SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
It's certainly interesting to see the amount of hoops they jump through to make this work, that's for sure.
I'm of the opinion that if you have to make something that complicated then your doing it wrong.
It's at least less...hostile-sounding (like, it's not directly aimed at disproving CT) but it still doesn't explain why he said nothing when Aerith said she now knew where they stood (and I'll die on the hill that that's never a sign of reciprocal feelings because I never heard it used like that in any media whatsoever) and it also never addresses why Cloud then chooses to kiss Tifa.
Ditto here.
I'm miffed at the way my boi Zack is addressed throughout all that, though. :shifty:
I'm trying so hard not to jump down the rabbit hole and defend one of my favs.🤬


Pro Adventurer
I thought this take was interesting...

We've seen how Cloud reacts when he's jealous. We saw him in Sector 7. We saw him with Johnny. We've seen him every time Tifa mentions Emilio.

He's pissed. He doesn't care. He doesn't want to talk about them.

Zack? He asks about him, tries to understand, and when he starts to remember, he's horrified at the thought of forgetting HIS BEST FRIEND.

He's not jealous of Zack.


Pro Adventurer
Speaking of ZACK, I made another fun observation rewatching Remake. After defeating the toad king, Ms Folia has this to say about the kids carrying homemade buster swords: "They're always on the move, looking for new adventures, chasing new dreams, all while trying to make the lives of everyone around them just a little better."

They're small Zacks, lol.


Pro Adventurer
I thought this take was interesting...
Again, Both Yama and Cody have stated that Cloud is loyal, lovable, and pure. Also pretty sure the devs have at some point said that he's dorky.

I acknowledge that the story supports it being canon, but goddamn, sometimes I feel my girl Tifa deserves more than Cloud.
Yes, Cloud make decisions that hurt those around him post-ff7, but please don't act like he never tried for Tifa's sake.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, Cloud make decisions that hurt those around him post-ff7, but please don't act like he never tried for Tifa's sake.
As is true for everyone, I'm aware.

I never said he didn't try, either. AC in particular just gives a rather bad depiction that he did. Like I said, Retrilogy did a good job so far selling him as a partner.


Pro Adventurer
Again, Both Yama and Cody have stated that Cloud is loyal, lovable, and pure. Also pretty sure the devs have at some point said that he's dorky.

Bro has spent two games being jealous of a dead man, and when FINALLY the girl he's in love with confesses to him, his first thought and response is: Why are you so weird?

Yup. I'll let you die alone on your hill. I'm going home.


Pro Adventurer
I never said he didn't try, either. AC in particular just gives a rather bad depiction that he did. Like I said, Retrilogy did a good job selling him as a partner.
Yes, but I don't like when people pretend his decisions were made in bad faith, that Tifa is better off without him.

Depressed people cope in different ways, they fall into mental traps, act unlike their ordinary selves.

While I think it's unfair that he abandoned Tifa, it's also unfair to point to Cloud and say "ugh what a dickhead, Tifa was also depressed" as if they expect both Cloud and Tifa to be the exact same person who cope in the same ways.

Might I add that when things were starting out that the roles were reversed? Tifa was unable to move on and Cloud was her rock? Is this not a quality of a good partner? That despite his flaws, he was making a genuine effort to start a life with Tifa?

Strictly painting Cloud as a "dickhead" and a "bad partner" who Tifa should dump is an unfair conclusion to come to.


Pro Adventurer
Bro has spent two games being jealous of a dead man, and when FINALLY the girl he's in love with confesses to him, his first thought and response is: Why are you so weird?

Yup. I'll let you die alone on your hill. I'm going home.
And these people genuinely have the audacity to think Aerith is somebody who would even associate herself with someone who kissed her best friend out of jealousy.



Pro Adventurer
I'm trying so hard not to jump down the rabbit hole and defend one of my favs.🤬

Lol, I was always indifferent to CA as a ship. It didn't make any sense to me but I was happy to live and let live.

But ever since CAs tried to co-opt Zack as an ally/supporter to their cause after Rebirth and fundamentally twisted his role, I've gotten more and more "radicalized". The nerve to make the man you want to stab in the back your ally.....disgusting.

I can barely stand these particular takes anymore. They twist a great friendship into something so perverse just so their ship can sail. Just outright character assassinations for both Zack and Cloud.

