It isn't, so you should stop.
Not owning up to your actions is also not arguing in good faith. You did it again, and I'll address that at the bottom of this post.
The basis of your implication was literally assertion of mass anecdote. =|
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here.
Dude, you deflected the critique of your writ-large three-weeks comment by jumping behind that "It's generally not a good idea to bring up personal anecdotes during a debate" nonsense. Again, it was plain for all to see that you were speaking to a general assertion of how people are in real life.
No, I didn't. That's just you attributing ulterior motives to me. If you had read the rest of my argument, you'd notice that I added to my original comment ("three weeks") by asserting that guilt is not the same as love, and that a "lack of closure" can actually make people believe that what they felt for a person was love. And yes, that's making the whole "real world" argument.
That is the colloquial use of the word. What it means is the recipient of another's romantic affection -- thus why I referenced it in response to your erroneous claim that "There really aren't any quotes(canonically) that make Aerith's feelings for Cloud seem like more than confusion mixed with attraction."
Fair enough. I don't speak japanese. Though I'd argue even that is a deluded interpretation of their relationship.
If Cloud had shown up the next evening and eaten Jessie's pizza (that one too), any reasonable person would say he agreed to it. Along similar lines, in the case with Aerith, Cloud actually did the thing that Aerith asked of him (being a bodyguard).
No, he just let her frame the nature of their partnership while he just tagged along as they made their escape back to Sector 5. If you can point me to a specific quote where he agreed to be her bodyguard in exchange for a date, I'd love to hear it.
If you want to discuss the matter from a literary analysis angle based solely on the content of the original game,
there's a thread for that. Please stop derailing this one with easily refuted falsehoods and plain pigheadedness.
You were the one who quoted Kitase, who was talking about the original, if I recall. Neither you, nor I are the only ones guilty of bringing up the original, or the compilation, or external material.
Maybe we should go back to talking about Tifa's panties if we want to get this thread back on track?
"I'm sorry I didn't understand what you were trying to do, but I'll finish what you started" is not the "I let you die. And I deserve to die too. But I hope you'll forgive me before I do" thing we see from him in AC(C). No reasonable interpretation of Cloud's association with Aerith in the original game would be that it's all focused around guilt on the basis of that scene. =|
As far as I know, AC is still canon(correct me if I'm wrong). You can't just write it off because it came out a decade later. Oh, and you're again ignoring the entirety of my post. To quote myself:
"After going back to some scenes in the original, I'll also mention Aerith's death is also meant to help Cloud reconnect with his emotions and realize he's not just a "puppet" as Seph calls him. "
If you no longer want to have this debate under the pretense that it's off-topic, that's fine by me.