So, got some posts from a few days back to respond to
Closest you get to that in reality are the voice actors and uh… well, I personally find Zack and Aerith’s VA situation pretty cute tbh
And if nothing of note happened under the Highwind… then why single out the scene? Hmmmm
Because of how notably unnotable it was! OFF COURSE!
I wouldn't be surprised if this is how some think. I've seen this kind of mindset in other fandoms too. ATLA has a sizable fandom that ships Zuko and Katara together and they regularly rant that their ship would totally have happened in the cartoon except that the writers wanted Katara to be with Aang instead. Every time I see that kind of thing being said, I can't help but wonder how people can make themselves forget that that's exactly how fiction works -- the authors write what they want to happen. The characters aren't real people; they don't just do what they want and the author is simply consigned to record it all down like some kind of witness's testimony.
I mean, them thinking the characters are real and there is some magical portal into the universe is extremely worrisome, but would entirely explain a lot of how these people think.
NGL, that sounds both infuriatingly stifling and absurdly useful all at once. It's very Japan.
I mean, it's worse for idols and pop stars, but entertainment companies are often times insane. Sometimes careers get ended over the accusation of doing drugs, even when the accusations are proven spurious.
I'm sure there are a few who genuinely just don't get it, but true CAltists? Willfully all the way down.
And they do it because winning is everything. If their ship wins, who cares what else the fallout is.
In that note, I'm sure Nanaki is attractive by his species' standards. He's well muscled with good teeth and claws, his dark mane speaks of good testosterone levels, his tail flame is bright and steady, etc. Even his injured eye doesn't hurt him over-much, as it clearly isn't hindering him much as a tracker and fighter. Comparing him to Seto he just needs to fill out a bit as he grows up, and he's likely a looker to others of his kind. He ticks the boxes for physical fitness in wild carnivores very well, with his appearance being a giant billboard of honest indicators.
And we do know he finds his mate in the end.
This. It'd be so easy and not terribly more expensive, and they chose not to take advantage there. Because 012 is there to say "no Cloud isn't looking for Aerith, it's Tifa, it's always been Tifa."
Almost like they were sending a message.
Very clever weasels.
A good twist, as we've discussed, should please both sides of the coin. The satisfaction of saying "I knew it" in the moment, or the "no way!" of the twist catching you by surprise, both of whom can now look back on the hints and enjoy them dearly.
Exactly. Bad twists are badly foreshadowed, with very weak leadup. Good twists have strong but well hidden leadup.
Yeah, that's pretty much just an attempt to bury Tifa in salt. Again, there undoubtedly are people out there that legit don't find Tifa interesting and engaging, and that's fine. It's when they claim such should be the universal truth if all and demand Aerith get the extra screentime/attention that it becomes CAltist behavior.
It's a sort of sour grapes meets motte/ bailey? They really want X for their side, but side Y has it. So they try and diminish what side Y has so they can occupy it on the sly. Like negging someone else's girlfriend, but in the bizarre hope that he'll dump her and you can date her instead.
The moment it occured to me that a trainer with a single well trained Pokemon could probably tear Apeture to pieces in their way out if they deal with the deadly neurotoxin first.
Depending on the pokemon the neurotoxin might just be a boon.
If course, that makes me remember that there's no logical reason GLADoS didn't flood the facility as soon as Chell escaped the resting track in Portal 2, long before she could bring neurotoxin levels to dangerously nonlethal levels.
I suspect the neurotoxin trick only works in fairly well isolated areas of the otherwise very vast facility which is also falling apart. Had to wait for the right moment.
Well then, science will make due.
A scientist is like a cat and aperture science is like a box, right?
Oh? Which one was that? Cause it's difficult to imagine Anastar seeming more unhinged.
The one at the bottom of that post, but you saw it already.
Might be worth checking, even tiny rural libraries can surprise ya.
If not, you can always Yar Har me matey.
Precise too, when it can be managed.
I forget where roughly you're even located

I really hate travelling as of my two cross country migrations. Still, tempting if ever I had cash free for plane tickets to make someone else do it and do it faster.
NC, so opposite coast.
Frequency may be more indicative, but do remember severity definitely biases the memory towards the worst takes.
Both need to be taken into account, but a pattern of behavior is more distressing than a one off, basically.
CT clicks like a perfectly machined set of parts coming together. CA clicks like the chambers on a revolver what have no bullets.
And also the cylinder is misaligned because it's supposed to go with a different model.
It's just silly, since blocking CT doesn't make CAltists right, even if they convince newbs or casuals they still know themselves that they are wrong.