Like i've seen them using this image as proof that Zack has accepter Cloud and Aerith being together. Bloody hell.


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Pro Adventurer
Yes, but I don't like when people pretend his decisions were made in bad faith, that Tifa is better off without him.

Depressed people cope in different ways, they fall into mental traps, act unlike their ordinary selves.

While I think it's unfair that he abandoned Tifa, it's also unfair to point to Cloud and say "ugh what a dickhead, Tifa was also depressed" as if they expect both Cloud and Tifa to be the exact same person who cope in the same ways.

Might I add that when things were starting out that the roles were reversed? Tifa was unable to move on and Cloud was her rock? Is this not a quality of a good partner? That despite his flaws, he was making a genuine effort to start a life with Tifa?

Strictly painting Cloud as a "dickhead" and a "bad partner" who Tifa should dump is an unfair conclusion to come to.
I mainly just want to see a solid happy stretch between them. An epilogue that shows they’ve figured it out and are enjoying a happy, healthy life together is all I need to be at peace lol


Pro Adventurer
I mainly just want to see a solid happy stretch between them. An epilogue that shows they’ve figured it out and are enjoying a happy, healthy life together is all I need to be at peace lol
Yeah, basically.

I would have absolutely loved to see at least a short story about the family day Cloud and Tifa arranged at the end of Reminisce. It would have been nice, for a number of reasons.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
A side of the fandom that clings to obscure and outdated sources ? Who would dare ? 🙃
Why, such ruffians would not be above distortions and outright fabrications, wot wot.

It helps if you can find someone with a touch of bile fascination to go with their Intellectual curiosity.
The punchline being that it's me who's examining the metaphorical poop.

The fact that it's expected only makes it more madness inducing, imo.
On the one hand, I'm used to it from YECs and Flat Earthers, on the other, the petty level to which this amount of willful ignorance has been applied is amazing.

If it comes to that we have good referees.
We do. And I'm not one of them any more so I don't have to restrain myself nearly as much.

It's so not fun that it sometimes feels like a flex to say I'm not dead yet :monster:
At least you have a nifty song about it.

Manner Co Engie should be fun.
I think the joke here is that it's just regular Engie with his pinky out.

Pauling can't get in as 10th class, cause then the war might end.
She'd have a hell of time fighting herself, though.

Oh yeah, that's another repeating scenario in Pete's life. The one I remember was Mattie Franklin.
I think that's the guy's name, yeah.

Harry Dresden already processed to follow the Tao of Peter Parker, so he definitely had the dialogue down pat. It's Rhino who might take you by surprise, his subplot is great.
Doing something interesting with Rhino? I shall have to see.

Yep. I think she was one of the people who inspired my "an excuse should actually excuse you" rant with that business.
It was especially notable as it wasn't a matter of length or of time, it was specifically me that was being avoided, despite very clearly responding to IIRC literally every point she raised. it was especially notable when Tres I think quoted me and she responded to his entire post except the quoted part.

It is a mystery that will surely never be solved.
Surely, the mystery of why the grand luminary of Clerith in their darkest hour should fear a single man armed with citations and the ability to spot fallacious thinking shall remain unanswered for eternity.
Also, BTW, to whoever it was that asked if Anastar was 70? Probably. The WHOis response for her website showed it was registered to a woman in her 50s and this was many many years ago. So it's either her or her mother.

We tried to teach them Occam's Razor. They willfully misunderstood it.
I'll be charitable in a way and assume that was incompetence, not malice.

We do what we can.
And hope it's enough.

[quote[Sounds familiar. Not that we judge them for this of course, but it did defy my understanding. T'was a good lesson for me, that if it does no harm people don't have to make sense to me.[/quote]
Yeah, no skin off my nose, it was just odd to see women who professed to be not into men in the slightest -IIRC one was even self labeled gold star they absolutely adored Hardcore Yaoi.
Something something not actually men, I guess?

I understand why FE gets so much representation, and I agree that Byleth does an amazing job representing their franchise. Actually featuring the weapon triangle in their set was good and proper. It's not so much how many fighters they get that bugs me as how few other franchises get.
3rd party titles are a mixed bag. Especially as there does seem to be a sort of roster limit per company for them. Konami got 3 (Snake, SImon, RIchter), Sega got 3 (Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker), Capcom got 3 (Ryu, Ken, Megaman), Square Enix got 3 (CLoud, Sephiroth, Hero) with Sora counting as a Disney rep more than anything.

