Cloud when Zack dies is still Cloud.
Cloud when Zack dies is still Cloud.
Cloud wasn't messed up in the head though, he was more like in a coma.
Sorry to change the subject, but am I to understand that the "desire" quote is being called a mistranslation? Seriously?
Found this when I did a search on some Ultimania texts and thought I should answer since it is recent.
ティファ = Tifa
クラウド = Cloud
に対する = toward
好感 = favoribility (affection value in this case)
度 = degree
高い = high
場合 = event...
飛空艇= airship
に残っ = left over (remain in this case, the "ni" says where they remained, airship in this case)
たふたり = two people
互い = each other
求める = to want/desire
気持ち = feeling
確かめ = confirmation
合う = This goes with above confirmation, meaning they confirmed with each other (a scene can confirm something for the viewers while characters involve do not know, this tells us it was confirmed between the characters)
Put it together with the participles and you get:
"In the event the affection value toward Cloud from Tifa is high, the two that remain on the airship will confirm their feelings of desire for each other to one another."
Okay so I have a question now. Can you tell me where to find the Ultimania online in Japanese? I have been looking and you seem to know where it is. Thank you.
Apparently this is the real one because this person isn't in the FFVII fandom:
When Tifa's feelings toward Cloud are high and the two are left alone on the airship, they will confirm their mutual feelings for one another together.
What? Don't you know that?Someone who likes FF is incapable of an accurate translation?
I like how you talk about her like she's her own species.It's in her nature to go around asking until she finds that one person who says it the way she wants. That's the one she will go by.
I like how you talk about her like she's her own species.
Which chart was that? IIRC, he was listed as having an over-reaction. But I cba finding out something that says that nowSo its from Hojo's perspective? Fair enough. However, he more than likely just forgot about Cloud and automatically thought he was a failure cause he had no tattoo. By the time he examined him, he more than likely thought he was a success as well, since in FFVII, on his chart, he's labeled as a success with a positive reaction.
Zack/Aerith were the ones who were actually 'like koibito'. I think it was the CC Ultimania, 'relationship like [that of] lovers' (恋人のような仲+ as an aside, wasn't koibito used for Zack/Aeris somewhere? I'm pretty sure I didn't dream this. LOLz
Ryu? Someone confirm or deny
Nojima is a massive troll.But yeah... why would Nojima use a word that usually implies a mutual relationship to make it seem like her love was one sided? That's all I want to know.
lolz.Sorry to change the subject, but am I to understand that the "desire" quote is being called a mistranslation? Seriously?
Well I guess this stems from my belief that if someone is that messed up in the head, they aren't really themselves. Like if I were to go off my meds and kill a bunch of people because I think they're evil smurfs or something, then I wasn't really myself.
It's in her nature to go around asking until she finds that one person who says it the way she wants. That's the one she will go by.
What? Don't you know that?
I can ... KIND OF understand the reasoning, to get a point of view from someone not involved. Obviously every Cloti is going to say "DESIRE" and every Clerith is going to say "WHATEVER THEIR REBUTTAL IS"
So I wonder if this sentence is like... ambiguous when you first look at it and then you realize it isn't because IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE.
I like how you talk about her like she's her own species.
Wait, am I understanding this right? Did the people you ask tell you that they think the quote's ambiguous because had they said anything else it would lean too far on one side (Cloti)?
LOLz mistranslation. Like koibito. It means nice person....except when attached to Aeris. Then it means other partner of a couple in an unrealized relationship and unspoken love, which Aeris knew anyway cause she's special.
No Ryu you're not, if you're having a schizophrenic episode, you're not making decisions based on what you would normally do. Your head is all fucked up and you do bad things...If you have a schizophrenic episode, you are still you, you are just seeing what isn't there.
YesWait, am I understanding this right? Did the people you ask tell you that they think the quote's ambiguous because had they said anything else it would lean too far on one side (Cloti)?
No Ryu you're not, if you're having a schizophrenic episode, you're not making decisions based on what you would normally do. Your head is all fucked up and you do bad things...