It's like people playing online shooters with aimbot. Even if you dominate, you didn't really win. I don't see the point if either.
Convincing others is how they self soothe, basically. It's a coping strategy.
50+ years is too much LTD. Way too much.
I mean 13 was too much and here we are 14 years later.
Can you kill what was never truly alive?
Coming from most people a "characters acting as if they're real and acting out their own story" thing would be a joke. Coming from Anastar, who I remember as utterly humorless, it's concerning. Her mental state may be worsening.
And that was apparently 7 years ago.
Instead of creating a false persona they create a false narrative, genius.
I managed to forget people are like that, why do you have to remind me?!
Although that "Save my friend" line probably set us back a bit, Dissidia when evaluated is definitely CT.
Not really, depending on when in his personal timeline this Cloud is? He might not yet know what He means to Tifa, and may not want to therefore burden Cosmos with it when the important part is him fighting a fucking god in the hope of saving her then begging another god to intervene when he fails.
[quiote]I'm aware what's said there is "nakama", but what do they make of it? Anyway, yeah, I might even argue that Aerith is fanservice in part 3 of the re;trilogy, part of me thinks all this multiversal stuff was thought up to include Aerith more in the story.
Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, who knows.
What did they make of ACC removing Aerith from the credits? Going off of this, probably not very well.[/quote]
Yeah, a lot of them didn't like it. Granted, a lot of non shippers didn't either, but there were unhinged rants about "Clotis complained so it was changed." In which case, wow, that's a lot of fucking pull that side of the fandom has.
But wait! What about her childhood friend Zack!
This LTD just got a whole lot bigger...
Yeah, this is why I saw they want you to see Aerith date the most, it's basically her last non-spiritual moment with Cloud before she croaks.
And it's also why I've always thought Clerith was bait, bait so good that people are still falling hook, line, and sinker for it 27 years later. 30 by the time they're faced with the method behind the magic.
Aerith herself is bait, even if you don't do her date. And I don't mean this in a bad way, but she's the bright happy peppy woman who everyone gets along with and who promises to come right back and then SHANK MURDER.
Yeah, if it's one thing I've noticed it's that Cleriths are directly unwilling to properly engage with the story and characters out of what really seems like jealousy.
Seriously, every time somebody speaks good about Tifa, they get accused and harassed. IIRC they did to MaximillianDood when he was playing through the game and said that Tifa was the secondary protagonist.
Admitting Tifa is one of the game's Heroines is like kryptonite to them. And then they go around accusing everyone else of saying that Aerith isn't a heroine. ECAIAC, etc.
I've always seen it that Aerith was trying to move on from Zack with Cloud, but because they were uncannily similar it made it very hard for her. Sort of a two steps forward, one step back situation.
Essentially, yes.
Going back to what MaximillianDood said, Tifa really is much more suited to be called a secondary protagonist than Aerith, that's why it always annoys me seeing people say that "this is a game between Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth" Aerith is completely missing from the latter half of the game. Guess who is actually present for the latter half of the game?
The game- especially now in the remake- has two heros and two heroines. I mean just look at the box art. And hey, wouldn't you know it, they've sorted the heroes and the heroines together.
This image is so funny I actually went looking for it to post here but couldn't find it, and yeah I think it is from Anastar.
And something else about characters not being real, I think it's Hirohiko Araki who seems to think that he doesn't really have free reign to do what he wants with his characters...they just characterise themselves. Strange.
When writers say this it's because the creators have such a complete picture of their creation in mind that it basically writes itself. It's not that the characters are distinct entities, but they are complete and complex creations of the mind.
and also, damn right Nojima and Kitase won't be happy about it! You're fucking up their story!
I can't imagine Nomura's all that happy about it either, given Tifa's design was very much one of his babies.
Also, I want people who say Crisis Core isn't canon to the re;trilogy to ask themselves where Zack got the buster sword.
A box of cracker jacks, right?
If you don't mind, could you elaborate a little more on this?
If he was copied, then what happened to the original version of him in the real world? Would he still not be dead in that sense?
The Zack that our Cloud was with, he is dead.
The Zack of the various worlds is not dead. But he is a copy of Zack rather than the same one. But again so are the Elmyra, Marlene, Kyrie, Johnny, Etc of those worlds, and all those people are still alive in the main world.
Is this making sense? I can make a shitty paint diagram if you like.
Oh, BTW, the current push on twitter from the CA side about "Yamazaki-san said Aerith is the heroine that means she's the canon Rosa thus her date is canon" is an amazing example of the Motte and Bailey tactic because it is being fronted by the exact same people who just yesterday were asserting that all the dates were irrelevant and not related to canon at all.