I'd have loved Mai Shiranui for more SNK rep, ah well.

And yes, when so many people were clamoring to put Shadow in I argued that Metal Sonic or Eggman made more sense. Seriously, just echo-fighter Bowser Jr. in the Koopa Clown car, reskin it's attacks appropriately, and you could reference the Eggmobile and one of uts variants from like every 2d Sonic game with a couple of 3d references on top. Make the old Death Egg Robot his final smash and boom, we got another iconic villain and i could be teaming up Eggman with Sephiroth.
I am all for him and Wily getting playable slots at some point.

Oh what does the head writer know? Wanna see my Clerith conspiracy board?
All the strings go from "Aerith loves Cloud" to "Therefore Cloud loves Aerith" and "Tifa loses, neener neener"

We'd need to fire up the popcorn machine.
We're gonna need several machines.

Hey, an actual flex. But if they were willing to contrast these things, they wouldn't be CAltists in the first place.
True enough there. I mean we've spoken at length over many years about the effort involved in ignoring the evidence before them in favor of a fantasy.

Taking that first step is hard. Much easier to back up until you can pretend there is no line to step over.
Adjust your view so the mountain of evidence just sort of... disappears.

And we were all unafraid to use sweet punnage and winning diction while saying shit like it is. They couldn't keep up with the wit.
Nevermind the wit, they couldn't keep up with "Cloud's happiness caused him Guilt. He asked for forgiveness for his guilt. What was he feeling when he asked for forgiveness?"
This is not to denigrate the wit, just it was wasted on the Pinkers. Audience enjoyed it, though.

Let's be honest though, Google Translate will get you further than listening to a CAltist. Actually learning genuine translation skills is even more impressive when you think of it that way.
I'm still only sort of not shit at it. My wife is basically fluent and it's fucking amazing.

I both love it and hate it when I'm right.
The high of being vindicated, the high of being right about something shitty.

We go way back after all.
Eternities in internet time.

Context is like kryptonite to CAltists.
That does explain why everything has to be examined in complete isolation from surrounding context.

She is sustained by spite and bad takes.
I have to wonder how many Alts she's managed to make on Twitter.

Dang it, I came here for a break from following politics and it's just more of the same projection and confession :doh:
Yeah. At least the rank hypocrisy is about minor shit and not human rights violations and shit.

I thought this take was interesting...
As others have said, this both requires the assumption of the consequent and still doesn't explain why a Jealous Cloud would decide to kiss and thus lead on a woman they think he has no interest in. That's not a Loyal or Lovable move at all.
Also "Zack Boy?"

We've seen how Cloud reacts when he's jealous. We saw him in Sector 7. We saw him with Johnny. We've seen him every time Tifa mentions Emilio.

He's pissed. He doesn't care. He doesn't want to talk about them.

Zack? He asks about him, tries to understand, and when he starts to remember, he's horrified at the thought of forgetting HIS BEST FRIEND.

He's not jealous of Zack.
He's worried because he just shittalked his best friend and now he wants to make things right and put Aerith's mind at ease. He wants to comfort her. Cloud is a good kid when you get right down to it. A little confused, but his heart is in the right place.

As an aside, I had a thought about "I didn't do anything." after the Aerith Gondola. What if that wasn't self effacing, what if Cloud didn't actually do anything. What if that was not Cloud controlling that hand but say the Zack in him, with Cloud being entirely unaware it was happening. I have nothing to base this on apart from all of the rest of him being out of frame at that point.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, but I don't like when people pretend his decisions were made in bad faith, that Tifa is better off without him.

Depressed people cope in different ways, they fall into mental traps, act unlike their ordinary selves.

While I think it's unfair that he abandoned Tifa, it's also unfair to point to Cloud and say "ugh what a dickhead, Tifa was also depressed" as if they expect both Cloud and Tifa to be the exact same person who cope in the same ways.

Might I add that when things were starting out that the roles were reversed? Tifa was unable to move on and Cloud was her rock? Is this not a quality of a good partner? That despite his flaws, he was making a genuine effort to start a life with Tifa?

