SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
I agree 100%. Barret for me wins father of the year! The whole Marlene thing was really done well. I truly felt her character had the most development. Although in the OG, she wasn't much more in my opinion a cutout NPC.
Yeah, I connect with him on how he treats Marlene. He's such a jellybean.
I sure hope Marlene still gets screen time in between this and the ending of this series. Even they're just minor scenes


Pro Adventurer
To throw some spice, Like we need more, How about that scene with Aerith and Marlene, when Marlene shows Aerith where her flower went. I believe at that moment, it is when Aerith knew that Cloud and Tifa belong together. She understood the irreplaceable presence that Tifa has in Cloud's heart.

Aerith Smiled.

Edited to add, conveniently the scene happens before the "dream sequence" in CH14.
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Pro Adventurer
We all seem to agree that everyone brings the real Cloud to the surface in different ways at different times.

I think the "high-five" example is the most clear-cut, obvious example.

I think rescuing Aerith from Shinra HQ is the most compelling, important example -- it is Cloud's idea and he is Aerith's bodyguard.

Both the high-five's and Shinra HQ suggest to me Aerith is Cloud's obvious preference.

But obviously that is opinion.

So is the debate about who did it first?

Because that would mean it's random luck who is able to do it first since everyone can do it.

To me, the debate is about which are the most clear-cut, significant examples.

The scene where Cloud and Aerith high-five in the battle arena gave me chills given Cloud's earlier reluctance.

Then, when Cloud has to remind everyone that rescuing Aerith is the #1 priority, it cemented to me that Cloud had significantly changed from the very beginning of the game.

CxA seem to dominate once Cloud meets Aerith, which means the others only have a chance when Aerith is out of the picture.

For me, the Shinra jail cell scene in the OG always confirmed Cloud's preference for Aerith over Tifa.
Even if we go into which was the most clear cut, its still subjective. The case could be made for Jessie, when they were riding motorcycles in ch 4.
My God, I can't wait for Yuffie reveal! She is going to be a fun character!
Even when we first meet her, is gonna have me laughing lol. Hopefully it'll play out similar to the OG


Mr. Thou
To throw some spice, Like we need more, How about that scene with Aerith and Marlene, when Marlene shows Aerith where her flower went. I believe at that moment, it is when Aerith knew that Cloud and Tifa belong together. She understood the irreplaceable presence that Tifa has in Cloud's heart.

Aerith Smiled.

I had to rewatch that scene and wow, yeah, she stops cold and just stares at that flower for a long minute. Very awkward with a lot of visual space. Drawing a blank on other reasons she'd do that.

That edit though!

Edited to add, conveniently the scene happens before the "dream sequence" in CH14.

Goddamn this is making my night. Did not make either of those connections, and haven't even seen it mentioned elsewhere. This is the goods!
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You look like you need a monkey
But while we're at it, Tifa and Cloud talk about going on a date in CH3. Something that was not in the OG, I might add.

I agree. He also agreed to a date with Jessie.

For that matter, Aerith and Tifa made a date with each other too.

And on the high fives... they weren't used to indicate romance. They were used as a means to highlight how socially unaware Cloud is and how he still needs to figure out how to do basic interaction with the people he's with.


If we're bringing headcanons into this my HC is when Tifa is telling Leslie not to give up over Reunion flower necklace that he might still find his fiance she was also telling Cloud he would find Aerith too and being supportive of them ?


Pro Adventurer
If we're bringing headcanons into this my HC is when Tifa is telling Leslie not to give up over Reunion flower necklace that he might still find his fiance she was also telling Cloud he would find Aerith too and being supportive of them ?

I see what you did there, however it is not in the same contex as what happened in Seventh Heaven with Aerith and Marlene.

If you recall Aerith did ask Cloud about the flower she gave him. Asked if he gave it away. Cloud responded that he did. Immediately afterwards Aerith asked who he gave it to and Cloud says that he don't recall. ( I know, I know) Then Aerith says, I thought you don't like to lie.

Later in CH13 Aerith obviously finds out who he gave the flower to.

In the scene that you just described Tifa was being her normal supportive self. So, I am not understanding your point there.


Pro Adventurer
I believe that Tifa and Aerith had more connections this time around.

This is excellent storytelling where they make you feel and understand the characters on a personal level. It is going to be even more painful to watch the later chapters of the the story arch. I am sure that Tifa is going to be devastated! Just like the rest of us!

One is more open and the other is more reserved. Who knows If you combine both Tifa and Aerith you might get the perfect women for Cloud. :P


My point is there is no actual proof (i.e supporting Ultimania evidence, etc) to confirm Aerith is giving up on Cloud, giving her blessing to Cloud, etc or anything, these are simply assumptions, interpretations and HCs and not something meant to prove the intended couple in debate I think (unless it can be confirmed by Ultimania, etc)

My interpretation of Cloud saying he didn't recall who he gave the flower to in response to Aerith is that he didn't tell her because he had racked up three date offers by then and he wanted to keep his options open, including with Aerith, but I'm not going to say it as fact.
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Mr. Thou
My point is there is no actual proof (i.e supporting Ultimania evidence, etc) to confirm Aerith is giving up on Cloud, giving her blessing to Cloud, etc or anything, these are simply assumptions, interpretations and HCs and not something meant to prove the intended couple in debate I think (unless it can be confirmed by Ultimania, etc)

Yes it's an interpretation, but it's a pretty good one, though I'm interested in your take on it. What's going through Aerith's mind when she sees the flower?

Also, do we really need to rely on the Ultimania so much? Mostly they just repeat what we can plainly see. I feel like every time new commentary comes out, we just end up arguing over things like koi___________bito.


