Rookie Adventurer
- dazzze
@dazzze have you played the OG? If not I can maybe understand your statement, but there is a lot to unpack on the CT side still. Aerith stood no chance at all, ever because of how Cloud was impacted by Tifa in their childhood.
Played the OG many times.
Your assessment on Aerith I agree with; I too wish there were more Aerti moments because I LOVE it when the girls are shown bonding together, unironically, they make a great match for each other (if SE weren't cowards). The introvert and the extrovert, one doomed by the future, the other held back by the past? Yisplsgimmie. Each one has strengths where the other fails down to their core design principles of strength vs magic, surrounded as a child and sheltered as a child, both lose their parents to Shinra, both don't have a home to return back to.
When it comes to Tifa... its a real mixed bag for me PERSONALLY. I like her outside of the romance stuff, I loved the addition of her panic attack when revisiting the reactor, I love that she steps up to take care of Cloud when hes wheelchair bound, I like her when shes taking steps forward to pursue the bravery she displays in fighting outside of fighting. I actually love the Scarlet bitch-fight even though it will never return in the remakes. When it comes to her and Cloud... eh. I feel like I can't write what I really feel because I'll be cooked for it

I won't kill you for it, but I will disagree in part.
To me, I don't think there was a single scene between Tifa and Cloud that didn't drip with romantic undertones. I think there is a subtle difference between how you act with friends vs someone you have a crush on, and Tifa and Cloud were so consistently on the "crush" side of that line that even normal conversations made me go "why are these two not getting a room already?" The conversations after the Aerith Costa Del Sol date come to mind. It was just a regular conversation but every single line is spoken with this subtle sense of longing. Unlike with any other character Cloud sounds like he's very eager to continue talking to her. Not just "naturally talking to her" like with friends, but mentally pre-occupied with finding ways to get her comfortable and continuing this back and forth. I recognize this behavior since it's exactly what I am desperate to do when I like someone.
Aerith coming across as desperate I completely agree with. But I don't find it "cute" at all, I find it a combination of icky from Clouds perspective since he clearly doesn't like it (as evidenced by the Kalm scene) and depressing from Aeriths perspective who is clearly living out a lie and coping hard.
I also agree with Zack being a king amongst men, and as my favorite character I sympathize with wanting him to be alive, but since he's my favorite character I ship Zack x not having his story ruined.
I'm looking at these scenes without rose-tinted glasses. I understand that they can be read this way, but the same could be said with Aerith and all the moments she and Cloud share, too. Of course Cloud is going to fall in love with the first girl that ever gave him attention, but I mostly see it as trope-y, which can be forgiven as the material is coming from a game from 97. I can look at the ship and understand why its effectively canon (despite AC ... and the lack of romance), but I personally feel like SE tried to please both camps and, in turn, fell short in both.
For transparency, I like Aerith more than Tifa. Her desperation isn't meant to be cute, shes a dead woman barely walking and shes trying (and failing) to get blood (love) from a stone so that her last moments aren't as cold as she knows they'll be. I don't blame her for her actions, she feels human. She was left high and dry after pouring her heart out and got burned (unintentionally), and now shes flat run out of time.