Is it, though? Aerith's feelings don't inform Cloud's, and that's the crux of any and all disagreement.
I don't disagree. But here is why it confuses me. If Cloud's feelings is the crux of the LTD, then this should've already ended conclusively. We have had numerous confirmation both in-game and in meta-text that Cloud had always loved and continues to love Tifa. Add to that, he also ends up living with her and raising children with her like a family. Aerith does not have that.
While you can view Aerith's relationship with Cloud under a romantic lens, the fact is that Cloud's feelings for her are more left ambiguous and never had the same quality of confirmation it did for Tifa. Furthermore, they never had the opportunity to 'get together' unlike Cloud and Tifa did.
Looking at Cloud's feelings, this LTD should've already ended. People can argue all they want whether Cloud's feelings for Aerith are romantic or not, but that will never erase the fact that Cloud loves Tifa. The issue of Cloud's feelings had been answered conclusively in relation to her.
It seems to me that the contention now isn't really who Cloud loves (because he is confirmed to love Tifa, there's no going around that), but rather on the nature of Cloud's feelings for Aerith (it's very complicated, imo). But this should already be a topic divorced from the LTD because whatever answer that topic will yield will not affect the CloTi endgame.
However, I also notice there are some people who argue to determine who does Cloud love MORE, as if one can assign numerical values to Cloud's affection (we can only put numerical values to Aerith's and Tifa's affections, not Cloud; and that's only because of game mechanics). And I think that these people are totally missing the point and are fighting a battle that's unwinnable by design.