Pro Adventurer
My point is there is no actual proof (i.e supporting Ultimania evidence, etc) to confirm Aerith is giving up on Cloud, giving her blessing to Cloud, etc or anything, these are simply assumptions, interpretations and HCs and not something meant to prove the intended couple in debate I think (unless it can be confirmed by Ultimania, etc)

I never said that Aerith is giving up on Cloud. I said at that point in that scene at the Seventh Heaven, is when Aerith came to realize that there is more to clouds relationship with Tifa then she realized.

To give more contex to the Aerith and Marlene scene, In game, during Aerith and Clouds walk to sector 7, During one of Clouds headache Cloud calls out Tifa's name, This is the fist time Aerith hears her name. Aerith goes on to ask if she is his girlfriend. Of course Cloud says no (at this point in the story noone is) Aerith teases him about it and even says that Tifa is special to him.

So, my point is this, during the Seventh Heaven scene, it is when she realizes that Tifa is very special to Cloud.

I think you are aware that I lean towards Tifa and Cloud. So of course I interpret that scene that way. However, I never once said that Tifa and Cloud is the cannon couple.


A lot could be going through Aerith's mind when she sees the flower "Follow the yellow flowers" there's clearly alot going on with those flowers, not exclusive to romance, or maybe nothing at all in that particular instance other than need to take Marlene and get out of danger/this war zone right now.


Pro Adventurer
My point is there is no actual proof (i.e supporting Ultimania evidence, etc) to confirm Aerith is giving up on Cloud, giving her blessing to Cloud, etc or anything, these are simply assumptions, interpretations and HCs and not something meant to prove the intended couple in debate I think (unless it can be confirmed by Ultimania, etc)

My interpretation of Cloud saying he didn't recall who he gave the flower to in response to Aerith is that he didn't tell her because he had racked up three date offers by then and he wanted to keep his options open, including with Aerith, but I'm not going to say it as fact.

Also, in the dream sequence it is my interpretation that she did give up on Cloud at this point. If I recall it is Aerith who told Cloud to not fall in love with her. Right? If you combine all that I said before it makes a lot of sense on why she said that. Again this is coming for a very bias Cloud X Tifa.

Of course it is open for debate, thus is why this thread exists!

Frankly I love this! I love reading other peoples interpretations.


Pro Adventurer
A lot could be going through Aerith's mind when she sees the flower "Follow the yellow flowers" there's clearly alot going on with those flowers, not exclusive to romance, or maybe nothing at all in that particular instance other than need to take Marlene and get out of danger/this war zone right now.

The thing with that is this, Aerith knows the meaning of that flower. In fact she told Cloud the meaning of that flower. I think personally it was pretty crappy that Cloud didn't tell Tifa, but oh well. Tifa found out by being resourceful. If you are being truthful I don't really think that particular moment could be interpreted differently. Yeah, there was a lot of stuff going on at that time. However, you can't avoid the fact that Aerith knew the meaning behind the flower. Just saying.

I am not trying to make it romantic all I am saying is, that is when Aerith had her Eureka moment and connected the dots about Tifa and Cloud, and the fact that Tifa is very special to Cloud. That is all I am saying.
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Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
I agree. However, on the other side of that very same coin, Tifa can be construed bossy as well. Especially forcing Cloud into Avalanche, I know that she did that to keep an eye on him and to keep him close.

Why are the ladies in FF7 so manipulative to Cloud! :lol::lol: Poor Cloud! -_-

Jessie, Tifa, Aerith... they're all so manipulative. But I don't pity Cloud. He needs to grow some balls and end this madness! :rage:

Re: Chapter 14 cutscene, I'd like to invoke a snippet of Barret's.

When Barret was talking to him, Cloud was looking away silently listening like he doesn't care too much what Barret was saying (but of course we know Cloud is just being tsundere here, he actually cares deep down)

Then when Barret mentions something about a guy from Avalanche pulling out the flower moves on Tifa, Cloud's reaction was suddenly on alert. It was so funny to me. Then Barret told him Tifa rejected the guy and Cloud visibly relaxed.

I think that was a lovely little detail.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I think the love triangle was really well done in the remake. Cloud is indeed a lucky dude. I'm not really a shipper myself but I am an old romantic at heart lol got to say I disagree strongly with the idea that once he met Aerith it became all about her. He wants to go straight to sector 7 and is talked into staying overnight, but with a promise to sneak away alone and never to return. And then the next portion of the game is all about Tifa. He didn't dance and dress like a woman for Aerith. It was all to save Tifa. For someone like Cloud. Doing a dance routine and dressing like a woman is a lot harder than drawing his sword.


Pro Adventurer
Jessie, Tifa, Aerith... they're all so manipulative. But I don't pity Cloud. He needs to grow some balls and end this madness! :rage:

Re: Chapter 14 cutscene, I'd like to invoke a snippet of Barret's.

When Barret was talking to him, Cloud was looking away silently listening like he doesn't care too much what Barret was saying (but of course we know Cloud is just being tsundere here, he actually cares deep down)

Then when Barret mentions something about a guy from Avalanche pulling out the flower moves on Tifa, Cloud's reaction was suddenly on alert. It was so funny to me. Then Barret told him Tifa rejected the guy and Cloud visibly relaxed.

I think that was a lovely little detail.

Just the mention of Tifa's name in that story visibly upset Cloud. I love his "Of course she did" comment and the way Cloud relaxed afterwards.

honestly I would have loved to see that conversation is person! Haha!

Again, this is what I love about this game. So many small details that are just waiting to be discovered, no matter what side of the isle you are on. It is the result of damn good writing!
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