LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Never :rage:

really did I say anything to indicate I was giving up on that? XD



She went from about to post to ABYSS.

And it was probably something really stupid to.

You were right about the abyss and really stupid. A little birdy showed me this.
Cin said:
They simply have nothing else to cling onto.

First they claim Cloud and Tifa are a family, but that's already been proved to mean nothing.

Then it's the Highwind scene, but now that's also only an optional scene. They've been proven time and time again to distort information.

Cloud and Aeris had already been shown to be canon, short of Nomura coming right out and saying it.
See my sig for my response.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Then it's the Highwind scene, but now that's also only an optional scene. They've been proven time and time again to distort information.
Because this is the only source that indicated the Highwind scene had optional outcomes? What? What the hell does she mean NOW? O_o
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You look like you need a monkey
And I have to say for a fan's interpretation, by the way people are saying she acted like that toward Zack in CC, it sounds like he got her pretty spot on.

It's not difficult to see Aerith as a playful character who'd have some fun in her conversations with others. She was like that in the game, so writing her in Maiden to have teasing banter with Zack isn't that big a leap.


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
I don't think he's aloof. It's not his affection for Tifa that's variable; it's Tifa's affection for him. In the low affection version, Tifa just doesn't give him an opportunity to think of a way to bring up the matter of his feelings for her. But he still feels the same as in the high affection.
It's not that he's 'aloof,' but the words Tifa speaks mean he can't find a 'wedge' to try and confess in, because even real, assured, whole Cloud is a shy guy with his feelings.
Blank is default Cloud, for example.

Two very good points. I feel silly not having not thought them.


Chloe Frazer
Que: Trying to understand Cin's delusion 'logic' might make your head explode, there's simply no logic in that girl's head


Higher Further Faster
Then it's the Highwind scene, but now that's also only an optional scene. They've been proven time and time again to distort information.


I like it when we use direct quotes from official sources and then people say we are delusional and twisting facts. :loopy:

That seems to be a defense tactic used a lot. But what, exactly, are we twisting and how?

I like it when we use direct quotes from official sources and then people say we are delusional and twisting facts. :loopy:

That seems to be a defense tactic used a lot. But what, exactly, are we twisting and how?
The really sad thing is some of them don't even realize that by saying this they are admitting the HA version is meant to be romantic. :monster:

really did I say anything to indicate I was giving up on that? XD
Would you be able to provide your timeline on how that works? Key points being when Aerith actually met the real Cloud and then when she shows she's fallen in love with this Cloud as opposed to the Zack/Cloud.


First they claim Cloud and Tifa are a family, but that's already been proved to mean nothing.

Then it's the Highwind scene, but now that's also only an optional scene. They've been proven time and time again to distort information.

Cloud and Aeris had already been shown to be canon, short of Nomura coming right out and saying it.
1. This idiot can then explain why C/T's family is always SEPERATED and SINGLED OUT when SE talks about friends and family. If they are synonymous this wouldn't happen. They are not.

2. LOL optional. Ja, except the HA version is the only one constantly mentioned by SE. Please also note that when the Clerii try to pass off the C/A date as canon, they try to use this very same standard. Except the big boobed one has been mentioned several times as well, so of course, this would be an example of an OPTIONAL scene that is independent of the larger story in the sense that it doesn't really affect it and therefore doesn't need to have a "canon" version for the story to jive.

3. As opposed to SE actually coming out to say Cloud and Tifa are together. LOLz

They're desperately clinging to "but it's optional even if it's romantic!!111"? LMAO
I can't keep up with their flipflopping anymore


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ah, Cin. Few people are more religiously Clerith than her. Seriously, take her missive, replace the LTD with creation v evolution, and you'd have a christian fundie on your hands.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Just for kicks.

First they claim humanity evolved from apes, but that's already been proved to mean nothing.

Then it's the canaries on the Galapagos, but now that's also only an optional interpretation. They've been proven time and time again to distort information.

Creationism has already been shown to be canon, short of God coming right out and saying it.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Just for kicks.

First they claim humanity evolved from apes, but that's already been proved to mean nothing.

Then it's the canaries on the Galapagos, but now that's also only an optional interpretation. They've been proven time and time again to distort information.

Creationism has already been shown to be canon, short of God coming right out and saying it.


You actually got the evolution too correct to be a fundie.

"First they said we come from monkeys, but that's been proven to be nothing because there are still monkeys.

Then it's bacteria changing to their environments, but that's not macroevolution, just microevolution. They've been proven time and again to distort information.

Creationism is the Gospel truth, and everything proves it is, short of God coming back today and declaring it so!'

Something like that.


Your Mom
So they have PROOF Cloti's not canon, do they? Did they really need a book to tell them there's more than one Highwind scene?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I met a girl once who was amazing at science and studying to be a doctor... and believed in the creation story word for word. Me = :O @ her
Actually there was one person in my Biochemistry 101 class who was like 'I do not think that the author of this book should say things like 'our Chromosome 2 is a fusion of two ape genes' because I believe God made us and evolution is unproven' and the teacher was like 'akshully here's the sequence of chimp chromosomes 2 and 3, and they're pretty much the same as our chromosome 2 except for the chromatid, suggesting a Robertsonian translocation.'

Cue said girl never speaking up in class for the rest of the semester.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But... the book saying "There's two scenes" doesn't stop them from being wrong about the rejection thing...
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