Personally never got the feeling the dream date was about Cloud specifically, it was about Aerith and her feelings no matter what level of interpretation you're going for. Aside from the purpose of giving Cloud the materia, this was all about what Aerith feels
regarding her romantic feelings, her impending fate, and friendship with Cloud.
Imo, devs were throwing Clerith a bone and simultaneously showing why it could never work from an Aerith POV because we already got why it couldnt work from a Cloud POV throughout the entire game. It was done very earnestly. They gave them an intimate moment in the literal landscape of Aerith's mind. No extraneous environmental factors (Kalm, Costa Del Sol, no other party members). This was her last chance, she knew Sephiroth was coming. So she took it - can I make this work? Can I find the real Cloud like I wanted to at GS? Are my feelings for him real or just a Zack shaped mirage? This was also supposedly omniAerith and she's probably had much more time to consider her feelings than RebirthAerith.
So this date was as close as they could possibly get to the heart of the matter concerning Aerith's feelings. Cleriths should be a little flattered that the devs felt the need to go to this extent to shutdown 27 years worth of argument, imo. This was not an insult, but a tip of the hat from the POV of the woman herself.
It was also a viking funeral both for the ship and omniAerith. What do we discover? Her mind is a literal Zack theme park, no other way to say it. Only thing missing was a statue of the dude in mid-squat. The fact she was still wearing the bow and the pink dress in her own dreamworld says it all.
The deck was always loaded against Clerith - it could never work, and it is most apparent in her very mind. Zack will always be the ultimate comparison where Aerith is concerned. If I recall, the banner of the spiky haired Stamp carrying the injured blonde dog is right around the photographer area. This Stamp has a blue skies collar - like they're not even trying to hide the Zack symbolism. Incidentally, this is the only part of the date Cloud actually seems to enjoy and it occurs under the auspices of a huge Zack symbol reminding people exactly what he did for Cloud. Zack also shows up regularly throughout the date and the next shot after she says "our place" is Zack sitting at said place while Cloud has no clue. It's supposed to feel wrong in every way. But Aerith caught up in the moment and desperate to make it work, doesn't realize it until the very end where she finally accepts the truth - this thing with Cloud simply cannot be. This whole date is the answer to Marlene's words to Zack and the GS date. Aerith never found the true Cloud and even if she did, it wouldn't work anyway.
There are ultimately many valid interpretations of this sequence at different levels, thematically rich all. But the devs were pointing to something at a basic level that would be a disservice to gloss over just because shipping wars are distasteful. Just as Aerith ultimately cannot escape her story fate, all roads lead back to Zack for her. And now we have Aerith's answer in addition to Cloud's (like vs like like). Could it have been much clearer? Yes. But the date accomplished what they were going for - a litmus test of her feelings in as intimate a setting as possible. That is enough, imo.