SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Funny that "The CloTi Blacklist" seems to have backfired, It has caused an huge influx of new followers to the CloTi posters. LMAO
Apparently I'm on the blocklist already, despite having interacted with Zero CA people on twitter in the month I've been there and never before that as I can recall. But I'm sure I'm there for arguments way back when.


Pro Adventurer
Apparently I'm on the blocklist already, despite having interacted with Zero CA people on twitter in the month I've been there and never before that as I can recall. But I'm sure I'm there for arguments way back when.
Well, Guilty by association and being a dangerous CloTi lol. Don't forget to put the "Danger" emoji next to your name now. Maybe check if you gained some new followers too.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, Guilty by association and being a dangerous CloTi lol. Don't forget to put the "Danger" emoji next to your name now. Maybe check if you gained some new followers too.
Oh, but I didn't rate the danger icon in the list and I wouldn't want to pull a false valor. I'll just add my usertitle from here, since I made it in response to their silly mudslinging ages ago anyways.


Pro Adventurer
Oh, but I didn't rate the danger icon in the list and I wouldn't want to pull a false valor. I'll just add my usertitle from here, since I made it in response to their silly mudslinging ages ago anyways.
That list now has descriptions for some of them including sexual harrasment and threats. Do they not understand how bad it is to have those people listed on the same list with people who legit just like the Ship?? have these people ever not been online?. This is getting into criminal territory over a damm ship? In which the OP has admitted to never even playing OG and has joined the fandom recently. Yet is still claiming that Cleriths have been bullied by clotis for decades and they need to protect themselves and that this represents the whole cloti fandom. Yet turn a blind eye at the actions of cleriths?. Both sides have done bad things because its 2 big fandoms and not one collective mindset of people.


Pro Adventurer
What I mean is that in P3, they don’t necessarily need to confirm C’s feelings for A, but they should avoid introducing any more details that lead to controversial interpretations, especially after C has rediscovered himself and considering what T has done for C. T deserves to be treated fairly and with respect.
Additionally, I hope the devs focus more on exploring C’s pain after the deaths of his loved ones: his mother, Zack, and Aerith. The deaths of his mother and Zack should have been emphasized more because they are the ones who truly died for him to live. Especially his mother—her death doesn’t seem to leave any real pain or torment (based on what I’ve seen in the game, AC, and Ulti). This frustrates me greatly, as the death of his only family member doesn’t carry as much weight as that of a girl he met for less than two weeks. It’s weird and lack of depth.
Apologies for being late on the response here. I just don't feel like avoiding scenes between two major characters that do in canon mean a lot to each other should be avoided just because they could be interpreted as romantic. If they stick to their guns and make clear CT and ZA are endgame I really wouldn't mind if there's a Clerith scene or two, Aerith is important to Cloud after all, and shippers are gonna ship regardless so why nerf the story for their sakes?

I think Aerith's death being given more focus than Claudia's is as simple as the devs knowing the player is gonna have more of an attachment to a main character than an NPC that dies in a flashback. I'd also argue the people you know for very briefly can still leave a massive impact on your life, but I do think this was done mainly for Doylist reasons.

That being said:
To be fair, I think they've already added more weight to Claudia? And I do suspect we'll see more in P3.
I agree. They've already expanded on Claudia and I'm sure they'll take some time to let Cloud (and Tifa) sit with her death for a bit in part 3


Pro Adventurer
Apologies for being late on the response here. I just don't feel like avoiding scenes between two major characters that do in canon mean a lot to each other should be avoided just because they could be interpreted as romantic. If they stick to their guns and make clear CT and ZA are endgame I really wouldn't mind if there's a Clerith scene or two, Aerith is important to Cloud after all, and shippers are gonna ship regardless so why nerf the story for their sakes?

I think Aerith's death being given more focus than Claudia's is as simple as the devs knowing the player is gonna have more of an attachment to a main character than an NPC that dies in a flashback. I'd also argue the people you know for very briefly can still leave a massive impact on your life, but I do think this was done mainly for Doylist reasons.

