The hypothesis was that Zack wasn't supposed to die so instead of healing Zack from death or preventing it, they just scooped his memories and plopped them into Cloud. That the arbiters of fate did this without straightening Cloud out at all and leaving in a backdoor that the villain he was supposed to defeat could use was not addressed. Despite me bringing it up. Seriously, if you want to see the exchange, check my reddit profile.
No, I’ll pass. I don’t want to lose anymore brain cells.
That sounds completely stupid. There’s nothing to indicate that… and if the whispers did that then Cloud would have verbatim all of Zack’s memories instead of the warped versions he has. And how does that square away the fact that Cloud remembers Zack?
None of this story would make sense if Jenova is suddenly a non-factor to Cloud’s psyche. He even refers to her as Mother several times.
By the way, how does this person square away Ever Crisis, in which the First Soldier story appears to be in continuity with ReTrilogy? Ever Crisis contains the events of Crisis Core and a young Angeal is showing up in the upcoming episodes.
And fuck, if even the villains of Dirge of Cerberus exist then why would Crisis Core, the more loved spin-off be non-canon?