LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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You don't have access to the super secret staff section, where we are all secretly plotting against you! Muahahaha. That reminds me, if Cloti Forums DID have a secret section that only 'special' members could read, what would they be called?
:awesome: <3

Oh you.


No, it'd be called something like, "Ryu the Godfather."


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
Y'know, I've just been reminded of the old 80s cartoon 'Jem' recently, and there's one point where the main character is essentially Jealous of herself in her alter ego, because she's not sure if her boyfriend loves her or her alter ego.
It just sort of makes you realize how absurd the 'If she was jealous it must mean he loved the other woman!' argument is. Not that Aerith being Jealous of Tifa shouldn't have revealed that already...

Ahhh, 80s cartoons.
GOD RYU, NOW I CAN'T GET THAT SONG OUT OF MY HEAD! Why can't we have quality cartoon songs like this now? Especially with lyrics about ~making love to a fantasy~. Children nowadays need to know this!
I vote we call the inner circle of Cloti "The Living" just to twist the knife :awesome:
I second this! :monstersmash:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No, it'd be called something like, "Ryu the Godfather."

Not :Lightning: Ryu the Godfather?

I vote we call the inner circle of Cloti "The Living" just to twist the knife :awesome:

No, we call the inner circle of Cloti 'Who need a goddamn inner circle for video game couples. I mean, who's so insecure about their ship they need their talking points handed down from on high like Papal decree?'


You're welcome.

Why can't we have quality cartoon songs like this now? Especially with lyrics about ~making love to a fantasy~. Children nowadays need to know this!

Mostly because of the parents who worry that anything sexual ever will turn their kids into leering perverts and apparently have the time to police everyone else's TV viewing but can't seem to get a handle on their own damn kids.


Not :Lightning: Ryu the Godfather?

In my past life, I was a sound effects technician.


Why do YT debaters always sound like silly children?

Heh. I sent a link to the front page and invited the youtard to discuss the finer points on the forum. This is the response I got.
youtard said:
just so you know, i dont bother to go and debate about something that has already been confirmed by SE, CloudxAerith OFFICIAL.
I dont care if you dont agree, I aint changing my mind and nor is you.
all i know is that my FACTS or the things i have found all over the net, to me are FACTS. your little CloTi village groupie can go on go thinking that you're right.
of cousre i can blabber about all the ClAeris evidence, but whats the point of proving it to you. Zack and Aerith are "reunited" in death, what kind of shit is that?
so what the Living cant Love the dead, you are a cold person if thats what you even mean. Maiden of the Planet, so has been ignored eh?
if its so ignore, whys it in the FFVII Utimania Omega booklet? Why's it all over the internet? as far as i'm concern the isnt even an OFFICIAL site.
Why bother, we both can believe in what we've always believed in.
Now that has to be somebody we know. Does the name "skyxearth" ring a bell to anyone?

Yusei said:
You don't have access to the super secret staff section, where we are all secretly plotting against you! Muahahaha. That reminds me, if Cloti Forums DID have a secret section that only 'special' members could read, what would they be called?



I figured we should call it "Well-Endowed".


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Heh. I sent a link to the front page and invited the youtard to discuss the finer points on the forum. This is the response I got.

Now that has to be somebody we know. Does the name "skyxearth" ring a bell to anyone?

While the name makes me think of Sky, she certainly isn't that illiterate, and she hasn't been that rude in ages.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Heh. I sent a link to the front page and invited the youtard to discuss the finer points on the forum. This is the response I got.

I figured we should call it "Well-Endowed".



Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Youtards are batshit crazy. Hardcore kool-aid drinkers are batshit crazy. Pink Youtards, we can therefore conclude, are Uber-batshit crazy.

This is truth, can anyone prove me wrong?


Youtards are batshit crazy. Hardcore kool-aid drinkers are batshit crazy. Pink Youtards, we can therefore conclude, are Uber-batshit crazy.
To be fair, I've seen some pretty awful comments coming from Cloud/Tifa supporters as well.

While the name makes me think of Sky, she certainly isn't that illiterate, and she hasn't been rude in ages.
Very true.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I've heard lots of mocking and potentially hurtful comments from Clotis, but the arguments they/we make always seem to make sense and be based on actual fact instead of nonsense and wishful thinking. What batshit crazy things have you seen come from a Cloti? This interests me.


I've heard lots of mocking and potentially hurtful comments from Clotis, but the arguments they/we make always seem to make sense and be based on actual fact instead of nonsense and wishful thinking. What batshit crazy things have you seen come from a Cloti? This interests me.
Well, to be honest, most of my experiences are from a while back. I was more in the favor of Cloud and Aerith before, so at that time I had more encounters - and most of them were in favor of Cloti because of the fact that they hated Aerith's character, not because they supported the pairing (at least, I think so). I've heard some absurd statements coming from both sides. It just looks like there's been less shit-stirring going on Cloud/Tifa's side for now, but if Strifeheart was still open, I think most of you would be in favor that there are Clotis that can be just as fucked up. :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
See I don't get the whole "I hate Aerith so I want Cloud to be with Tifa."