That being said:

I agree. They've already expanded on Claudia and I'm sure they'll take some time to let Cloud (and Tifa) sit with her death for a bit in part 3
I’d go as far to say they’ve very much turned Claudia’s death into an actual mystery. They really didn’t have to include Sephiroth describing stabbing her, the weird out of sequence part of Cloud’s house burning, and her final words being heard from Sephiroth mocking him in Remake, and then in her own voice during the flashback.

Either Claudia is just the very first case of Cloud suppressing a traumatic memory, or ( which is my likely untrue suspicion) Aerith’s death has some eerie parallels to it, and that’s the real reason why it’s a double whammy.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Speaking of weird parallels, someone on twitter noted that during the final Rebirth fight with sephypoo, Cloud takes Zack's fighting stance before the battle, and when Zack awakens in the church after everything's over, he looks at his left hand, the same one Aerith grasped when she was back to back with Cloud before she faded.


Pro Adventurer
I’d go as far to say they’ve very much turned Claudia’s death into an actual mystery. They really didn’t have to include Sephiroth describing stabbing her, the weird out of sequence part of Cloud’s house burning, and her final words being heard from Sephiroth mocking him in Remake, and then in her own voice during the flashback.

Either Claudia is just the very first case of Cloud suppressing a traumatic memory, or ( which is my likely untrue suspicion) Aerith’s death has some eerie parallels to it, and that’s the real reason why it’s a double whammy.
But Cloud acknowledges that Claudia died during the Nibelheim massacre. There are blank memory spots during his visit to her house, that I hope are shown in Part 3.


Pro Adventurer
But Cloud acknowledges that Claudia died during the Nibelheim massacre. There are blank memory spots during his visit to her house, that I hope are shown in Part 3.
That’s why I find it strange. It’s expanded but still vague, in fact there’s more holes where you didn’t need them. Why? Unless you’re hiding something, and if they save the real memory for the LS scene, then surely there’s significance to it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yep, that's Cali. Given all her alts, they might all be Cali.

She used to post here but ran off in a huff claiming she had been banned. In reality her main account was never more than temp banned, but I went through and banned or merged at least five or six alts that made posts, and pre-emptively banned I want to say at least dozen more. Probably more, but I don't have access to the backup any longer.


Pro Adventurer
So this is what it comes to when you don't get fed in the games themselves...
Tbf to half of that list, I’ve seen some Cloti “proof” that also seems just as much of a stretch ( mainly around Remake, not so much Rebirth ) but the blue alien baby will always take the cake for me.


Pro Adventurer
JFC How can people take their takes for gospel beats me. SMH
IIRC is the same creator of the Blue Clearith baby theory BS. LMAO!
The chocobo one is okay-ish because the tail feathers are kind of reminiscent of fleur-de-lis style. The music box one with "Cloud's hair", though... I mean, that is clearly the meteor? You can even see the small materia dot there.

It's interesting how every non-canon ship which shippers insist on its canonicity ends up using the exact same arguments.


Mr. Thou
Yeah sometimes fans read into things and it just sounds like Cheech and Chong. “I dropped acid and played Black Sabbath at 0.78 speed.” “What happened?” “I saw Cloud, man.”


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Tbf to half of that list, I’ve seen some Cloti “proof” that also seems just as much of a stretch ( mainly around Remake, not so much Rebirth ) but the blue alien baby will always take the cake for me.
Which ones, out of curiosity?

The chocobo one is okay-ish because the tail feathers are kind of reminiscent of fleur-de-lis style. The music box one with "Cloud's hair", though... I mean, that is clearly the meteor? You can even see the small materia dot there.

It's interesting how every non-canon ship which shippers insist on its canonicity ends up using the exact same arguments.
The Chocobo on the shirt look more like coral to me from a distance, personally, but I can also see why someone could see flower.


Pro Adventurer
Which ones, out of curiosity?

The Chocobo on the shirt look more like coral to me from a distance, personally, but I can also see why someone could see flower.
Biggest one that comes to mind is mostly surrounding the resolution scenes from Remake that I believe originate from SilverW’s tumblr? Mainly to do with windows and possible symbolism in the setting, it’s been a bit since I’ve read it.

Most of what I see from Rebirth are cut and dry references to ToTP, Lifestream sequence buildup, and how CT’s relationship flows through the story even without the GS Date. I’m sure there’s some out there, but I haven’t seen them yet.


