SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
I propose Zack and Tifa challenge each other to a squat contest instead! Cloud and Aerith can still be their cheerleaders :mon:

I would say they'd just straight up have a meltdown.
Yeah, that fits better but I was referencing how they both have some martial arts skill.

CA fans are already having a meltdown. The amount of copium being passed around is overdosing levels.


Pro Adventurer
^Thats not how you spell explode :muhaha:

Meanwhile @billy22 I can see this game being mature enough to get a little spicier while still updating things. In my head it goes ...

Barret: I thought we was all goin' to our doom, why you so cheerful solja boy? You get laid, or somethin?

Barret laughs until he notices Cloud and Tifa blushing furiously and turning away from him.

Barret: Oh... Well I'll say no more then. looks at Tifa, grins Good for you, girl.

Yuffie: funny cheerleaderish dance in the background

I'm trying to think of a modern T-rated game, particularly one developed by Square, that handles sexual themes. Might give us insight on how the highwind scene will be portrayed.

The pessimist in me is saying it won't be as strongly implied as some of you are hoping. That we'll just see a make-out session and the screen will fade to black.


Pro Adventurer
There's been a few sexual innuendos thus far in the retrilogy (Marle's "Big sword, no skills" comes to mind first) and Wall Market of course, so there's "hope" for something that's spelled out pretty clearly. But we'll see, I guess!


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm trying to think of a modern T-rated game, particularly one developed by Square, that handles sexual themes. Might give us insight on how the highwind scene will be portrayed.

The pessimist in me is saying it won't be as strongly implied as some of you are hoping. That we'll just see a make-out session and the screen will fade to black.
Final Fantasy 14 is rated T and makes frequent mentions of forced prostitution and brothels. You can also obviously unequip clothing and run around in your underwear. Some of the female boss models are "anime topless". I think for a T rating, implying things with dialogue is fair game. Waking up topless under sheets, but not showing anything is probably as far as they can push a T-rating.

Being naked out in the open like FF16 would call for M17+. Comparing FF16 and Rebirth sales also opens up an interesting discussion. Does the rating even matter?


Pro Adventurer
There's been a few sexual innuendos thus far in the retrilogy (Marle's "Big sword, no skills" comes to mind first) and Wall Market of course, so there's "hope" for something that's spelled out pretty clearly. But we'll see, I guess!
Based on the increase of blood in part 2, as well as some of the more crude dialogue and what they've apparently done in FFXVI, I'd say there is a good chance they'll be more explicit in part 3 than in the OG. Almost have to be tbh or it'd be weird.

Anyway, I have a question, I heard someone say that with Barrets date the first 4 notes of Tifas theme starts playing. Can someone who believes that give me a time stamp where that supposedly happens for the following video? Would like to check if I agree but I can't hear it so thought a more focuses listen might help.



Pro Adventurer
I'm trying to think of a modern T-rated game, particularly one developed by Square, that handles sexual themes. Might give us insight on how the highwind scene will be portrayed.

The pessimist in me is saying it won't be as strongly implied as some of you are hoping. That we'll just see a make-out session and the screen will fade to black.
Make-out is honestly all we need for it be definitively canon so I’m okay with it.

At the end of the day, I’ll take definitive LTD-killing scene even if it’s not a sex scene.


Mr. Thou
Aslo I feel the same every time when I see the claim that Aerith is sexual harassment Cloud and her act is creepy if gender reversed. Surely that is true in real life, but this is a fantasy game with so much content that they struggled to put in 3 discs. They can’t have Aerith and Cloud took 3 months to warm up and finally can speak with each other without apologizing first…the game will go nowhere if they do that.

I guess to me "creepy" means skirting around consent, whether it's unwanted looking, touching or just maneuvering someone in a way they're not on board with. Two people can do the same thing but only one ends up being the creep. It's all up to the object, not the subject.

But Cloud is so damn awkward that sometimes it's hard to tell what he's ok with. This thing where he pouts and grunts while going along with it, is that supposed to be cute? Like when Aerith pats the seat next to her, and he grunts and sits across from her instead. Bro this is your HA date. You wanna be here or not?


Pro Adventurer
Final Fantasy 14 is rated T and makes frequent mentions of forced prostitution and brothels. You can also obviously unequip clothing and run around in your underwear. Some of the female boss models are "anime topless". I think for a T rating, implying things with dialogue is fair game. Waking up topless under sheets, but not showing anything is probably as far as they can push a T-rating.

Being naked out in the open like FF16 would call for M17+. Comparing FF16 and Rebirth sales also opens up an interesting discussion. Does the rating even matter?

As always you have to put these things into context. There is a difference, at least in perception, between Square's defined, poster hero-characters doing the nasty, and some unnamed avatar characters running around in their underwear and a brothel getting mentioned. Case in point- this game doesn't let me run around as Tifa or Aerith in their underwear.

I agree that being nude under the blankets should be good enough for T. Just can't think of when Square ever did that in a modern game. Or most modern T-rated games.

Make-out is honestly all we need for it be definitively canon so I’m okay with it.

But it's optional. Not my Cloud.


Pro Adventurer
Based on the increase of blood in part 2, as well as some of the more crude dialogue and what they've apparently done in FFXVI, I'd say there is a good chance they'll be more explicit in part 3 than in the OG. Almost have to be tbh or it'd be weird.