I hate Roxas with a passion but I ship Akuroku like no tomorrow :monster:


See I don't get the whole "I hate Aerith so I want Cloud to be with Tifa."
More specifically, that Aerith doesn't even hold any significance to Cloud or the story. Aerith obviously had a huge impact on Cloud, and to even consider that Cloud didn't care about Aerith... I guess saving the world isn't considered good enough for some people. :awesome:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I've heard things about StrifeHeart now that you mention it. Those folks might indeed count as batshit crazy, though I never had the joy of experiencing that so I can't judge it for myself.

I personally loved Aerith, as anyone who has read some of my other posts can tell ya. It was her dying that changed me from "Wow Sephiroth is cool" to "Fuck you Sephiroth, die die die you cocksucker!" and so on. Cloti is just obviously canon from the storyline of the Compilation as a whole, it matters not which girl I would prefer myself. Its who Cloud chooses that matters (which is in turn chosen by the creators/writers) not the fans.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
To be fair, I've seen some pretty awful comments coming from Cloud/Tifa supporters as well.

Well, to be honest, most of my experiences are from a while back. I was more in the favor of Cloud and Aerith before, so at that time I had more encounters - and most of them were in favor of Cloti because of the fact that they hated Aerith's character, not because they supported the pairing (at least, I think so). I've heard some absurd statements coming from both sides. It just looks like there's been less shit-stirring going on Cloud/Tifa's side for now, but if Strifeheart was still open, I think most of you would be in favor that there are Clotis that can be just as fucked up. :monster:

More specifically, that Aerith doesn't even hold any significance to Cloud or the story. Aerith obviously had a huge impact on Cloud, and to even consider that Cloud didn't care about Aerith... I guess saving the world isn't considered good enough for some people. :awesome:

Back in the day, I dunno about strifeheart, but a lot of that shit was retribution for all the Materia Jesus 'Aerith can do no wrong' bullshit that just absolutely got sickening. Hell, Aerith uberfans got so utterly obnoxious for awhile I just started despising Aerith for what people made her out to be. I used to have a spiel on 'I like Aerith, fuck your Mary sue' that I fear has been lost to time.
Which, oddly, reminds me of Thuggish Tifa and Cloud's Lifestream family.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Back in the day, I dunno about strifeheart, but a lot of that shit was retribution for all the Materia Jesus 'Aerith can do no wrong' bullshit that just absolutely got sickening. Hell, Aerith uberfans got so utterly obnoxious for awhile I just started despising Aerith for what people made her out to be. I used to have a spiel on 'I like Aerith, fuck your Mary sue' that I fear has been lost to time.
Which, oddly, reminds me of Thuggish Tifa and Cloud's Lifestream family.

In other words, you hated the Aerith her kool-aid guzzling fans made her out to be, as opposed to the actual character right? Cause if so: This. :monster:

Celes Chere


Gross. :awesome:

OT (but not really!): There are plenty of rabid Cloti shippers out there too. Ones that say they hate Aerith, and think she's a whore that steals Tifa's man. <=/ Sad, but true. Especially on Youtube.


OT (but not really!): There are plenty of rabid Cloti shippers out there too. Ones that say they hate Aerith, and think she's a whore that steals Tifa's man. <=/ Sad, but true. Especially on Youtube.

Who are probably Cleriths in disguise.

Celes Chere

You agree with what? That AkuRoku is gross? :awesome:

Yeah, you're right. Every mean Cloti is really just a Clerith in disguise. I bet every rabid is a Clerith/Cloti in disguise. We're all just using dupe accounts all over the internet to amuse ourselves.

That actually could be true. Scary. O_O

EDIT: LOL wtf is Bakugan it's really gay.


Yeah, you're right. Every mean Cloti is really just a Clerith in disguise. I bet every rabid is a Clerith/Cloti in disguise. We're all just using dupe accounts all over the internet to amuse ourselves.

Mean CloTi's? No. Stupid and Mean? Yes.

Anyone that says they hate Aerith because she "stole Tifa's man" sounds like a Clerith pretending to be a cloti shipper.

Celes Chere

I used to think that back when I used to hate Aerith. ;^; I was mentally retarded back then, though. (I think anyway) There used to be a lot of Anti Aerith things out on the internet, not so much Anti Clerith but...

Now it seems totally different! Everyone loves Aerith, and Tifa gets all the hate. XD
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