Strictly painting Cloud as a "dickhead" and a "bad partner" who Tifa should dump is an unfair conclusion to come to.
Dude, I know all of this. Don't put words in my mouth.

But okay, it's not like you're wrong, so I'll leave this here. To be fair to you, wording it the way I did wasn't the best call either, so it's whatever.

At the end of the day, I'll never deny CT is canon and that, despite all the odds, them being together is a good story.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Why, such ruffians would not be above distortions and outright fabrications, wot wot.

Pip pip, chin up lads and lasses, though these ragamuffins may have the advantage of balderdash and chicanery, we will yet overcome with facts.

The punchline being that it's me who's examining the metaphorical poop.

Bingo :awesome:

On the one hand, I'm used to it from YECs and Flat Earthers, on the other, the petty level to which this amount of willful ignorance has been applied is amazing.

To be fair, I typically find it incredibly petty from Flat Earthers too, especially those who are not also YECs. Though the YECs aren't actually too far behind.

I once had to clarify to my nieces that dinosaurs were not, and I quote, "made up by scientists who wanted to be famous" without puking. Coming from a guy who worked in a museum that at the time housed the actual fossils of Arkansaurus. That's fuckin' petty.

We do. And I'm not one of them any more so I don't have to restrain myself nearly as much.

Hold back enough to enjoy y'self, not enough to lose. The Goku method, but as a debate.

At least you have a nifty song about it.


I think the joke here is that it's just regular Engie with his pinky out.

Pretty much. Maybe fancier gloves.

She'd have a hell of time fighting herself, though.

The stalemate continues until one Spy gets lucky.

I think that's the guy's name, yeah.

Might be mixing them up, Mattie was the girl who got juiced up during Osborn's weird ritual thing and tried to be Spider-Man without web shooters. I think she ended up as Spider-Woman number... Four? Maybe?

Doing something interesting with Rhino? I shall have to see.

It's one of my favorite interpretations of the big lug.

It was especially notable as it wasn't a matter of length or of time, it was specifically me that was being avoided, despite very clearly responding to IIRC literally every point she raised. it was especially notable when Tres I think quoted me and she responded to his entire post except the quoted part.

Oh shit I remember that. Hysterical years later, at the time I saw red.

Surely, the mystery of why the grand luminary of Clerith in their darkest hour should fear a single man armed with citations and the ability to spot fallacious thinking shall remain unanswered for eternity.

We need a Btas Photoshop of crooks in an alley wearing pink and labeled Anastar, with the white-eyed Batman silhouette looming above them labeled Ryushikaze. Did you know that CAltusts are a cowardly and superstitious lot?

For old times sake.

Also, BTW, to whoever it was that asked if Anastar was 70? Probably. The WHOis response for her website showed it was registered to a woman in her 50s and this was many many years ago. So it's either her or her mother.

That is a scary age to care this much about the canonicity of a fictional pairing.

I'll be charitable in a way and assume that was incompetence, not malice.

You're so kind. I will assume it's a bit of both, but it'd be nice if it was mostly incompetence, it really would.

And hope it's enough.

It springs eternal after all.

Yeah, no skin off my nose, it was just odd to see women who professed to be not into men in the slightest -IIRC one was even self labeled gold star they absolutely adored Hardcore Yaoi.

It's a matter of curiosity really, I'm sure it all makes sense that I just can't see.

Something something not actually men, I guess?

One lady I knew in... I wanna say Oklahoma... explained that she enjoyed sex scenes that she didn't find arousing at all for aesthetic appreciation, thus Yaoi.

3rd party titles are a mixed bag. Especially as there does seem to be a sort of roster limit per company for them. Konami got 3 (Snake, SImon, RIchter), Sega got 3 (Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker), Capcom got 3 (Ryu, Ken, Megaman), Square Enix got 3 (CLoud, Sephiroth, Hero) with Sora counting as a Disney rep more than anything.

Yeah, I hear ya. Sakurai and his people worked their asses to death to make SSBU what it is, and it's great. Great enough to want more, even as we make salty Waluigi memes.

I'd have loved Mai Shiranui for more SNK rep, ah well.

So would have Sakurai :awesome:

I am all for him and Wily getting playable slots at some point.