Anyway, I have a question, I heard someone say that with Barrets date the first 4 notes of Tifas theme starts playing. Can someone who believes that give me a time stamp where that supposedly happens for the following video? Would like to check if I agree but I can't hear it so thought a more focuses listen might help.

i dont know about the music, but Barret’s expression when he said “go for it sometimes” is just brilliant. It is so human.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
i dont know about the music, but Barret’s expression when he said “go for it sometimes” is just brilliant. It is so human.

TBF, that's every expression Barret makes. His snide sneer when dealing with " uncaring merc" is palpable. His anguish when dealing with Dyne or Myrna, his resignation in North Corel? Writ large on his face. His surprised, touched feels when telling Cloud he's starting to believe Cloud might really be here for him? It's all gold.

I may be biased though as a 40 year old dad, I love all of FFVII's cast but Barret is the one I'd go grab a beer with :awesomonster:


Mr. Thou
TBF, that's every expression Barret makes. His snide sneer when dealing with " uncaring merc" is palpable. His anguish when dealing with Dyne or Myrna, his resignation in North Corel? Writ large on his face. His surprised, touched feels when telling Cloud he's starting to believe Cloud might really be here for him? It's all gold.

I may be biased though as a 40 year old dad, I love all of FFVII's cast but Barret is the one I'd go grab a beer with :awesomonster:

Barret, Biggs, Sam and Cid, that is my beer dream team. 🍻

Scotch with Reeve 🥃


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Not for nothing, but there's also a fair few folks who are pretty sure Willy S was making a masturbation joke at the same time. Shakespeare is thick of perverted jokes, even in his tragedies.

Ah, so the love interest was Madam M all along. She’s got it all: aggressive hand-holding action and all the innuendo of a happy ending.

Isn’t that what we all want? A happy ending?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Barret, Biggs, Sam and Cid, that is my beer dream team. 🍻

Scotch with Reeve 🥃

While we're at it I wanna get out my cocktail shaker, my muddler, the whole nine yards and swap cocktails with Tifa, and smoke cigars with Cid.

This is way more fun than debating who Chocobutt loves.


Pro Adventurer
TBF, that's every expression Barret makes. His snide sneer when dealing with " uncaring merc" is palpable. His anguish when dealing with Dyne or Myrna, his resignation in North Corel? Writ large on his face. His surprised, touched feels when telling Cloud he's starting to believe Cloud might really be here for him? It's all gold.

I may be biased though as a 40 year old dad, I love all of FFVII's cast but Barret is the one I'd go grab a beer with :awesomonster:
I mean the improvement from technology side though. I guess because of lip sync, game characters mouth movement always feel a little off to me. This one specifically feel like he is talking, like talking like a real person.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Oh I feel you, this game's facial expressions are miles past what I'm used to seeing but that one in particular isn't gold, it's platinum.


Pro Adventurer
Twitter "For You" tab hurts my brain :

Are people really incapable of understanding what’s going on when Cloud brings up Zack during the Gold Saucer date? He’s simply following up on what he talked to Tifa about, there’s no jealousy whatsoever in his inquiry.

And this interlocking fingers being more romantic than a kiss has gotta be the biggest fucking cope I’ve ever seen. Coming from the same people who were so smug when the Game Awards trailer dropped. They’ve so utterly lost that they are perpetual denial.

It’s one thing to prefer Clerith, I have no issues with that. It’s quite another to bend the story and invent bullshit. Cloud could literally say “I love you and only you, Tifa” and these people would hear that and go “Okay, but he held Aerith’s hand.” Absolutely embarrassing.

Side note: I love how these people are suddenly experts on what’s more romantic in Japan. /s
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Pro Adventurer
Are people really incapable of understanding what’s going on when Cloud brings up Zack during the Gold Saucer date? He’s simply following up on what he talked to Tifa about, there’s no jealousy whatsoever in his inquiry.

- there is always been a comprehension of understanding when it comes to reading on the other side. Particularly anything against their believes... we called it 'optional reading and understanding" its a little disease they all have especially to those die hards.

- Others are just no brainer who watch youtube compilation you know that stuff~ :faint: :faint: :faint:


Pro Adventurer
- there is always been a comprehension of understanding when it comes to reading on the other side. Particularly anything against their believes... we called it 'optional reading and understanding" its a little disease they all have especially to those die hards.

- Others are just no brainer who watch youtube compilation you know that stuff~ :faint: :faint: :faint:
Thing is, I’m willing to bet there a lot of CA fans who just prefer them because they find them cuter and don't twist the story. Which is totally fine. We have a few of them who have been taking part in this thread recently. We need more.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names

Just leaving this here. I hope Part 3 adapts this sequence properly and it’s not just locked away in a grindy gacha game cause this scene is too important.

I know this was like 50 pages ago but this forum has been so dead you'd think Sephiroth caught it praying for Holy :doh: So I've been going through stuff I missed, liking old posts, and found this one. Thank you for posting it here Grim, I would likely never have seen it on my own (not the sorta thing my algorithm finds for me) and I loved it. What does Cloud cling to, to convince himself he's still him?

"I have to help her." My feels...


Pro Adventurer
Side note: I love how these people are suddenly experts on what’s more romantic in Japan. /s

- exactly~ MY friend whose in JP said " international C/A are ridiculous its true that helding hards is different thing but I held hands with my friends too ~ A kiss definitely different though.. you dont just kiss anyone. "

- this is why they're calling it 'optional' because it can or cannot happen - they cannot exactly diss the kiss so they're trying to do it on different way. Pathetic actually hehehe
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