerith's final staff in Rebirth is actually a Cetra laser rifle of some sort?
If you mean this forum, as far as I recall, I never explicitly banned her, merely every single one of her dupes. If not this one, which other one was she caught at?
Do I need to break out Water Tower Baby Denzel again for these people?
I've noticed in my traipse back through time that what BB didn't recite from the pre-written spiels was often attempts to throw my words back at me. Like her repeated use of "common sense" was echoing my usage of it at her from almost a decade prior. I had forgotten it. She had not. Amazing to live rent free in someone's head like that.
In a romantic sense, I love the "What, X doesn't like me!" "Oh yes X does" -SUDDEN SHOCK OF REALIZATION AS YEARS OF INTERACTIONS RECONTEXTUALIZE- type twist. Like how Amy thinks Rory would be the perfect boyfriend for her but she thinks he's gay because he's never shown interest in a woman and he's always hanging around with her and OH"
There's also the "push them away so I don't hurt them either" part, which is what takes him from antisocial to empathetic in a twisted wounded way.
You're the devil they know. I, on the other hand...
Aye. I need to go back and finish that remaster, come to think of it.
She's legitimately gotten worse over time.
No hesitation, no remorse, just good times.
I remember some time ago one of them admitted that she's never played the original game and still thought she knew the characters better than anyone else.
Even Maiden isn't good for C/A. Aerith calls up Zack trying to remember the things that made cloud Unique (oops) and even as she 'rejects' Zack her lines are awful flirty, and Aerith herself gives Cloud and Tifa her blessing during the course of the story.
I think this might be what's happening? Future Aerith, what people are calling Omni-Aerith might be trying to pull a sneaky with timelines just so she can give her other self and Zack a happy ending.
Also I still don’t understand this blue baby thing but whatever. Half-Cetra children I guess.