We can always dream.

All the strings go from "Aerith loves Cloud" to "Therefore Cloud loves Aerith" and "Tifa loses, neener neener"

But with eight extra skeins of yarn used to try and obfuscate that fact.

We're gonna need several machines.

Line 'em up. I'll get parm, butter, cheddar, and fresh caramel ready.

True enough there. I mean we've spoken at length over many years about the effort involved in ignoring the evidence before them in favor of a fantasy.

Just rip the band-aid off y'all, taking it slow via your concerted effort to ignore reality will only hurt more in the long run.

Adjust your view so the mountain of evidence just sort of... disappears.

Its a matter of perspective really.

Nevermind the wit, they couldn't keep up with "Cloud's happiness caused him Guilt. He asked for forgiveness for his guilt. What was he feeling when he asked for forgiveness?"

You're not wrong, but that's the wounding blade. The wit was the salt and lemon juice for after.

This is not to denigrate the wit, just it was wasted on the Pinkers. Audience enjoyed it, though.

The audience was always more important in my view anyway :monster:

I'm still only sort of not shit at it. My wife is basically fluent and it's fucking amazing.

Sort of not shit at it is well above me. Also I can't help but smile whenever you mention the wife, never lose that admiration I sense in these posts. It's adorable.

The high of being vindicated, the high of being right about something shitty.

Too right. I hate being a Francis.

Eternities in internet time.

Not even hyperbole. My oldest turns friggin' 12 this year, and you knew me when she was born. That's internet eternity.

That does explain why everything has to be examined in complete isolation from surrounding context.

Niw find the gold kryptonite and such out their powers. See how they debate when they can no longer lie and ignore.

I have to wonder how many Alts she's managed to make on Twitter.

That could be a rather large number.

Yeah. At least the rank hypocrisy is about minor shit and not human rights violations and shit.



Pro Adventurer
Viola A. Fox
They just ship Aerith with blonde Zack lol. This is why I dont always mock Cali's crazy prediction because it can be turned to Zerith.

Clerith Week is always held during April-May because they say it's "april shower bring may flower" theme? Zerith canonically met at springs.
They celebrate Clerith's Wedding Anniversary based on Airborne Brigade 2017 June Bride event? Zerith is the official chained pair.
They say Hojo ship Clerith? I bet Hojo would prefer Zack if he knew one of their 1st class SOLDIER has relationship with the Cetra.
They say about Clerith's blue alien baby? Wait for Zerith live in another universe separated from the main one and make baby there please.
They say the Gongaga's baby weapons represent Cloud & Aerith? Wait for Zack & Aerith's role under lifestream at the time of weapons uproar to surface maybe. Btw, Nojima said Zack's role is tied to how Planet work, not to hook up his beloved to his best friend.
That's actually an interesting way of looking at the whole Clerith vs Zerith thing. I also wonder if some of them will actually turn into Zerith's after part 3.

"Zack doesn't deserve Aerith. He's just a womanizer"

writes a thread to describe how Cloud is a womanizer and that everything is a build up to show that he is Aerith's soul mate

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This 100%. I remember some of these Tweets especially with the entire "kiss cope" etc and while reading them I was already like... Wait, isn't that how some Clerith's would describe Zack?

Considering how much people lie about silly stuff like this as if it'll change the narrative in the main games, maybe they're all photoshopped. XD
Ngl, those were also my thoughts. :'D You have to question a lot of things in this fandom.

The war is in Saint Twittersburg, so I remain firmly away from its shores lol
Twittersburg is a scary place even with the right equipment (ultimania screenshots lol) it'll be a very tough and annoying battle. Also it's just not worth it, I tried that and got harassed for several days.

Yes, of course lol.

Also, I saw something going rounds these days, wait for it because it's cracking me up - it's from 2021:

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No one but them could come with such a lame excuse I guess lol.
Love how bad that take aged. Especially because they are now the ones coming up with exactly these arguments.

It's certainly interesting to see the amount of hoops they jump through to make this work, that's for sure.

It's at least less...hostile-sounding (like, it's not directly aimed at disproving CT) but it still doesn't explain why he said nothing when Aerith said she now knew where they stood (and I'll die on the hill that that's never a sign of reciprocal feelings because I never heard it used like that in any media whatsoever) and it also never addresses why Cloud then chooses to kiss Tifa.

