Okay so Cloud randomly walks into a flower field full of flowers that look like Aeriths' flowers for no reason.. gotcha![]()
You have to do better than FLOWERS ARE AERITH, THEY JUST ARE. For me to believe it Q. Then you have to be a miracle worker for me to believe that is some hint at C/A. Let alone some sign of true wuv.
FYI I'm not saying the flowers mean Cloud is Aerith's true lurve or anything, but the flowers are, as you put it, a nod to Aerith. Why there's a nod to Aerith would depend on your view of the compilation.
you know I guess I don't feel every bit of Clerith evidence needs to be refuted like they think every bit of Cloti evidence has to be refuted. I mean hell I'll give them the ending of Dissidia and a couple things in FFVII, they should let us have feelings for each other
If you have a view of the entire compilation being Clerith I can understand why they think that is too. I do think it's an Aerith reference but I think it is for different reasons.I mean why the flowers are there as an Aerith reference is up to your view on the compilation.
I always saw it as Aerith leading him back to his world really... others see it as true lurve.
I hate this whole idea of "hints."
Is there really a secret answer locked in a vault somewhere? Am I the only one who thinks the very idea is ridiculous?
If you can tell me a reasonable explanation as to why Cloud walked through flowers at the end of Dissidia that does not involve Aerith, I'll listen..
Flowers have always been associated with Aerith, why do they suddenly not?Give me a reasonable explanation why it does involve Aerith.
Right, I don't think it's true love, but I do understand why they see it as a love clue.By giving them the ending you only mean it's a reference to Aerith, not a love clue, right?
Right which is why I don't like it when people say it's up in the air. It's not, you just have to look at the evidence, not doubt the creators and really ... no offense to anyone reading this, but use common sense.
Again, it's NOT a Clerith hint, but I can see how they'd take it as such. The only reason I give it to them is because I don't have a reason for why there's flowers there other than Aerith. I give them that it's Aerith and I understand why they view it as love... disagree of course...
So to me, it doesn't matter if they have one little hint, it doesn't change a thing, so you know, just let them have it.
No, are those people even still there?
And for the last time it's NOT I repeat NOT a Clerith hint. NOT NOT NOT A CLERITH HINT
It's a nod to Aerith, and that's all it is. If they want to see it as Clerith that's fine, I disagree, I understand where they're coming from because they see the whole compilation as Clerith, but I don't think it's a Clerith hint.
Isabella said:I love the irony of the second one.
Me said:Even in Dissidia: Final Fantasy when he mentions "something that happened before" while talking to Terra about his doubts over being able to save anyone, this is applicable to both of those he was unable to save in his past.
One of two exceptions to this parallel applicability in Dissidia is the field of flowers that appears in the game's ending. Cloud decides during Dissidia to share Firion's dream of a world filled with flowers, and when he returns to his world, it's in a flower field similar to the one seen at the end of Advent Children.
Certainly a reference to Aerith, as was an earlier comment following his final battle of the game with Sephiroth. There, Cloud said, "The one I really want to meet is ..." and trailed off.
Given Cloud's desire to see Aerith again and get her forgiveness, however, neither this line nor the field of flowers are necessarily romantic.
If anything, Cloud's dream of a field of flowers is the symbol of his redemption for the sins he believed he'd committed. It is ultimately in such a field that he meets Aerith in Advent Children, and while there, he says only that he wants her forgiveness. There are no words of longing. Just a desire to receive forgiveness.