Yes, he wavered prior to her death, but we don't SEE that post OG. He clearly was/is with Tifa. I doubt if Cloud still has feelings for Aerith, he would've continued the relationship with Tifa.
Isn’t that what the whole argument about what’s going on in AC is centered on though? Mind you, I much prefer what the devs have actually said about the story, but they never outright denied the “Cloud wants to be with Aerith” thing either so doing so would certainly bring me the closure I’m looking for
They'll just get on social media and scream in perpetuity about how terrible the writing is while upvoting each other. (See also: Attack on Titan.)
Maybe it’s just me but I’d much prefer that than the current situation lol I’d say just let them be mad all they want, the story is what the story is
I remember back when AC was released, a friend of mine who didn't play the OG watched it and was convinced Cloud loves Aerith more no matter what I told her about the game. She never denied Cloti though. Either way, I'm quite certain they were being deliberately vague in AC. Not that it matters much because one of them is dead and he's practically raising kids with the other one.
I do think it's likely for Cloud to have some lingering feelings for Aerith. It might not be like the kind of bond he has with Tifa after all they've been through, but I think he would be a moron if he said, "No I never thought about Aerith. It was always Tifa." Or even, "I no longer feel a thing about Aerith."
I think that’s what irks me about the whole thing and about people who think the remake should allow for multiple endings for Tifa and Aerith
and Jessie lol it just feels so…noncommittal, I guess? It’s like, with everything we already know about Cloud and Tifa I’m like just pull the damn trigger already
All it takes is a tiny tweak to turn the C/A story to a Z/A one....and you don't even have to have Zack in for multiverse /parallel universe shenanigans. I really do think this is what they're committing to.
It would certainly speak to another pretty contentious aspect of the LTD, the “is Aerith really over Zack” thing
I remember this! When @KindOfBlue said that what would kill the LTD for her (him?) was a confirmation of girlfriend / wife....I was like, wait, didn't an interview call Tifa koibito?
But then I remembered the internet's arguments were:
"It was koi <SPACE> bito. There was a <SPACE>"
"They never said she was CLOUD'S koi <SPACE> bito. It's used to describe her character that she can be a good girlfriend. But not to Cloud"
"Koi <SPACE> bito means sweetheart in English. Tifa was like a sweetheart. I call nice people "sweetheart" all the time!"
Good times, early 2000ies.

thankfully I wasn’t around during the earlier years of the LTD because the arguments I’ve read on this site and other sites going back years ago are just…let’s just say
fascinating (it’s always fun when I recognize names by the way, it’s like recognizing somebody from fight club outside of fight club lol).
Funny thing about that word though, I’ve seen people say it means “beloved”, “lover”, “sweetheart” depending on the context (and conveniently depending on if we’re talking about that quote about Tifa or the one from Maiden with Aerith). To my American ears, when I hear “lover”, I think of specifically a sexual relationship, while “beloved” sounds like a generally romantic term that could range from infatuation all the way through to marriage (doesn’t really make sense grammatically to call somebody “a beloved” but my impression is that the general idea of the word is similar to this). “Sweetheart” reminds me of the phrase “high school sweetheart” which in itself doesn’t speak to the intensity of the relationship other than it involves high schoolers, so it’s about as intense as you can imagine. By itself though, “sweetheart” sounds like either a compliment or a nickname like you mentioned.
So let’s assume Maiden is canon, for Cloud to be described as “more than a friend (to Aerith) for she loved him”, somehow saying “she loved him” sounds more vague to me than “he was her lover/beloved” just because the latter phrasing sounds like they did in fact have a romantic relationship. Which…they didn’t really aside from liking each other and going on a date. So for people who claim Cloud and Aerith
were in a relationship, I’d have to ask the similar question of “when and where in the story did they become boyfriend and girlfriend then?”
I think that by itself would put Cloti and Clerith (I friggin’ hate using and reading these stupid ass ship names lmao) on an even playing field, that we don’t get a moment where either couple pledges exclusivity to one another by becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. BUT because we get so much more detail about Cloud and Tifa’s feelings for each other and not in a vague way,
that’s why I’m like well you might as well just call them boyfriend and girlfriend already lol.
Did that kill the LTD? Obviously not, yet what else can SE do, really?
It really just boils down to word choice, that’s it. Had they specifically said girlfriend or wife right there, we probably wouldn’t be talking about it anymore lmao.
But back in late April or May in 2019, when I was new to this fandom, I ran into a tweet from a CxA fan that asked if anyone could help them understand what the word meant when describing Tifa. We actually had a really nice conversation about it. I think they may have just been misguided due to some essays they read on the internet that perpetuated these false claims. Eventually someone came and asked her to block me (which she didn't), but we said good bye, and that was the end of it. This was before Remake came out and Aerith ends up being the one who uses the word when asking about Tifa.
So in comparing how that word was used to describe both what Tifa is to Cloud
and how Aerith feels about him, and considering the distinction I made to
@frosty about “beloved” vs “lover” vs “sweetheart”, which translations do you think would make more sense for those contexts?