I'm miffed at the way my boi Zack is addressed throughout all that, though. :shifty:
Yes, the attempt at a logical explanation is indeed there. But as you have already mentioned, there are also some gaps... tbh I'm more open to the "Cloud loved both" theory because I at least thought he had a crush on Aerith in OG but really loved Tifa. But Rebirth or the Remake project in general just doesn't point in that direction, at least not from how I view the writing. For me it goes more in a Cloud always loved Tifa in romantic way and Aerith in a friendly manner.

So I'm reading these theories that support CA but I just don't feel it. Also to get back to the screenshots: I don't think that Cloud was jealous, he seemed more concerned about Aerith because again I think the really loves her as a friend.

It seems like they literally turn Cloud into a robot to make sure he does not give off the impression of having an ulterior motive for asking.

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Yup, I noticed that as well in some scenes. This is another reason why I don't get the "Cloud is jealous" claims. Because he just isn't.


Pro Adventurer
Dude, I know all of this. Don't put words in my mouth.

But okay, it's not like you're wrong, so I'll leave this here. To be fair to you, wording it the way I did wasn't the best call either, so it's whatever.

At the end of the day, I'll never deny CT is canon and that, despite all the odds, them being together is a good story.
Well, part of the blame is mine since I should've said it's a bit more general, last time I checked ChaosandConfusion "didn't want him with her"

People saying that Cloud's actions weren't right and hurt those around him is fine, I just draw the line at "she should leave him for someone better".


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Hello sorry another question from me about AC...

Was there any mention of Tifa being jealous of Aerith in AC/ACC? Feel like I see this going around but never wanted to look too deep into it


Pro Adventurer
Was there any mention of Tifa being jealous of Aerith in AC/ACC? Feel like I see this going around but never wanted to look too deep into it
There's a quote out there that says "Tifa has complex feelings towards Aerith as a woman", and people say that she's jealous because Cloud hides in Aerith's church instead of talking to her.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
There's a quote out there that says "Tifa has complex feelings towards Aerith as a woman", and people say that she's jealous because Cloud hides in Aerith's church instead of talking to her.
Oh wow... If that really is the quote then hmm, pretty crazy.

Unless this is down to poor miscommunication, and Tifa was simply misunderstanding Cloud's intentions/feelings when he went to the church, i guess it truly was this weird love triangle where Cloud liked both girls back then...? Otherwise what other "complex feelings... As a woman" would they be referencing other than jealousy? It feels weird that CT never had a conversation about his feelings for Aerith before then?

I wonder if they'll have CT talk about his feelings in part 3 of the remake or not...


Pro Adventurer
Hello sorry another question from me about AC...

Was there any mention of Tifa being jealous of Aerith in AC/ACC? Feel like I see this going around but never wanted to look too deep into it

Not really? What hurts her most is that Cloud hides things from her. That's why she doesn't really know where they stand as a couple. I don't think it's specifically against Aerith. She's happy to “feel” her at the end of AC. It's not really something she would do if she was jealous, I think.

She doesn't yell at Cloud for thinking about Aerith. She's yelling at him for prioritizing the past over the present, when it should be the other way around. In the sense that what's done is done, but there are still things he can save (the children).

So no, I don't think so. Yes, I think she's hurt that he hid the fact that he was going to “see” Aerith. And I think that's what they mean when they say that as a woman it's complex. Because she's supposed to be Cloud's rock (hello Remake/Rebirth) and apparently he'd rather be in his corner "with another" woman. So yes, as a woman it's tough.

People remember the moments when she's jealous in OG but forget that she's even more affected than Cloud when Aerith dies...


Pro Adventurer
There's a quote out there that says "Tifa has complex feelings towards Aerith as a woman", and people say that she's jealous because Cloud hides in Aerith's church instead of talking to her.
Which makes sense to me. She’s not exactly jealous because she thinks Cloud is pining for a dead woman, she’s jealous that he’s more willing to take his troubles and stew in them in a place related to Aerith vs talking about it with her.

If I were to go to a place where me and close girl friend used to hang out vs talking about my anxieties and troubles with my partner, I couldn’t blame them one bit for feeling some type of way about it.
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