Pro Adventurer
Speaking of weird parallels, someone on twitter noted that during the final Rebirth fight with sephypoo, Cloud takes Zack's fighting stance before the battle, and when Zack awakens in the church after everything's over, he looks at his left hand, the same one Aerith grasped when she was back to back with Cloud before she faded.
Other than Cloud taking a stance VERY similar to Zack's (esp when Zack made that pose in a few scenes prior), the other part that stood out to me was when both Cloud and Zack did the "protect your honour as SOLDIER" in unison.

Do you think these are fan service moments or serve a narrative purpose?


Fire and Blood
Biggest one that comes to mind is mostly surrounding the resolution scenes from Remake that I believe originate from SilverW’s tumblr? Mainly to do with windows and possible symbolism in the setting, it’s been a bit since I’ve read it.
The windows theory, luckily, wasn’t adopted. Because uhhh yeah, let’s say I couldn’t finish to read it and closed the tab fast on that one.
Other than Cloud taking a stance VERY similar to Zack's (esp when Zack made that pose in a few scenes prior), the other part that stood out to me was when both Cloud and Zack did the "protect your honour as SOLDIER" in unison.

Do you think these are fan service moments or serve a narrative purpose?
I think since they were both in the Lifestream, they were connected at a deeper level, especially considering Cloud has part of Zack’s persona.


Pro Adventurer
Tbf to half of that list, I’ve seen some Cloti “proof” that also seems just as much of a stretch ( mainly around Remake, not so much Rebirth ) but the blue alien baby will always take the cake for me.
Yeah you can find some dumb stuff like this from them too but definitely way less. It's why i avoid people like SilverWield and their blogs that have some weird stretching done for some scenes. People love to overthink everything to find something that's not there.


Pro Adventurer
Biggest one that comes to mind is mostly surrounding the resolution scenes from Remake that I believe originate from SilverW’s tumblr? Mainly to do with windows and possible symbolism in the setting, it’s been a bit since I’ve read it.
The windows theory, luckily, wasn’t adopted. Because uhhh yeah, let’s say I couldn’t finish to read it and closed the tab fast on that one.
Yeah that's the one. I should've browsed here a bit more before my earlier reply. I figured this Cloti wasn't worth following after seeing that weird ass window thing on top of hating Cloud on occasion too and the obvious Aerith hate that oozes out of her and some other Clotis.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Biggest one that comes to mind is mostly surrounding the resolution scenes from Remake that I believe originate from SilverW’s tumblr? Mainly to do with windows and possible symbolism in the setting, it’s been a bit since I’ve read it.

Most of what I see from Rebirth are cut and dry references to ToTP, Lifestream sequence buildup, and how CT’s relationship flows through the story even without the GS Date. I’m sure there’s some out there, but I haven’t seen them yet.
Not familiar with the windows theory. The only resolution theory that I've seen is a retroactive one from rebirth and that's that the Aerith resolution may have also been in a lifestream dream world.

Other than Cloud taking a stance VERY similar to Zack's (esp when Zack made that pose in a few scenes prior), the other part that stood out to me was when both Cloud and Zack did the "protect your honour as SOLDIER" in unison.

Do you think these are fan service moments or serve a narrative purpose?
Both? I think we might be meant to assume that Cloud and Zack managed to connect to each other despite Sephiroth, so Zack was helping out in that battle from 'inside' Cloud before being deposited back. Granted that's speculation and just saying that has gotten people complaining.


Pro Adventurer
Not familiar with the windows theory. The only resolution theory that I've seen is a retroactive one from rebirth and that's that the Aerith resolution may have also been in a lifestream dream world.

Both? I think we might be meant to assume that Cloud and Zack managed to connect to each other despite Sephiroth, so Zack was helping out in that battle from 'inside' Cloud before being deposited back. Granted that's speculation and just saying that has gotten people complaining.
I saw that thread. Some interesting observations and maybe my memory is just failing me, but it did stick out to me that Cloud assumed the Punisher stance when he typically assumes the more defensive Operator stance.

It would also line up with him assuming Sephiroth’s stance in Gongaga. It’s worth considering especially since it’s part of an end segment where details like that could very well matter.
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